To Wed in October Elect Dr. Morris Mintz Tales Out of Scho Friday, May 20, 1955 To Head Maimonides Maimonides Medical Society, meeting for the final time this pear, : elected Dr. .Morris Mintz president, to head activities for the 1955-56 term. Voted into of- fice with him :were: Drs. Milton Steinhardt, 'vice- president; Adolf W. Lowe, sec- retary; and Julian Stern, treas- urer. The society voted unanimous- ly to pass a resolution commend- ing Dr. Jonas Salk for "his ex- cellent work in developing the serum for poliomyelitis." Dr. Herbert Cohen; retiring president, reviewed the progress! of the organization in, what he termed "it's reactivated social and medical: status." A social hour and discussion followed. "The Youth of a Nation are the Trustees of Posterity."—DisraALL By By Rena Katz Joni Handivman • Central 'High 16—DETROIT JEWISH NEW S Mumford High SAM BARSH (One of Detroit's Most Popular Violinsts) AND HIS ORCHESTRA NOW AVAIL ABLE FOR ANY ENGAGEMENTS UN. 1-5986 Violin - Sax - Piano - Drums - Vocal Plastic Furniture Covers MADE TO ORDER 011 READY 'MDR CALL ANNA KARBAL TO. T-01174 SEPARATE CUSHION COVERS $1 UP Spring and music were In t he The Mumford Senior Trip to air as Central put on its arm. ual Washington last weekend was spring festival. The conce rt, an eperience not many will FREEZER OWNERS! which took place in the sch ool forget. I will try to sum up the' Popsicles, Fudgcicles, 75c doz. auditorium, featured membe rs four wonderful days. STRICTLY KOSHER: of the vocal and instriunen tall May 11„ Mumfordites, met at Beef,.Veal, Lamb—Frozen Foods departments. Michigan Central to receive last WHOLESALE The highlights of the program minute details. We were off. WEDDINGS KOPie's BR. 3-0845 MISS SALLIE GINSBURG BAR MITZVAHS were "The Creation," and "Give H Arriving in Washington th Candids and 3D's re Yobr Poor." Vo- next morning with hardly a e Me Your Tired, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gins- 0 by cal soloists were Robert Rizner, wink of sleep, we boarded sight burg, of Oakman Blvd., an-. Hat tie Butler, Estelle Londer seeing buses headed for Anna nounce the engagement •of their JACK GORBACK 0 and Herbert Carrie. Instrumen- polis, home of the United State s daughter, Sallie, to Edward R. S TO. 7-0930 tal soloists were Sharon Bern- Naval Academy. Luncheon a t Weller, son of Mrs. Samuel Well- stein, Jerry, Howa rd Carvel Hall, after which we re- er, of Wildemere Ave., and the AsswiarrimplasemoNsiv Ellis, Connor Lazarov; Sheld on turned to Washington and tour- late Mr. Weller. The couple is Thousands of Women Say-- Berry and Joyce and Joa n ed the Congressional Library and planning an October wedding.- GUARANTEE "1:Use'QUality Weintraub. • . Supreme Court. DRIVING SCHOOL * * * Because Saves.. Friday the 13th began with a Learn to drive. Free Pickup. Pee Once again Centralites became TIME, MONET:a-WORRY" Permit needed. Jewish and Eng- the faculty of the school at tour through the FBI, home of lish speaking instructors. the "G" Men, White House, and Council-sponsored Student Da Shirts 'Beautifully Laundered" TO. 8-8810 TO. 6-6892 y. Lincoln Memorial. After lunch Stepping into the office and r e- e Lt. ELI LEVIN AUXILIARY, a t sponsibilities of Miss Berth w toured the Bureau of En- Robinson, principal, was Ronn a graving and Printing. An excit- its recent installation with the RECORDINGS MADE OF • Horwitz, president of the Stu y -• trig evening followed with din- Post, inducted the following new. Weddings, Bar-Mitzvahs, etc. LAUNDRY and ner at the famous Casino Royal Listen to that memorable event dent Council. throughout the years. where Frankie Lane was ap- officers:, Janey. ,Remer, presi- DRY