People Make News Nicholas Kel- ley, Jr., secre- tary of t h e Chrysler Cor-. porat ion, was: , e 1 e c ted presi- dent of t h e United Founda- tion at the an-. nual meeting Tuesday. N. Kelley * * * Rabbi Maurice L. Zigmond, of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Harvard University, has been appointed director of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the Hebrew Uni- :iversity in Jeru- salem, replacing Rabbi Maurice :Pekarsky, it was announced by Rabbi Ar- t h u r Lelyveld, national Hillel director. The a n n ouncement Rabbi Zigmond pointed out that the assignment involves the first international exchange of Bnai Brith Hillel personnel. Rabbi Pekarsky will resume his post as director of Hillel at the Univer- sity of Chicago and as director _of the national leadership train- ing program of the organization, after an absence of five years from this country. Fifty-five years ago Dr. George Zepin Was ordained a rabbi at the Hebrew Un- ion College. For a total of fifty years, Rabbi Zepin served the Union of Amer- Can • Hebrew C o agregations, parent body of the nation's 500 eform temples. Tribute to Dr. Zepin was paid Dr. Zepin by the Union's national executive board at a testimonial dinner, marking the rabbi's retirement as executive vice-president of the Rabbinic Pension Board. * * .* - STANLEY R. GREENBERG was appointed assistant director of the youth department of the Am.eriftn Zionist Council. * * * Marian Anderso n, noted knerican contralto, upon her departure from Israel, where She appeared with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra (a bene- ficiary of the merican Fund for Israel Insti- t i o ns), an- ounced the es- tablishment of an annual schol- arship •f u n d of * * * 600 Israel Governor ABRAHAM A. RIBI- pounds for "the COFF, of Connecticut, was e n couragement I awarded the honorary degree of of young musi- !Doctor of Humanities by the . akcal talent," vo- Hart School of Music, Hartford. - Miss Anderson cal and instru- * * * mental. Miss Anderson explain- For. his distinguished contri- ed that she was setting up the butions to modern music and scholarship "in. e appreciation -of particularly to the music of the the devotion of the people of- ; synagogue, the Hebrew Union Israel" who had taken her to School of Sacred . Music, train- their hearts.. The scholarship ing center for cantors, will hon- will- be administered by the or . DARIUS MILHAUD, French American Fund. . composer and conductor, at the * * • school's fifth graduation and DAR•'US• MILHAUD,: composer , consecration service June 8, at and. cinductor, will receive an the Stephen Wise Free Syna honorgey Doctor of Hebrew Let- gogue, 30 W. 68th St. Dr, - N4son ters .dq:ree from the Hebrew Glueck, president of the Hebrew Union - College-Jewish Institute Union College-Jewish Insttiute of Reli4;ion. Honorary degrees al- of Religion, of which the School -so-.will be awarded-to five rabbis, of cred Music is a part;,:will alumni, of the -schOol, Herbert rd the honorary degree, Bloom_ Kingston, N. Y., Maurice Doctor of Hebrew Letters, to Mr. J. Blocr•m, Newburgh, N. Y., Ar- Milhaud, and deliver the bac- thur J Lelyveld, national direct- calaureate address. *. * * or, lel Foudation; Lawrence W. Scr wartz, White Plains, N.Y., ITZHAK VARDI, formerly and Herman E. Snyder, Spring- I European director of the Israel field, Yrass. ! bond drive, has been appointed director of Israel bonds for 12 — DETROIT JEWISH NEWS South America. * * _ - Friday, May 27, 1955 Rabbi HARRY KAPLAN, di- rector of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Ohio State Uni- versity, will receive ari honorary doctor of laws degree at the university's 78th commencement, on June 10. * * * Dr. HARRY EMERSON FOS- DICK, pastor emeritus of the Riverside Church' and professor emeritus of Practical Theology at Union Theological Seminary, and Dr. BERNHARD GEIGER, visiting professor of Indo- Ira- nian Philology at the Near East Institute, Columbia University, will receive Doctor of Letters de- grees, honoris causa at the 61st annual commencement of the Jewish Theological Seminary Women. - 1 ' Price INCLUDES HEATER, TURN SIGNALS. All Taxes & License! Prof. GAYLORD P. HARN WELL, president of the trniver- s i t y of Pennsylvania, Prof. JACOB R. MARCUS, professor of history at Hebrew Union Col- lege, Cincinnati, a n d . Prof.' GEORGE SARTON, emeritus prOfessor, of history of science,. Harvard University, will receive honorary degrees at the Found- er's Day exercises at Dropsie College, -Thursday evening. • * * Miss ANN S. PI:i'LUCK, direc tor of U.S. Operations f or United Hias Service, the Jewish international migration agency, has resigned her position with the organization. Miss Petluck has been in the Jewish migra- tion and resettlement field since 1934 when she joined the staff ,of:,:th,e,.-Wopklyn, Section,. of the National Council of JewiSh. „,yersten: 4 117 fob.,46 C. H. Charlip to Head Adas Shalom News Brevities KOLLIN FAMILY CIRCLE, at its recent meeting, elected the following: Frank Newberg, pres- ident; Harold F. Moran, vice- president; Mrs. Ben Goldberg, secretary; and Morris Kollin, treasurer. The annual picnic has been planned for June 26. * 5 * A city-wide ORCHESTRA FES- TIVAL will be held at 8 p.m., Wednesday, in Mumford High School. Symphony orchestras from Cass, Denby, Cooley, Persh- ing and Mumford will partici- pate. The Mumford orchestra, under the direction of Jerome Stasson, will perform composi- tions by Tschaikovsky, Mous- sorgsky and David Rose. The Cass Tech orchestra is directed by Michael Bistritsky. The pub- lic is invited at no charge. 