THE JEWISH NEWS A Setback for Israel Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Offic,, Detroit, Mich.. under act of Congress of March 5, 187:• PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Circulation Manager FRANK SIMONS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, Shabat Hagadol, the tenth day of Nisan, 5719, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues. Pentateuchal portion, Mezora, Lev. 14:1-15:33. Prophetical portion, Malachi 3:4-24. Scriptural Selections for Passover Pentateuchal portions: First day, Thurs day, April 23, Ex. 12:21-51, Num. 28:16-25; second clay, Friday, April 24, Lev. 22:26-23:44, Num. 28:16-25. Prophetical sortions: First day, Joshua 3:5-7, 5:2-6:1, 6:27, second day, II Kings 23:1-19, 21-25. Licht Benshen, Friday, April 17, 6.57 p.m. VOL. XXXV. No. 7 Page Four April 17, 1959 The Supreme Degree in Philanthropy In the current campaign for funds to assist the unfortunate migrants who are leaving countries in which they and their parents had resided for generations, and who are seeking the final and last- ing haven, for themselves, their children and their children's children, in Israel, it is proper that we should recall the ad- monitions of one of the greatest savants in Jewish history, Maimonides (1135- 1244). Maimonides had set forth a set of rules for charity. His was the golden ladder of philanthropy. In it, placing the highest rung of his ladder first, he advised: There are eight degrees in charity, one higher than the other: Supreme above all is to give assistance to the one who has fallen on evil times by present- ting him with a gift or loan, or entering into a partnership with him, or procur- ing him work, thereby helping him to become self-supporting. Inferior to this is giving charity to the poor in such a way that the giver and recipient are unknown to each other. This is, indeed, the performance of a commandment from disinterested mo- tives; and it is exemplified by the Insti- tution of the Chamber of the Silent which existed in the Temple, where the righteous secretly deposited their alms and the respectable poor were secretly assisted. Next in order is the donation to the charitable fund of the Community, to which no contribution should be made without the donors feeling confident that the administration is honest, pru- dent and capable of proper management. Below this degree is the instance where the donor is aware to whom he is giving the alms but the recipient is un- aware from whom he received them; as e. g. the great Sages who used to go about secretly throwing money through the doors of the poor. This is quite a proper course to adopt and a great vir- tue where the administrators of a chari- table fund are not acting fairly. Inferior to this degree is the case where the recipient knows the identity of the donor, but not vice versa; as e. g. the great Sages who used to tie sums of money in linen bundles and throw -them behind their backs for poor men to pick up, so that they should not feel shame. The next four degrees in their order are: the man who gives money to the poor before he is asked; the man who Interpretation of Judaism gives money to the poor after he is asked; the man who gives less than he should, but does it with good grace; and lastly, he who gives grudgingly. In the midst of our efforts for the 1959 Allied Jewish Champaign, it is well that we should study these rules, and, having reached the bottom of the ladder, that we climb back again to the top rung and take heed of the highest principle of all-----the eighth rule which teaches us that the most meritorious act for mankind is to anticipate charity and want by pre- venting it. To prevent suffering we must make it possible for those whom we have set out to help to acquire a position of helping themselves, to earn their own livelihood, to obtain economic independ- ence, to become self-supporting. • This is what the United Jewish Appeal —the major beneficiary of the Allied Jewish Campaign, has set out to do. It does not hand out charity: it makes it pos- sible for the expatriated Jews to settle in a land they are to calL their own, to acquire homes there, to enter into pro- ductive pursuits and to become seuf-sus- taining. Assistance to the causes we now are campaigning for means the reaching of the highest rung on the golden ladder of true philanthropy. May we all learn the meaning of the Maimonides lessons so that the supreme degree of help for our fellow-men may be attained by all of us, and so that this principle shall be perpe- tuated in Jewry. Passover: Principles of Festival of Freedom On the eve of the great festival of Passover, which we are to usher in with the first Seder on Wednesday evening, it is heartening to witness the holiday spirit that exists in Jewish ranks. Espe- cially inspiring is the interest that is shown by the children in the festival's celebration. Passover is, in great measure, a holi- day for youth. It is the youngest who virtually opens the Seder ceremony with his initial questions