Louise Sehostak to Wed )Irwin L. Cohn in March Our Letter Box New Book Deserves Wide Circulation in U.S. MISS LOUISE SCHOSTAK Mr. and Mrs. Nat Schostak, of Ohio Ave., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Louise, to Irwin L. Cohn, son of Mr. and Mss. George D. Cohn, of Indiana Ave. A March Wedding is planned. eir t ir ti Jan. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Sol Kirsch (Marguerite Fleischer); of 23450 Beverly, Oak Park, Mich., a daughter. Vicki Ellen. * Jan. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Hoff (Sara Dater), of Bir- wood Ave., a son; Mark Robert. * * Jan. 23—to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth A. Dishell (Judie Schuster), of 18065 Sorrento, a son, Ed- ward Brian. * * Jan. 18—To Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zuckerman (Anne- Baker), of Roselawn. Ave. ; a son, Marc Roward. * * Jan. 17—To Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald N. Sheldon (Eileen Gordon of Washington, D.C.), of 3265 W. Boston, a daughter, Debra Lynn. • * .* Jan. 11—To Rabbi and Mrs. Max Lioshitz (Miriam Lehrman), of Madison, Wis., a daughter, Rochelle Judith. * * Jan. 9—To Mr. and Mrs. Hy- man Camen. (Dorothy Ardnowitz),. of 20215 Ward, a daughter, Rochelle Lynn. * I * Dec. 24—To M. and Mrs. John Albert, of 24524 Rensselaer. Oak Park, a daughter, Nancy Hale. * * * To Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cohl (Barbara Olender) , of 2080 Ewald Circle, a. son, Michael Leslie. If you really believe irk the brotherhood of man, and you want to come into its folds, you've got to let everyone else to too.—Oscar Hammerstein II CERTIFIED MOHEL Rev. Yehudah Loewy SERVING IN Hospitals and Homes TE. 4-7355 3761 HUMPHREY AVE, RABBI LEO Y, GOLDMAN, M. A. EXPERT MOHEL Recommended by Physicians Serving in Hospitals and Hones 18245 Roselawn UN. 3 6242 - CERTIFIED MOH ELL: Rev. Judah Goldring Serving in HOMES and HOSPITALS UN..2-5018 "J'a-roi MENDOTiA 411O111111111.111118MINIPIENEMOMMINF ••=111 ■ 11, CANTOR LEO RADIN Circumcision MOHEL Recommended by Noted Physicians Serving in ames & Hospitals -n TO: 8-2037: '1999—CALVERT 14—DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Sigal Named Chairman of Friday, February 11, 1955 Warsaw Ghetto Observance Miss Charusofsky To Wed Arthur Wolf Isaacs Sends Message To Markson's Students Samuel Sigal, chairman of the Yiddish culture committee of the Jewish Community Coun- cil, has been designated chair- man of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising commemoration, to be observed April 3, at Temple Beth El. Mr. Sigal, former di- rector of the Workmen's Circle School, now is editor of the Detroit edition of t h e Jewish Daily Forward. Editor, The Jewish News: Permit me to avail myself of your "Letter Box" column to convey a personal message to the numerous students, friends and admirers of the late Aaron D. Markson, whom I was unable to reach through the mail or Music the STEIN-WAY by phone. I wish to exend to them an DICK invitation to attend the Mark- son Memorial gathering, which STEIN will take place on Saturday, and His Feb. 19, 8:30 p.m., in the audi- Orchestra torium of the Esther Berman • Music Building, Schaefer and Seven • Vocal Mile. Specialties Rabbi Max Weine, a former TY. 5-2445 student of Mr. Markson, and currently rabbi in Camden, N.J., TY. 5-5593 will be the guest speaker. BERNARD ISAACS, MISS VERNA J. CHARUSOFSKY Superintendent, Detroit's Best Laundry Mr. and Mrs. H. Charusofsky, United Hebrew Schools of 22161 Marlow, announce the & Dry Cleaning Value engagement of their daughter, SOS Committee, Labor Verna Joyce, to Arthur Wolf, Thousands of Women Say— Endorse Leonard Kasle son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wolf, "I Use Quality of Glynn Court. The couple plan For Board of Education a December wedding. Because It Saves Leonard Kasle, together with TIME, MONEY & WORRY" Dr. Remus Robinson and Louise Coming Soon .. . C. Grace, have won the support Shirts Beautifully Laundered of the Serve Our ANOTHER chools Corn- mitteor an- e, zed labor groups SMALL FRY FASHIONS LAUNDRY and In and the Detroit Bond Leaders Plan F ederation of DRY CLEANING OAK PARK Drive, Dinner With Teachers (AFL) With i complete new selection WEbster 3-8000 as candidates of clothing for Small Fry and the Morse as Speaker Your Patronage Solicited for the Board of Sub Teen. Education, be- Launching the 1955 Israel cause of "their bond campaign here, U.S. Sena- r e c o gnition of tor Wayne Morse of Oregon will the urgent need address the Guardians of Is- for higher Stop in Soon and Let's Get Re-Acquainted rael dinner, Tuesday, March 1, Basle teacher salaries at Hotel Statler. FEBRUARY SPECIAL . . . Detroit bond leaders, who and smaller class sizes," it was SHAMPOO and WAVE announced this week. attended the conference in $1 75 Kasle is a candidate for the Miami stated that the enthu- Tinting and Bleaching Our Specialty siasm of the delegates left them short, four-year team. He will with a deep impression that the be voted upon at the Primaries Israel bond campaign through- on Feb. 21. The Serve Our Schools Com- UN. 4 1358 14013 W. 8 