Wayne University Sorority Gets National Charter Wayne University's Delta Theta Chapter of Delta Phi Ep- silon sorority will be installed at ceremonies, followed by a ban- quet at which charter members will be honored. Mrs. Melvin Scher, interna- tional vice-president of the sor- ority from New York, will con- duct the ceremony, assisted by Mrs. William Satt, Central Re- gional director; Shirley Rappo- port and Mrs. N. Rosenberg, alumnae advisors. The sorority, formerly known as Sigma Theta Delta, was or- ganized on the Wayne campus in 1925, and was pledged by Delta Phi Epsilon in November, 1954. Dr. Clarence Hilberry, Wayne U. president, will be Mrs. Morris Goldberg was DETROIT LADIES LECHEM PASADENA STUDY CLUB, at its recent election meeting, voted elected president of SISTERS OF ANEELail announces the receip t into office Bernice Erenberg, ZION MIZRACHI at its last of $100 to its charities fund from presiden t; Ann Weingarten,. meeting. Chosen with her were S. P. Baker, given in memory of vice-president; Ida Lazarov, sec- Mesdames I. Rosenthal, L. Gold- his mother-in-law, Mrs. Anna retary ; Fay Weindling, treasur- fine, L. Selesny, L. Honigman Porvin. • * * er: Muriel Stern, sunshine sec- and J. Kunin, vice-presidents; RADOMER LADIES A U X I- retary; and Lillian Rothenberg, M. Mondrow, treasurer; A. Kell- man, A. Subar, F. Smerling and LIARY is holding daily rum- reporter. * * * L, Goldfine, secretaries; R. mage sales at its store at Fenkell Mrs. Esther Prohow, president Whiteman, JNF chairman; R. and Linwood. All proceeds go to of MARY CAPLAN WOMEN, an- Singer, bond chairman and R. charity. An executive meeting nounces the group's annual Cronenwalt, social chairman. is planned for 7:30 p.m., Mon- Mother and Daughter Banquet Mrs. Ida Goldsmith will install day, in the home of Mrs. P. Ross, at 6:30 p.m., May 31, at Zack's. the new officers June 1, at Young 10231 McQuade. * * Mrs: Sally Britchkey will be the Israel Center. * * * BETH ISRAEL CENTER SIS- toastmistress. Speaking for the HOME RELIEF SOCIETY is TERHOOD, of Ann Arbor, will mothers will be Mrs. Mark Rob- ins, while responding for the planning its annual membership hold a Donor Supper-Dance, be- daughters will be Mrs. Sylvia luncheon for new and old mem- ginning at 7:30 p.m., May 28, Stern. Mary Caplan will give the bers at 12:30 p.m., Monday, in at the Center, 1429 Hill. Co- invocation. For reservations, call the home of Mrs. Max Kogan, chairmen Mrs. Irving Reiter and 2840 Cambridge. Mrs. William Mrs. Abe Muchnick announce Mrs. Britchkey, LI. 6-9171. Graham, local club woman, will that entertainment and dancing • • Grace Fenkel, president of present a book review. Mrs. to the music of Paul Brodie's or- NEW STUDY CLUB, announces Louis Marks, membership chair- chestra is planned. For ticket her organization's Mother and man, and Mrs. Joseph Rotten- information, write Mrs. Reiter, Daughter Banquet will be held berg, program chairman, are in 1607 South Blvd., or Mrs. Much- at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, at Moss charge of arrangements. The nick, 1122 Granger, Ann Arbor. * * * Catering. Mrs. Jack Kominars hospital visiting committee will MOGEN ABRAHAM SISTER- will be toastmistress, while other service Jewish patients at. Wayne participants include Mrs. Fran- County General Hospital for HOOD will meet Wednesday eve- ces Mills, speaking for the Shevuot Thursday. Rabbi M. J. ning, in the home of Mrs. Hy- mothers; Katherine Mills, speak- Wohlgelernter will conduct serv- man Beale, 