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March 27, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-03-27

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(Continued from Page 1)
Emphasizing that Israel is
•here - to stay, that in spite of all
: obstacles his country has over-
come the major difficulties, Mr.
Eban said that 70 nations al-
ready have recognized Israel
and that "it has become pop-
ular to recognize Israel."
He spoke with satisfaction of
his tours of 39 states in behalf
of his country and he said that
he felt everywhere "the deep
impression of friendship for
Israel by Americans. The roots
of this friendship have very
great depth and rest primarily
on a sense of justice," he added.
Speaking of the world's rec-
ognition of the rights of Jews
to statehood, Mr. Eban said
that '"it would have been a dis-
grace to the world's conscience
if the United Nations, which has
liberated many peoples and so
many Arab states had not also
liberated that tiny notch—

He appealed again to the
Arab states to abandon strife
and to "join with us" in ad-
vancing the standards of the
Middle East.

Referring to Nasser's most re-
cent repeated threats to Israel,
Mr. Eban said that his latest
address was a "juvenile and sin-
ister speech—not an infrequent
combination." He pointed out
that Nasser already has been re-
sisted by Jordan, Lebanon, Tu-
nis, Sudan and Iraq, and he
expressed the belief that the
•Arab peoples "will awaken—in
a future to be shared with us
in peace."
Warning that "we must plan
for contingencies," such as the
emergency emigration move-
ments from Eastern Europe
into Israel, Mr. Eban asked
for continued co-operation from
American Jewish communities
and for a strengthened partner ,
ship between Israel and U.S.
Jewry. He described the eco-
nomic needs in the country,
and he spoke enthusiastically of
the friendships that have been
established between Israel and
Afro-Asian nations.
Isidore Sobeleff, executive
vice president of the Federa-
tion, delivered the concluding
address and announced that

Louis Cook, of the Free Press, Israel as a nation composed of
fits the Arab potentates."
grants and who are dedicated to
will be the speaker at today's "survivors of the most hideous
Mr. Eban described the pro- democratic ideals.
luncheon report meeting.
agony of human martyrdom," gress made by Israel in its
Ray Girardin, president of the
The Monday evening program Mr. Eban view e d Israel's co-operation with 20 Afro-Asian Press Club, introduced the Am-
opened with the reading of a achievements, "in her security, nations who are benefiting from bassador. The invocation was
portion from the Book of Esther in her culture that is charged Israeli experts in medicine, ag- given by Dr. Richard C. Hertz,
by Rabbi Leon Fram, in honor with the virtues of age and riculture, the sciences and the senior rabbi of Temple Beth El.
of Purim. Dr. Fram also gave youth, with her feet standing on arts, and he declared that the
the invocation. Emma Schaver ground hallowed by prophetic Middle East nations "are show-
sang the national anthems and traditions, and in the network ing a capacity to resist the dom-
was accompanied by Lillian of friendships within the frame- ination of Cairo." The only , GASOLINE • FUEL OIL
work of the United Nations."
unity, he said, is between Egypt
"Piercing the veil of the fu- and Syria and he called it
Eban Sees Peace
ture," he said that his coun- strictly an internal unity "like
try's greatest disappointment is that between our ancestor
Possible in Decade
the lack of progress towards Jonah and the whale—strictly
Addressing more than 300 peace," and he then proceeded internal."
people at a luncheon meeting to describe the "unjust hostil-
He concluded his address with
of the Detroit Press Club, Tues- ity" which can be seen in the an expression of gratitude for
day, at the Detroit Leland Ho- map that reveals the vast re- what American aid has meant
tel, Ambassador Abba Eban sources of the Arabs who pos- to Israel, for the United States-
expressed confidence that seri- sess 4,000,000 square miles of Israel friendship and co-opera-
ous efforts at affecting peace territory as compared with Is- tion. He called it a partnership
between Israel and the Arab rael's 8,000 square miles.
"between two similar peoples"
TO. 8-0001
states will be made during the
"Not in a thousand years have who have developed from immi-
-second decade of Israel's ex- the Arabs had such vast pos-
sessions," he stated. "It would
Declaring that the existing have been an indelible disgrace
hostilities have "no validity in to create all the Arab states
equity" and do no one any good, and not to carve out something
he stated that it is historically for Israel out of her small area.
and morally wrong to take the We do not begrudge the Arabs
rights of 10 Arab nations for their vast territories, but nei-
granted and at the same time ther do we apologize for our
ignore those of little Israel.
mere 8,000 square miles in a
"While we can not now see territory the size of New Jer-
any break in the clouds, I be- sey."
lieve that some time in the
Indicating the great gains
second decade of our statehood
made by the Arabs, he added,
we will come to an understand- as a pun, that "if it were not
ing with our neighbors," the
blasphemy I would exchange
Ambassador s a i d. "I prefer
all of the income from the
The World's Largest Buick Dealer
peace, but we will flourish in
United Jewish Appeal and the
any case."
Israel Bond sales for a single
11620 Jos. Campau
TW 1-2700
Referring to the address two year's oil income that bene
days earlier- in Damascus, by
Nasser, who said he had been
refused Iraq's aid in a move
to destroy I s r a e I, Mr. Eban
branded such utterances as
"juvenile and. sinister" and said
the Egyptian dictator's propos-
als are "reckless, irresponsible,
illegal." -
Insofar as international re-
sponsibilities are concerned, he
stated, "to strengthen . Israel
and to preserve the peace are
identical terms."