MILE RD. out the world is the most dy- mittee (SOS) is a civic -group LOU TESSELEY, expert Hair Stylist is now associ- namic on the Jewish scene. ated with us. Evenings by Appointment. composed largely of parents and 0 n e hundred Guardians Professional people devoted to and Sponsors ($1,000 bond' improving public education in purchasers) have already en- Detroit. rolled here for 1955. .A s - part of its platform of ob- Headquarters Phillip Stollman is chairman . of the Detroit Committee for Is- 3ectives, SOS believes that sal- for Latest axles should be offered which rael Bonds. will encourage the most able New York Fashions The Detroit executive com- young people to enter and re- mittee has adopted a mini- main in the teaching profession; Doctors' Prescriptions We Make mum sales quota of $1,500,000 and that smaller classes are Accurately Filled Israel bonds for 1955. Detroit necessary to give more attention Our Own Glasses sold over $1,000,000 in bonds to the individual needs of • Immediate Repair • Broken Lenses Duplicated during 1954. youngsters. Leo Bernstein, national direc- Reasonably Priced • Kasle, of 18404 Muirland, is a tor of field operations, who re- past-president of SOS. He was turned from Miami with Mr. graduated from the University Stollma,n, participated in the of Michigan and was a DuPont discussion at the executive Fellow at the University of Vir- HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed., Sat., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, to 9 p.m., Friday to 5:30 p.m. committee meeting last week. He ginia where he received his Mas- WE. 3-7093 reported that Israel received, ter's degree. He is a graduate 11525 DEXTER through the sale of bonds dur- of the Jewish Institute of Reli- ing 1954, over $40: 000,000 for in- gion, has served as Rabbi and vestment capital. has held a post as a director of Bond sales amounting t a Hillel Foundation. $175,000 were reported here in For the past four years he has January. taught a course on the major theme in philosophy for the University of Michigan Exten- tion Division. ► Presently. Kasle is vice-presi- dent of the Kasle Steel Corp. He GEMILUTH CHASSODIM is a division chairman of Junior MEN'S CLUB will feature noted Achievement and a board mem- Jewish huMorist Iry Vermont in ber of the volunteer bureau of a program "The Psychology of the United Community Services. This Saturday, Mr. Kasle will Jewish Humor," at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, in Bereznitzer Hall, speak at) the Hadassah Oneg Linwood at Davison. Menashe Shabbat, at the home of Mrs. Haar, chairman, invites the pub- Israel Davidson, on "Lincoln— lic to attend. For 12 years, Ver- His Personality." Mrs. Wilbur mont was a New England radio Stein is chairman of the pro- announcer, during which time gram. he founded and directed the for Your American Jewish Heritage pro- Rittenberg Corning gram. For Israel Bonds * • * PISGAH LODGE will hold its Louis Rittenberg, former edi- annual Father, Sons and Daugh- ters Party at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, tor of the American Hebrew, ed- in Parkside Hall, 3119 Fenkell. itor of the Universal Jewish En- Acts to be included on the pro- cyclopedia, will arrive here gram include a ventriloquist and tomorrow for a two-week stay in Burnsie the Birdman and his behalf of the Israel bond drive. trained parakeet trroupe. Re- He now is assistant to Henry freshments and souvenirs are Montor, executive vice-president CALL MISS FAYE of the Israel bond organization. planned. Mr. Rittenberg can be. reached or MR. HENRY If you want to live the Amer- by his many Detroit friends and ica.n.way, speak for brotherhood, former associates at the Israel bond office in „tle,;Daviii,,: Stott speak out .against - prej udice. building. • Editor, The Jewish News: I have just finished "Security and the Middle East," published by The Ballentine Books Co., 404 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. wish it could be placed on sale in pocket-book stalls throughoth, the country, as well as on the shelves of all our public libraries, college libraries and libraries of churches of all denominations. Although I could find no copy at a solitary: book store in De- troit, I did come across the book in the Social Science Depart- ment of the Detroit Public Li- brary. "Security and the Middle East" needs extensive publicity; news- papers should carry the materi- al in serial form, editorial com- ment should be forthcoming, discussions need to• be arranged on radio, television and other media. The material also ought to be presented to the Security Coun- cil of the United Nations, to our Senators and Congressmen, es- pecially to members of commit- tees dealing with the Middle East situation. ' Mrs. Malka S. Gage 600 Pingree Detroit 2, Michigan . QUALITY , TINA IS BACK! TINA'S BEAUTY SALON - ROSEN OPTICAL SERVICE SAMMY'S Men's Clubs Is Pleased to nnouce THAT THE BEAUTIFUL NEW AVALON ROOM in OAK PARK Is Now Accepting Bookings Showers • Engagements -Bar Mitzvahs and ALL SOCIAL FUNCTIONS 500 CAR WE SUGGEST EARLY RESERVATION' FREE PARKING L 7-1355 23051 COOLIDGEat 9 MILE ROAD