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October 07, 1955 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1955-10-07

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W ALL WASHING, good workmanship,
reasonable prices. VE 6-9832.

WALL WASHING, experienced. work
guaranteed. Radiant Wall Washing
Co. TO 8-2460.-

People Make News

Sue M. Schectman, Scranton,
Pa., was elected president of the
F OR BETTER wall washing call James Jewish Youth
Russell. One day service. TO 6-4005.
Conference, the
526 Belmont.
nation wide
youth b o dy
sponsored b
the National
New and Repair Special
Jewish Welfare
Board. Miss
Schectman, whc
UN 1-5075 was elected' at
DI 1-0568
the youth body's
$2.50 eighth annual
,ASH and Rubbish Drums
21 Gal. Galvanized Garbage Can $4.00 assembly at Cej-Miss Schectman
Heavy Wire Burning Baskets $2.50
Free Delivery—Matt Dean. Phone KE win Camps, Port Jervis, N. Y.,
3-4870—KE 1-1593.
succeeds Ruth Breitman, Bronx,
PAINTING—Exterior, Interior. Deco- N. Y.
* * *
rating, •wall washing. W. Williams,
7758 Prairie. TE 4-0195 TY 5-9103.
Two social workers returned
BRICK, Plaster, Cement Pointing. All to. their overseas assignments—
repairs. Chimney, porches, steps. UN
one in Iran, the other in France—
to help overseas Jewish com-
L SCHWARTZ & CO. All types of car- munities on the road to dignity
penters work. TY 7-7758 or UN 2-6329.
and self-support. Mrs. DOROTHY

A-1 PAINTING. decorating. Reasonable
prices. Free estimates. VI 2-8997.
BR 3-6271.

PAINTER AND Decorator. White. Re-
moving paper, sanding and finishing
'floors. TY 8-3698.

EXPERT painting and wall washing.
References. TY 7-2501.

tractor. TY 7-0441.

FURNITURE repaired and refinished.
Free estimates. WE 3-2110.

WE SPECIALIZE in repairing all
leather garments and zippers. Call
TO. 7-6487.

tractors, free estimates. J. B. Dres-
ser. TO. • 8-6047.



= Conveniently located, newly decorated.
with fine kitchen facilities. ideal for
weddings, parties, dances, and ban-
quets, some week-days opened for
yearly rentals to responsible organiza-
tions. Also private rooms suitable for
offices. 13722 Linwood, 2 blocks north
of Davison. TO. 8-9045.


Beautiful Office Suite

Walnut, glass covered table and
executive desk, swivel chair and 5
arm chairs, genuine leather cover-
ing, also oak secretarial desk and
chair, good condition, reasonable.
Will -sell separately. UN 1-1234.



For a 2nd Car?

Private owner wants to sell
1953 Pontiac Chieftain deluxe
with everything except power
. features. Four-door, two-tone
green, white sidewall tires. Un-
der 28,000 miles. Call TE.


AJ Committee Urges U.S.
Back African Immigration

The United States Government
was strongly urged by the Ain-
-erican--- Jewish Committee • to
recommend financial assistance
from the Intergovernmental Corn-
Mittee of European Migration for
moving Jewish migrants from
areas of North Africa, particu-
larly French Morocco. The Coun-
cil of the international agency
meets in Geneva, Oct. 17-21.
In a message to Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles, Irving
M. Engel, AJC president, said
his organization approved the
recommendation of financial as-
sistance made by the House Im-
" migration Subcommittee, of which
Rep. Francis E. Walter (D., Pa.),
is chairman. Rep. Walter, who is
in Israel at the Israeli govern-
ment's invitation, will attend
the Geneva meeting.

New York Judge Predicts
Heavy African Immigration

NEW YORK (JTA) — Predict-
big that the current inflow of
Jews.from tense North Africa to
Israel will continue at a heavy
rate for several years, Judge
Anna Kross, New York City
Commissioner of Correction, said
upon her return from Israel that
American Jewry must help Is-
rael back these- new immigrants
through increased contributions
to the United Jewish Appeal.