. . . think of earnings

He declared that Israel,
"this people of individuals,
will never put its faith in
the idolatrous concepts of to-

. . . think of convenience
and you'll save

Describing the emergence of

Welfare Fund Drive Under Way
in Windsor Jewish Community

Windsor Jewish Community
Council 1959 Welfare Fund
Campaign will be headed by J.
D. Geller and M. Sorffer, Coun-
cil vice-presidents.

as the day when the card bal-
ance will be covered.
The Women's Division will
get underway next week under
the chairmanship of Mrs. Wil-
The new chairmen announce liam Hurwitz.
that they have planned, an in-
tensive three-week campaign, House Homeless Foreigners
with workers already pledging In Anne Frank Center
MUNICH (JTA) — A settle-
a 55% increase over last year.
The goal for this year's drive ment for homeless foreigners
has been raised 50% to enable will be established near Co-
Windsor to bring 30 Romanian logne, and will be named after
Anne Frank, according to an
emigrants to Israel.
announcement made here today
The initial gifts meeting was at the Congress of the Union
held on Tuesday when Leo La- of Resistance Fighters for a
nia, noted foreign correspon- United Europe.
dent and writer, addressed a
The announcement was made
parlor meeting of the Windsor by a Belgian priest, Rev. Dom-
Jewish Community Center. A inique Piere, winner of a Nobel
community rally will be held peace prize. The priest said that
next Wednesday at the Center, ground will be broken May 31
with Jerusalem Post editor Saul for construction of the village
Super as guest speaker.
that will bear Anne Frank's
April 5 has been designated name.

An Urgent Passover Appeal to the
Jewish Community

Our Detroit Jewish Blind, Sick, Helpless, Unemployed and
Indigent on Relief depend upon the


Composed of volunteers to secure the funds necessary for the
basic necessities with which to observe the traditional• Passover


Current Rate

Savings Accounts Insured to

$10,000 by an Agency of U. S. Gov't


Main Office


3 Other Branches

We Need Your Help to Make
This Possible

Your Passover will be a happier one when you have
remembered the needy.
Mail your contribution to the president of the
Moies Chetim Organization:


2641 Woodstock Drive

Detroit 3, Michigan

This advertisement contributed by a friend of the Moles Chetim Organization

3-THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, March 27, 1959

Israel Status Secure, Eban Assures AJC

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