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June 04, 1954 - Image 10

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1954-06-04

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S lit Marked by Tercentenary Themes

the event will be used to ex- conduct the service . of wor- Simons, the congregation's presi-
dent. Dr. Norman Drachler, edu-
pand the school syStem, oper- ship. Henry C. Moses will give
cation director, will present
ated under the guidance of the salutatory address, fol-
lowed by the valedictory ad- the following awards:
Yeshivath Beth Yehudah.
Felix Winsen leadership med-
dress of - Edith Y. Nolish.
Beth Aaron Synagogue
A gift of Union Prayerbooks als, scholarship medal, Young
Sabbath services at 6:30 p.m.,
today. At 8:45 a.m. Saturday, the by the Men's Club and diplomas
Continued on Page 11
Bar Mitzvahs of Kenneth Chaik- will be presented by Leonard N.
Complete list of Graduates, Confirmands and Grad-
en and Donald Solomon will be
uates in all our Schools and Synagogues on Page 28.
Shevuot services will begin at
Shevuot, -traditionally celebrated by Jewish people 7:30 p.m., Sunday, continuing
throughout the world as the time of the appearance of first Monday and Tuesday, at 8:45
fruits of summer and the gift of the Ten Commandments a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Ben-
to Jewry, this year assumes even greater' meaning among jamin H; Gorrelick will officiate
and preach the sermons on
American Jews.
"Can Ideals Be Made Real?"
This is the year of the Tercentenary—the 300th anni- on
Monday, and on "Our God
versary of Jewish colonization in America--and communi- and the God of Our Fathers,"
ties throughout the country are preparing for its official at Yizkor services. Cantor Judah
arrival in the fall.
Goidring will chant the liturgy.
A special feature of the Mon-
Meanwhile, a great number of. special programs have
day morning service will be the
been prepared as a fore-"'
runner to the actual celebra- I ginning at 8:45 a..m. Tuesday presentation of a new Torah
to the synagogue by Mr,
tons: Many Shevuot services services will begin at 8:30 a. m. scroll
• and Mrs. Samuel Liberson.
and commencement programs, Rabbi Moses Lehrman
Temple Beth El
this year, thus have aided the preach the sermons on "It Pays
The annual high school grad-
spiritually significant factor of to Live High," on Monday, and
Jewry's 300th anniversary on 1 Tuesday, on "Today, Tomorrow uation and confirmation service
these protective shores. I and Yesteryear. Cantor David will be held at 8:15 p.m., today.
Shevuot begins at sundown, 'Katzman will chant the service. A class of 21 will be graduated
from the high school depart-
Shaarey Zedek Services
Sunday, June 6, and continues 1.
ment, a three year course Pol-
Monday and Tuesday, June 71 Cong. Shaarey Zedek
ending in solemn Yizkor hold its Kabolath Shabbos serv- lowing confirmation.
services. Included in the fol-j ices, Friday, at 6 p.m. Sabbath 1 Dr. Richard C. Hertz will
lowing resume are the schedules morning services will be con- preach on "What It Takes to Be
of sabbath services, Shevuot ' ducted by Rabbi Morris Adler. a Jew." A reception following
the ceremony will be tendered
services and graduation plans Cantor Jacob H.- Sonenklar
of our community's synagogues chant the liturgical portion of by Dr. and Mrs. Hertz and Rabbi
the service, assisted. by the choir Minard Klein to graduates and
and ;. eligious schools.
- under the direction of Dan their parents.
Temple Israel
At 8 p.m. services, today, high Frohman. The Bar Mitzvah of 1 At the annual confirmation
school graduation services will Robert Joel Dehison will be ob- service, at 10 a.m., Sunday, Dr.
I Hertz and Rabbi Klein will give
take place, with 27 young men served.
The Junionr Congragation will their benediction to 57 young
and women who have attended
All GGG clothes are cut to 78 body variations. The result:
Temple Israel Religious School hold sabbath, services in the men and women. Shevuot serv-
tailored fit that makes you look like one man
from pre-kindergarten through Kate Frank Memorial Chapel at I ices will be held at 10:30 a.m.,
in a million.
the 12th grade receiving their 9:30 a.m. The Intermediate Con- 1 Monday, at which Rabbi Klein
diplomas from Jacob A. Citrin, gregation will conduct services : I will preach. The 104th. annual
meeting of the congregation
congregational president, and at 10:30 a.m.
Rabbi Adler will deliver the t Rill be held at 8 p.m., Monday,
Mrs. David B. Keywell, presi-
Shevuot sermons. The con- l in the Brown Memorial Chapel.
dent of the school board.
off 7 Mile Rd.
secration services will take j
Rabbi Leon Fram will de-
At the high school com-
place June 13.
liver the graduation sermon,
