OTTAWA (JTA)—After hear- ing testimony and receiving briefs from representatives of the Canadian Jewish Congress, the House of Commons Agricul- ture Committee, which is hold- ing hearings here on a new humane slaughter code, has in- dicated its belief that the Jew- ish ritual slaughtering practice is humane. Declaring that the Canadian Jewish Congress supported those who insist that slaughter should be performed as painlessly as possible, the Congress brief in- formed the Agricultural Com- mittee: "Our religious laws require that food animals must not be injured or hurt in any way before they are slaughtered." The brief pointed out that Jews would be unable to con- form to their religious precepts if animal slaughter regulations required a beast to be stunned before slaughter. The Congress representatives told the committee, in answer to an inquiry, that they would not object to certain new meth- ods, especially one proposal call- ing for elimination of the hoist- ing of animals. Yeshiva Alumnus Join Battle Against Cancer A 26-year-old Yeshiva Uni- versity graduate proposed a to- tally new attack on cancer at the 135th national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston. Marvin S. Antelman, a mem- ber of the 1955 graduating class of Yeshiva College, cur- rently a research scientist in the Providence, R.I., laboratory of the Hampshire Chemical Corp., speaking to the Society's biological chemistry division, reported developing a simple method for identifying some cancer-causing chemical s— called carcinogens. The method, based on labora- tory use of edible gelatin, sug- gests possible clinical applica- tions in limiting growth of cancer tumors. The wild abnormal cell growth called cancer is limited only by the amount of nutrition supplied to the body. Antelman reasoned that by limiting the flow of nutrition or "food" through cell membranes, can- cerous growth might be con- trolled. A logical way to limit the flow, he asserted, was to offset the action of carcinogens, which weaken cell membranes and increase the flow of nutri- Lower Fares for Students ents into the cell proper. As of March 1, the Israel Railways have been granting Since 1953, 85 daily or weekly 25 per cent reduction on all newspapers have merged, 90 railway fares to overseas stu- dailies suspended publication dents with valid identification. and 70 new dailies were started. Rabon Kaddish Weaving a Pattern of Friendship By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1959, JTA, Inc.) The Rabonon Kaddish is the doxology which is traditionally recited after a group has con- cluded learning a portion of the text of the Oral Law. Its origin and purpose are very interest- ing. It was an accepted tradition amongst the early rabbis to add a portion of the Aggadah after concluding the study of Halakah. While the Halakah is purely le- gal material, the Aggadah is homiletical, sometimes being a narrative and sometimes con- sisting of an exposition over a text in the Bible. While the study of the purely legal mate- rial was cardinal, there was usually a sad feeling at the re- alization of how far away the practices of real life were from the lofty ethical and legal pre- cepts called for in the Jewish Law. Especially was this true during the many oppressive pe- riods in Jewish history. In order not to leave the group with a depressed feeling, a portion of —UPI Photo the Aggadah was added, which Prime Minister David Ben Gurion of Israel wears a pat- usually preached the good in life and expressed the hope for - terned shawl, presented in Tel Aviv by a similarly-garbed a better future, including messi- delegate from Ghana. The occasion was a farmer's convention anic expectations. After such a conclusion, it was fitting for a in Israel, where close economic ties between the nations provide member of the group to recite a bond of friendship. the doxology of the Kaddish as a symbol of the fact that the group believed in the good things that were promised in the future as stated in the Ag- gadic portion. This doxology be- came known as the "Rabonon Kaddish" i.e., Rabbi's Kaddish, because it was recited after studying a text formed by the ancient rabbis. From this devel- oped the recital of the Kaddish at the grave, whose countenance brought on a depressed feeling and again called for confidence and faith. - qest Wishes Best Wishes to the Community For a Happy - Passover .:„ EVER-KRISP FOOD PRODUCTS CO. * * * Traditional Setting for Saturday Night Jewish tradition requires the table to be set on Saturday night, even though little food Ever-Krisp Potato Chips is consumed. The rabbis claim (Talmud 5333 Vermont TY 8-0200 Babli, Shabbos 119a) that this ..i>rltrV.K.X ■ >714"ACiMai3eiZ.&V..77a77.K.IKX+2K.Z*;.77W.gcWCK*.:KX.4:311 should be done so that the exit of the King be as formal as his arrival. Just as the Sabbath is received (like Royalty) with set tables on Friday evening, so should it be escorted out in a similar manner. It is also con- tended that a small bone in the skeletal structure of the human NAME BRAND SHOES being finds delight in the food at Savings from that is consumed after the exit of the Sabbath, representative Sizes 4-15 AAA to EEE Widths of our belief in immortality. Open Friday and Saturday to 9 p.m. This is an indication that, in the after-life, man's delight is still Monday through Thursday to 7 p.m. to be found as a reward for his good deeds on this earth. The 9047 - 12th ST. 5501 W. WARREN exit of the Sabbath is thus per- TY 7-5299 TY 8-6407 haps symbolic of the after-life. Keeping the table set is an indi- cation that, after our mortal ex- istence, the table is still set for our enjoyment in the life here- after. gor a Tasty-Krisp Popcorn Holiday Greetings NAME BRAND MEN'S SHOES 20% to 50% Best Wishes to the Jewish Community Tradition of Adding Water Drops to Wine for a Happy Passover IESTOKRAIFT Makers of "Perfect Sleeper If SMOOTH-TOP MATTRESS you sleep on it... not in it! Some people add a little wa- ter to the wine before making Kiddush on the Sabbath. According to some this is done to add freshness to the wine in case it was already used before and someone drank fr6m it. This would mean that this new com- bination is being used for the first time for making Kiddush. Others say that, since wine was originally offered to mourners to console them, the water is added as a symbol of the fact that this wine is being used for a happy occasion, and pouring water was always a symbol of happiness in Jewish tradition. The Kabbalists look upon the red color of the wine as the symbol of rigor in exacting judgment. The water is thus added to weaken the red color and thus temper judgment with mercy. oyous gassover Season SAMS INC. Detroit • Dearborn 27-TH E DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Frid ay, April 24, 1959 Parliamentary Body Upholds Belief in Humanity of Shehita