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July 08, 1955 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1955-07-08

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UN Secretary Has Faith in israel-E crypt Parley

Purely Commentary

tive against Egypt's "uncoopera- through immigration totaling
680,000 newcomers between May,
border must not "end in failure,"! tive" attitude in the Gaza border
Secretary-General Dag Ham- talks under the chairmanship of 1948 and December, 1954.
Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns, were
Israel's total national income,
marskjold declared here.
At his first press conference . viewed by the Foreign Ministry's at current prices, tripled be-
here following the UN's tenth I spokesman as "particularly oen- tween 1950 and 1953, going from
anniversary celebration in San inous."
337,000,000 Israeli pounds in 1950
Francisco, the United Nation's! Two anti-vehicle mines were to 1,050,000,000 in 1953; and
chief discounted the possibility discovered by Israeli troops Fri- there was a further rise of 30
that Gen. Burns' pacification ef- day along the Israel army rout- percent in 1954. Much of this in-
forts might have to be trans- ine patrol route close to the bor- crease was due to a rise in
ferred to the Security Council, der, near Kissufim. A group - of prices. However, even discount-
because no success has been Egyptians was seen at about the ing that price rise, there. is still
same time in a gully nearby, but
achieved yet.
shown a 42 percent national in-
"I refuse to believe those talks the infiltrators retreated when come increase over the years
will end in failure," Mr. Ham-
1950-1953, and a 15 per cent in-
In view of the 'fact that Eg- crease in 1954. Total gross in-
marskjold declared. "Success is
necessary as a demonstration by ypt's representative in the Gaza vestments, the report declares,
the governments." Transfer of conversations under Gen. Burns "was at a very high level," equal-
the talks to the Security Council "m a i n t a i n e d stubbornness ling about 45 percent of the na-
is considered by Mr. Hammar- through two full days," the Min- tional income in 1950, but de-
skjold as an "alternative" v -hichl istry spokesman declared, the clining gradually to 30 percent
is "not envisaged at this point mine-laying incidentg proved in 1954.
because amelioration is forth- Egypt's continuing unwillingness Role of Aid from U.S. Govt. and
to pacify the Gaza border as re- American Jewry Emphasized
The Secretary-General, for the quested by the United Nation
Foreign grants in aid, and for-
first time,' announced himself Security Council. The Gaza talks eign investment s, especially
flatly in favor of retaining Gen.
from the United States, Israel
Burns in his- present position. the Security Council.
Bond loans and contributions
While 'Gen. Burns' tenure was
from Jewish organizations
theoretically to have terminated
abroad have played a vital part
today, since officially the post be- UN Report Reveals
in the Israeli economy and are
came vacant on July 1, 1954, the Israel's Progress
depended upon to continue to
contract with Burns had actu-
pla ytheir determinant role, the
ally been signed August 17, ac-
report shows. Of a total of $140,-
cording to the Secretary-Gener- (JTA)—Israel has made tre- 000,000 worth of bond invest-
al. I still believe in rotation," he mendous strides in every phase ments for the entire Middle East,
said. "But as things stand now, of economic activity since the in the years 1944-1953, 90 per-
as they are shaping up, I hope State was established. and the cent—or approximately $126,-
plans for the future call for stu-
we can continue his services."
pendous expenditures, including 000,000 was in the nature of Is-
nearly two and a half billion rael Bonds. Of a total of $533,-
Israel Charges Egypt
dollars in foreign currency plus 000,000 of "institutional remit-
investments in local currency tances" to the entire Middle East
With Unwillingness to
totalling more than a billion Is- during those same years, over
Relax Border Tension
90 percent—or well over 1480,-
raeli pounds.
000,000—came from American
These were among the facts
latest aggressions along the and figures revealed by a com- givers to Jewish institutions in
Israel. Even in governmental aid
Gaza Strip, placed in perspec- prehensive report issued by the
from the United States, Israel
UN's Department of Economic
and Social Affairs. It is a re- did not fare badly by compari-
port glowing with statistical ma- son with the rest of the Middle
terial showing that Israel is a East, the report states.
dynamic economic entity record-
ing genuine progress despite an 2—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS
Friday, July 8, 1955
increase in population that grew

