THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 10, 1959-40 Hammarskjold's Stand on Suez Passage Saturday Review Publishes Bialik Essay on Leonid Pasternak, in a of Israel Carlo Creates New UN Puzzle Translation by Prof: Shudofsky UNITED NATIONS (JTA)— the opening session there of the of the just rights of nations." Asked whether Jordan would Saturday Review has pub- attend surreptitiously the art United Nations Secretary Gen- United Nations Economic and accept from Israel an offer of lished a three-page translation school of his city? . . ." eral Dag Hammarskjold took Social Council. In Pasternak's paintings, — The conference, which was compensation to those Arab from the Hebrew of an article newspapermen by surprise with among them were those of Bia- written by the a display of an extremely leni- brief, concerned Israel's corn- refugees who are citizens of lik, Chaim Weizmann, Nahum ent attitude toward Egypt's con- plaint against Egyptian seizures Jordan, Rifai said: "The refu- outstanding ".• - Sokolow and other outstanding fiscation of Israeli cargo on of cargoes aboard non-Israeli gees are an integral part of the Jewish poet in Jewish leaders — Bialik wrote, ships passing the Suez Canal, vessels, which passed through Palestine problem and cannot modern times, were "hidden a particle of the Hayim N a h- despite the fact that there is a the Suez Canal while carrying be separated from it." secret recesses of his Hebrew man Bialik, Israel - originated goods. The Rifai was asked about the decision of the UN Security spirit. There is little else in the Council that the Suez Canal complaint filed by Eban with status of paragraph eight of the about Leonid essay to throw light on Paster- must be open to all ships of all the Security Council, has not yet Jordan-Israel Armistice Agree- Pasternak, nak's background. father of Bor- been answered by the Cairo ment, which. in Israel's view, nations. There have been rumors that is Pasternak, Government. However, Hammar- grants to Israel free access to Giving second place to the Boris and his parents were bap- author of the skjold states that he is person- the Holy Places on the Jor- UN decision. the Secretary Gen- tised, but there is nothing in eral said that a unilateral Egyp- ally in touch with the United danian side as well as to Mt. Nobel prize- available facts to substantiate it. winning novel tian declaration, made in 1957, Arab Republic on this issue. Scopus. He replied: In the Shudofsky-translated must be a "starting point" in Hammarskjold Expected "We made our view clear to "Doctor Z h Dr. Shudofsky Bialik essay appears also the vago." discussions about the passage to Explore' Suez Impasse Secretary General Dag Ham- The translation is by Dr. M. following revealing statement: of Israeli cargo through the WASHINGTON (JTA)—State marskjold on this point but M. Shudofsky, professor of Eng- "After a number of years Suez Canal. That declaration Department sources said that have not learned what the other Pasternak's fruitful work in lish at Wayne State University, made it clear that Egypt con- that the United States was look- view was. The question of free the building of Russian art sidered freedom of shipping ing to United Nations Secretary access to Mt. Scopus cannot be who is completing a volume of brought him 'official' recogni- through the Suez a matter that General Dag Hammarskjold to taken independently from other translated critical essays by tion, so that in the 1880s he should ultimately be decided by explore Israel's comp hints of clauses of the general armistice Bialik to be published soon. In his essay, Bialik, who was was appointed to the Moscow the International Court of Jus- Egyptian interference with Is- agreement. But Mt. Scopus is one the Jewish leaders who Institute of Pure Art. Such Lice. Israel has rejected this raeli cargo aboard shins of vari- covered by a separate local were of befriended the elder indulgence to a Jew by the suggestion on the basis of the ous flags transitting the Suez agreement which is recognized Pasternak, refers to by Pasternak's government of those times— UN Security Council ruling. by the United" Nations and by childhood. Bialik, in the article during the heyday of the Canal. Hammarskjold evaded an- blackest reaction and in holy These sources said Israel the two parties. This is an in- swering a question as to sought American intercession dependent agreement, has no translated by Prof. Shudofsky, Moscow, the city which was posed the questions: whether Cairo has sent a reply because of recent United Arab bearing on the general armis- completely subservient to des- "His background? What will to the UN Secretariat on Is- Republic seizure of Israel car- tice agreement and therefore, that potic rulers (enemies of the give us? What good, for rael's complaint regarding the goes bound through the canal. Mt. Scopus is not under the Jews who like Sergei Alexan- example, will it do if we know seizure by Egypt of Israeli It was explained, however, that, general armistice agreement." drovitz persecuted them with what happened during his cargo on ships passing the Suez since Israel has also raised the passionate brutality) — such childhood in the 1860s, when