Ambassador Eban Clarifies Israel's Position Before the Near East U. of M. Institute A situation within the Sum- mer Institute on the Near East, at the University of Michigan, where it has been held. that "as far as Palestine was concerned, history had stopped with the destruction of the Second Tem- ple," is believed to have changed with the invitation extended to Israel's Ambassador Abba Eban to deliver an address before the Institute on July 20. Hitherto, almost invariably, Arab and subtly pro-Arab lec- turers constituted t h e main corps of speakers addressing this, one of the largest institutes on Near- East of any of the uni- versities in America, at Ann On June 29, Prof. George G. Cameron, head of the Depart- ment of Near East at the Uni- versity of Michigan, invited Ambassador Eban to a lecture on !'Near East, Past and. Fu- ture." This biought about the radical change at the Institute. The Ambassador was greeted at the Willow Run Airport by grofessors Cameron and Paper, of the Near- East Department, and a delegation representing the Ann Arbor and Detroit Jew- ish communities; including Osa- ias Zwerdling, president of Ann Arbor Beth Israel Center and honorary. president of the U. of M. Hillel Foundation; Dr. Her- man Jacobs, Hillel director; Rabbi Julius Weinberg, of the Beth Israel Synagogue and Cen- ter; r Meyer Silverman and B. M. Joffe, representing the Jewish Community Council of Detroit. Why No Israel-Arab Direct Negotiations? At a press conference the Am- bassador answered questions pro- pounded by some 30 interview- ers. -- Mr. kban noted that during the last . two or three years, there were„,:successful reconcilia- tions of several • international disputes; including the dispute between Great -Britain and Iran with regard to oil, between Yugoslavia and Italy with re- gard to Trieste; the Korean dis- pute, the partial solution of the Indo-China problem in Geneva, andv the settlement of the inde- pendence of Austria, in Vienna. He underlined that all of these WE DELIVER YOUR AIRLINE TICKETS TO YOU NO EXTRA FEES NO SERVICE CHARGE AND MAKE ALL RESERVATIONS FOR AIRLINES & HOTELS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CALL JULES DONESON TO 8-6896, UN 4-2586 FOR YOUR RESERVATION TO WASHINGTON CHICAGO NEW YORK MIAMI BOSTON PHILADELPHIA TUCSON LOS ANGELES HOUSTON AND ALL RESORTS • Commercial Accounts Invited Fly now •. . . Pay later MAIN OFFICE: disputes were the result of di- rect negotiations, "on the sum- mit, on the slopes, or in the valleys." Arab-Israel differences are the only ones that have not reached the state of negotiations, said Mr. Eban. "Anybody who refuses to submit •to direct negotiations, swims against the tide of con- temporary trends towards the settlement of disputes by ne- gotiations, and Israel is ready - and anxious to partake in such negotiations, but not the Arab States," he stated. _ Lefton Named Chairman Jack 0. Lefton, prominent in the communal life of Detroit, has been named Michigan State Chairman of the 1955 United Jew- ish Appeal to marshal maximum support in behalf of its freedom- strengthening and humanitarian programs. In accepting the of the Michigar State drive, Mr Lefton called foi "an extra effort this. year to help Israel's p e o p 1 E. continue the building of their democratic free- doms and to pro- vide life-givin and life-renew- ing services for close to 500,000 ,:. men, women and children while there is still J. 0. Lefton time." Mr. Lefton cited three main campaign objectives for which he said "the greatest possible amount ,.New Hadassah Bldg. Open.§. - WA for.Michigan must be raised without delay.. He listed them as: 1. The earliest possible move- ment to Israel of at least 30,000 of the more than 80,000 Jews in ten- sion-ridden Moslem countries who have applied for such help and their prompt settlement on farms under a special ship-to- settleMent plan. 2. Helping the democratic- minded people of Israel to strenghten their economy and to maintain their country as a haven for the homeless and oppressed. 3. Maintaining a great network of urgent welfare and rehabilita- tion services in Israel, Europe, Moslem lands and the United States. NEW YORK (JTA)—Members of the national board of Hadas- sah, coming from all parts of the world, attended their first meet- ing in the new Hadassah build-.. •ing here, after 'a religious cere- mony conducted by Rabbi David de Sola Pool. For the Best Buy On a New Pontiac Anytime . . . Anywhere SEE SAUL B ERCH - Belgian King Honors Dutch Jewish Leader THE HAGUE, (JTA) — King The Ambassador stated that "international statesmanship Badauin of Belgium has honored Dr. E. H. van den Beugel, a Dutch could be more dynamic in Jew., The Belgian King bestowed bringing the Arab States and Is- the Order of Leopold II, officer, rael for negotiations." on . Dr. van den Beugel, who is The Ambassador said that "Is- director general of the Nether- rael is not in a state of war, At PACKER PONTIAC while Egypt declares. herself to audience of over 600 students of lands economic and military aid UN,. 