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November 19, 1954 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1954-11-19

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The Hebrew Commonwealth and the
Government of the United States


Plan Hike at Rouge Park


Friday, November

19, 1954

Beth Aaron Sisterhood
Begins Donor Planning

Mrs. Irving Chaiken, vice-
trines of civil liberties as handed
I down through the writings of president of membership for the
Historians Failed to Record Facts
SidneY, Milton, Hoadley, and his Beth Aaron Sisterhood, an-
it is remarkable, that of the eminent predecessor Locke. nounces a luncheon meeting at
many historians who h a v e
These are his words: "The Jew- 12:30 p.m., Monday, in the syna-
written so ably and minutely of i Sh government, according t to gogue social hall.
_ the history of the United States,
Mrs. Albert Kaplan, program
the original constitution which
hone should have observed in was divinely established, if con- vice-president, will introduce
his writings the relationship be- sidered merely in a civil view,
Harry Oberstein, who will
tween our republic and the was a perfect republic.
I review Louis Zara's "Blessed Is
Commonwealth of the Hebrews, And let them cry out, the the Land." Dues will be accept-
especially in the light of the
right of Kings consider,: ed at the door by Mrs. Sam Lan-
earliest constitutions of several,
that the form of government kin, financial secretary.
f the
England colonies which had a proper claim to a
Plans are now being formulat-
expressly framed upon t h e divine establishment was so
. far ed for the organization's annual
model of the Mosiac code as a from including the idea of a donor luncheon, to be held Dec.
guide, and of the frequent ref- I king, that it was a high crime 7, in the synagogue social hall.
erences thereto made by the for Israel to ask to be in this Mrs. Albert Kaplan, program
ministers in their political ser- respect like tl - nations, chairman, advises that Anita
mons, who constantly drew their ' when they were thus gratified, Jordan, prominent Chicago art-
civil creed from the history of it was rather as a just punish- ist, will be featured in a song
those times, and herd up this ment for their folly. Every na- and dance story, "The Song Is ;
ancient form of government as tion, when able and agreed, has You,". depicting .the life of Je-
a model inspired a under
right to set up
over rome
itself any Kern.
guidance of the Most High.
- form of government which to it . Working with Mrs. J a c k
The distinguished Jonathan may appear most conducive to Shenkman, fund-raising vice-
Meyhew, the divine whom Rob- its common welfare. The civil president in planning the affair,
ert Treat Paine styled The polity of Israel is doubtless an are Mesdames Morris Iden and
Father of Civil and Religious excellent general model; allow- Morris Kirschner, tickets; Hy-
Liberty in Massachusetts and in ing for some peculiarities; at man Zalenko, journal; Albert
America," who suggested to least, some principal laws and Kanfer, co-chairman; Bernard
James Otis the idea of a corn- orders of it may be copied in Klein, younger set; Norman Jaf-H
m 1 t t e e of correspondence, a
- more modern establishments." fee, memoriams s Ben Wasser-
measure of great efficiency in I By special vote Dr. Langdon's man,. simchas; Louis Rogovein,
producing concert of action be- sermon was ordered to be print=ed-table reservations; and Morris
tween the colonies. and who as ed and sent to •.each minister in Kosak, table decOrations.
early as 1750 delivered a dis- the colony and to each member 1
course against unlimited sub-
omens Group
ion and non-resistance. a of the Congress.
-d -
- had
sermon which was characterized the minds of the people in gen- To Fete New Members
eral in preparing them for inde-
Revolution," in a later discourse pendence,. as well as upon the
New members of the Women's
delivered in Boston on May 23, founders of our republic, each A uxili- ar y, United Hebrew
1766, on the "Repeal of the and all of whom doubtless read Schools, will be feted at a dessert
Stamp Act," says: "God gave this sermon, is scarcely a mat- luncheon and program at 12:30
Israel a King (or absolute mon- ter of conjecture when we take p.m., Wednesday, in the Esther
archy) in his .anger, because into consideration that he was Berman Bldg., 18945 Schaefer.
they had not sense and virtue not only a ripe scholar occupy-
According to Mrs. Meyer Fin-
enough to like a free common- ing the most important literary kel, membership chairman, a
Wealth, and to have himself for position in America, as Presi-
program honoring both new and
their King,—where the spirit of dent of Harvard College, but one old members will be presented
the Lord is there is liberty,— of the foremost ministers and
under the direction of Mrs. Isa-
and if any miserable people on pulpit orators, as well as an
dore Shumaker, program chair-
the continent or isles of Europe. acknowledged authority in the
be driven in their extremity to science of government.
A musical "Double Feature,"
seek a safe retreat from slavery
written by Mrs. Irving Arlin and
in some far distant clime--O let
Mrs. Sol Slomovitz, will star
Branch Libraries Set.
them find one in America."
members of the combined dra-
The Civil Polity of Israel
Weekly Activities
matic groups of the Auxiliary
Samuel Langdon, D.D., the
and the Rose Sitting Cohen
President of Harvard College,
who, through the influence of Programs for the week in PTO.
neighborhood libraries will in-
Participants will include Mes-
John Hancock, was installed in
dames Edward Udman, Albert
that office as the successor of elude the following programs:
Samuel Locke, and who, after- Chase Library, 17731 W. 7 Spinner, Herbert Levin, Joseph
wards, in 1788, was a member Mile: Myths and Legends of Rodd, Manny . Barris, Elbert
Classic Heroes for school-age Diamond, Joseph Tracht, Sidney
of the New Hampshire conven- children, 4 p.m., Monday; Great
tion t when the constitution came Books Discussion, 8 p.m., Tues- Katchem, I s a d o r e Shumaker,
Sol Slomovitz, Irving Palman
before that body for adoption, in day.
and Jacob Axelrod. Mrs. Herman
his election sermon delivered be-
Hubbard Library, 12929 W. Stein will accompany the cast
fore the "Honorable Congress of McNichols:
Trio and Major Reli- on the piano.

