Frank[ ill Lecture Serie:s Announced of Education in honor of Dr. Franklin who died in 1948 after 42 years as rabbi of the Temple. Wayne 'University annually pre- sents a lecture series and selects one faculty member as chair holder. Speakers include • t h e chair holder and four others selected by him. Lectures will be held at the Detroit Art In- stitute Lecture Hall at 8:30 p.m. The spring speakers and their topics are: • •Feb. 28—Robert S. Lynd, pro- f e s s o r of sociology, Columbia • University, "Power in American Society as Resource and Prob- Direct JTA Teletype Wire lem." to The Jewish News March 14—Harold D. Lasswell, LONDON — Premier Gamal professor of law and political Abdel NaSser of Egypt is not pre- science, Y a 1 e UniVersity Law pared to enter into any negoti- School, "Political P o w e r and ations with Israel . whatever, ne Democratic Values." told Richard Crossman, Britisri March 28—A. H. Maslow, pro- M.P., who interviewed him in fessor of psychology, Brandeis Cairo recently, - CroSsman re- University, "POwer Relationships and Patterns of Personal De- ported. In an article in the New velopment." Statesman and Nation, Cross- April 25—C. Wright Mills, as- man described his visit to the sociate professor of sociology, Egyptian dictator. He said that Columbia University, "The when he asked him. about the Power Elite: Military, Economic prospects of peace, Nasser and Political." "firmly replied that he was not May 9--A r t h u r Kornhauser, prepared to enter into any kind professor of psychology, Wayne of negcitiations at present. 'He University, "Power Relationships has- small respect for the hys- and the Role of the Social terical attitude of some Arab Scientist." governments, • especially t h e Syrian; but is quite clear that as a matter of deliberate policy, he is excluding this topic from agenda for 1955," Crossman. wrote. "Even. the problem of refu- geeS," he added, "in his view must be left for the present un- tackled." Asked whether he did not believe a state of undeclared war to be dangerous, Nasser re- plied, according to Crossman, "that in his view, Israel doesn't constitute a military menace to Egypt today. He added: "The Israeli will destroy themselveS if they go on spending 60 per cent of their budget on armament& We aren't going to make that mistake here." Wayne University's spring schedule of "Leo M. Franklin Lectures in Human Relations" has been announced by Dr. Arthur Kornhauser, professor of psychology and memorial 1 e c- turer for the academic year 1954-55. The Leo M. Franklin Lecture Chair was established in 1949 by the board of trustees of Temple Beth El and the Detroit Board. Nasser Won't. Talk Peace with Israel 6 DETIT RO JEWISH N WS Friday, J anuary 28, 1955 Midrasha to Begin Spring Semester The spring semester of the brew high school or to those Midrasha, college of Jewish who pass an entrance examina- studies operated by the United' tion. ! Hebrew Schools, will begin Mon- Featured at the Women's In- day, in the Rose Sittig Cohen stitute are classes in elementary A humanities course titled • Bldg., 13226 Lawton. Classes are and advanced Hebrew, prayer "The DevelopMent of Jewish I conducted from 7 to 9 p.m., Mon- book and Jewish music. The Cultural Patterns in American days and Wednesdays, froni 11 courses are designed particularly Society" will be offered during a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday. for parents whose children are the spring semester at Wayne The Midrasha's Women's In- attending the United Hebrew University. stitute will begin its spring class-1 Schools, and are open to all in- The class will meet from 7 to es on Feb. 8. Held in both the • terested women. For information on the Mid- 9.:30 p.m., on Wednesdays, in Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg. and the the Kresge Sci- new Esther Berman branch, rasha or its Women's Institute, ence Library .18977 Schaefer, classes are taught call Mrs. Rosinger, UN. 2-2200. Auditorium. It from 1 to 3 p.m., Tuesday, and carries thre e 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday. 1 Investment Lectures at hours graduate Regular courses include Bible, or