Modern Psychology Applied to Study of Magic and Religion in Human Behavior Holiday Greetings Maurice Garelik Anti-Bomb Bill Passes Florida Lower House A Most Happy Passover To Our Friends and Patrons HY LOPATIN KOSHER MEAT & POULTRY Featuring the Finest Quality Choice and Prime Beef 20434 WEST 7 MILE RD. KE. 5-8888 Free Delivery Lincoln Exchange Customers— Dial Operator, Ask for ENnterprise 6742 In "Magic and Religion," pub- the Jew which Hitler supplied lished by Philosophical Library or they invented to explain away his achievements that permitted (15 E. 40th, N. Y. 16), George As The Jewish News goes 7720 FENKELL B. Vetter applies modern psy- mass anti-Semitism." press, word is received to This is unconvincing and un- chological theories to his exam- UN 3-1333 realistic. The Hitlerites knew that the Florida House of ination of metaphysics as they ■ ■ Representatives has passed a there were genius among the relate to magic and religion. German Jews, yet they sought measure introducing the ■•••••■•■■••• The author treats man's reli- their destruction. They knew death penalty for bombing Holiday Greetings gious behavior as human be- Passover Greetings public institutions. The bill havior. He makes the point that about Einstein, yet they exiled now goes to the Senate for him. The leaders among Ger- MARGOLIS clerical celibacy has the effect BERT BAKER action. man anti-Semites were the Ger- of removing a large fraction of man students, and they surely FURNITURE USED CARS TALLAHASSEE, Fla., (JTA) the highly intelligent section of —A bill that would impose the the population from the ranks knew that there were great men death penalty for bombing 5560 Chene 12500 Livernois in the faculties of the universi- of those who produce the new 9130 Jos. Campau TE.4-9104 houses of worship, schools and ties they sought control of. generations and he says that Vetter generalizes too much. other public buildings was •■ ••••• ■ •• ■ ••••• ■ •••••••••- this accounts for the relatively There is little, if any, effective- introduced in the lower house poor showing made by Chris- a ness about his statement, in ex- of Florida's legislature. tians as compared with Jews in The measure has the backing Passover Greetings 1Holiday Best Wishes creative and higher-level intel- plaining Judaism, that "the re- of Gov. Le Roy Collins, who cently discovered Dead Sea ligence performances. MOSKOVITZ called for such legislation last Shaw Electric Co. This contention will undoubt- Codexes go a long way to clos- year after several bomb out- ing the gap between Judaism BROTHERS edly be challenged by those who 33200 Schoolcraft and Christianity via the Essene rages had occurred. PLUMBERS maintain that there are no supe- The Governor called for con- Livonia 14868 Wyoming rior faiths or races. Jews will sects." He must first prove that sideration by that body of KE. 5-5190 undoubtedly be among those he is properly informed about stronger measures to prevent WE. 3-8668 who also will challenge the au- that era and the Essenes. But repetition of acts of terrorism k. ...001 4■00.41■ 00.%.00%.001%•00. %■011 he certainly makes a point, in thor's statements that— stripping religions "of their pre- against religious institutions "One could well appreciate * tenses of having some special, and schools in the State. * Holiday Greetings the considerations of modesty He referred to the dyna- : Holiday Best Wishes 4( transcendental character," that * which would motivate a Jew V & N OUTBOARD * miting of Beth El Congregation 4, CITY publicly to play down differ- "they are but behavior; human, in Miami last March and of the MOTOR CI MOTOR SALES all too human!" 4, ences where they are in his fa- Jacksonville Jewish Community *REALTY Thompson Clinkers - - - - Mercury Motors vor. All the more reason why 4, Center soon after, and * Parts and Service the rest of us should insist upon 11366 Kelly Rd. denounced them as "a willful 24301 TELEGRAPH RD. the cold,unvarnished facts, be- 4( attack against the rights and * Between 9 and 10 Mile Rds. VE. 9-4900 cause for the long run, fictions, EL. 7-1717 properity of others." He de- KE. 4-2141 however well meant, are always BY RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX plored the bad name these out- dangerous. One wonders, had (Copyright, 1959, JTA, Inc.) rages gave to Florida. the