regarding the eve- ning's significance. The youth joins in the Seder singing, in reading the Hag- gadah, in the evening's recitations and songs. * * Thus, Passover shows the way towards fusing young and old in the observance of our festivals. Perhaps the manner of the Passover observance and the exten- sive way in which it embraces all mem- bers of the family shows the way to increased interest by larger groups in all Jewish ceremonials and holidays. By drawing the youth closer to the observ- ances on our calendar, we secure an assurance that their elders, too, will dis- Heschel's Major Concepts in 'Between God and Man' Prof. Abraham J. Heschel is one of world Jewry's great philosophers and is perhaps the most distinguished interpreter of Jewish ethical values. His books have won acclaim from the outstanding theologians of all faiths. In "Between God and Man: An Interpretation of Juda- ism," published by Harper, a noted scholar, Fritz J. Roths- child has selected portions from the writings of Dr. Heschel and has produced another epic work containing the most important selections from Prof. Heschel's writings., Ably edited, this volume also contains a valuable intro- duction by Rothschild, evaluating "the conceptual framework of Heschel's philosophy." Rothschild states that Heschel's exposition is "a mas- terly synthesis in which elements from the whole of Jewish religious tradition from the Bible, Talmud, Midrash, medi- eval philosophy, Kabbalah, and Hasidism are welded into an organic whole that is held together by the central frame- work of his philosophy of religion." "Between God and Man" is divided into five parts into which are packed the gems from Heschel's writings. Com- mencing with the explanation of religion as "an answer to ultimate questions," the first part concerns itself with awe and reverence, faith, revelation and numerous matters that lead up to a "response through deeds" in the search for the glory of God. "Judaism," Prof. Heschel wrote, "is not a science of nature but a science of what man ought to do with nature. It is concerned above all with the problem of living . . . Jewish law is, in a sense, a science of deeds. Its main con- cern is not only how to worship Him at certain times but how to live with Him at all times. Every deed is a problem; there is a unique task at every moment. All of life at all moments is the problem and the task." The second part, entitled "The God of the Prophets," proceeds to delve into the problems of the worship of nature, "how to identify the divine," the One God idea, prophetic sympathy, and the divine pathos. In his discussion of "One God," Dr. Heschel teaches us: "God is not partly here and partly there; He is all here and all there . . . God is within all things, not only in the life of man. play the keenest interest in Jewish ob- servances. Passover this year carries with it the usual challenges—that we help the needy * * * to observe the festival, by supporting the Prof. Heschel, the mystic, proves practical in many of the Mo'os Hitim fund; that we provide aid to the downtrodden and dispossessed on essays incorporated in this interesting book. In the third part, and His Needs," he deals with spiritual opportunities, all occasions, through the Allied Jewish "Man with freedom and also with the problem of needs and with Campaign; that we retain an interest in the illusion of human self-sufficiency: He admonishes us: civic-protective efforts, to assure the per- "Man is neither the lord of the universe nor even the petuation of libertarian principles. master of his own destiny. Our life is not our own property but a possession of God. And it is this divine ownership that Passover marks the anniversary of the makes life a sacred thing." * * struggle of the martyrs in the Warsaw The fourth part of the book is devoted to religious observ- ghetto against their Nazi oppressors. On the eve of the festival we will pay tribute ance. Dr. Heschel is the master of spiritual interpretation in explanation of Kavvanah — the "attentiveness to God," "to to these heroes. It is to be hoped that his direct the heart to the Father in heaven." Religious behavior- a capacity audience will attend the annual ism, religion and law, mitzvah and sin, the problems of evil, commemoration of that tragic experience, the ecstasy of prayer and the holiness of the Sabbath are which has been arranged by the Jewish among the topics that will inspire the reader. Community Council for this Sunday eve- In the final section of the book, "The Meaning of This ning. Hour," are included Dr. Heschel's views on "What Is Man?" This is a busy season, and the idea and "Religion in Modern Society," and explanations on under- of freedom is uppermost both on Pass- standing the Bible. Rothschild performed an excellent task in condensing the over and in preparation for the festival. several by Prof. Heschel and to select from them the May the Passover spirit bring joy to all meatiest books portions which form the new book, "Between God our communities. and Man."