HE JEWISH NEWS' Dr. A. H. Silver: Courageous Leader A Weekly Review - Commentary, Page 2 Story, Page 24 of Jewish*Events 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE. 8-9364—Detroit 35, October 15, 1954 EDITORIAL The 300th Birthday 1654-1954 American Jewry's Tercentenary Year is the occasion for re-dedication to the sacred principles which have marked our existence as Americans and as Jews. Accepting 'seriously the theme of the Ter- centenary — ``Man's Opportunities and Re- sponsibilities Under Freedom" — we reaf- firm our adherence to the sacred ideals we have inherited from the Fathers of this Re- public and from our Prophets. From the very day in 1654 when the first group of 23 Jews settled in New Ams- terdam to establish the first religious Jew- ish community in America, they dedicated themselves to the principle of religious free- dom. We re-dedicate ourselves anew to this imperishable ideal. Throughout the three centuries of the development of the great American Jewish community, the Jews of this country estab- lished the great tradition of caring for the needy, of providing means and sustenance for the aged, the orphaned and the home- less. In the last half century, American Jews rose to great heights in their relief efforts for those who" were either uprooted by wars or were dispossessed by the in- humanity of bigots and tyrants in lands of oppression. We re-dedicate ourselves to the • philanthropic ideals as we re-evaluate our contributions to humanity during our Tercentenary celebrations. American Jewry has been in the fore- front among the forces that helped in the re-establishment of the State of Israel. This may be recorded by history as our genera- tion's greatest accomplishMent. We reaf- firm, as one of the Tercentenary's re-dedica- tory aims, that we retain our interest in the great cause of ending Jewish homelessness and of assisting in establishing the security of Jews who have found freedom in the land Of their fathers. On the occasion of the Tercentenary we solemnly re-dedicate ourselves also to ad- vancing and expanding our cultural and spiritual institutions. We reaffirm the ob- ligation to elevate the standards of our schools, to provide a Jewish education for every young Jew, to encourage adult educa- tion activities, to strive towards the creation of a thinking, well-informed, properly edu- cated Jewish constituency, With these aims in view, we acclaim the Tercentenary celebration in our community, to be climaxed by the dinner on Sunday eve- ning that is to be privileged to have as its spokesman the eminent scholar and leader, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver. May this day elevate us to the high purposes for which we strive as Americans and as Jews. American Jewish Tercentenary Features Editorial Page Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME 26—No. 6 ofe?-- 7 Specia l Pages 2, 5 $4.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 15c 300 A Salute to the American Jewish Tercentenary And to Detroit's Tercentenary Dinner Guest, Sunday Evening DR. ABBA HILLEL SILVER Community Invited to Hear Dr. Silver at Tercentenary Event The Detroit TerCentenary Committee announced this week that the halls adjoining the banquet hall, at Hotel Statler, have been re- served to enable those who could not secure reservations for the dinner to hear the address of Dr. Abba Hillel Silver on the American Jewish Tercentenary, this Sunday evening. Dinner guests will be served at 6 p.m. and the adjoining halls will be opened for the overflow audience at 8 p.m. Participants in the program will include Dr. A. M. Hershman., Samuel H. Rubiner, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, whose allocation has made possible the Tercentenary celebrations in Detroit; Rabbis Moses Lehrman and Leon Fram, who will gi'e the invocation and benediction; Max Osnos, who has been delegated to represent the Governor, and William E. Stirton, vice-president of Wayne University, who will represent the Mayor. Emma Schavec will sing the national anthems. Details on Page 24 The Shin, the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet, whose numerical value is 300.