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April 03, 1959 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-04-03

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Plea for
Passover Motos
Hitim Relief

Page 4

A Weekly Review

New illustrated
Haggadah . •
of Boris Paster-
nak , Other
Book Reviews.

of Jewish Events

Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle


Printed in a
100% Union Shop

17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE

8 9364


Detroit 35, April 3, 1959

Pages 2 and 4

$5 Per Year; Single Copy 15c

Early Peace Foreseen by Mrs. Meir

Russia Alone Fails to Enter
Trade Relations with Israel

Goldmann Warns of Crisis,
Asks 'Fundamental Change'
in Attitude Toward Israel

BUENOS AIRES, (JTA) — The need for a "fundamental
ohange" on the part of the Jewish people in relation to Israel
was emphasized here by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, president of
the Jewish Agency, addressing an audience of more than 6,000
at the Municipal Theater. The mass meeting marked the
inauguration of the United Jewish Campaign for 1959 here and
in other Latin American countries.
Pointing out that he had warned the Jews of the world
against complacency during the Hitler period, and that he sug-
gested the idea of securing reparations from Germany even
when this was considered by some Jews as "criminal," Dr.
Goldmann said:
"Now I sternly warn that the attitude of the Jewish people
towards Israel needs a fundamental change in order not to
leave Israel exposed in its most difficult stage of development.
The possibility of a great catastrophe exists, if no such radical
change will take place soon. The economic structure of the
country may collapse under the obligations undertaken by
Israel during the first ten years of its existence, plus the new
obligations involved by the current immigration.
"I have the ungrateful mission to tell you what you do not
want to hear," Dr. Goldmann continued. "It is important to
stir up the Jewish people from their complacent and placid
attitude toward Israel. The Jewish Agency never had a bal-
anced budget, and has always been in debt. The Jewish people
never gave nearly as much as needed. In fact, only about 50
percent of the means came from Jewish sources." .
"Now," the world Jewish leader pointed out, "American
aid to Israel is steadily diminishing because Israel is not the
most important thing for the United States. Similarly the pay-
ment of German reparations to Israel is nearing completion.
The Jews, if they only wanted, could build three Israels, be-
cause they have the means to do so," Dr. Goldmann stressed.

Says Aid Is a Question of Mora! Self-Respect

Emphasizing that the present generation of Jewry must take

a more serious attitude toward Israel, the Jewish Agency head

told the audience that the question of having a strong Israel is
a question of moral self-respect, and not one of philanthropy.
"It is difficult to create a state, but it is even more difficult to
maintain it and to strengthen it," he said.
Reviewing Israel's achievements under difficult circum-
stances in the first decade of its existence, Dr. Goldmann
warned that Israel may face even greater difficulties in the
second decade. He lauded the Jewish immigrants from the East
European countries now reaching Israel. "They are real heroes,"
he stated. "They survived the Russian revolution, the Nazi
period, Stalinism, and maintained their Jewishness."
"These immigrants," Dr. Goldmann predicted; "will change
Israel's face within ten years, once they are given the oppor-
tunity to apply their capacities and high cultural level. They
cannot be kept in transit camps. Their immigration to Israel
is the greatest miracle of our time. The governments of East-
ern Europe understand now that they are unable to solve the
Jewish problem in their countries. If the Jewish people will
not be forthcoming with the enormous means needed, the
miracle will be destroyed."
Earlier, Dr. Goldmann addressed the convention of 130
delegates from .11 Latin American countries which is being held
here in connection with the United Jewish Campaigns con-
ducted in these countries.

Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News

JERUSALEM—Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Minister, declared Monday
night she had proof that, as Israel's strength increased, peace with the Arabs was
coming- nearer and was closer now than at any time in the past. Concluding the
Knesset debate on the budget of her Ministry, Mrs. Meir promised to reveal the
proofs to a closed session of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs Committee.
(An Israeli call to its reserves for routine military exercises was trans-
formed by Syrian and Jordanian authorities into a war scare Wednesday
night. All radio stations in this country treated the matter at the outset
as a war preparation move, in spite of Israel's prompt explanation of the
erroneous interpretation of the announcement to the reserves.)
Replying to participants in the debate, Mrs. Meir confirmed reports that, after
the return of Abba Eban to Israel, there would be a separation in the posts of Israel
Ambassador to the United States and chairman of the Israel delegation to the
United Nations. Eban has filled both posts since they were established and has
resigned them effective in May to enter the political forum as a probable candi-
date for the Knesset in the next elections. Mrs. Meir paid warm tribute to Eban's
services during the past decade.
Reporting on Israel's trade relations with countries of Western Europe, she
said that, with the exception of the Soviet Union, all East -European countries had
increased their trade with Israel. She mentioned particularly the excellent relations
with Poland and said that, after seven years of absence of trading with Czechoslo-
vakia, commercial relations will be resumed also with that country. She also
stressed Israel's friendly relations with Yugoslavia.
Mrs. Meir expressed regret that, despite Israel's efforts to improve relations
with Russia, no such improvement has taken place. The Soviet press, she reported,
continues its violent anti-Israel propaganda. A large section of Mrs. Meir's speech
was devoted also to the friendly relations between Israel and Asia-African coun-
tries. She noted with satisfaction that Nasser had failed in his efforts to introduce
the "Palestine problem" at two conferences of African nations held at Accra, in
Mrs. Meir deplored the absence of diplomatic relations with India and China.
She stressed that Israel could not be accused of lack of interest in these nations.
She revealed that the Israel government or Israeli companies have initiated joint
economic ventures with 20 Asia-African countries.
Mrs. Meir warned that the latest developments in the relations between the
United Arab Republic and Iraq might lead Western governments again toward
strengthening Egypt's dictator, Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser. Those moves, she held,
might be made out of a false hope that such steps would offer a prospect of •
attracting Nasser toward the West.
Referring to Nasser's renewal of interference with shipping in the Suez Canal,
Mrs. Meir declared: "In the face of these Egyptian violations, we have taken steps
in all world capitals, and at the United Nations, and have met with a great deal of
understanding. While the most recent ships passed through the Canal, this does not
satisfy us, and we are continuing our efforts to ensure that such interference does
not recur."
Describing the "revolutionary changes" that have taken place in Big Power
evaluation of the Middle East situation, she stressed the fact that Nasser has
been recognized as an ambitious dictator with expansionist aims. It is now realized,
Continued on Page 40

Israel Dropped from 15.5. Grant-in-Aid

Israel's economic progress was given as the reason for the country's elimi-
nation from the U. S. grant-in-aid program. The International Cooperation
Administration confirmed the termination of U. S. foreign aid to Israel at hear-
ings before the House Foreign Affairs Committee in Washington on Tuesday.
Congressmen friendly to Israel plan amendments to the pending measure in an
effort to restore Israel to the list of nations who will receive U. S. assistance.,
Israel has been receiving grant-in-aid from this country since 1951.
Detailed Story on Page 40

Beii-Giirion Lashes at Communist Objection to Israel's Research for U.S.

JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Research projects carried out for the Ameri-
can government by the Hebrew University, Technion and the Weizmann
Institute will continue, Premier David Ben-Gurion told the Knesset.
He was answering a question raised by the Communst deputy, Esther
Wilenska, who asked whether the Israel government would not cancel
the agreement to place Israeli research at the disposal "of military
designs of the American army" and of NATO.
Miss Wilenska referred to press reports stating that a U.S. Air
Force mission arrived in Israel and has studied the progress of
research at the Weizmann Institute, Hebrew University and Technion.
Alleging that these reports aroused anxiety among Israelis, she said

that "wide local circles are disturbed about the danger of involving
our country in aggressive. plans of rulers of the United States against
the peace of the world."
Premier Ben-Gurion described the allegation as "unrestrained
incitement against a friendly nation which is no less peace-loving than
any other country in the world." He added that the research projects
carried out by the American government "aroused no anxiety whatso-
ever among wide circles of the Israel public." He denied that Israel
is conducting any research for NATO. "If the Soviet government
should commission research work from us, we would willingly carry
it out," he declared.

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