numerous Germans who Passover Greetings Passover Greetings It is customary for Jewish readily became such vicious ex- women to offer special prayers Hebrew U. Honors Yankee WYOMING - 7 MILE ponents of anti-Semitism, been for their children when kin- JERUSALEM (JTA) — A P I LON'S frankly taught all along that the dling the sabbath candles. STANDARD DAIRY QUEEN chair in memory of the late Jewish sample among them con- This tradition is traced to American Jewish leader, Judge "The Cone with the Curl on Top" SERVICE tained proportionately a much the writing of Bahya ben Asher Harry M. Fisher, of Chicago, STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS larger fraction of genius, would in his commentary on the Bible will be established at the Law / 13045 West 7 Mile 10001 West 7 Mile they have so readily consented (on the portion of Yithro). The Faculty of the Hebrew Univer- Corner Wyoming At Outer Drive to its destruction? As it was, it explanation is that it is al- sity. .■0411■04■41 IL ■ DI. 1-4590 was the undesirable qualities of ways better to approach the Almighty with one's request when performing a virtuous Greetings and Best Wishes deed. Passover Greetings It is therefore at the time when the Jewish women per- form one of the most important State and City Approved Nursing Home of the religious functions (i.e. kindling the sabbath candles) VA.2-3877 8181 East Jefferson VE. 7-7540 15201 West 7 Mile that they beseech the Almighty for the welfare of their chil- dren. The rabbis specifically note (Talmud Babli, Shabbos 23a) Passover Best Wishes that one who properly observes Greetings of the Season the commandment of kindling the candles begets scholarly children. It is also stated that Transmission and Differential Rebuilding Jewish learning is compared to light (Proverbs 6:23) and thus VE. 7-6442 UN. 1-9877 14924 Plymouth 8145 Fenkell it is fitting that she who prop- erly observes the kindling of one light (i.e. the sabbath can- dles) is deserving of being re- Holiday Greetings to All warded with the light of Torah. Heating Plumbing Point Supplies .1=1,11 0411=0.0.1M1.11 1,11■10.0 ■111 0 41 t I Prayers for Children and Kindling Candles -ic 4******************** 11 EMS.01.041411 ....... 11 •11111110■11.0.4 Lakewood Home & Hospital CAMPUS PHARMACY LONIE H. LANTRIP FLEETWOOD BOWLING LANES & LOUNGE Passover Best Wishes GENERAL ELECTRIC SIGN CO. TE. 1-2020 3939 Grand River Holiday Best Wishes GREENFIELD LANDSCAPING Landscaping - Grading - Bent Sod - Seeding Top Soil - Shrubs - Evergreens Display Yard and Office at 9583 Greenfield VE. 6-2855 Season's Best Wishes IRA HOTCHKISS CO. TW. 2-2505 2940 East 8 Mile Rd. Israel Tourists Get 20 Percent Premium MARUCCO SUNOCO SERVICE General Auto-Truck Repair — Expert Lubrication Pick-Up and Delivery Service VE. 7-9867 NEW YORK (JTA)—"Effec- 14601 West Chicago tive now, tourists to Israel will receive a 20 per cent cash premium over and above the official rate of exchange of Passover Greetings 1.80 Israeli pounds to the dollar," it was announced by Yohanan Beham, director of the Israel Government Tourist Office. John W. Greenwood "As a result, tourists will LU. 2-4979 Dearborn now receive 2.16 Israeli 15330 Michigan pounds for -each dollar ex changed, up to a maximum of $1,500 per month." The 20 per cent bonus was introduced to encourage tourist Greetings of the Season traffic to Israel, and its effect is expected to be felt as early as this spring, the Israeli offi- cial said. "The new premium obviates and replaces the 20 TE. 3-4620 3730 Woodward per cent discount which tour- ists received at hotels, sight- L O■ seeing agencies and govern- ment-approved store s," he stated. Best Wishes on Passover Another tourist facility intro- duced in Israel was announced here today. Upon their de- parture, tourists will be able Processors of "Holiday" Smoked and Canned Meats to reconvert Israel pounds up to the equivalent of $100, in- WO. 1-4993 1555 Adelaide St. stead of the $40 limit per- mitted hitherto. PAAS ELECTRIC CORP. RADIO ELECTRONIC TELEVISION SCHOOLS lIMIII•itiO4•1 =77 Sincere Best Wishes on Passover HURON TOOL & GAGE CO. Specializing in Automation Units — Machine Products Tool Dies and Jigs — Fixtures and Gages 1480 Southfield Lincoln Park DU. 2-1940 141=VO IJ■0■CHI10.4.1.1. ■04=1.1-ONN•04MKNIM4,00 UNIVERSAL MEAT PACKERS