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January 03, 1958 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1958-01-03

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A charter membership class
in the newly-combined Mizrachi-
Hapoel Hamizrachi Organization
will be inaugurated at the an-
nual dinner for Bar-Ilan Uni-
versity to be
held at Latin
Quarter next
Tuesday eve-
ning, it w a s
this week by
Abe Nusbaum,
chairman o f
the executive
committee of
the combined
The first Temchin
charter membership class
is being named in honor of
Daniel Temchin, a pioneer De-
troit Mizrachi leader, whose
activities in behalf of the reli-

Maj. M. Gurman
Gets City
taity tatation

Maj. Maxwell M. Gurman,
who is closing out his active
service with the U.S. Air Force,
has been honored with cita-
tions by the cities of Detroit
and Mt. Clemens far his "out-
standing work in the public re-
lations field" during the last
five years at Selfridge • Air
Force Base.
Testimonial proclamations
were given Maj. Gurman by
the Mayor and City Council
of Detroit and by Mayor Harry
Diehl of 'Mt. Clemens. Both re-
solutions credited Gurman with
being responsible in a major
degree for excellent civilian-
military relationships between
Selfridge personnel and resi-
dents of the area.
An honorary member of the
Lions Club, he also is affiliated._
with the Mt. Clemens Board of
Commerce, the executive board
of the USO, board of directors
of the Southeastern Michigan
Travel and Resort Association.
Prior to being called back to
service, Maj. Gurman was one
of Detroit's outstanding tennis
and squash players, winning
numerous titles. While at Self-
ridge, he was base champion
in both sports. He went to the
finals in the Air Force world-
wide tennis championships and
won the Air Force Great Lakes
squash championship. .
When he returns shortly to
civilian life, Maj. Gurman, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gur-
man, of 2950 Fullerton, expects
to open a public relations agen-
cy in Detroit.

gious Zionist movement began
more than 30 years ago.
Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka is
general membership chairman
of Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi.
The annual Bar:" an Univer-
sity dinner will feature as guest
speakers Rabbi Mordecai Kirsh-
blum, world Mizrachi leader
and a -member of the Jewish
Agency Executive; and Brig.
Gen. S. L. A. Marshall, chieik
editorial writer of the Detroit
News, whose reports on latest
developments in Israel current-
ly are appear-
ing in the
News. Three
Detroit music-
i a n s, Julius
Chajes, Mischa
and Paul Olef-
sky will -be
featured on
the program
with classical
and Israeli
Gen. Marsh- Gen. Marshall
all, who visited the Bar-Ilan
University during his study tour
of Israel last month, will report
on his findings in his address
on Tuesday.
Reservations for the dinner
still are available at the Miz-
rachi office here, 12238 Dexter,
TO 8-3128.

`Presidents sOenly'
Brunch Slated

Presidents Of many organiza:
tions will attend the brunch
and Institute "For Presidents
Only," at which the men and
women who are leaders of
their organizations will be
guests of the Jewish Commun-
ity Council, Sunday, 11:30 a.m.,
at the Beth Abraham Syna-
gogue, 8100 W. 7-Mile.
Leaders who will participate
include Samuel J. Rhodes,
Council president; Hy Safran
and Walter E. Klein, members
of the Council's Executive com-
mittee, and Dr. Samuel Krohn,
chairman of the internal rela-
tions committee.
The presidents will share
their ideas and problems and
will discuss ways in which the
Council can help strengthen
their organizations.
A committee under the co-
chairmanship of Mrs. R. Bene-
dict Glazer and Mrs. Aaron
Friedman is making final ar-
rangements for this gathering.
Presidents who have not yet--
received invitations to this
brunch are invited to contact
the Council office, 163 Madi-
son, WO 2-6710.

more than $100,000, have been
awarded to the Hadassah Medi-
cal, Organization in Israel and
the Hebrew University-Hadas-
sah Medical School through the
government of Israel, it was
announced by Mrs. Abraham
Tulin, national chairman of the
Hadassah Medical Organization
in the United States.
Hadassah, the women's Zion-
ist organization of America, has
pioneered in preventive and
curative medicine, medical re-
search and teaching in Pale-
stine and Israel since its incep-
tion in 1912.
The Ford Foundation grants
have been earmarked for:

tion of physiological and pathologi-
cal changes in the skin under
various climatic influences in sub-
tropical areas. Prof. Dostrovsky is
professor emeritus of dermatology
and venereology at the Hebrew
University, University - Hadassah
Medical School and Dr. Sagher is
associate professor of _dermatology
and venereology there;
4. Dr. Yehuda Matoth, chief
physician of the Pediatrics Depart-
ment of the Rothschild-Hadassah-
University Hospital, for a study of
folic and folinic acid metabolism in
infancy with special reference to
malnutrition and infantile diarr-
hea. Dr. Matoth is also an instruc-
tor in pediatrics at the Hebrew
University - Hadassah Medical
School; and
5. Prof. Joseph Gurevitch, head
of the Department of Clinical
Bacteriology and Serology of the
Rothschild - Hadassah - University
Hospital and professor of bacteri-