Sat. til 9 p.m.
I mencement, Dr. Hertz will
PHONE DI. 1-0480
Cong. Bnai David
speaking on "The Search For
give the baccalaureate ad-
Sabbath services at 7:45 p.m., dress, and Rabbi Klein will.
God," and Rabbi M. Robert
Syme will present the Men's today; at 8:45 a.m. Saturday.
Club awards. Reuben Levine, Rabbi Hayim Donin will preach
Men's Club president, and the sermon, and Cantor Hyman
Joseph Taylor, instructor of J. Adler will officiate.
The Suburban Temple
the class, will lead a proces-
Sabbath services will be held
sional into the auditorium.
Award winners include Stu- tonight at 8:15, at the Royal
art Pernick, leadership ; Sandra Oak Senior High - School. Rabbi
Rogers and Vivienne Segal,- Frank Rosenthal will officiate.
scholarship; Miss Rogers and The Bar Mitzvah of _Raymond
Renee Goldstein, activities pins; Bazell, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Lipshy, Miss Segal, San- Lenard Bazell, will be observed.
dra Vineberg and Rochelle Confirmation services will be
White, p e r f e c t attendance held Sunday, 7 :30 p.m,, at the
awards. j Royal Oak Senior High School.
Elihu Burkow will deliver the The community is invited.
Adas Shalom Synagogue
valedictory address, Lylo Leip- I
tig, the invocation and Norman 1 Sabbath services at 6 p.m., to- !
Rotter, the closing prayer. Each : day; and at 8:45 a.m., Saturday.
graduate -.will receive a gift of i Rabbi Jacob • E. Segal will offici-
o. Union Prayerbook from the ate, and Cantor Nicholas Fen-
congregation. Parents . of the akel will chant the prayers. The
Snow White Bemberg Rayon Organdy Dramatically Trimmed
graduates haye honored the Bar Mitzvah of Barry Lawson
With Brilliant Colored Bands of Sanforized Broadcloth
graduation of their children , will be observed.
Rabbi will preach the Shev-
with a $500 gift for equipment
for the Temple's newly-proposed not sermons. Cantor Fenakel,
$ 1 1 6 9
assisted by the Synagogue
Activities Building.
The confirmation service at 5 Choir, will chant the services.
p.m., Sunday, will be Temple j As part of the service Monday
Israel's principal celebration of morning, a • brief installation
the Tercentenary. The class has ceremony will be held, inducting i
, been appropriately named the into office the newly-elected
Tercentenary Class. 'Officers and board members of t
Highlight of the service will . the congregation. Rabbi Segal i
Just think! COR-AGLO — America's
be a pageant, especially written i will offer an installation mes-
sheerest rayon Organdy — dressed up
sweet sixteen. COR-AGLO—equal
for the occasion by Rabbi Fram, ' sage
to the radiant beauty and exceptional
which expresses the significance by Manny Lax, who has been
high thread tensile strength of Switz-
erland's finest Organdy.
of the arrival of the first Jews ' re-elected president.
Monday's '
in 1654 at New Amsterdam, now, I In conjunction with
of course, New York City. Fea- Shevuot services, the graduation
tured, besides Rabbi Fram, w ill exercises of the religious school I
be Cantor Robert S. • Tulman, will be held. Sixty students will
Full range of sizes solve every
window problem
the Temple Quartet, directed b y participate in a Cantata.
Karl Hass and two trumpeters I Yizkor services will be recited
Tuesday morning. The com-
from the Detroit Symphony who on
will sound the fanfare. munity is invited.
Northwest Israel Synagogue
A Bemberg Rayon Organdy
The parents of the 617 pupils
Certified by the U.S.
in the class have contributed • Sabbath services at 7:45
Testing Company
$1,000 toward the Activities p.m., today. At 9 a.m., Sat-
Building Fund. Class officers are urday services, Rabbi Leo Y.
• COLOR-TESTED FAST to sun, light, countless launderings
Richard Vane, president; Louise I Goldman will speak on "The
Lazarus, vice-president; Judy Grace of God." A class in
Dunitz, treasurer; and Elaine Pirkey Avoth, conducted by
Rabbi Goldman at 6:30 p.m.,
Pliskow, secretary. Each con-
Saturday, is followed by Min-
firmand will receive a gift of
cha and Sholosh Seudos.
the Union Prayerbook.
Rabbi Goldman's Shevuot ser-
Cong. Bnai Moshe
Sabbath services will be ob- rnon topics, Monday and Tues-
served at 7:40 p.m., today, and day, will be "The Meaning of
9 a.m., Saturday. Shevuot serv- Shevuot" and "Sinai—Past and
ices will begin at 7:45 p.m., Sun-
Harry Horowitz, congrega-
day, with Monday services be- tional president, announces that
PHONE UN. 4-1220
the second annual anniversary
OPEN THURS.,, FRI., SAT. Ira- 9 P.M.
1 0—DETRO I T JEW ISH N EWS banquet will be held June 20,
Friday, , June 4,• 1954 , , • • in the synagogue.. Proceeds from

Traditional Services June 7-8
Canmemorate Giving of Law



le 5

Fiesta day special ...







by Corgey



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