CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individuals by telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Deadline for dis- play classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a Danny client . • .She had been weep- , ing three days without stopping . . A glance at the amount of . it was for $50,- the check . . "You 000 stilled her tears . may not believe it," she told the insurance gent soulfully, "but I'd give twenty thousand of this to have him back.' Raskin's LISTENING Dmon- JEWISH NEWS-19 Friday, May ZO, 1955 Northland DRIVER TRAINING Retail-Ford Sales Rise • CALL VErmont 8-9364 Retail sales of Ford cars to customers in January and Feb- ruary exceeded those of any oth- er make by 5,686 units. • • • 10-ROOMS FOR RENT NICE large room, employed woman pre- ferred. Sturtevant-Lawton. TO. 5-8899, TO. 6-5521. • Sinclair Golf Range 113-FOR RENT-FLATS-1NCOMES- APARTMENTS AAA Driver Training Graduate • word, minimum charge $1.00, or $2.80 per column inch. Public School Teachers and Police Officers Available Dual-Control Training Cars Full Hour Lessons Free Pick-Up and Return We Serve Dexter and 6-Mile as Well as Suburbs. SAUL H. SINKOFF LI. 7-3313 Week-ends and Evenings included W. 8 Mile Rd. at Lahser Rd. New and Used Golf Clubs Best Makes-Trade-Ins Accepted Pros in Attendance ELMHURST-VVILDEMERE. Upper 6 room, stall shower, oil heat . . TO. 8-8838. THOSE BROADWAY angels who make the wheelt of show WE ARE NOW business turn around, and 2 AND 4 room apartments. Unfurnished, KE. 2-3820 LARGE comfortable furnished room with newly decorated. Utilities included. whose generosity is responsible all conveniences for employed • person. Rent reasonable. 3710 Humphrey. Call for the sli4 productions the Near Linwood. TO. 5-8981. WE. 3-5149 or TR. 1-5090. For WEDDINGS, SHOWERS, public sees, - are pretty much. a 8 A R MITZVAHS, SWEET LARGE ROOM to rent. Dexter-W ilde- BEAUTIFUL 6 room flat and recreation legend . . . However, what isn't i "Dancing in the Dark": room. Heat and hot water. Furnished. mere section. 3233 Sturtevant. SIX TEEN S, ETC. Moderate Children welCome. 2732 Pasadena. TO. legendary, or nearly so well Prices. Con accommodate from 6-6800. known, is the activity of one of or Anytime r Anywhere! NICELY furnished room for rent. Privi- 25 to 125 people. Dance floor leges. Near transportation. 2648 Clem- TYLER near Broadstreet. Upper 6 our own unassuming commun- • and piano also available. • Is Grand to ents. rooms. 2 bedrooms and den. Auto- ity-ites .. . who has made pos- Serving dinners to the public matic stoker and hot water. Tiled • the Music of sible some of the fine dramatic CLEAN, quiet room in home of two on Sundays and Holidays only. kitchen, aluminum storms and screens. adults, good transportation. TO. 5-7302. $75. WE. 5-2857, available June 1st. presentations that have been See us in our newly beautifully enjoyed by Detroit's Jewish remodeled Dining Rooms. OAKMAN - LIVERNOIS section in pri- DEXTER-Fullerton section. 8 room lower flat. 4 bedrooms, oil heat. No Satur- population . . . It is precisely vate home. for refined lady or gentle- Kormendy's Dining Room day calls. TO. 8-0559. man. Large room, stall shower, garage, because he is unassuming . . . telephone privileges. WE. 3-2983. Ref- and Catering and prefers anonymity to pub- 6 ROOM FLAT. gas heat. Humphrey. erences required. Adults. $65. UN. 4-1945 licity . . that it took a little 114 Pallister And His Band CLEAN room in quiet home. 3339 behind the scenes inquiry to TR. 3-7444 or TR. 1-4485 Sturtevant. TO. 6-1806. 