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April 04, 1958 - Image 31

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1958-04-04

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Plans for the Jewish Univer-
sity of America, the first educa-
tional institution of its kind
west of New York, were an-
nounced in Chicago in a joint
statement by Dr. Oscar Z. Fas-
man, president of the Hebrew
Theological College and the new
university, and Max Bressler,
chairman of the Hebrew Theo-
logical College building fund
"We now feel we have the
basis for a Jewish University to
fulfill the pressing need for an
institution that will not only
provide religious and rabbinical
training," Bressler said, "but
will afford students an oppor-
tunity to develop into well-
rounded and well - integrated
American Jews."
According to Rabbi Fasman,
the new university will be
housed in the campus now un-
der construction on a 16-acre
tract at Carpenter road and
Touhy avenue in Skokie, a sub-
urb of Chicago, with the first
building ready for occupancy
immediately a f ter Passover.
"The Hebrew Theological Col-
lege," he said, "will remain the
divinity school of the new uni-
versity, and will continue the
progress it has made in the last
36 years as the outstanding in-
stitution of its kind in the
United States."
Bressler outlined plans for
the new university which will
include not only a regular lib-
eral arts college but a Hebrew
liberal arts college which will
offer degrees in Hebrew Letters
and Literature. In addition, he
said, there will be the Rose
Cohen College for Women, a
graduate school in education, a
research school in Talmudic law,
a teachers' institute and pre-
paratory academy.

