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January 07, 1955 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1955-01-07

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Message from Rabbi Adler Spurs
Zionists' I-Day Set for January 16

Israel Scientists
Invited to U.S.

scientists may be among those
from many nations to partici-
pate in the first of several prof-
' advancing President Eisen-
, hower's "Atoms for Peace" plan.
United States authorities have
o man u ni cated with Israel
about a special four-week course
in radioisotope techniques, to
begin next May at the Oak
Ridge Institute of Nuclear
At Oak Ridge, scientists will
learn new techniques and inter-
change knowledge already ac-
quired through application and
Israel scientists may make
contributions, owing to their
I studies at the Department of
Isotope Research in the Weiz-
mann Institute of Science at
Rehovoth, and the application
of research at the Hadassah-
Hebrew University Medical Cen-
ter in Jerusalem where radio-
active isotopes are used in the
diagnosis and treatment of can-
cer, blood diseases, and thyroid
I The Oak Ridge study group
will precede an international
scientific conference, proposed
for the summer of 1955, to which
Israel will be invited.
I (In Israel, the Parliament's
Foreign Affairs and Security
Committee heard a special re-
port from a group of scientists
about research work being done
there in atomic energy and in
the field of heavy water. The
scientists were from the Hebrew
University in Jerusalem and the
Weizmann Institute at Reho-

Annual Z-Day, for enrollment American Jews can play a part
of new members in the Zionist in its future, as we have done in
Organization of Detroit, was its formation. I feel certain that
Detroit Jewry, ever alert and re-
sponsive, will answer your cad
to strengthen our Zionist Or-
Lappin to Address Breakfast
Z-Day will commence with a
breakfast at the Zionist House.
Linwood at Lawrence, at 9:30
a.m. The men participating in
the home-to-hame canvas will
be paired in teams of two at
Rabbi Lehrman Rabbi Adler
10:30 a.m. After completing
given impetus this week by a their assignments they will re-
heartening letter received by turn to the 0
Rabbi Moses Lehrman, ZOD's Zionist House to
president, from Rabbi Morris make their re-
ports and for
Adler, from Tel Aviv.
M. Ben Lewis is chairman of refreshments.
The breakfast
this year's Z-Day. His co-chair-
will be ad
man is Sherman Shapiro.
dressed by Al C.
Rabbi Adler's letter follows:
"I am writing this letter in the Lappin, former
Zionist House in Tel Aviv, built president of the
and maintained by the ZOA. It Zionist. Organ-
is a concrete example of the ization of De-
contribution to Israeli life made troit, who will
and being made by American describe his im-
Zionists. Here, Israelis and pressions of Is-
Americans gather to strengthen rael during his
by their common interests the recent visit
underlying unity of the Jewish there with Mrs
Lappin. A. C. Lappin
people everywhere.
Rabbi Lehrman pointed out
"It is only in Israel that one
vividly appreciates the far-flung that Z-Day is the only day in
outposts of Jewish need and the year when the community
dispersion; the infinite variety at large is called upon to enlist
into which circumstance and in Zionist Organization of Amer-
history have molded the Jew ica membership through the
and the amazing capacity for Zionist Organization of Detroit.
heroism, constructive achieve- He urged all Detroiters to take
ment and self-government and part in Z-Day, either by joining
discipline which the Jew at his as workers or by extending cor-
best, can achieve. The support dial receptions to the volunteers
He who surpasses or subdues
and understanding which Amer- and by enlising as ZOA mem-
mankind must look down on the
ican Jews extend as the little bers.
Those who already have . hate of those below.—Byron.
ship of state of Israel continues
to move through stormy and un- signed up to work with the
certain waters will prove an im- Z-Day committee are: Harry
portant factor in enabling it to Cohen, Lawrence W. Crohn,
reach the harbor of security and Philip Cutler, Samuel Feldstein,
Ruben Gold, Joseph Hirsch,
"The Zionist Organization is Morris M. Jacobs, Leon Kay, Ira
of vital assurance to the State G. Kaufman, Samuel Kohlen-
of Israel that such support and berg, Jack J. Kraizman, A. C.
understanding will be forthcom- Lappin, M. Ben Lewis, Milton
Marwil, Leonard Radner, Arnold
"Our visit has inspired in us Rosman, Sherman Shapiro, Dr.
the greatest reverence for Israel Bernard Weston, David M. Zel-
and the deepest pride that we man.