13A-FLATS FOR SALE learn that Harry Docks is one ITE. 4-7730 or WE. 4-0879: NICE room for rent for gentleman. LARGE, newly decorated 6 room upper of the Jewish community's un- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ■■ Burlingame near Dexter. WE. 5-8574. flat for sale. 3250 Sturtevant. Carpeting, sung heroes . . . The scenic drapes, mirrored fireplace, storms and backdrops at the recent Israel LARGE front room. Two adults, un- screens. For $9,500. Low down pay- limited phone, good transportation, Day celebration,. plus those at the ment. Call TO. 6-8683. gentleman preferred. Ty 4-3050. Delightfully Jewish War Veterans- Bnai Air-Conditioned NEWLY DECORATED furnished room in Brith Tercentenary Show and flat with middle-aged woman for wom- 14-WANTED-FLATS-INCOMES- an or girl. Kitchen privileges. Dexter- on- countless of the Community Cocktail Lounge APARTMENTS • Restaurant • Delicatessen Lawton area. TO. 7-3115. Council television programs, Famous for Fine Food MASTER. ROOM in single home, unlimit- were there because of Harry's DINNERS 4:30 to 9:30 • AFTER THEATRE SNACKS Widow with executive position, ed phone. WE. 5-6052. generosity and interest . . High School girl, College son, Businessmen's Lunch 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. FURNISHED ROOM, working young Spectators at the Israel Inde- sold her own home, urgently TRAY CATERING A SPECIALTY woman or young man. Inquire Sun- pendence observance at Mum- needs 2 or 3 bedrm. Hot, 6 or day. 3361 Tuxedo. TR. 2-4375 ford High were impressed by a 12th at Hazelwood 7 Mi. area, nr. transportation. striking floral replica of the Will lease, pay good rent. Miss )OA-TO SHARE LIVING QTRS. May. JO. 4-6582 or JO. 4- Israel flag, composed of blue 6637, 9-6. After 7 TO. 5-2542. and white carnations, which ELDERLY MAN wishes room in widow's home. Area 7 Mile or Oak Park. LI. Harry had made up for the oc- e-1842. 5 OR 6 ROOM lower flat. Automatic casion . . . The spectators didn't C-veryone A reed . . . W. section. Call after 5 p.m. 6 heat. N. SABBATH observing couple to share know of a last minute hitch TY. 5-7132. room flat on Webb, with elderly gentle- which except for Harry's ingen- man, rent free. For futher details call served in Detroit .. . The best COUPLE wants small furnished apart- BR. 3-3440. ment for month of July. References uity might have complicated matters .. . The stage manager furnished. WE. 3-0878. WANTEDI to share an apartment on Are Made by Boston Blvd. with lady or couple. Call TWO ADULTS would like to have 4 decreed at the last minute that TY. 6-5218. room income with porch. Dexter-Davi- the flowers must be sprayed to son district. TO. 6-3047. SINGLE girl would like to share her 3 make them fireproof . . . The room apartment with same. Call WE. 2 ADULTS. 5 or 6 room flat between chemical compound was not to 5-5903. Curtis and Outer Dr. Excellent ref- be had in Detroit ... Harry and erences. TO. 8-0437. SHARE beautifully furnished apartment. Call us NOW for your coming party! one of his chemists made up the Conveniences. Congenial atmosphere RELIABLE couple with two children de- necessary preparation, bought Good transportation. TO. 8-0767. TO. 6-9804 - TO. 8-9829 sire 5 or 6 room lower flat. TO. 6-4781. 