Continued from Page 1

The UN Ten Years -Ago: Reminiscences
In his column in which he reminisced about the days at San
Francisco, 10 years ago, when the foundation was laid for the
world organization, our confrere Boris Smolar pointed out that
there were very few Jewish newspapermen in attendance. He was
right. In addition to himself, there were present Your Commen-
tator, Dr. Judd Teller, Bernard Postal and three or four repre-
sentatives of the daily Yiddish press., There also were three or four
correspondents from Palestinian Hebrew newspapers.
There was, however, a large delegation of Jewish leaders who
were in constant conference with the duly appointed observers.
The latter had credentials which admitted them to certain public
functions and to special meetings, mostly by appointment, with
representatives of- our own and other governments. But the coveted
red button of the newspapermen got us into all places—except the
private meetings of the major government spokesmen. The news-
papermen, in the main, were in position to report to the national
Jewish leaders on what was transpiring in the various conferences,
at dress gatherings, etc.
While progress then was being made for the adoption of a
Human Rights Charter—and Mr. Smolar already has described the
procedures adequately in his column—the Zionist dream was
meeting with setback after setback, with rebuff after rebuff.
Every delegate, at every press conference, was questioned about
the hoped-for Jewish National Home, all beat around the bush,
none. had an encouraging word to say.
Even our very good friend General Jan Smuts of South
Africa (the important Jewish settlement Kfar Jochanan, in Is-
rael, was named in his honor) ducked the issue. That session, at
which he brushed aside the question about the Jewish aspir sations
in Palestine, was one of the most disappointing we had experi-
enced in San Francisco.
The first- man your Commentator, who was there both as a
reporter and a member of the Jewish Agency delegation, inter-
viewed, was John Foster Dulles. He met with others, and especial-
ly with the late Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. Neither Republi-
cans nor Democrats had good tidings for Jewry. There wasn't a
person who wasn't prepared to wager that a Jewish National Home
did not have a chance.
Israel's Ambassador to Great Britain, who formerly was
Israel's Ambassador - to this country, Eliahu (Epstein) Elath,
came to San Francisco several days after Your Commentator.
Reuven (Zaslany) Shiloh was there. The present Israel Am-
bassae_or to the United States, Abba Eban, was a totally un-
known person at the time and his statesmanship has since sky-
rocketed him into world fame. Accompanying Your Commentator
was the very able former Israel Consul General in New York
and now a member of the Israel Foreign Ministry, Arthur Lurie.
It is thanks to men like Lurie and Eban that Israel has
been able to overcome the obstacles that were placed in her
path at all times, everywhere, before and after San Francisco.
The Arabs were in San Francisco in full force. They were
there in full regalia, sporting their long robes, fezes, and pointed
beards. They traveled in hordes and staged real shows. They made
sure that the obstacles in Zionism's path were always high and in-
surmountable. The triumph for Israel's just cause remains to the
credit of Zionism. The overwhelming voice of Jewry was in sup-
port of the Zionist effort to end persecution and homelessness, to
secure a place for Jews in the councils of the nations of the world.
While we look back at San Francisco with recollections of days
that spelled only fright and despair, we claim for Jewish efforts in
those trying months in 1945, and for the determined will of our
people in the years that preceded San Francisco, a triumph that
was possible only for a just cause and for a people that insists
upon breaking the shackles of slavery and humiliation. Perhaps
the craving for liberty by all peoples owes its major debt to Israelis
whose pertinacity and doggedness rejected compromises of free-
dom. Because this persists, we believe that Israel will continue to
offer this example of genius to the world—and San Francisco, the
gloomy spot of 10 years ago where it was so difficult to attain
progress in areas of social justice, will be glorified by the Israeli
miracle that arose from later days of the United Nations.

Remarque's Anti Nazi Novel: Doctored by WEST 'Germans
Danish critics have discovered that Erich Maria Remarque's
anti-Nazi novel "A Time to Love and a Time to Die" has been
doctored by the West Germans to tone down the story's expose of
Nazi atrocities. The revelation is made in the Jewish Observer
and Middle East Review of London, as follows:
_,"Curious things have been done in Germany to the anti-
Nazi novel, 'A Time to Love and A Time to Die,' by Erich Maria
Remarque, author of the famous 'All Quiet on the Western Front.'
A comparison of the English edition published by Hutchinson
and the German edition published in Cologne by Kiepenheuer
and Witsch shows that more than 30 brief and extensive cuts
have been made in the German version.
"The cuts all seem designed for one purpose—to tone down
the account of Nazi atrocities and to remove indications that
the German -S.S. murdered civilians. In addition, omissions are
made to present certain characters in the book in a more sym-
pathetic light. The fact that one was a former Communist is
omitted; the fact that a German soldier, Hirschland, had Jewish
blood, is omitted, five pages of text relating to his family have
been removed and his name is changed in the German version
to Hirschmann.
"The fact that the novel had been 'doctored' was first noticed
by Danish critics. The West German newspaper Rhein-Neekar-
Zeitung thereupon asked the publisher for an explanation.
"'In some places,' the publisher admitted in a letter to the
newspaper, 'we have corrected exaggerations ....' "
Thus, the story was doctored and characters were changed:
all seems fair in the revival of the German spirit which has not been
freed completely from Nazism. Yet we are asked to place hope in
Adenauer's West Germany and in the revived Nazi state! The
doctoring of a novel, the indifference to historical facts, the fre-
quent recurrence of pro-Nazi demonstrations, merely increase
our apprehensions over Europe's—and the entire world's_!—future
once those who were vanquished in 1945 raise their haughty
heads again. • -.