UNEF Still Needed, Canal. It is known here that no issue with the United Nations, indulgence, I say, was con- Jews first began to taste Rus- such reply has been received the State Department feels the Troop: Chief Says sidered impossible and un- UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., sian culture, and the enlight- as yet. imaginable. Of all the Jewish international body should han- ones among them were Hammarskjold was also asked dle the matter. The issue was (JTA) — Because the situation ened artists there was in Moscow headlong flight from Juda- what he thought of the state- described as one with inter- in the Middle East "is still un- in only one other, Levitan, who ism? What will we learn from implications that came stable," the United Nations ment made recently by United national. was similarly honored. the fact that he was reared in Emergency Force must continue Arab Republic President Gamal more directly within the scope "I know that Pasternak is to stay on the job, Lt. Gen. E. the home of poor parents: his Abdel Nasser, who had dis- of the United Nations. not one of the 'great luminar- L. M. Burns, UNEF commander, father was an innkeeper in closed that, some months ago. ies.' But one thing is certain: declared at a ceremony at his Odessa, 'the beauty of the he had planned "decisive bat- Jordan Premier Foresees it is the people of his kind South' on the shores of the headquarters in Gaza, according tle" against Israel. The UN Eventual M - E Settlement and his level, men of talent Black Sea, the city of light to a report received at UN Chief said such quotation was UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. and industry, men of culture and levity, and that there he inaccurate, since Nasser had I (JTA) — Samir Rifai, Prime headquarters here. and tradition, each in his field the Russian-gymna- "UNEF is still needed here," attended made it clear he would fight Minister of Jordan, spelled out wherever he may be, who are and7--like most children Israel only "if attacked" by a three-point set of problems Gen. Burns stated at Gaza, "to sium the doers and the catalysts in of the 'pioneers of the Haska- t that would have to be discussed help keep the peace because of lah' (the Jewish Enlightment Israel. every generation: they con- when there are Arab-Israel the tensions existing on either in Europe, characterized by stitute the building blocks of Regard Dag's Statements side of us. The fact is that the talks for peace. every nation." in secular studies and as Partisan to Egypt Those problems. he said, are, situation in the Middle East is interest Perhaps the above provides a revival of Hebrew)—he With regard to the passage of 1. The territorial question; 2. still unstable. Our presence by answer to the question posed Israel's cargo through the Suez The question of the refugees; here, and the success we have was ignorant of the Hebrew the in Purely Commentary last language and literature. Canal, Hammarskjold was re- 3. Property problems. Reiterat- had in helping to maintain week in the review of Boris Pas- "And how will it aid us to minded of the Security Council ing what Jordan's King Hussein peaceful conditions, is impor- know further that the boy's ternak's "I Remember," as to resolution and other United Na- said on a television program, tant to the inhabitants of this Lions decisions which favor free Rifai declared at a luncheon • Gaza Strip who can go about soul was suddenly taken with how the elder Pasternak man- aged to secure residential rights • passage. In the light of these here given by the United Na- earning their living without in- painting, so that he used to documents, Hammarskjold's re- tions Correspondents' Associa- terference or danger to life, and steal out of seventh grade in outside the Jewish Pale of ferral to Egypt's statement of tion: to all others in the nations that the gymnasium in order to Settlement. 1957 — which was unilateral — "The solution to the dispute surround us, who fear war." was considered as being pro- must be found. Unless the so- "Indeed," Gen. Burns contin- Israel Honors Canadian Supreme Court Justice Egyptian and anti-Israel. The lution is found, the area will ued, "our task is important to Direct JTA Teletype Wire Comay; former Israel Ambas- Secretary-General has usually remain troublesome. But it is the world as a whole, as we To The Jewish News JERUSALEM — Canadian sador to Canada, now Deputy been noted for his meticulous not the responsibility of Jordan have often been assured by the of the Israel Foreign observance of non-partisanship. alone, or of the Arab States, or delegates of the nations in the Supreme Court Justice A. K. Director Ministry; Avraham Harman, The 1951 Security Council of the West — but a United United Nations Assembly." The Rand was honored Tuesday by of the Jewish Agency, and of- resolution touches on the very Nations responsibility. Sooner occasion for Gen. Burns' re- the planting of wood bearing ficials of the Canadian Embassy issue raised here last month by or later, the problem will be marks was a ceremony con- his name on the outskirts of and the JNF. Justice Rand was Israel in regard to confiscation solved. We all want peace. No nected