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September 04, 1953 - Image 5

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1953-09-04

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ZOA Convention Warned of Enemies Who S,,ek Chat/1 ges
- in U.S. P Hey

NEW YORK, (JTA) — Twelve
hundred delegates from all parts
of the country, attending the
56th annual convention of the
Zionist Organziation of America
here, were warned that powerful
forces in Washington sought to
change the United States Gov-
ernment's policy of friendship to
The warnings were sounded by
Rabbi Irving Miller, president
of the organization, in his key-
note address, and by Louis Lip-
sky, chairman of the American
Zionist Council.
A message of greeting from
President Eisenhower stated:

"It is heartening to know,"
the President said, "that so
many Americans from all parts
our our nation are gathering
at such a convention and re-
affirming their dedication to
the cause of freedom every-
Where. Upon such dedication
depend not only our own
strength, but our hopes for
peace for all the world."

Mr. Lipsky said . that efforts
by anti-Israel elements to change
the policy of friendship of the
executive and legislative branch-
es of the government had thus
far failed but he admonished
that "it would be a mistake, how-
. ever, to sit back and regard the
situation with calm feelings and
restful satisfaction."

In his keynote address, which
touched on all phases of the
Israel and Zionist situation,
Rabbi Miller called on the
United States government to
clarify its position on the
status of Jerusalem "as quickly
as possible" in order not to
give "an impression that the
Arab States are able to extort
from Washington statements
which are at variance with our
country's policy, . and thereby
confuse the situation," He
stressed that Jerusalem's stat-
us as the capital of Israel is
inextricably linked with Jew-
ish history, Jewish tradition
and the Jewish religion.

He blairned "a large and well-
financed propaganda machine
which is focusing its attention
on Washington" for a stream of
misinformation on the question.

Establishment of an Ameri-
can Council for Isreal "to pro-
mote concerted action on the
part of all segments of Ameri-
can Jewry and the fostering of
settlement in Israel not only
from the lands of oppression
but from all parts of the free
world," was proposed by Dr.
Emanuel Neumann, member of
the Jewish Agency executive,
who also called for a united
front of all American Zionist
groups. He suggested creation
of a joint committee of repre-
sentatives of the Zionist move-
ment and of Israel "to work
steadily and systematically
during the coming months, in
an effort to reach full agree-
ment on .principles and policies
and complete coordination of
effort in the future with re-
spect to the role and function
of world Zionism."

Only if Israel and the Zionist
movement are of one stand,
speak with one voice and act
in full accord can Zionism re-
gain its full effectiveness:" Dr.
Neumann declared. _
Dr, Israel Goldstein, member
of the Jewish Agency executive
and chairman of the World Con-
federation of General Zionists,
called for fuller participation by
the Zionist movement in the af-
fairs of the American Jewish
community. He placed on the
debit side its failure to join "in
the effort to safegurad Ameri-
can democracy and world-
mindedness against. the insidious
attempts to undermine both."

Avraharri Harman, Consul
General of Israel, told the
convention that Israel's rela-
tions with the Arab countries
would be Speedily solved "as
soon as the illusion is • removed
that Israel's existence as an
integral part of the Middle
East can be Ignored.'`

Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleve-
land, former chairman of the
American Zionist Council and of
the American section of the Jew-
ish. Agency, was the guest speak-
er at the testimonial dinner
tendered at the ZOA convention


Friday, September 4, 1953

in honor of the 60th birthday of arms to any of the Arab states
Dr. Emanuel Neumann,
as long as they persist in their
The dinner, attended by over refusal to come to terms with
1,000 Zionist leaders from all Israel,
parts of'the country, was pre-
The convention expressed ap-
sided over by Mortimer May, of preciation of the "wise and
Nashville, Tenn.
constructive" program of eco-
Dr. Silver praised Dr. Eman- nomic aid which the Adminis-
uel Neumann for his sober, tration and the Congress of the
United States have extended to
responsible and scholarly ap-
proach to the manifold prob- the peoples of the Middle East,
.4nd of the "generous assistance"
lems of the movement. His
enthusiasm for the cause was which Israel is receiving within
always based on knowledge 'the framework of the Mutual
and confidence derived from Security Program.
In another
the study: of life and history.
As well as anyone and better resolution t h
than most, he has understood convention took
the grave economic and poli-
tical problems that confront note of the fact
the State of Israel which he that the execu-
helped to create.
tive of the Jew-
Turning to the Zionist scene, ish Agency has
Dr. