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November 19, 1954 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1954-11-19

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Early Car Orders Forecast Bigeest Year for Chrysles,

Launch Bnai Brith Forest In Israel


Fridagy, November 19, 1954

WASHINGTON, (J. T A ) A new BLai Brith building in
project for a Bnai Brith Memo- Washington.
A model of the million-dollar,
rial Forest as part of the Forest!
eight-story building to be erect-
of Martyrs now being planted ed by the Bnai Brith Henry
on Jewish National Fund soil Monsky Foundation was unveil-
in the mountains of • Judea, was ed at the dinner. The structure
launched at a special luncheon will house manuscripts, histori-
here by Philip M. Klutznick, cal documents and paintings.
'president of Bnai Brits.. MO Dr. • •Bnai Brith Women Hit
Harris J. Levine, JNF president. Communism, "Climate of F.,:ir•
The executive committee of
1V.r. Klutznick said that the
project was conceived as a me- the Bnai Brith Women's Su-
morial to European Jews who preme Council adopted a report
perished during the Hitler years, recognizing "the Communist
as a means of rendering ma- threat to human freedom and
terial assistance to Israel, as a dignity" . . . but asserting the
manifestation of Bnai Brith's threat . can only be met and
continued interest in Israel's overcome by those who are de -
welfare and as an "expression voted to the "moral basis of our
of the special position the soil religious and political tradi-
of Israel holds in our hearts." tions."
The statement was concerned
Dr. Levine hailed the plan "as
a strong bond linking the vast with the recent tendencies
membership of Bnai Brith with which have "brushed aside the
the rebuilding program of Is- classic American safeguards of
human liberty—painstaking in-
Chief Justice Earl Warren vestigation, fair and impartial
praised the Bnai Brith Organi- hearing, the right to confront
zation last night as representa- and cross-examine one's accus-
tive of the American longing for ers, and the presumption of in-
"comradeship that comes from nocence until • guilt is proven.
associating ourselves together in This tendency has substituted
humanitarian causes." The Chief for these safeguards the des-
Justice spoke before more than truction of reputation by ;ru-
750 guests at a dinner celebrat- mor, defamation and the intim-
ing the ground-breaking of the idation of critics."

Hashofar Society
To Open Season

Hashofar Society for Ad-
vancement of Jewish Music will
present its season's opening con-
cert on Tuesday evening, at the
Davison Jewish Center.
The pro•am will feature
Maurice Goldman, baritone,
composer and conductor, of
Cleveland, 0. He will be heard
in songs by t.,:rr
living Jewish
composers, most
of which will be
performed f 0 ri••
the first time
in Detroit. He
will also talk%
briefly on "New
Trends in Jew-
ish Music." This
will be Mr. Gold-
man's first ap-
pearance in De-
troit. Olefsky
Assisting artist will be Paul
Olefsky, new solo cellist of the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
who will perform works • by
Bloch, Castelnuovo-Tedesco and
Chajes. Lillian Robbins Zellman
will be accompanist. Marguerite
Kozenn Chaj es, chairman of
Hashofar, wilt review the soci-
ety's activities during the past
10 years.
Hashofar Society for Advance-
ment of Jewish Music was
founded by Julius Chajes in
1945. Its aims are to give greater
encouragement to the work of
Jewish music, composers and
teachers, and to perform from
time to time the better type of
Jewish music.
Admission is by ticket only,
which will be available free of
charge by calling Hashofar of-
fices, TR. 5-8450. The concert is
co-sponsored by the Jewish
.Community Center.

More than 35,000 orders have
been placed for 1955 Chryslers
and Imperials following dealer
showings in 28 cities, reports E.
C. Quinn, president, Chrysler di-

vision, Chrysler Corporation.
Quinn said that dealers are
predicting that the 1955 an-
nouncement will be the greatest
Chrysler has ever held.