12162 Dexter a spray gun, and accomplished COUPLE desires 5 room lower flat. Heat- the job minutes before curtain 13-FOR RENT-FLATS-IPCOMES- ed, garage. Northwest section. Reli- able, have references. UN. 3-6132. time. • APARTMENTS * * * 5 ROOM upper income, heated, with sun PROFESSIONAL couple desire to rent THE GALS OF Detroit Lodge or sub-lease furnished quarters. VE. porch. UN. 1-5984. 7-6310. Chapter Bnai Brith really put 6 ROOM upper flat. 2252 Webb. Stove, finished attic. Screened porch. TO. 4 OR 5 room flat with 2 bedrooms for on a terrific musical revue at BOESKY'S SID'S CAFE 2 adults. Between Monterey and Da- the Latin Quarter recently . . 8-0479. vison. Near Dexter. Call. TY. 6-4535 easily ranking it with top ama- ALWAYS THE FINEST- between 5 and 8 p.m. 6 ROOM upper. Breakfast room, oil heat, adults preferred. 2936 Leslie. TO. 8-1524. teur productions in the com- Complete dinners, DINING, DANCING, ENTERTAINMENT. munity . . . It's difficult to do luncheons. After-Theater dining. Sunday dinners from 12 noon. SANTA ROSA-Corner 6 Mile. 5 rooms 16-HOUSES FOR RENT any singling out, the entire lower. Natural fireplace, garage, side We Cater to Parties and Banquets drive, automatic stoker. 395 including FOR RENT. 7 room furnished single. show was so good . . . with the heat. UN. 3-2672. 15241 E. Warren at Barham TU. 2-3883 Automatic hot water, gas heat. Dex- ter-Lawrence. For more details call performers all doing their part 3 ROOM apartment to rent. Newly deco- from 7 p.m. except Saturday. WE. as though they were born to be rated. Furnished light and gas. 3835 For An Early Brecikfast or Midnight Snack. 3-3640. on the stage! . . . It was titled Duane between Dexter and Holmur. For a Light Lunch or Complete Dinner Stop At WIDOW wishes to rent completely fur- "Once-A-Year Nite" and took 6 ROOM upper. Newly decorated with nished house with utilities to elderly stove. Dexter area. TO. 8-2182. couple or single woman. One room oc- in the 12 months in separate FINE moos 8333 LINWOOD cupied by owner. No sabbath calls. sequences . . . The costuming, CLEhIENTS at Dexter. 6 room furnished WE. 5-0597. also non - professional, was a lower flat. Adults only. WE. 3-6594. TR. 2-8500 sensation . . . and the dancing, Take Out and Delivery BEAUTIFUL modern, spacious 4 room 1613-WANTED TO RENT HOMES singing, dialogue, and comedy apartment; Newly decorated, with op- Service Our Specialty . . . Ribs Er Chicken right off the fire. tion of buying carpeting, drapes and were combined into a perfect Cor. 12th & Ciairmount ultra modern furniture. Call evenings NEED furnished home. Now or June Open 4 p.m. to 4 a.m., Sunday 1 p.m. to 4 a.m. thru September 1st. Best local ref- balance for an enjoyable eve- after 7 p.m. and all day Sunday. WE. erences. UN. 4-9176. 3-5878. ning . . . following the impres- 15301 E. Jefferson, at Beaconsfield sive installation ceremonies. UPPER flat. 6 rooms, gas heat. Coiling- VA. 2 - 4118 • wood near Dexter. No Saturdays. Call 17-HOUSES FOR SALE Dinners 5 to Luncheons 11 to 3 TY. 5-7209. 10:30. Suppers 10:30 to 2 a.m. ALWAYS GOOD for a story, HUBBELL 18511. Near 7 Mile. 3 bed- room brick ranch. Large living room, 6 ROOMS upper, gas heat and auto- e dining L. Large enclosed and heated insurance man Harry Bauman 0. in P grlytit te matic hot water included. Corner lot CHHOUPSE?:$62n0quGeflANRDooRmIsVEfito.r , Frzli arkinitirt FE.2-g stO rv porch. Large kitchen, center entrance, tells about a fellow acquain- fenced. in. Adults only. Webb and all copper plumbing. 