CLEANING Acting as assistant principal pearing. A night tour then in- dent; Ruby Tompkins and-Reva A FINE GIFT! In place of Mr. William' Arba.ugh cluded the Washington monu- Snyder, vice-presidents; Ida - _WEbsteiI-8000 Don Mazer Kushner, treasurer; Dora Feld- was Jerry Rakotz, president of ment and national airport. Your Patronage Solicited WE. 4-7832 after 5 P.M. Messer, patriotic instructress; the senior class. Each class Our last day in Washington Jeanne Pplansky, chaplain; Ida voted for its own teacher and each study hall counselor select- was, full of tours — the famous Phillips, conductress; Gloria ed one student .to take his place. Smithsonian Institute and New Kersh, historian; Ruth Goldsher Grand Opening s..*. * Museum, Arlington, Alexandria guard; ROsalind Weisman and Awards aplenty have been and Mt. Vernon and the Tomb Evelyn Anchill, secretaries; Lau- SUNDAY, MAY 22nd. Coining Central's way the past of the Unknown Soldier. Short- ba Lupiloff, Gertriide Hoberra-an few weeks. Linda Rairnii has ly afterwards we arrived at the Florence-Marshall, trustees. Lou- ba Lupiloff was elected first been awarded $10 for her 'entry station and returned home. president of the newly-formed in the Walker Poster Contest. The. Student Council Election Allied Veterans Council Auxili- (Formerly Worked 5 Years at Cleo Griffen emerged victorious Morris Levy's Market, 12170 Dexter) from the essay contest on "What committee, underthe leadership ary. The group will meet •ues- Civil Defense Means to . Me." of Nan Scholnick and Joni Han- day evening, in t h e 1VIemorial OPERATING NOW MYSELF AT Placing in the annual •Herst dleman have thrown t h e last Home. Reva Snyder and Ruby ballot into the basket, as final Tompkins will be . hostes,ses, 11720 DEXTER Contest was Alan Rosenthal. TO. 8-8094 * elections ended Wednesday. * * Between Tuxedo and Webb In an impressive ceremony SHOLOM AUXILIARY will Doing a 'wonderfult,-job in help- OSCAR GOODGALL honoring those who gave their ing with the elections were: hold its annual installation lives to saves ours, 'Lites Alicia Dick Pollinger, Steve Gorlick, ceremony at 8 p.m., May 29, in Margolis, Jim Lafferty and Janice Cohen, Mike . Eiserunan, the Meinorial Home. , A cocktail Gloria Manela delivered Original Walter Dishell, Sony Rodman, hour and hors d'ouvres will be •RABBI MORRIS J. BOBROWSKY speeches. Alan Aria led the as- Sybil Golden, Sue Bloom, Har- featured. Officers to be installed and sembly in prayer. The Memorial very Lapides, Sy Surnow, Barry are Bea Weinstein, president; Day program was concluded with Samuels, Henry Lee, Mike Parr, Esther Goldnia.n and Helen Ja- SALLY KEIN the playing of taps. Arlene, 'Schacter, Jeff :Mandell cobs, vice-presidents; Molly Benton, Invite You- To treasurer; Lillian Chin- °Lite8 and their • friends . and and Din Snyder. Election re- relatives were "Bobbin with turns Wig be announced next itz, Esther Siegel and Rose Wein- CALL NOW FOR YOUR trob, secretaries; Annette Lip- Robin" at the annual Fun Fair week. man, historian; Wyn Landis, FUTURE RESERVATIONS sponsored through the joint co- Calling a 1 I Munifordites-- conductress; Leah Hoffman, operation of the Student Council Mumford's first Spring Carnival, chaplain; Dorothy Goldstein, pa- For the finest in kosher and the PTA. in the school gymnasium, Sat- triotic instructress; Esther Kru- Strictly Kosher Catering catering . • none co* Proceeds will buy two micro- urday night. - There'll be :tun for gel, Theda Levy, Edith Rosner compare with everyone ! Everyone is welcome! scopes, a section of bleachers and and Lola Gruber, trustees. iN BEAUTIFUL BEL-AIRE TERRACE a a *- possibly two