Join Our 1955

Christmas Club


A Christmas Club ac-
count is the ideal way
to be sure you have a
tidy sum for gift buying
next Christmas . . . En-
roll now at City Bank .
Save in twenty-five bi-
weekly Installments for
certificates of $50
$100, $150, $250 and


Griswold at Fort


West Seven Mile near Evergreen • East McNichols at Davison
Grand River at West Seven Mile • Stephenson Highway near John R., Hazel Park

West Nine Mile near Coolidge, Oak Park

Member Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

most excitin



Bible Becomes Basis
For National ti-D Day

The Bible thls week became
the basis of a nation-wide ap-
peal to Jewish men and women
to join in the observance of
Dec. 15. as S-D (Safe Driving)
S-D Day was set by the Presi-
dent's Action Committee for
Traffic. Safety.
The appeal to join in the ob-
servance came from the head of
the national Jewish organiza-
tion which represents ,the Or-
thodox, Concervative and Re-
form Jewish movements. In his
statement,. Dr. - Norman Salit,
president of the Synagogue
Council of America, asserted in
"Judaism lays great stress on
life. In a very real sense, when-
ever a driver takes his place be-
hind the steering wheel of an
automobile, he invokes the verse
from Deuteronomy, 'I have set
before thee life and death;
therefore choose life.'
"The motor car can be an in-
strument of good or evil, of life
or death. The Commandment,
"Thou shalt not kill,' applies
just as much to the man or wo-
man driving a car as it does on
every other occasion through-
out the day or night. It applies
perhaps in greater degree, be-
cause so many people drive au-
tomobiles and because the aver-
age person overlooks the fact
that an automobile can be a
deadly weapon,


With new Trigger-Torque performance ... with styling inspired by the
Ford Thunderbird . . . with new Angle-Poised Ride ... with 4 new lines to
choose from' . . . the 1955 Ford is America's most talked about car!

Ever since its debut, the 1955
Ford has been generating more

excitement than any car before

it. All over the country, more and
more people are joining the

"swing" to Ford every dayl

4 new high-style lines
Within the distinguished new



e 4 ,


4 ■ •••,.%

Fairlane Series, the Customline
Series, the Mainline Series and
the Station Wagon Series there
are 16 Ford body styles.

•3 new Trigger-Torque engines!

All 3 of Ford's new engines give
Trigger-Torque response. There's
the 162-h.p. Y-block V-8 . . .

The 182-h.p. Y-block Special V-8

offered with Fordomatfc in Fair-
lime and Station Wagon Models.
And the new 120-h.p. I-block Six!

.y s••s

New Angle-Poised Ride

Ford's new Angle-Poised Ball-
Joint Front Suspension for '55
gives a still better ride . . . be-
cause it absorbs road shock from
the front as well as straight up.

Plus all these "worth-more" features

New Speed-Tripper Fordomatic Drive has a new
automatic getaway gear for quicker starts and
passing. 10% larger brakes mean smoother stopping
and up to 50% longer brake lining life. Tubeless
tiros offer extra puncture and blowout protection,
softer and quieter ride, longer tire life. Turbo-
boded Spark Plugs resist "fouling" up to three
times longer,

(Fordotreatic Driver o¢tintial.;



FORD/671 55

Coins en fora Tost Drive now!

40th anniversary of "Di Yiddishe
Zeitung," oldest Jewish daily
newspaper in Latin America,
published in Buenos Aires, was
celebrated here. The paper was
established on Noy. 15., 1914 by
Mordecai Stoliar .who' directed
it tilt his death:, three years ago.



wonder! Each 1955 Ford drew
its styling inspiration directly
from the Thunderbird—the per-
sonal car which has been received .
so enthusiastically everywhere.

NEW YORK, (JTA) The 40th
anniversary of the founding of
Der Tog, Jewish daily news-;
paper, was celebrated here at a
dinner attended by American
Jewish leaders and Israel diplo-
matic representatives at which
Morris Weinberg, publisher of
the paper, was lauded for his
contributions to American Jew-
ish life.

••••el .le ,41r•-• • ••■

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Newspaper Anniversaries

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