2 ear garage, gas tance in New York, also in the Chops and Sea Foods for more Petoskey. WE. 4-7518. heat, disposal and incinerator. 2 blocks than 26 years. All Beef aged in our own cellars. from school. Call VE. 8-4108. Open insurance business, who deliv- 8 ROOM upper, gas heat, automatic hot water. 3296 Tuxedo. UN. 3-8543. Good Sunday 2-5. ered a check from his company ROBIN HOOD'S serving the finest and most delicious 01 foods, transportation. to the widow of a deceased .Steaks, Chops, Chicken Club Sandwiches. Short Orders. Delicious (More Classifieds, Page 20) 6 ROOM flat, upper. Automatic heat, Hamburgers. "Served as you like it." UN. 1-9802 large porch: 3031 Tuxedo. Phone TO. 5-7143 or YE. 6-0730. 20176 LIVERNOIS AVE., 1% Biks. So. 8 Mile Rd. Open 24 Hours FURNISHED ROOM. for woman. Tule- phone privileges. Near transportation. BR. 3-4675. 6 ROOM upper flat.' Breakfast room, stall shower., gas heat. TO. 7-1479. ••••••••••••••••• •• ••••• CATERING SAMMY WOOLF ESKY'S . PARTY TRAYS LIBIERMAN'S . WHERE TO DINE STAFFORD'S BUDDY'S BAR-B-Q AL GREEN'S - CAR Grez's Hungarian Village UNFURNISHED apartment. 2 rooms. 1st Boor. $55. Will decorate, manager, 2835 Cortland. 935 Lawndale N. of the 8600 Block of W. Fort Street 8 ROOMS. Coal, 875. 4337 Tyler. TE. 4-3058. The enthusiastic reception of dour Family Style Dinner accorded on Mother's Day hos prompted us to repeat it on Sunday. 5 ROOM upper flat, heated, hot water, adults. UN. 3-2065. N.W. section. 15678 KENTUCKY, upper 5 room, heat- ed and hot water. See Sunday 11-4. Child O.K. Choice of • • • 18088 lit/B,BELL. Newly decorated up- per. 3 years old. Two bedroom in- come, screened-in porch. Garbage dis- posal. Gas heat included. Adults pre- ferred. Ring downstairs bell. Sunday 1-4 ONLY. Roost Turkey with Dressing Fried Chicken Chicken Paprikosh with Dumplings Featuring .Ziggy Bella end His Band Please Call Early for Reservations 3 ROOM apartment. Elevator building. Elmhurst corner of Lawton. WE. 3-0827. ri cra Villa --- PIZZERIA 18246 WYOMING at Curtis UNIVERSITY 2-2520 itatian - American Dish Our Specialty carry-Out Service Complete Dinners Served from 5 to 8 p.m. Sours: Open weekdays, Tues., Wed., Thurs., 11:30 a.m. to 12 midnight; Fri., Sot., 11:30 a.m. to 3 a.m.; Sun. 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. Closed Monday. SAVOIA RESTAURANT 1 VI. 2-9294 WO NO***.**** . Carry Out Service 7107 PURITAN ... Open 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. . . UN. 1-3929 • Breaded Shrimp Including: • Soup • Home Mode Postries • Coffee or Other Beverage DON'T MISS OUR FAMOUS GYPSY CONCERT WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, MAY 25-26 3 ROOM front apartment with porch. Unfurnished. TY. 6-4298. Mat, 6 rooms, breakfast room, oil heat. 2701 Sturtevant. 'PO. 7-7211. Air-Conditioned . . . Parking Facilities . us All You Can Eat $2.95 1 /2 Price for Children under 10 BOSTON-DEXTER section. Completely `furnished 5 room flat. Gas heat. for appointment, call UN. 4-4724. BIPED - MARIA'S PIZZERIA Specializing in Pizza Pie and Famous Italian Foods ***** es•wad. Chicken, Steaks, Frog Legs, Dinners, Spaghetti & Ravioli; • Full Course Dinner: $1.50 up We Coter to Families and Parties UN. 2 - 9775 Open Sun. 15508 Livernois CLAM SHOP and BAR Serving: Oysters, Clams, LOBSTERS, Steaks end Music ivy Muzak TR. 2-8800 Assorted Sea Foods 2675 E. GRAND BLVD. C-2