THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS -- Friday, Apr il 17, 19 59- 10 Win 1959 Frank L. Weil Awards of JWIII Germany Must Remember Crimes Committed by Nazis MUNICH, (JTA) — Because tribute to the memory of "those there is "an attempt to wipe out who gave their lives in the all memory and to falsify his- struggle against Nazi tyranny." tory," it is incumbent upon all to continue reminding Germany "of the horrible crimes commit- ted by the Nazis," Dr. H. G. Van Dam, secretary general of For Passover the Central Council of Jews in Germany, declared at a com- Famous for memorative ritual conducted at the site of the wartime Bergen- \ QUALITY and Belsei_ concentration camp. KASH RUTH Prayers for the dead, Chris- \ Variety of Flavors tian as well as Jews, extermi- nated at Bergen-Belsen, were recited by Christian and Jewish clergymen. Heinrich Kopf, Dep-• uty Minister President of Lower Also Available: Saxony, officially represented Carmel Kosher the State Government, paying KEDEM WINE k , Shown here (left to right) are the winners of the 1959 Frank L. Weil Awards presented by JWB: Dr. Harry M. Orlinsky, professor of Bible at the New York School of the Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, who received the award for "distiguished contribution to the development of American Jewish culture"; Rabbi Nathan Witkin, director of the USO- JWB Armed Forces Center in the Panama Canal Zone, and Col. Harry D. Henshel, chairman of JWB's - Armed Services Division, who received the award for "distinguished contribution to the welfare of Jewish personnel in the U.S. Armed Forces," and Irving Edison, St. Louis, president of the World Federation of YMHAs, who received the award for "distinguished contribution to the advancement of the Jewish Community Center movement." Israelis Live 31 Years Longer than Egyptians WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Life expectancy of the average Is- raeli is now over 70 years, while the typical Egyptian will live but 39 years, according to a study of world health condi- tions published here by a Sen- ate subcommittee. In a comprehensive evalua- tion of the status of world health, the Subcommittee on In- ternational Organizations of the Committee on Government Op- erations reported that Israel PATIO SWIM POOLS No Money Down LI 7-8181 Eves MI 6-6157 Sun. GR 4-7192 now has more physicians per Weizmann Institute was men- capita than any nation, includ- tioned. Other Israelis were listed as ing the U. S. There is one physician for doing work for the U.S. Na- every 610 inhabitants of Austria tional Health Research in areas and the USSR, but even more of parisitology and tropical med- are available at present in Israel, icine, biochemistry, biophysics, the survey showed. The mortal- pharmacology and experimental ityrate from tuberculosis in Is- therapeutics. rael was determined to be less than that of the U. S., and the report added that Israelis were currently working to add to their understanding of heart disease. Cited was the work of Dr. Franz Sondheimer who is work- ing at Rehovot on a grant from the • U. S. National Heart Insti- tute on the synthetic prepara- tion of cardiac-active substances from natural products. Dr. Henry Ungar, professor of pathology at the Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem, was mentioned as a member of a "distinguished group under the organization of the World Health Organization developing a classification with uniform terminology for u s e in the world-wide study of arterio- sclerosis." Among the contributors to world dental research, the re- port listed I. Gdalia, of Hebrew University, who is working on fluorides. Israelis have been awarded U. S. National Institute of Health research grants to ad- vance studies in cancer chemo- therapy. Work in this field by E. D. Bergmann of Hebrew Uni- versity and D. Lavie of the PASSOVER RESERVATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED AT Colonial Hotel & Mineral Baths Mount Clemens, Michigan A WELL-KNOWN CANTOR AND RABBI TO CONDUCT THE SERVICES — TO BE HELD ON THE PREMISES FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK MINERAL BATHS available to all Dietary Lows strictly odhered to Write or call at once MAX ELKIN Managing Owner The Colonial Hotel and MINERAL BATHS Mount Clemens, Michigan HOward 3-4505 Products EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Buy and sell quality products to retail stores. Hundreds of lines to choose from. New items arriving almost daily. We have been established over 20 years, enabling you to place complete confidence in our com- pany. World Novelty Co. Importers' and Manufacturers' Distributors 3101 Brooklyn Ave. 1 door south of Grand River `Lord's Prayer' Dropped by NY School Board And Other Fine Holiday Foods MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTORS For Manischewitz Matzo and Food Products National Wholesale Grocers Co. Out-of-Town Orders Promptly Filled 8938 - 12th Street TR 1-0606 WHITE STAR DAIRY Announces to Its Clientele CEDARHURST, L.I. (JTA)- The school board of district 15 ended a two-year controversy over the recital of the Pro- testant version of the Lord's prayer this week by ordering an immediate ban on the prayer. Ernest E. Eldred, president of the school beard, said the board agreed unanimously to substitute the last stanza of "America" instead. This begins: "Our. Fathers' God to Thee, Author of Lib- erty, to Thee we sing." Singing of "America" is a long-standing tradition in New York City public schools. The decision was endorsed in a joint statement issued by Rabbi Abraham V. Goodman of Temple Israel in Lawrence, president of the South Shore Jewish Community Council, and the Rev. William Galloway, pas- tor of Our Lady of Good Coun- sel Catholic Church in Inwood. The Religious Council of the Five Towns, as the affected area is popularly known, endorsed the ban. The Religious Council, Rabbi Goodman and Father Galloway also approved use of the New York State Regents non-sectarian prayer. This was not involved in the District 15 controversy, but that prayer is under attack in a court seeking to have it barred in the Her- ricks School District. In New York, the American Jewish Congress announced that its Long Island branch still opposes the introduction of prayers in the public schools, in spite of the state- ment by Rabbi Goodman.. The dispute involves a pub- lic school district, covering sev- eral Long Island townships where parents are objecting to any prayers in the schools. In a statement, Abraham H. Klugsberg, executive director of the local AJC unit, said: "Rabbi Goodman was speaking for himself only—and not for the South Shore Jewish Com- munity Council—in voicing the approval of the Board of Re- gents prayer. "We wish to express em- phatically our opposition to all prayers in public schools, whether they be called sec- tarian or non-sectarian. Prayer belongs in the home and in houses of worship, it has no place in a public school." • Be Your Own Boss That They Once Again Carry Kosher Dairy Products for Passover 593 Kenilworth TO. 8-8655 I PASSOVER TREATS I for the YOUNGSTERS! I EGG KICHEL I ALL Melt-in-your mouth cookies! Sugared or chocolate-coated. KOSHER FOR PASSOVER! ALL PARVE! Chocolate Coated I EGG MATZOH I Our own famous egg matzoh coated with rich chocolate-- a tempting, t delightful delicacy! 11 HOROWITZ - MARGARETEN DISTRIBUTED BY GOLDEN CRACKNEL & SPEC. CO . 600 Custer Avenue • Detroit