Massachusetts Bay" on the -31st gions of the World, films, 8 p.m.,
The Auxiliary ' s first open
of May, 1775, taking as his text today; Great Books Discussion,
the passage in Isiah, 1., 26, "And 8 p.m., Monday; Picture Book meeting of the season, Mrs.
I will restore thy judges as at Story Hour for children 3 to 5, H e r m an Wetsman, president,
the first," etc., delivered at a 2 p.m., Tuesday; A Taste of Mod- urges all members to bring
guests. Prizes will be awarded.
most eloquent discourse, wherein ern Art, 8 p.m., Tuesday.
he traces the history of govern-
Parkman Library, 1766 Oak-
Our Want Ads Get Results.I
ment from the first recorded be- man: Movies for school-age
ginning, and defines its func- children, 4:15 p.m., today; Pic-
tions and prerogatives with a ture Book Story Hour for chil-
logic that proves him to have dren 3 to 5, 1 p.m., Monday;
been well versed in. the doc- film program for mothers of
children at story hour, 1 p.m.,
Monday: High School Interna-
tional Club, 7:30 p.m., Monday.
Sherwood Forest Library, 7117
W. 7 Mile: Story Hour for school-
Age 30-45
age children, 10:30 a.m., Satur-
day; Great Books Discussion, 8
p.m., Monday; • Family Relations
class, 1 p.m., Tuesday; Great
I. You have held not more
Books Discussion, 8 p.m., Tues-
than 2 positions in the last
five years.

Northwest Hikers will hold an Theater parking lot. For infor-
outing Sunday, at Rouge Park. ' mation on future hikes and
All young people, 18 to 35 in- evening activities, call Ruth
terested in attending should Krandall, UN. 2-6840.

An Ail' Tercentenary Feature


Part 6


i i

2. You have a good car and
can travel in Michigan.

Party to Aid Children

3. You are anxious for a lu-
crative future.

The Florence Hochberg Social
Club will hold a games party at
8 p.m., Nov. 29, in the Knights
of Pythias Hall, 15787 Wyoming.
Proceeds will go to the building
fund of the Penrickton Nursery
for visually handicapped pre-
school children. Refreshments
and prizes will be offered. The
public is invited, states Mrs. Rose
Genden, ticket chairman.

4. You can give excellent ref-




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Weismann Named Reform
Judaism's "Man of Year"

NEW YORK, (JTA) — Walter
W. Weismann, general chairman
for a number of years of the
fund-raising campaign of `the
Reform movement in the New
York area, was named Reform
..TudaiSin!s; "man of th.s

I meet at 12:30 p.m., at the Royal


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Regular Hours—MON., TUES., WED.,



FRI., 10 A.M.

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Saturday, Dec. 11, 8:45 A.M.

Sunday Concert, Dec. 12, 8 P.M.

Cornerstone Laying Ceremonies

of New Cambridge Synagogue

At Cambridge and Schaefer

(Seven Mile Road)

Sunday, December 12, 2 P,M,

The entire community is welcome to attend the Cornerstone Laying cere-
monies which will feature outstanding communal leaders in addition to
Cantor Waldman. Tickets: for . Sabbath services and the Sunday concert
by Cantor Waldman are 'available at the synagogue office at I 9190 Schae-
fer, Telephone UN, 4-6428. Residents of the Northwest area are invited
,to affiliate themselves with:. Congregation A.hgvg.s Achirm.Membership will
include full privileges in the new Cambridge Synagogue..

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