Friday, October 7, 1955

U.S. to Continue Its
Surplus Food Study

Secretary of Agriculture Ezra
Taft Benson declared last Sunday
that the United States Govern-
ment will continue to study ways
and means by which farm sur-
pluses can be brought in increas-
ing measure to the peoples of the
world. He added that the present
distribution of such surpluses
has helped to stimulate the _hope
for peace, voicing his belief that
"world peace is now closer than
it has been for a generation."
However, he coupled his op-
timism with a warning that "good
harvests may some time do us
more harm than poor ones; if,
in time of plenty, we forget to
share" and "if we cease to be
vigilant and strong."
Secretary Benson was a speak-
er on the launching of a new
series of radio programs, en-
titled "The Bible In Action,"
which is being broadcast over
station WNEW, New- York, with
the cc-operation of the American
Zionist Council. Others on the
opening program which was dedi-
cated .to the Succothdlarvest Fes-
tival were Mr. Abba Eban, Israel
Ambassador to the United States
and head of Israel's delegation
to the United Nations; Rabbi Ir-
ving Miller, Chairman of the
American Zionist Council and
noted spiritual leader, who will
act as moderator on all the pro-
grams in tl< weekly series; and
Raymond Massey, who delivered
a BibliCal reading appropriate to
the Harvest Festival of Succoth
which is now being observed by
Jews throughout the world.

BEERS is en route to a new post
in Iran after a year and a half
in Morocco. Miss SHIRLEY
HELLENBRAND will resume her
work in Paris with half a dozen
French Jewish social service
* * *
Prof. RENE CASSIN, chairman
of the Human Rights Commission
of the United Nations and pre-
siding officer of France's highest
administrative court, and the in-
ternationally famous painter,
MARC CHAGALL, are among 27
prominent leaders from Europe
and North Africa who are serv-
ing on the international spon-
soring committee for the dedica-
tion, on Oct. 23, of the Albert
Einstein College of Medicine of
Yeshiva University, it was an-
nounced by Nathaniel L. Gold-
stein, former Attorney-General
of New York State and chairman
of the board of overseers of the

MICOL FONTANA, clothes de-
signer from Rome, Italy, will
HALL series at 11 a. m., Wednes-
day, in Fisher Theater. She will
show a number of her original
creations, and speak on. "What
Is Fashion." Miss Fontana de-
signs wardrobes for European
aristocracy and for many Holly-
wood movie stars. Only recently,
she presented a fashion show for
Queen Elizabeth of England.
Season memberships are avail-
able by calling WO. 3-5617. In-
dividual tickets are sold at Grin-