has just published an interest- housed and fed, "although the
ing "personal narrative," en- penalty for sheltering a Jew
titled "Home to Poland," in in those days was death."
which Christine Hotchkiss de-
Why the dislike of Jews by
scribes her journey to her Poles, she asks, when: "On
the ruins of the Warsaw ghetto
The personal interview she in Muranowska Street stands
conducted, her meeting with a powerful monument, cast in
Polish Pr emie r. Wladyslaw bronze, with sculptures in bas-
Gomulka, her colorful impres- relief describing the living hell
sions of the land she left be- suffered by Polish Jews. The
hind, not only make interest- Polish people have helped to
ing reading but will serve to erect the memorial."
enlighten the -:eader on the
Mrs. Hotchkiss concedes that
latest happenings in the land "the answer is discouraging,"
that wants to be known as and that "there has always been
acts like a Communist coun- anti-Semitism in Poland and
try "with a difference."
there probably always will be
There is a chapter in this I some," although not all share
book that has special interest stich feelings, although "War-
for those who are concerned saw could be a very sad place
over the fate of the handful without the Jews," as "theater-
of Jews in that land, which lovers used to observe wist-
had a Jewish population of fully." "But the sad truth is
3,500,000 before World War II. there, staring everybody in the
The author-traveler, who now face: the traditional, shamefully
is married to an American, profound anti-Semitism of the
relates about a meeting at the Poles remains deeply en-
Rarytas Restaurant in Warsaw trenched in spite of the drastic
with a couple that informed historical upheavals of the last
them they were preparing to 20 years."
The Jews would have been
leave Poland for Israel. The
man was Jewish, but not his wiped out completely had the
wife. They thought of them- Germans won the war, Mrs.
selves as Poles, neither spoke Hotchkiss observes in an explan-
Hebrew, they were not ortho- ation of the. affiliation by Jews
dox, but they wanted to leave with the Communists for pro-
"because of the children." The tection. Jews began to occupy
important offices in the Com-
husband explained:
munist regime, a Jew, Jakub
Their children have been Berman, became the head of
"unhappy ever since other the Secret Police and there
children started referring to were other administrative posts
them as 'Jewish,' meaning
held by Jews. "When the
different. Then—there is the `moment of truth' came in Oc-
economic situation here. I
tober, a wave of hitherto sup-
have a good job at the pressed anti-Semitism suddenly
moment. Suppose I lose it? bubbled up to the surface. It
It will be hard for me to came in spite of the fact that
get another one—just because many Jewish -intellectuals had
I am Jewish. So, after much been in the forefront of the
thinking and deliberation, we fight for liberalization." It was
finally decided to leave while proclaimed, this new American
Happy Passover to Our
we still can. We hope to start and former Pole reports, that
a new life there . . . Poland "the Russians are innocent, the
Friends and Customers
has always been my coun- Jews are responsible for the
try. I have never known any mistakes of the last 12 years."
other, but in the eyes of the
Thus, the old story—of the
Poles we are a minority—a
Jew being the scapegoat, for
Near Curtis
all ills—is repeating itself!
Next to Dexter-Davison Market
Gomulka, according to Mrs.
Mrs. Hotchkiss proceeds to
review the position of Polish Hotchkiss, stepped in to end
Jewry. She points out how the anti-Semitic slogans. Had Mrs.
Passover Greetings
built walls around War- Hotchkiss remained in Poland
Dependable Heating Nazis
saw's Jewish quarter and much longer, she would have
that even Gomulka is
& Sheet Metal Co. herded two and a half million learned
Jews to within • them, later unable to end Polish anti-
Modern Air Conditioning
burning the compound to the Semitism. It is not as she re-
Warm Air Furnaces Installed
ground. She maintains that "the ports that it is simply that "life
effect on the Poles was revul- in Poland is hard for Poles and
VE 6-1454
sion," that thousands were non-Poles alike"; - that the
exodus of Jews from Poland
"is spurred on by two factors:
one is the extreme sensitivity
of the average Polish Jew and
his frequent persecution com-
plex; the other is the power-
ful attraction of the prosperous,
well-organized State of Israel."
This is where she contradicts
See us for any of the following services:
herself, having stated in the
same chapter, earlier, that
• Prepare and extend Abstracts and Titles to
"there has always been anti-
Semitism in Poland and there
Lands in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb
will probably always be some."
But Jews are nevertheless
credited with being "sensi-
• Both owner's and Mortgagee's Policies
tive" and possessing a "per-
Anywhere in Michigan
secution comple x." What
There also is the exaggera-
411 Prepare Reports on Conditions of Taxes
tion of the "powerful attrac-
on Real Property Located in Wayne, Oak-
tion of the prosperous well-
land. and Macomb Counties
organized S t a t e of Israel."
Polish and other Jews struggle
plenty in Israel before they
• Act as Escrow Agents in All Matters In-
fit into the scheme of things
volving Real Estate Transactions
there. But there is the possi-
bility that there won't be much
anti-Semitism :eft in Poland,
Michigan's First Title Insurance Company
if Polish Jews have their way
and get out of the land where
there is no hope for even a
semblance of peace and se-
curity for them.
Detroit 26, Michigan
735 Griswold
Mrs. Hotchkiss quotes "a
Opposite Old City Hall
leading Jewish newspaperwo-
9 Branches to Serve You
man" as having said that she
will remain in Poland, that


Abstract and Title Guaranty Co.

Russia" and that "the center
of anti-Jewish propaganda in
Poland is the Soviet Embassy
in Russia." This may be so, but
that does not justify her con-
clusion that not all Jews feel
as do those who applied for
exit passports, that "there are
still about 20,000 left in Poland
who, in spite of everything,
have decided to remain in their
country." These 20,000 are, so

to gamble on Communist luck.
The others, like the couple she
met in the Rarytas Restaurant,
Marian and Renata, represent
those who prefer the freedom
of a Jewish environment where
they can be masters of their
own destiny. No amount of
apologizing can possibly clear
Poland of the guilt of anti-
—P. S.



Louis Rose Highland Park Co.

DeSoto-lolymouth Dealers

extends best wishes to the entire Jewish
Community for Happy Passover

Louis Rose Highland Park Co..

16430 Woodward

TO 8-3300

(1 Blk. S. of 6 Mile, Highland Park)

31-TH E DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Frid ay, April 4,

Chicago Theological A Report on Polish Anti-Semitism
College Inaugurates
Polish-American Woman's-Personal Account' on Persecution of Jewry
Jewish University
Farrar, Straus and Cudahy helped by Christians, were "anti-Semitism comes from it is believed, those who prefer




39 Stores and

43 National Super Markets



May We Extend

Our Best Wishes

o Our Many Friends

and Customers

at This

Joyous Holiday


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