4014 Cortland. Of- ficers elected at a recent meet- ing for the daughters; and Rose ices . * * * ing are Mesdames Harry Altman, Shapson, who will give the in- Election of officers will be fea- president; Jacob M. Brown, vice- vocation. tured at the closing meeting of president; Aaron Eifer and Joe * * * h e WOMAN'S AUXILIARY, Linder, secretaries; and Morris KINNERET CHAPTER, Pio- t UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS, at Levine, treasurer. neer Women, will meet at 12:30 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, in the * * * p.m., Wednesday, in the home of EZRA AID. TO ISRAEL will Mrs. J. Saifer, 2546 Glynn Ct. A Esther Berman Branch, 18945 Schaefer. Luncheon will be serv- install new officers at a brunch- cultural program is planned. ed. Mrs. Herman Wetsrnan, pres- eon meeting at 12 noon, Wed- • • * ident, urges members to bring nesday, in the home of Mrs. A. G 0 0 D F ELLOWSHIP WOM- guests. Sharkey, 15736 Steel. * * * EN'S AUXILIARY will hold an , emergency games party at 8:301 MEDINA CHAPTER, Pioneer Arabs Plan Refugee Office pare., Saturday, in" the - home of ' Women, will meet at 9 p.m., Mon- Mary Bednarsh, 2903 Webb. . A. 1 day, - in the home of Mrs. Goldie UNITED NATIONS, (AJP)— luncheon is planned for 12 . :30 '-Bernstein. Mrs. Esther Mendel- Tanous, secretary-general p.m., May 28, in the home of Ida' son, legislative chairman, an- Izaat of the Arab Palestine Office for Benach, 3009 Elmhurst. For in- nounces that the subject, "Abra- formation, call Lil Schecter, TO. ham Chasanow—An Infringe- refugees, stated this week that the new Arab information cen- 6-8950. ment on Civil Liberties," will be ter, recently opened in New York * *. * discussed. A social hour will fol- Mrs. Joseph Stalburg will be low. For information, call Mrs. in behalf of the Arab League states, does not speak for the installed president of Zedakah Blanche Salinger, KE. 3-8470. Palestine Arab refugees. He in- Club at the organization's an- * * * dicated that the group which he nual Mother and Daughter WOMEN OF CONG. GEMI- will soon open its own Luncheon at 12:30 p.m., Monday, LUT.H CHASSODIM, at its recent represents information service in behalf of at Holiday Man- election meeting, voted into of- the Palestinian Arab refugees. fice Mesdames J. Wildstrom, or. Mrs. Samuel president; M. Werner and A. Wexler, retiring berg, vice-presidents; H. Carle- presid e n t, an- bach, treasurer; M. Jacobs, M. nounces the new Reduce at Lehman and S. Lowenthal, sec- slate also in- GREENBUSH INN Iretaries. A Mother's Day Party is clude s: Mes- planned for 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Greenbtish, Michigan dames Maurice in the D. W. Simons Center, 4000 On Lake Huron, U.S. 23 Cornfield, Nor- You Can Reduce While You Enjoy Tuxedo. man Adelman Your Vacation and Food. * * * and Leonard THE FINEST STEAKS, CHICKEN, DETROIT LEAGUE, Jewish Shapiro, vice- FISH — OR IF YOU LIKE— VEGETARIAN MEALS. presidents; Reu- Mrs. Stalburg National Home for Asthmatic Swim in our own filtered pool. ben Klein, treasurer; Joseph Children, will meet at 12:30 p.m., ChIldren's counselors. Lefkofsky, Hattie Schwartz and Monday, in the home of Mrs. NOW OPEN Joel Levy, secretaries; Morris Sam Kane, 2581 Pembroke, For reservations, call TO. 5-3307 Or Direct: Greenbush 9779 Aaron, publicity; Joseph Staub, Huntington Wood s. Luncheon parliamentarian; Herbert Wal- will be served, followed by the lace, case worker; Louis Germ- election of officers. Mrs. Ralph ansky, hospitality; and