Jewish Congress Protests
Shelving of Senate Talks

NEW • YORK, (JTA) — The
American Jewish Congress ex-
pressed its "dismay" at the "last7
minute decision" of the Senate
Subcommittee on Constitutional
Rights to postpone indefinitely
hearings on the presenttate of
religious freedom in America
that were scheduled to open in
Washiwton:this week. - •-•
Sen. Thomas C. Hennings,
chairman of the subcommittee,
explained that the postponement
had been ordered to give mem-
bers time in which to analyze
the answers to questionnaires
distributed to religious groups.
The subcommittee promised to
advise prospective witnesses of
a new hearing date.
In a telegram to Sen. Hennings,
Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of
the American Jewish Congress,
asserted that "the announced
postponement of this hearing
serves to confirm our informa-
O'Donnell Madsen Realty tion that your committee has
been subjected to pressure by
Fetes Ninth Anniversary
sectarian groups to cancel or in-
O'Donnel - Madsen Company, definitely postpone the hearings
real estate dealers located at on freedom of religion.
18310 Livernois, last week cele-
brated its ninth anniversary with Jerusalem
Mayor Speaks
a dinner party for the entire staff
at Western Golf and Country At Municipal Parley
ROME (JTA)—Municipal ad-
At the dinner, it was an- ministrators in Israel have the
nounced that the firm had sales twofold task of building a mod-
in excess of $3,000,000 through ern civilization on old founda-
September for 1955. In the first tions and laying the foundations
20 days of September alone, a for a new society, according to
total of $300,000 was recorded.
Gershon Agron, newly elected
O'Donnel-Madsen specializes in mayor of Jerusalem. Agron made
improved property in the North- the statement to a conference of
west section of- Detroit, and in mayors from all over the world
improved 'and vacant property in meeting here.
the suburban Detroit areas.
Agron addressed the closing
session of the mayors' confer-
Israel Government Doctors
ence on behalf of the Israel
mayors attending the parley,
Win Increase*in Salary
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Pro- whose delegation was headed by
tracted negotiations between the Mayor Chaim Levanon of Tel
Israel government and the phy- Aviv. Agron, whbse speech pre-
sicians it employs, which had in- ceded the closing address of the
volved slowdowns and even Mayor of Rome, was introduced
strikes by the physicians, ended by the chairman, who bracketed
here with the signing of an Rome and Jerusalem as the eter-
agreement by Minister of Com- nal cities.
munications Z a 1 m an Aranne,
representing the government, and Argentina Prints Spanish
Dr. I. Avigdor, of the medical Translation of Rambam Works
Under the new agreement, phy- complete Spanish-language edi-
sicians employed by the govern- tion of Moses Maimonides' "Guide
ment will receive higher salaries, for the Perplexed" has been pub-
according to a schedule fixed lished here in three-volumes. The
previously by a Knesset com- translation, which was completed
mittee. The physicians imme- over a three-year period by Dr.
diately returned to their normal Leon Dujovne, also carries an in-
troduction and notes by the
work schedule.
translator. The Maimonides work
The first war correspondent is published by S. Sigal, as a
was George W. Kendall of the special effort to commemorate
New Orleans Picayune who cov- Maimonides Year—the 750th an-
niversary of his death.
ered the Mexican War.

Sahara, Kosher Ranch

o Open Nov. 1




is a view of The Sahara, the first ranch to be set up

in Arizona with kosher kitchens for the preparation of meat
and 'dairy meals in accordance with Jewish dietary laws. Meyer
Cohen is the managing director of the ranch which will open
for the winter season on Nov. L David I. Berris, Detroit communal
leader, is a co-sponsor of this pioneering venture.

British Deputies Report
Decline of Anti-Semitism

LONDON(JTA)—The past year
has been one of "comparative
calm" in the sphere of anti-
Semitism and Fascism in Britain,
the annual report of the Board
of Deputies of British Jews states.
The- Board says that Sir Os-
wald Mosley's Union Movement
has failed to stage a comeback
and the open-air meetings of the
Fascists have been poorly at-
tended. The Board insists that
the chief reason for this poor at-
tendance is the fact that Jews
have generally accepted its advice
to stay away from the rallies and
not to furnish the Fascists with
At the same time, the report
notes that the Board has protest-
ed to the London County Coun-
cil against its granting the Union
Movement and similar groups
the use of the schools for meet-
ings for'"the propagation of doc-
trines which aim at overthrow-
ing democracy."
The report says that there still
exist—though with a very limit-
ed Arculation and quite unknown
to the majority of the English
people—"several publications of
a viciously anti-Semitic charac-
ter" which base their policy on
anti-Communism, anti-American-
ism and on the "hoary fiction
that the Jew is the power behind
all of the world's trouble." •
It calls on the Jewish commu-
nity to remain on its guard be-
cause the very fact that financing
can still be found for. such pub-
lications is "lamentable evidence
of ingrained racial hatred."
The report also reveals that the
Board's--education committee con-
ferred with a publisher of a
schoolgirl's book which contained
derogatory passages about Jews.
The publisher agreed to halt fur-
ther sales of the book, to accept
for return a large order shipped
to one of the best known lending
libraries in Britain and to rewrite
the offending passages for future