5 * * CORNELIAN CORNER OF DE- TROIT will hold two seminars, one each on June 4 and 5, at Christ Church, Cranbrook, at which Dr. Nathan W. Ackerman, of New York, will discuss "The Interlocking Pathology in Fam- ily Relationships." Dr. Acker- man is a former director of Council Child Development Cen- ter and chief psychiatrist, Jew- ish Board of Guardians. For reservations, call Jean. Ruehle, TU. 5-9030. * * * Three Wayne University stu- dents have been named editors of college publications, it was announced this week by Dr. Harold E. Stewart, dean of stu- dent affairs. LEONARD METZ, of 5050 Cass, a. senior, will as- sume editorship of the Summer Collegian, summer school edi- tion of the regular campus newspaper; ALLAN D. SELT- ZER, of 3200 W. Boston, another senior, is editor of the Engineer; and M E R W Y N GREENLICK, junior, of 3736 Lawrence, will be editor of the Pharmic.• * * * CORNFIELD FAMILY. CLUB will meet Sunday evening, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Cornfield, of 20415 Strath- moor. ' * * * JEWISH BACCALAUREATE SERVICES arranged by Jewish chaplains at this country's .serv- ice schools will be held for 32 graduates this year, 10 each from the U.S. Naval Academy at An- r,apolis, U.S. Military Academy at West Point and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, and two from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy at New London. Each of the newly-commissioned officers will receive personally inscribed copies of the Bible from the National ' Jewish Welfare Board's Commission on Jewish Chaplaincy. Dr. RICHARD C. HERTZ has been asked to give the invoca- tion at commencement exercises of the Detroit Institute of Tech- nology on- June 6, at Masonic Temple. There will be 159 stu- dents in the graduating class. Dr. Hertz is a member of the ad- viSory board of DIT"s college of arts and sciences. * * * Appointments of three ac- count executives in the Detroit office of YOUNG & RUBICAM, Inc., were announced by Aldis P. Butler, vice-president. They are HACAL E. BEARD and GER- ALD SCHAFLANDER, both as- signed to the Lincoln account, and THOBURN WIANT, to the Parke, Davis & Company ac- count. • * At the annual meeting of the DETROIT LEAGUE FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD on Tuesday, Mrs. MAURICE . KLEIN, of 8545 Second w a s elected chairman. Mrs. REUBEN I. SHAPIRO, of 3925 W. Outer Dr., was chosen second vice-chair- man. The organization which sponsors clinics at North End Clinic. Harper, Woman's, Grace and Northwest Grace HoSpitals, heard from Dr. Abraham Stone, of New York, vice-president of International Planned Parent- 1 Ood Pecleration and director of Charles H. Charlip was elected president of Adas Shalom Syn a - gogue at the congregation's an- nual meeting last week. Also chosen to head the new istration were: George Spoon and Maurice Karo, vice-pres- idents; Morris Sukenic and H. Alvin Shapiro, secretaries; Nor- man Allan, treasurer; a n d Max Handy, sgt.- a t-arms. Voted into membership on the board of Charles Charlip trustees • were Malcolm Rivkin, David B. Aaron, Albert Posen, Herman S. AVrin, Joseph Katchke, David Dunsky, David Safran, Arthur Schultz, Bureau, Commodore John Ordroneaux, an American Jewish naval hero during the War of 1812, was re- sponsible for capturing the British frigate Endymion. He was commander of the privateer Prince de Neufchatel. WE NEED Boarding Homes for Children Temporarily Separated from Their Families WE PAY • Boarding Care and All Other Expenses CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Law- rence Hords acknowledges with grateful appreciation the many kind expressions of sympathy extended by relatives and friends during the family's re- cent bereavement. CALL TO. 8-2490 JEWISH. SOCIAL SERVICE BUREAU 13327 Linwood CARSON BUICK '13900 HAMILTON AVENUE I'll make you the best deal in town . . . - When better deals are made— • DAVE GARFIELD Will Make Them! Call me today at TOwnsend 8-2424 thank Yo for making this our greatest camping s e a.7 son. A few openings are available for July 31- Aug. 28, only. BOth boys and girls, ages 5-15. Sincerely, eZeonetri earuch Director UN. 4 7629 CAMP FARBAND - DAVID RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CONG. (To be building at 24300 Southfield during 1955-56) Now Meeting at Francis Scott Key School Rosemary and Jerome, Oak Park Announces Registration for Fall Semester for Sunday and Hebrew Classes on Sunday, June 5 and June - 12 . 10 - 12 Noon Open to Boys and Girls — 5-11 Years Old Beginners and Advanced Students Accepted. • Classes Limited to 20-25 Students • Ecellent Teachers Record of. Good. Results •A Inquire TO. 8-9633 ' LI. 4-4864• Cong. Irnai David also announces opening of a co-ed Post Bar-Mitzvah and Post Graduation Class on a High School Level For Boys and Girls 13-15 Years • Special Curriculum • Special Programming Registration Sun., June 5 and 12, 10-12 noon at the . the Margaret "Sanget Reseakch David Miller and Mrs. Herbert Harris. Twelve members elected to the cemetery board were Max Spoon, N. R. Epstein, David Galin, Sam Katkin, Arthur Schultz, Maurice Rosnder, Arthur Gellman, Dan- iel Shapiro, Max Sucher, Max Haidy, Albert Schlussel and Wil- liam Farber. - 'frareisScoft'Itey School at oak Pork ;':