citizenship scholar- ROOM . also in synagogues, or where ships for - students. Ronnie Hor- Pfc. JOSEPH L. BALE POST you desire. witz, president ' of the student will feature a program of enter- irihi council, and Mr. Janes Rachleff, tainment and refreshments at PTA chairman, 'arranged the AIR-CONDITIONED its installation event at 8:30 event. p.m., Tuesday, in the Memorial May 12—To Mr. and Mrs. An- * * * son J. Seder (Thelma Berman), Home. Members are asked to sell `4It" has come and.gone. Gokla of 2635 Cortland, a --daughter, poppies Thursday evening, May AMPLE PARKING IN REAR Myerson BBG, in cooperation Rhonda Beth. 26 and during the day May 27. Approved by Vaaci Harabonion with Wise AZA and Maccabees For .further information, call 8231 WOODWARD YM, presented a joint fund- TR. 3-5800 May 10—To Mr. `and Mrs. Ber- newly-elected commander Eliot raising carnival called "It." The n-rd Manischewitz, of 101 Cen- Raskin, LI. 6-2838, or retiring event included roller skating, tral Park West, New York, a commander Sidney Cohen, LI. Swimming, and dancing to the daughter, Edith. 7-0780. Non Profit music of Jimmy Wayne's band. * .* * * * A testimonial dinner was May 8—To Mr. and Mrs. Je- rome ZuCkerman (Maida Silver- given last Sunday by Lt. ROY CERTIFIED MOHEL of 8920 Oak Park Blvd., F. GREEN- POST and AUXIL- Rev. Yehudah Loewy man), Oak Park, Mich., . a son, Joel IARY in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Proudly Announces Max Greenberg, parents - of the SERVING IN Howard. HospRals and Hotnei young man after whom the units THE PURCHASE OF THE NEWEST, MOST TE. 4-7355 May 2—To Mr. and Mrs. Nat are named. a MODERN JEWISH :CAMP IN a a 3761 HUMPHREY AVE Bressler (Annabelle Germansky). THE MIDWEST Recently installed as officers a son, Carl. * * * in the LAWRENCE H. JONES May 1—To Mr. and Mrs:Rob- POST are.Jules•J,,Sanders, com- RABBI LEO Y. 4 LAKES , 240 ACRES ert Burk (Rema Goldman), of mander; Irving I. Palman and GOLDMAN, M.A. Kentucky • Ave., "a son, Gerald Morris Shaw, vice-commanders; EXCEPTIONAL FACILITIES FOR ALL SPORTS, OUTDOOR" EXPERT SMOREL Howard. Harry Nathan, adjutant; Nath- * * AND INDOOR ACTIVITIES Recommended by Plvirslblens an Paves, quazterrnaster; Herb- For Boys and' Girls;' 9-16 Serving in Hospitals and Homes May 1—To Mr. and Mrs. Har- ert Wallace, historian; Jack Jay, COMPLETELY SUPERVISED 18245 Roselawn UN. 3-6242 vey L. Shapiro (Phyllis Skolnek), chaplain; Dr. Arthur A. Brown, Period I—June 28-July 17 JEWISH PROGRAM of 12921 Dartmouth, Oak Park, service officer; Dr. A. Bloch, Period II—July 18-Aug, 7 DIETARY LAWS STRICTLY Mich., a daughter, Ilene Sharon. • surgeon; Sam Scharg, judge ad- Period III—Aug. 8-Aug. 28 CANTOR LEO OBSERVED * a a vocate; and. Joseph Jones, Bern- RADIN AT LOWER RATES THAN April 5—To Mr. and Mrs. Her- ard Osnos, Sam Friedenthal, Ritual Circumcision man Bohm (Ada Doctor) , of Rowland Fixel, Ben Smith, Dr. ANY OTHER JEWISH , MOHEL 20475 Tracey, a daughter, Marcy A. A. Brown, Sam Belkin and CAMP IN THIS -AREA Recommended by Loren. Elliot Elkin, board members: Noted Physicians FOR INFORMATION AND Serving in • a * REGISTRATION CALL Homes S Hospitals To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lubetsky There are 410,000 Explorers, SNEI AKIVA OF DETROIT TO. 8-2037 (Gertrude:, 'Salomon), , -;pf 18603 older boy members of the Boy 2999 CALVERT TO 8-9070 Detroit'S BO Launch* 1V - Dry 'Cjeining Value PHV Activities I QUALITY • STRICTLY KOSHER Meat & Poultry Market . ... CAMP MOSHAVA ' . .• 'MOS 0.1.4 Slin. Indiana, a son, Martin JoeL .4.1.111% W 7011;, 4•111 ■ 11.4.• mow,. ;p.m• •=4 Mr ■•■■■• Scouts, in 12,000 Explorer .units. v....N. °•∎•• r to+ - ■ •••• 0.410 Mb-