The Arlosoroff Case: A Shocking Revelation
An admission, made by Shlomo Arazi, who was a, police officer
in Palestine in the days of the British Mandatory power, that the
two Revisionists who were tried 22 years ago for the murder of
Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, comes as a great shock.
Dr. Arlosoroff was assassinated July 16, 1933, in Tel Aviv. Zevi
Rosenblatt and Abraham Staysky were eventually freed by the
courts in which they were accused of the murder, but their party,
the Revisionist Zionist group, , was continually exposed to scorn
on the_ ,charge . of .,havings inspired , the murder pf the able Labor
Zionist leader. Now Mr. Arazi states that the Murder was


Reach Accord
On Restitution
From Austria

Between You and Me

Direct JTA Teletype Wire
to The Jewish News


VIENNA — The Austrian cab-
inet, which on Tuesday was
scheduled to discuss the Austro-
Jewish agreement on restitution
reached in principle in the last
few days, has delayed its debate
until next week to permit the
negotiators to formulate a final
wording, it was announced here.
A government spokesman re-.
affirmed that the agreement in
principle has been reached. The
Jewish delegation to the talks
here, however, is 'reluctant to
make any comment to the press
on the situation. The following
detailS of the agreement, how-
ever, have become known:
The Austrian government will
set up two separate funds con-
sisting of assets of victims of
Nazism who died heirless; one
of the funds will consist of as-
sets of Jewish victims, the other
of assets of non-Jews.
It is understood that the Jew-
ish fund will be used for the
benefit of Jews in need in Aus-
tria and that the Vienna Jewish
community will administer this
relief and rehabilitation pro-
gram. The agreement also calls
for the Austrian government to
extend its legislative restitution
program and aid Jews who left
Austria and are now living

mitted by two Arabs who con-
fessed this and several other
crimes to the British.
The JTA report from Tel Aviv
states that British intelligence
had ordered the Arabs_to with-
draw their confessions -because,
for "prestige reasons," they were
unwilling to admit the mistake
in which they had involved the
Revisionists.. What a shocking
commentary' this is on the British
sense of justice! And what an
indictment it will prove against
the Labor Zionists, if it should be
established that they, who con-
stantly raised the issue of the
Arlosoroff murder in their at-
tacks on Revisionists, also had
known who the real murderers
were. It is time that those who
play with facts for political rea-
learned that the truth al-
ways emerges.



(Copyright, 1955, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

Israel Elections
The election campaign now' going on in Israel is being closely
watched in government circles in Washington ...Special attention
is being paid to the chances which the Mapai, Israel's L _ abor Party,
has in the national elections which are to take place July 26 ..
The chances of the General Zionist Party are similarly provoking
a good deal of interest . . The State Department classifies the
Mapai as a "Zionist-Socialist group which advocates a socialist
regime founded on spiritual and political freedom" ... It considers
the policy of the Mapai—the present government party—as aiming
to bring about a state-planned economy based on the development
of the cooperative sector in coordination with the development of
constructive private enterprises . . . It defines the Mapai's foreign
policy as standing for non-identification with any bloc, and being
based on the strengthening of the political and moral authority
of the United Nations ... The General Zionist Party in Israel is
considered in Washington as "a liberal party calling for free en- •
'terprise and unitary national education independent of party
politics" . . . Of the 13 other political parties represented in the
Israel Parliament, whose four-year term ends this -month, the
State 'Department is interested primarily in the Mapam, the
United Workers Party „ It classifies the Mapam as a "left-wing -
Zionist Socialist Party" which favors a government based on a
united Socialist Front • • It emphasizes that Mapam advocates
friendship between Israel and the Soviet Union as well as other
"progressive" forces of the world . . . It also takes into considera-
tion that Mapam lost ground in the last partliamentary election,
from which it emerged with 11 seats, and that it has since suffered
a split in its ranks ...The Progressive Party in Israel is considered
by the State Department as a non-socialist party of progressive,
liberal tendencies, comprising both middle and working class
membership . . . Note is taken by the State Department of the
fact that the Israel Communist Party polled 27,334 out of a
total of 687,492 votes cast in the 1951 elections, and has had five
seats in the present Parliament,' a gain of one seat since 1949.




Domestic Affairs
A study regarding the number of Jewish intermarriages in the
United States is being underwritten by the Jewish Community
Council of Detroit . • . The Council is also seeking to establish the
number and sex of Jews undergoing conversion in the United
States annually . . . It has addressed an inquiry to a number of
Jewish leaders and institutions throughout the country, asking for
data they might possess with respect to these and related questions
pertaining to Jewish assimilation . . It is no secret that the
number of Jewish intermarriages is constantly growing . . A
survey conducted by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations
two years ago, established that only 53 per cent of the members
of Reform temples were opposed to mixed marriage ... On the
other hand, the Federation of Reform Synagogues in New York
is maintaining a continuing course for the preparation of pros-
pective converts to Judaism ...A similar course is also being main-
tained in Chicago ...Those taking this course of inst r uction are
primarily non-Jews who wish to marry into Jewish families —
Most of the converts to Judaism are women marrying Jewish men
...Reform Judaism makes it easy for non-Jewish men to become
members of the Jewish community, since it does not require cir-
cumcision ....Orthodox and Conserlative Judafsifi make' this re-
- •

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