WASHINGTON, (JTA) — William Ro un tr e e, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East- ern Affairs, stuck to his stand for the elimination of Israel from the United States special assistance program for fiscal year 1960 grant aid, in the face of a vigorous pro-Israel stand by leading members of the House Foreign Affairs Commit- tee. Rountree, testifying before the committee, was challenged by Congressmen who insisted that Israel should be retained on the list of nations to receive grant aid. It was pointed out to Rountree that Israel had been discriminated against through omission in the granting of U.S. military assistance to Near East- ern nations. Congressmen held Rabbi MAURICE N. EISENDRATH, president of the that Israel was at least entitled to inclusion in the economic UAHC (center), representing the Synagogue Council of America talks to Congressmen Chester Bowles (D., Conn.) grant assistance program. (left) and Laurence Curtis (R., Mass.) prior to the special Rep. James G. Fulton, House committee hearing on foreign aid bill. Dr. Eisendrath Pennsylvania Republican, was asked the committee for restoration of aid to Israel and exten- supported by members of sion of the foreign aid program as vital to our democracy on both parties, when he spear- behalf of Jewish religious groups in United States. headed the defense of Israel's * * * right to special assistance par- ticipation. Rep. Fulton insist- ally. He explained that empha- with Rountree was the second ed that Israel should continue sis was now on aiding Jordan, overture. on the list of nations entitled and that Jordan will receive the The House Foreign Affairs to grants, even if she receives largest special assistance grant Committee, still not satisfied a minimum of $5,000,000. He in the next program. with Rountree's report, may saw no justification for Is- write into its final report on the The ICA director said that, rael's exclusion from such a grant program an instruction despite intra-Arab strife and program. "continued strained relations that Israel be reinstated, it be- But Rountree testified that on the Israeli border, and the came known here. The move to "Israel itself made significant continuing unsettling effect of write such an instrution is un- progress in carrying forward its the existence of more than der active instruction and gain- dynamic internal development half a million Palestinian ref- ing momentum, Congressional program." He used this as an ugees within the total popu- sources reported. argument against continued lation of only 1,500,000, Jor- U.S. Discrimination Against grant aid for Israel, and spoke dan has still remained an in Israel Denied by Experts of the prospect of improved dependent state." NEW YORK, (JTA)—Experts American relations with the Rear Admiral E. B. Grantham, on American relations with the United Arab Republic. Rountree praised the United Jr., director of the Near Eastern Middle East discounted here re- Arab Republic, stating: "The and African Division of the De- ports that the United States intends to dis- UAR is turning its attention fense Department, told the Com- State Department against Iirael in actively to the very real prob- mittee that the United States is criminate blocking out the Washington lems of its underdeveloped concentrating in building up the Administration's program for economy. Progress was made Jordanian defense capacity. He in aid during the fiscal during the year in the normali- revealed that "the Department grants zation of relations between the of Defense, on request of the year 1960. The experts pointed out that, United States and the United Jordanian government, conduct- ed a thorough, on-the-spot sur- actually, the American grants in Arab Republic." Testifying for the Internation- vey of her military establish- aid received by Israel in recent al Cooperation Administration, ments. Out of this survey, came years constituted only a small Near Eastern Office Director a series of recommendations, al- proportion of American aid Leland Barrows outlined the ex- ready transmitted to the Jor- given Israel. They called at- penditure plans to cover $80,- danian army, which, when im- tention to the fact that, in 1959 ; 000,000 in grants to Near East- plemented, "will do much to im- Israel received $7,500,000 through grants in aid, $38,000,- ern. nations. Israel was not prove her defensive picture." among the countries to receive Admiral Grantham said that 000 from the surplus food corn - a grant. Barrows said that the other steps to bolster Jordan's modity program, $2,000,000 in U.S., in drawing up the grant military striking power "may technical assistance, and a $5. - program, was primarily inter- also be required, and are now 000,000 loan from the Develop- ested "in areas of special inter- under consideration." He also ment Loan Fund. The latter fig- est" being supported economic- recommended a program of mili- ure may be increased, the ex- tary assistance for fiscal year perts said, since the Loan Fund 1960 for Saudi Arabia, and said does not operate on a fiscal-year that a requirement for Lebanon basis. COMPARE Above all, the experts insist- may develop. No grant of mili- tary assistance was recommend- ed, there is no connection what- OUR PRICES ed ever between the move to elimi- for Israel. and Workmanship! Another session with Roun- nate Israel from the fiscal 1960 tree was held by Yaacov Her- grants in aid program, and • Drapes zog, Minister of the Israel Em- America's attitude toward the ; bassy in Washington. After the United Arab Republic. They did • Lamp meeting, Israeli sources said concede that three Arab states that State Department officials —Jordan, Libya and Morocco— Shades had insisted there was no poli- have already had U. S. grants- tical motive to the termination in-aid funds earmarked for fis- • Curtains of the grant program to Israel. cal 1960. Fancy The Israel sources added that the Department of State Israeli Watchman Slain • Table contends that economic con- by Jordan Marauder siderations for ending the aid Linens TEL AVIV (JTA—An Israeli were based on Israel's gross was killed by Arab infiltrators, national product per capita • apparently Jordan, while and the restrictive nature of he was on from CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE as a night the special assistance pro- watchman in duty the settlement of gram. Ramat Rachel, on the outskirts While they gained an impres- of Jerusalem. sion that the State Department He was making his rounds might compensate for this lack accompanied by another watch- of special . assistance through man. When they switched on other programs, Israeli officials an electric light in a cowshed, insisted that the grant program one shot was fired, killing one PICKUP and in question is vital to Israel's of the men instantly. DELIVERY SERVICE economy. United Nations observers, to TO 8-8044 Israel's economic arguments, whom Israel complained at • already being studied by the once, found tracks leading to 8, R S H R y State Department, will be scru- the nearby Jordanian border. CA tinized further. Ambassador Ab- The UN observers also found 12813 LINWOOD ba Eban made the first econ- some empty Sten gun cart- omic presentation, and it is ridges near the spot where the believed that Herzog's meeting' Israeli was killed. AMBASSADOR Cleaners and Curtain Laundry 10% Off New York UJA Raises $12 Million Towards Total NEW YORK (JTA) — More dinner attended by 600 leading than $12,000,000 has been raised members of New York's Jewish thus far by the United Jewish community. The dinner was a Appeal of Greater New York farewell to Ambassador Abba towards its 1959 campaign, it Eban who is returning to Israel was announced here at a UJA next month to enter politics. NOW at SPITZER'S New Melodious Recordings for Your Collection or for Gift Giving! 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Downtown: CADILLAC SQUARE Corner RANDOLPH Northwest: 13646 WEST 7 MILE Corner TRACEY Both offices open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday Northwest office open Thursday Night till 9 Downtown, Friday fill 6 7-THE DE TROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Fri day, April State Department Adheres to Strict Policy Barring Israel from Grant-in-Aid Funds