Miss Landys Betrothal To Bernard Aran Told MISS TERRY ANN LANDY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Landy, of 20151 Ardmore, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Terry Ann, to Bernard Aran, son of--Mr. and Mrs. Jules Aran, of 13211 Dartmouth, Oak Park. The bride-elect attended the University of Florida where she was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Her fiance attends the University of Detroit, and is a past master counsellor of Mosaic Chapter, DeMolay. Philips Heads Board N. Philips, prominent Johan- nesburg attorney and communal worker, has been elected chair- man of the South African Jewish Board of Depute's. Mr. Philips, who served as vice-chairman of the Board for the past two years, succeeds E. Horowitz, who was named a vice-president of the organization. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 Is JEWISH NATIONAL FUN D BLUE and WHITE BOX. DAY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 Is JNF BLUE and WHITE BOX CLEARANCE DAY _ . A cordial welcome to the Volunteer Solicitor and a Full Box will guarantee Israel's continued land reclamation ef- fort. (If YOUR box is not cleared please call the JNF office and arrangements will be made for its clearance.) The JNF Blue and White Box is a symbol of honor in your home. - The JNF Blue and White Box is your daily link with Israel. * If YOUR home is without one, - ask for one by calling the JNF office, TO 8-7384. * JEWISH NATIONAL FUND OF DETROIT 11345 Linwood JWV Activities Lt. ROY F. GREEN AUXILI- ARY will greet prospective mem- bers at a crepe paper cut-up party, - to be held at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Memorial Home. Mrs. Sam Spolan, JWVA presi- dent, will welcome new mem- bers, and Mrs. Bernard Elson, a past president, will speak on the organization's goals. Arl'ange- ments are handled by Mrs. Harry Harrison, junior vice-president, who is assisted by Mesdames Harry Left, M. Richman, Nathan Feld, William Breshgold, Ed- ward Slotnick and Harvey Glass- man. Prizes will be awarded. For reservations, call Mrs. Harrison,. UN. 2-0346, or Mrs. Harold Weiss, president, UN. 4-8736. Mesdames Harry Left, Harold Weiss, Ed- ward Slotnick and Heiman Har- rison recently entertained pa- tients at Children's Hospital. * * * ROBERT J. RAFELSON POST is planning a hayride at 8 p.m., Sunday, at Lone Pine Ranch. Reservations may be made with Jack Iden, LI. 1-2544. * * * Lt. JACK WINOKUR 'AUX- ILIARY will hold its fall mem- bership tea at 8:30 p.m., Wednes- day, in the Memorial Home. Prospective members are in- vited. For reservations, call Florence Steinman, TO. 5-3369, or Edith Osterzein, TY. 7-0878. * * * BLOCH - ROSE AUXILIARY has scheduled its annual mem- bership guest-together for 8:30 p.m., Monday, in the Memorial Home. Fun, food and entertain- ment are planned. Wives, sisters and daughters of Jewish veterans are eligible to attend. For reser- vations, call Sylvia Brown, KE. 4-2368. * * * CHARLES & AARON KOGAN AUXILIARY will meet at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, in the Memorial Home. * * * SHOLOM POST and AUXI- LIARY will meet at 8:45 p.m., Oct. 18, in the Memorial Home: A social hour will follow. Auxi- liary members will offer their annual membership tea at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, in the home of Mrs. Inge Kramer, 18104 Park side. For information, call Mrs. Helen Jacobs, UN. 4-1777. * *•* Lt. ELI LEVIN AUXILIARY has scheduled a membership tea for 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Memorial Home. Frieda Shiffman, hospital chairman, and her com- mittee are currently making plans for a visit to Ann Arbor Veterans Hospital on Nov. 20. The next meeting is planned for Oct. 25. Habonim Schedules Oct. 30 Conference Miss Posen Betrothed To Sheldon Schwartz Mesdames Samuel Eisenberg and Jack Marsh, vice-presidents; Ben H. Meckler, Max Freeman Musicale to Open SZ Sisterhood Season The Sisterhood of Cong. Shaarey Zedek will open the 1955-56 season with a luncheon meeting at 12:30 p.m., Monday, in the synagogue social hall. MISS GERALDINE POSEN Mr. and Mrs. Albert Posen, of Parkside Ave., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Geraldine Elaine, to Sheldon Al- bert Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Schwartz, of Detroit and Hollywood, Fla. Both young people formerly at- tended Wayne University, and are new erolled in Wayne Uni- versity's liberal arts college. A spring wedding is planned. Mayor Sets October As JWVA Month Michigan's 15 Jewish War Vet- erans Auxiliaries are formulating final plans for a series of indi- vidual "guest-together"member- ship events, following a procla- mation by Mayor Cobo calling 0 ctob e r JWVA Membership Month. Chairmen of membership for the auxiliaries are Frieda Waxer, 33; Gloria Flanders, 510; Selma Cohen, 418; Toby 'Broder, 431; Helen Jacobs, 