Jewish Backing of Nationalists
Greeted by Moroccan Leader
TUNIS (JTA)—High praise for
the support given by Tunisian
Jews to the Tunisian nationalist
movement was sounded by Habib
Bourguiba, leader of t h e Neo-
Destour (nationalist) party in an
address to a meeting at Sfax.
He singled out Andre Barouch,
director of the newspaper, "Petit
Matin," whose activities, Bour-
guiba said, had consolidated
Jewish-Moslem solidarity.
"In this country," the national-
ist leader said, "Jews are Tuni-
sians in exactly the same way
as Moslems are."

Mizrachi Conclave Nov. 2-6)
The 35th annual convention of
Mizrachi Organization of Amer-
ica will be held in Atlantic City,
Nov. 2-6.
William B. Manischewitz has
been designated as convention
chairman. He is the son of the
late Rabbi Hersh Manischewitz,
founder of the B. Manischewitz
& Co. and one of the pioneers of
the Mizrachi movement in Amer-
ica. Mr. Manischewitz is chair-
man of the Association of Life
Members of the Mizrachi.

Beth Shalom Schedules
Weekend Holiday Rites

Cong Beth Shalom will hold
Shemini Atzeret services at 9
a. m. Saturday, in the Oak Park
High School, Oak Park Blvd.
and Coolidge. Rabbi Mordecai S.
Halpern will officiate and con-
duct the Yizkor service.
Evening 'services for Simhat
Torah at 6:30 p. m., Saturday,
and 9 p. m., services today also
will be held in the high §ichool.
Children's services on Simhat
Torah will take place• at 9 a. m.,
Sunday, at Clinton School, 9
Mile, three blocks west of Coo-
lidge. There will be no Sunday
School that day.


Oak-Woods BB Chapter
To Hold Hat, Hair Show

Oak-Woods Chapter of Bnai
Brith will meet at 8:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, in Young *Israel Center,
Coolidge at . Allen Rds., Oak
Park. Nora Slade, member of the
Detroit Hairdressers Association,
will narrate a hair and hat
fashion show.
Chapter members will serve
as models for the show„ during
which the latest hair styles and
fall hats will be shown. Miss
Slade will style the hair of one
of the women present.
Mrs. Stanley Barr, member-
ship chairman, invites all women
in the Oak Park - Huntington
Woods area to attend.

Sen. Langer Seeks 'Justice'
In Morton Sobell Case

Sen. William Langer (R., N.D.),
speaking before 1,8.00 people at
New York's Carnegie Hall
pledged "as a member of the
Senate Judiciary Committee to
do everything I can to see that
Morton Sobell gets justice."
Sobell, currently serving a 30-
year term at Alcatraz prison on
a charge of "conspiracy to com-
mit espionage" was committed
in the Ethel and Julius Rosen-
berg trial.
The meeting was sponsored by
the Committee to Secure Justice
for Morton Sobell, which is cur-
rently working to win him a
new trial.

Beth Shalom Sisterhood
To Hear Rabbi M. S. Halpern

The Sisterhood of Cong. Beth
Shalom will meet at 8:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, in the Northland
Center auditorium.
The program will feature an
address by Rabbi Mordecai S.
Halpern on "The Role of the
Jewish Woman in the Home." A
hair-styling presentation by a
local beauty salon also will be

Gen. Fremont's Artist Paints
Picture of West That Lives
Solomon Nunes Carvalho was
the official artist of the fifth ex-
pedition of John Charles Fre-
mont in 1854. Crossing the Rock-
ies to plot a route for future
railroads to the West, Carvalho
later wrote a book, "Travel and-
Adventure in the Far West," re-
printed this year by the Jewish
Publication Society. "

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