4-4011171tOtT ifwl5 r -Nreterb—rneer. Aprn Ts, 1,118,. LEAR THE TRACKS ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN MAKE WAY for the Campaign Express, the community Mainliner speeding to meet the most vital and important Jewish needs at all points of the compass at home, throughout the United States, in distant lands, and in Israel. THIS MAINLINED lists Detroit passengers in every walk of life. The cargo is the collective, indi- vidual gifts of these men, women and young adults. They are riding together, giving together, in the largest most important trip of the year to bring health; education, culture, economic aid and the necessities of life to hundreds of thousands who so urgently, need help. THE LOCALS, the handcars are shunted to the side. Health, happiness, security is on the way to our brothers and sisters the world over. ALL ABOARD! GIVE GENEROUSLY TO THE 1955 ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN • Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit [63 Madison WO. 5-3939