537; Tillie Gold- man, 530; Rose Harrison, 529; Flo Barnett, 474; Pauline Gut- frient, 135; Libby Fogelman, 190; Reva •Snider, 230; Harriet Res- ler, 268; Sylvia Brown, 420; and Sandy Samuels, 513 . . Mothers, wives, sisters or daughters of Jewish war • vet- erans are eligible to join JWVA. For information, call Mrs. Mor- ton Oppenheim, LI. 5-3361. Mrs. Harold Koenigsberg, pro- gram chairman,;; has arranged a musical pro- gram, at which Zinovi Bistrit- zky, prominent Detroit violinist a n d assistant concertmaster with the Detroit Symphony Or- c h estr a, will play several se- lections. Bistritzky will be accompanied by Rebecca Frohman, pian- Bistritzky ist, who a 1 s o will play several solo numbers. Friday, October 7, 1955 f COUNTRY CLUB ATMOSPHERE. and Milton Wolfe, secretaries; and Max Reich, treaurer. Board members include Mesdames Nor- man Allan, Julius Chajes, Oscar Kahan, Mischa Mischkoff, Arthur Purdy and Solomon Spector. Committee chairmen for the year are Mesdames Joseph Mar- kel, program; Ralph Polsky, membership; Jerome Stasson, auditions; Ned Smokier, printing; Ralph Shetzer philanthropic; Os- car Kahan, hospitality; Jack Marsh, publicity; Henry Wein- berg, budget. Others are Mesdames Solomon Spector, telephone; Ira Kaufman, Gladys Luloff Fund; Jack Sauls, Sylvia Simons Fund; Jerome Blum, Dora and Julius Green. Fund; Harry Cohen, League dele- gate; Mark Howard, Community Council delegate; J. S. Linden, dramatic group; and Victor Bi- zer, choral group. Members interested in audi- tioning for either of the latter two groups may contact their chairmen. Mrs. Baer Keidan, Sisterhood president, announces that reser- vations may be made with Mrs. Irving Miller, UN. 4-7431. 41 Years of SERVICE, New Insurance Practices Studied by Detroiters Phone for Estimate Detroiters Michael Greene and Milton M. Rubin have returned from New York City where they participated in a two - week training course on advanced life underwriting techniques a n d practices, sponsored by t h e Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. The two men had recently been appointed to newly - established positions of i n s u r an c e con- sultants. THE BEST COSTS NO MORE' Leader Carpet Cleaning Co. Plant and Office: 8700 UNWOOD TY 5-8400 Archie! Harwith Cordially Invites All His Friends 1 0—DETRO IT JEWISH N EWS To See and Drive The New I 1956 at the NEW hotel with the DIFFERENT difference DODGE at TAYLOR'S INC. Dodge-Plymouth Sales & Service 19711 LIVERNOIS AVENUE . Midway bet. 7 and 8 Mile Rds. STUART L MOORE Vice Pres & Gen Mgr WRITE FOR COLOR BROCHURE FREE PRIZES SIX ACRES ON THE OCEAN AT 98th ST., MIAMI BEACH v The Detroit Habonim Confer- ence date has been changed to 10:30 a. m. on Sunday, Oct. 30, at the Zionist House, announces Geli Gelfond, regional organ- izer. The brunch-conference will be attended by five delegates from the LOA, Farband and Pioneer Women branches. Anyone inter- ested in local Habonim work is invited to attend. The '4th Workshop, future Ha- bonim plans and a camp report will be discussed. Election for the Chai Commison will take place and a question and answer period will be held to answer any inquiries. Delegates and those planning to attend are asked to notify the Habonim office in advance. 4 1 4 (7 ,141D ; , , , ,,a 4• BANK BY MAIL '::." SAVE BY MAIL . : 29 . Now—bank the modern way .. . City Bank's convenient Bank- by-Mail Service saves time, saves money . . . You even get postage-paid envelopes for mailing your deposits. Ask for our new Electronic Checking Account Kit. Beth Aaron Men's Club To Hold "Cabaret Night" Final plans have been com- pleted for the gala "Cabaret Night," sponsored by the Men's Club of Cong. Beth Aaron, to be held Sunday. Designed as the "kick-off" function of the year, it will mark the beginning of Men's Club activities. Featured will be comedian Lou Shore, dancing, refreshments and Prizes. The program will be held in the newly furnished and decor- ated social hall of . the Beth Aaron Synagogue at 18000 Wyom- ing. Members, friends, guests and the general public are in- vited to attend. Mrs. jaCkson to Head Musk Study Club Mrs. Sidney H. Jackson has been elected as president of the Music Study Club of Detroit. She will be assisted during the com- ing year by the following officers: - You'll find it easier to save systematically when you bank by mail at . - City Bank—and your I 1.- *-1 • savings earn more at City Bank where interest is calculated on a quarterly I basis . . . Ask for our new Savings • \ ,,,, ,i , iii,; Account Kit. ' CiTy ' i id BANK MAIN OFFICE—PENOBSCOT BUILDING, GRISWOLD AT FORT BRANCH OFFICES IN DETROIT, HAZEL PARK AND OAK PARK MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM • MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CITY BANK brings you the 6 o'clock news by CHARLES LEWIS Monday through Friday—Station WWI -6:00 to 6:15 p.m.