3-9300 18650 Livernois be in a state of unilateral bel- the Near East, was premised on program. ligerency, a most anomalous sit- the assumption that "education uation in the international af- has the responsibility to help to fairs."' He pointed out that the solve problems created by edu- most dangerous manifestations cation, particularly by the sci- of his "unilateral billigerency," ence of nuclear physics." is translated in terms of mari- He said that "Israel time blockade conducted by is not a new Esperanto nation Egypt, and demonstrated more wrting its history on a clean recently by the shelling of a slate. It is . a continuity from Mr. Banks, blindfold checker champion, will play all British Merchant Marine vessel. the narrative of 4,000 years." He Mr. Eban looks upon the drew a line from the bases of challengers at the Clover Lodge Television Lounge on Sun- Middle East as "the continua- Judaistic culture resting on the day, July 31, at 9 p.m. All chess and checker enthusiasts tion of history." Pride in the precepts of individual morality, invited. ancient glory of Islam is the . social justice (Thou shalt love Lodge Dining Room is operating at top efficiency with unifying element for the Arab thy neighbor as thyself) and the Mel, Clover formerly of Palombos, of the Saxony Hotel in Miami Beach, world. The 3,000 years of Is- universal peace. Inasmuch as The Wonder Bar, Ye Olde Wayne Club and the Sheraton Cadillac rael's history is similarly a this is-the moral inheritance of of Detroit, now working as head waiter. major element in the re-estab- Israel, the genealogy of the peo- lishMent of the present-day ple assumes a place of lesser Israel. Apropos of his lecture importance, said Mr s_ Eban. He he said that "the process of • called upon the Arab world to examining history, languages follow the dictum of the ancient and traditions is not some- Arab scholars who invited their thing for an ivory tower, but people "to take pride in our bears directly on . the solution glory," and this could be "the of the -present-day problems passport to a spiritual citizen- of the Middle East." ship, for the present-day Arabs." "There is no divine law of `Asset to the Future' conflict between the Arabs and 1VIr. Eban concluded by stat- Isra 1," said Mr. Eban, adding ing that the Middle Eastern past that "Israel is either a, bridge is the greatest asset to the fu- or a wedge, depending on how ture of the Middle East which she is treated." At the moment can be the society of three ma- SUPERB AMER.-JEWISH CUISINE Arabs think of her as a wedge, jor civilizations: Moslem, He- • HAY - FEVER RELIEF but it is and should be a bridge- brew and Christian, the last of FROM . SAFE SANDY BEACH between the Occident and the which depends on the success $ ; ; p eArmwekr • CHILDREN'S COUNSELOR Orient, and a keystone to the of Lebanon, rather than an area • PLANNED ACTIVITIES Plan . Middle Eastern unity, Mr. Eban• of controversy which it is, now CHILDREN Y2 RATE • ORCHESTRA concluded. because of the intransigeance of In answer to another ques- the • present-day Arab leadership tion, Ambassador Eban stated FOR RESERVATIONS which is devoted to "permissive that "democracy as we know it, exploitation rather than social SUTTONTLY 1-3240 has not yet taken root in the solidarity." Detroit °Mee: Mrs. J. M. Dream Middle East. At the end of this The lecture also was attended 19530 Stratford Rd., Det. 21, UN 3-1113 month Israelis. will go to the by a delegation from the Detroit NEWELL BANKS polls and elect a government. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL Jewish- community led by Irving Clover Lodge's superb meals But this democratic process is W. Schlussel, chairman of the are better than ever this year, Mrs. Henry Pullberg an oasis in the Middle East sur- Zionist' Council; Sidney M. .featuring such gourmet foods as rounded as it is by the social 7-5171 Shevitz, past president' of Com- and political desert where mon- munity Council, . and campers Steaks, Prime Ribs, Duck, Tur- key, and Chicken cooked to per- archies and dictatorships flower." fection. • (Adv.) from Farband. Camp. Clover Lodge Sponsors Simultaneous Chess and Blindfold Checker •Match With Newell W. Banks CLOVER LODGE Honored at Luncheon At the University luncheon tendered Ambassador Eban, Dr. Jacobs presided in the absence of Prof. William Haber and be- cause of the sickness of the emi- nent Syrologist, Prof. Reuben Kahn. The invocation was de- livered by the President of the Ann Arbor Council of Churches, Dr. Merrill R. Abbey, and the benediction was delivered by Rabbi Weinberg. The guest of honor 1,Kas greeted by Dean Walters of Graduate Schools and , Lt. Governor Philip A. Hart. Dean Walters expressed the hope that the entrance of scholars like Prime Minister U Nu of Burma and Ambassador Eban, both of whom were in- vited to address the University of Michigan, bodes well to the improvement of world affairs. - Mr. Zwerdling, in behalf of the Michigan Jewish commun- ity, introduced the Ambassador for off-the-record remarks fol- lowing • the luncheon. Present were U. of M. faculty members, the ministers of Ann Arbor churches, the press, representa- tives of the State government, Samuel J. Rhodes, president of the Jewish Cornmuity Council of Detroit, Dr. Leon Fram, Mrs. Max Frank of Hadassah, and others. Lecture to 600 ISRAEL TOURIST SERVICE Ambassador Eban's lecture, de- livered at Angel Hall to an 11820 DEXTER BLVD. 8—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 29, 1955 BANK BY MAIL Now—bank the modern way . . . City Bank's convenient Bank- by-Mail Service saves time, saves money . . . You even get postage-paid envelopes for mailing your deposits. Ask for our new Electronic Checking Account Kit. CITY SAVE BY MAIL You'll find it easier to save systematically when you bank by mail at City Bank—and your savings earn more at City Bank where interest is calculated on a quarterly basis . . . Ask for our . new Savings ,1 \ , 1,4., Account Kit. BANK MAIN OFFICE—PENOBSCOT BUILDING, GRISWOLD AT. FORT BRANCH OFFICES IN DETROIT, HAZEL PARK AND OAK PARK • MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM • MEMBER FEDERAL-DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CITY BANK brings you the 6 o'clock news by CHARLES LEWIS Monday through Friday—Station WWJ-6:00 to 6:15 p.m.