undergradu- Hebrew grammar, literature, his- Bela Hubbard Library A series of five free talks on ate credit. The tory tory and Rambam, and are open first class begins to graduates of a recognized He- securities investment will be held at the Bela Hubbard on Feb. 9. The- second TRUMAN, JUSTICE DOUGLAS 1 Branch Library, 12929$,W. McNi- chols, at James Couzens High- course in the AT TERCENTENARY EVENT way, each Tuesday, 8 p.m., from Dr. Dra,chler, program. of Jewish studies at Wayne, it is ! KANSAS CITY, Mo., (JTA)— Feb. 8 through March 8. The lectures will cover the na- sponsored by the LaMed Foun- Former President Harry S. Tru- dation. Dr. Norman- Drachler man and Associate Supreme ture and function of the secu- will direct the work of the Court Justice William 0. Doug- rities market and the know-how course, and will be aided by Dr. las were the leading figures par- of a personal investment pro- Abraham Duker and Charles . ticipating in this city's celebra- gram. They will be given by Angoff, who will commute be- tion of the American Jewish' members of Detroit investment tween Columbia and Hunter Tercentenary. More than 2,400 firms. Feb. 8, "How the stock market Colleges in New York in order persons attended the meeting.. President Truman, spoke operates," will be the topic of to participate in giving the class. All lectures in this course briefly, introducing Justice-Doug- Herbert D. • Hunter of Waiting, Lerchen & Co. ' also will be open to the public,. las to the audience. . Wayne U. Course Opens New Term 9:01 Downtown open Monday, Thursday till 9:00 Northland open Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday till Robinson's 44th Annual February Furniture sate Offers hundreds of values for homemakers Announce Gifts To 'Beth Yehudah • Abraham Nusbaum, president of New York Linoleum Co., this week offered to furnish the li- noleum for the three floors of the new Beth Yehudah School Building. The gift equivalent to $3,500 was announced by Daniel A.- Laven, chairman of the $250,000 campaign committee, at a meet- ing held at the home of Ben- jamin Freedland, drive co- chairman. Nusbaum, an outstanding phi- lanthropist, is active in Miz- rachi and the Jewish. National Fund. He is national coAreas- urer of Bar Ilan University, which is being built in Ratriat Gan. A forest is now being planted for him in Israel. Laven also announced that William Bonin, of Bonin Lumber & Supply Co., gave $1,000 tow- ards the campaign. Additional honorary chairmen of the Samuel Hechtman Testi- monial Dinner announced this week by Laven include Adolph Deutsch ' and Judge William Friedman, who will serve with Joseph Galperin: The special- gifts committee will meet at 11:30 a.m., Feb. 6, at Cong. Beth Shmuel. Harry E. Citrin is host. •. 0 0 CHARM AND COMFORT AT A LOW, LOW PRICE ............. . ..... . .................... Technion Announces - $100,000 Brody Gift Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News AVIV. — On Tuesday, acknowledgment was made here of the gift of $100,000 made by 'Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brody of Detroit to the Israel Institute of Texhnology (Technion) in Hai- fa, for the construction of a new building to house the -ngineer- ing and agricultural depart- ments of the school. The building will rise on the Technion's new campus on Mt. Carmel in Haifa. Prof. Walter C. Lowdermilk, Internationally known American soil conservationist, will arrive in Israel next month to assume the chairmanship of the agri- culture department at the Tech- Dion. SOFA BED AND CHOICE OF WING CHAIR OR ROCKER TEL This versatile sofa bed, which sleeps two when converted, has foam-cushioned, spring-filled seat and bock; gay geometric patterned cotton print cover in brown or green background color. Wing choir also brown or green, platform rocker in gold or brown. Sale-priced separately; chair or rocker, $35, sofa bed, $88. EASY TERMS—start an extended payment' account with as little as 10% down. 19 sole priced Robinson Furniture FREE PARKING — Book Garage or any DOWNTOWN—Washington Blvd. nr. Grand River WO. 5-69O Washington Blvd. lot; Northland area NORTHLAND--Greenfiekl Entrance 'I" ' EL. 6-2304