with the demobilization Jerusalem sponsored by Winni- a member of the UN Commis- of cargoes. Those cargoes were one wants trouble, no one wants of a battalion composed of Dan- peg Jewry. sion on Palestine which was Justice and Mrs. Rand were shipped from Haifa to Ceylon, war. Everyone talks of peace, ish and Norwegian troops going the Philippines, Japan and even Russia. We want peace home under the UNEF troop present for the ceremony which responsible for the resolution was attended also by Michael establishing Israel. Hong Kong. The 1951 resolution based on justice and recognition rotation plan. stated categorically that it was concerned about denying free- dom of passage through the B-G Beats Non-Confidence Motion on Kol Israel Mobilization Alert Suez Canal to "nations at no The Prime Minister, who is to a widespread impression that JERSUALEM, (JTA) — By both of them were "surprised time connected with the conflict also defense minister, named a a general mobilization was im- in Palestine" who needed "val- a vote of 63 to 32, with 12 and stunned" upon hearing the special committee to investigate minent. uable supplies for their eco- abstentions, Parliament Tuesday unauthorized radio announce- the "reserve call-up" announce- The_ anxiety and confusion rejected a non-confidence mo- ment. nomic reconstruction." ment on the Kol Israel radio reached such a pitch that Gen- The _ Premier said he issued , tion criticizing the government In addition to the 1951 reso- which caused widespread excite- eral Laskov was contacted by lution, the Security Council also for the "false alarm" military instructions immediately that all meat throughout Israel, concern special messenger at the Mann adopted, in 1956, six principles reserve call-up, broadcast by the foreign missions in Israel be in- in many world capitals, and ex- Auditorium in Tel Aviv, where on operation of the Suez Canal. Israel radio last week. The mo- formed that, actually, the army pressions of alarm in Syria and he was attending a concert in One declares:. "There should be tion was introduced by four op- call-up order affected no more Jordan. honor of Queen Elizabeth of free and open transit through position groups. than 1,200 reserves, and that a An Army spokesman explain- Belgium. The streets were emp- The vote was taken after a grave error had been commit- the canal without discrimina- ed that Israel's reserve units tied and movie theaters played tion, overt and covert — this lengthy statement by Prime ted. He also instructed Gen. Las- have special code names by to half-empty halls. covers both political and tech- Minister David Ben-Gurion, who kov immediately to explain the which they can be called up via It was not until an hour later nical aspects." Another of the said that the blame for the mix- error to Belgium's dowager radio or the press in the event that a second news bulletin in- up has already been fixed Queen Mother Elizabeth now principles holds: "The opera- of an emergency. A similar call- eluded a correction with the an- tion of the canal should be in- against one high-ranking Army visiting Israel. Ben-Gurion had up announcement was broadcast nouncement that "this is a rou- sulated from the politics of any officer, while the responsibility heard that members of Queen eight years ago, but it was pre- tine call-up for the reserve serv- country." Giving second place of lower - ranking officers was Elizabeth's entourage were ex- ceded by a specific code to indi- ice." Meanwhile, foreign mis- to those principles, and first still under investigation. The erting pressure on her to cut it was only . a test. sions in Israel worked through place to the Egyptian declara- Premier provided no names. short her visit to Israel and to cate The broadcast, however, was the night to reassure their gov- In a 10-page report Ben- return to her home at once after tion of 1957, seemed to ob- preceded by an unexplained ernments that the call-up was servers here as anything but Gurion described the circum- the "false alarm" broadcast. stances attending the incident, The non-confidence motion statement to listeners to "re- "a false alarm." non-partisan behavior. but told Parliament he could was introduced by four leaders main at your wireless sets for a The Israel government apolo- Dag Meets Briefly not, for security reasons, reveal of opposition parties: Samuel further important announce- with Eban on Issue the details as to how the mix-up Mikunis, of the Communist Par- ment." There followed an an- gized to the Knesset for the con- Abba S. Eban, chairman of had actually occurred. He em- ty; Itzhak Raphael, of the Na- nouncement that three units fusion created by the broadcast. Israel's delegation here, con- phasized that nobody regretted tional Religious Party; Menah- were called up. The announce- Finance Minister Levi Eshkol ferred with Hammarskjold on the incident more than he and em Beigin, of Herut; and Peretz ment was repeated several times made three statements to Knes- Monday, just before the UN Gen. Chaim Laskov, chief of Bernstein, of the General Zion- with no explanations as to the set. reason for the call-up, leading Chief left for Mexico to attend staff of the army. He added that ists.