1. Prof. Moshe Rachmilewitz,
chief of the Department of Internal
Medicine of the Rothschild-Hadas-
sah-University Hospital and dean
of the Hebrew University-Hadassah
Medical School, both in Jerusalem,
for investigation of Vitamin B12
as a factor in anemia of pregnancy
in Israel;
2. Dr. Shlomo. Hestrin, associate
professor of biochemistry at the
Hebrew University-Hadassah Medi-
cal School, for a study of Prymne-
sium Parvum, its toxin and the
possibility of counteracting its toxic
3. Prof. Aryeh Dostrovsky and
Dr. Felix Sagher, former head and
head, respectively, of the Depart-

Practical Nurses



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The Shapero School of Nurs-
ing at Sinai Hospital will be
the scene of Practical Nurse
Education Day when schools
of practical nursing in the
Detroit and Tri-County area
gather today.
The program will be high-
lighted by an address on the
national practical nursing pic-
ture by Sister M. Rosalie, di-
rector of the South Dakota
School of Practical Nursing,
Pierre, S.D., and a board mem-
ber of the National Association
of Practical Nurse Education.
Following a luncheon at 12
noon, five groups will meet
separately to probe various
aspects of practical nursing.
The following will lead the
Dr. Mary Kelly Mullane, di-
rector, Cunningham Drug Co.
Foundation; Edna Freeman, in-
structor, Shapero School; Mrs.
Esther Sherrod, director, Mc-
Auley School of Practical
Nursing, Pontiac; Mary E.
Smith, practical nurse co-
ordinator, Harper Hospital; and
Mrs. Phyllis Townsend, Michi-
gan Board of Nursing.
Reservations for the day's
program may be made by
calling the Shapero School of
Practical Nursing, VE. 7-9567.


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Map Bond Drive
in Washington at
Parley Jan. 11-12

The program for the 1958
campaign for Israel Bonds will
be formulated at a National
Leadership Conference at the
Shoreham ,Hotel, Washington,
D.C., Saturday evening and
Sunday morning, Jan. 11 and
12, it was announced by Dr.
Joseph J. Schwartz, vice presi-
dent of the State • of Israel
Bond Organization.
The Washington conference,
which will be attended by 300
leaders in the men's and wom-
en's divisions of the Israel Bond
drive, will review the • results
of the 1957 campaign and blue-
print plans to increase Israel
Bond income for 1958 as a
tribute to the 10th anniversary
of Israel's independence.
A highlight of the conference
will be a dinner given by Am-
bassador and Mrs. Eban in trib-
ute to Women of Valor and
Trustees for 1957 on Saturday
evening. Women leaders are
designated as "Women of
Valor" through the- purchase or
sale of $100,000 in Bonds. Per-
sons who purchase $10,000. or
more in a year are given the
title of Trustees.

School, for investigation of hem-
orrhagic disorders in Oriental Jews.

NEW YORK (JTA)—Eighteen
national Jewish organizations
have taken the lead in arrang-
ing the first of what is ex-
pected to be a series of nation-
-wide pilgrimages to Israel dur-
ing the festival year 1958-
1959, it was made known by
the American Committee for
Israel's Tenth Anniversary
These include: The American
Association for Jewish Edu-
cation; the American Jewish
Congress; Bnai Brith; National
Council of Jewish Women; Ha-
dassah; Histadrut; Mizrachi Ha-
poel Hamizrachi; Mizrachi Wo-
men's Organization; Women's
American ORT; National Fed-
eration of Hebrew Teachers
and Principals; Pioneer Wo-
men; State of Israel Bonds;
Union of American Hebrew
Congregations; United Jewish
Appeal; United Synagogue of
America; Women's League for
Israel; Young Israel; Zionist
Organization of America.
The celebration will help to
guide local communities in the
establishment of-representative
groups, under whose auspices
appropriate observances of the
10th anniversary will take place
in 1958 in the period of April
to December.

5—TH E DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Frid ay, J anuary

Bar-Ilan Dinner Tuesday to Honor 'Ford Foundation Gives $100,000 to HMO in Israel
Ford Foundation grants ment of Dermatology and Venere- ology and serology at the Hebrew
Temchin with Membership Project for Five
of the Rothschild-Hadassah- University - Hadassah Medical
scientific. research, totalling ology
University Hospital, for investiga-


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