Israel Delegates to UN Outline
Important Gains in General Assembly

—Israel's impact upon the
United Nations General Assem-
bly was far greater than the
size of the Jewish State might
indicate, members of the Israel
delegation to the UN told cor-
respondents here.
Evaluating the results of the
General Assembly which ad-
journed its session last week, the
Israel delegates said:
1. Israel gained an important
victory when the Assembly vot-
ed to extend until 1960 the life
of the United Nations Relief and
Works Agency for Palestine
2. Israel benefited directly, yet
less obviously, from explosion of ,
the myth that there was a solid
bloc in the United Nations corn- I
posed of states belonging to the
Arab League, Asian nations and
Latin American republics.
3. Israel's prestige was en-
hanced, and its influence in-
creased, by selection of the Jew-
ish State and members of its
delegation for representation on
a number of important commis-
sions and committees.
4. Israel's influence behind the
scenes was felt and, at times,
solicited by many delegations
here, including some represent-
ing the Big Powers.
The survey of Israel's position
was given the correspondents
principally by Mordecai R. Kid-
ron, Permanent Deputy Repre-
sentative to the UN, who was
assisted by Arthur C. Liveran,
First Secretary of the Israel
delegation, and Mrs. Zena Har-
man, who represented Israel
during the Assembly on the very
important Social, Humanitarian
and Cultural Committee. Liver-
an served on the Budget and Ad-
ministrative. Committee, ..during
•he Assembly session, and Was

that committee's rapporteur.
An indication of Israel's pres-
tige in the UN was seen in the
fact that this small country is
a member, and has again been
designated to membership on
the Assembly's "peace watch-
dog" group, the Peace Observa-
tion Commission. Mrs. Harman,
since 1951 a member of the
executive committee of the Unit-
ed Children's Fund, was elected
to the second highest post in
UNICEF, the job of chairman of
the all-important Program Corn-
mittee which decides what
UNICEF shall do, where, and at
what cost.
Liveran was named to a com-
mittee to consider review of pro-
cedures of the UN's administra-
tive tribunal. Dr. Jacob Robin-
son was selected to membership
on a commission that will at-
tempt to find a definition of the
term "aggression." Abba Eban,
with Kidron as alternate, is a
member of the "peace watchdog"

Jordan to Permit
Neturei Korta Members
To Move to Old City

LONDON, (JTA)—Jordan will
permit members of the extreme
Orthodox Neturei Karta group
in Israel to move to the Old City
of Jerusalem, t h e Damascus
Radio reported.
The Arab broadcast claimed
that several hundred Neturei
Karta members have been in
communication with Jordanian
authorities with a view to secure
permission for moving from the
Israel section of Jerusalem to
t h e Jordan-held section. It
added that the Jordan govern
meat. has- decided to grant such

Goldman to Head Brotherhood Week

Harvey Goldman has been
named chairman of the Broth-
erhood Week observance in
Michigan by the National Con-
ference of Christians and Jews,
it was announced by Robert M.
Frehse, director, Detroit Round
Table of NCCJ.
I A s sis. tin
Goldman as
vice - chairmen
are Judge Jos-
e p h Moynihan
'and Howard
I Baldwin, attor-
' ney.
I chairman of the
nation-wide ob-
servance is
President Eisen-
how e r. Ben
Duffy, president
of Batten, Bar-
ton, Durstine &
Osborn advertising agency, is
national chairman.
Goldman, who was vice-chair-
man of Brotherhood Week in

1953 and 1954, is widely known
for civic and philanthropic
work. He is vice-president and
member of the executive com-
mittee of the Jewish Welfare
Federation, a board member of
Sinai Hospital and w a s co-
chairman of the Allied Jewish
Campaign for 1953 and 1954.



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