Joseph J. Miller will review "The Great Lee, Jack Greenberg and Abe Fair" by Sholem Aleichem. * * * Ilson, trustees. Eve Meister, dra- matic coach, will present a mu- CHANNAH CZENESH CHAP- sical revue, and prizes will be TER, Pioneer Women, heard a awarded. For reservations, call talk on Monday by Louis LaMed Mrs. Paul Deutch, UN. 3-3469, or on "Life in the Jewish Commu- Mrs. Henry Levett, WE. 3-7832. nities of South America." * * * * * * HEBREW LADIES AID SOCI- DAVID - HORODOKER J U N- :ETY will hold a dinner and eye- IORS will present it; second an- ing of games at 6 p.m., Sunday, nual donor luncheon at 12:30 at Cong. Bnai Moshe, under the p.m., Tuesday, at Rainbow Ter- chairmanship of Mrs. Esther race. Frances Berkowitz will be Engel and Mrs. Grace. Riegler. mistress of ceremonies, and the For reservations, call Mrs., Reggie program will feature a hair styl- we are pleased to announce White, ticket chairman, UN. 4- ing demonstratiOn by Betty Rob- 5452. the opening of our bins, Proceeds will enable un- * * * • derprivileged children to attend LADIES AUXILIARY of Cong. summer camp. For tickets, call BETH SHMUEL will have its an- Sarah Rozanoff, UN. 2-3033, or nual donor luncheon June 7 in the social hall of the synagogue. Eleanor Kasther, luncheon chair- Rabbi Y. I. Homnick will be the man UN. 4-6441. * * * under the personal speaker. Cantor Hyman Adler BETH MOSES SISTERHOOD will be the soloist. Reservations recently completed its season's supervision of are being accepted by Mrs. B. program with a luncheon instal- Babcock, president; Mrs. L. Lee- lation. The following women bove, TO. 8-1351, vice-president, inducted: Gloria Kief, pres- - and at the synagogue, TE. 4-0777. were ident; Ruth Gottlieb, vice-pres- * * * ident; Sara Weintraub and Gert EVERGREEN . JEWISH C 0 N- Weintraub, all weddings secretaries; and GREGATION SISTERHOOD will Thelma Farber, treasurer. meet at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, in serviced personally * * * the Northland Center auditori- Mrs. Harry Blitz, president of um. Following a business session, NORTHWEST ISRAEL SISTER- by Mrs. Brown Mrs. Ruth Kovan will speak on HOOD, announces that members "Shevubt." A social hour will conclude the program, to which of the organization will be hos- tesses at Sisterhood Sabbath fisher building friends are invited. services- on - Saturday. Mrs. H. 0141:r1:1P,n, ys assisted DE:r110 !T J.,EWISH by Mrs. M. Joffe. Friday. May 20. 1955 among the guests at the pro- gram. Charter members of DPE in- clude Marilyn Amdur, Joan Feldman, Betty Greenspan, Taube Hollander, Sharon Lin- den, Shaaron Losh, Pauline Markowitz, Helena Pollack, Eve- lyn Parsky, Sharon Weinberg and Loretta Weingarden. Labor Zionist Branch Seven Plans Oneg Shabbat Today Branch Seven, Labor Zionist Organization of America, is planning an oneg shabbat this evening, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Sam Koven, 19481 Little- field. Dr. Norval Slobin will speak and show movies of his recent trip to Europe. A social hour will follow. ea 6etted More important than what you say is how you say it. Expressions of sympathy, best wishes or congratulations are much more effective with a gift basket that speaks for you. Call UNiversity 2-6800.. and CHARGE In 3205 W. McNICHOLS RD. (ot Wildemeie) DETROIT 21. MICHIGAN YOUR FURS A SAFE HOME from Heat, Fire Theft and Moths DON'T BE FAT! PHONE WO. 2-0022 NOW For Insured Pick-Up mraca Rapt6 EAST GRAND RIVER AT LIBRARY I bridal salon entlly ~ r brown ze •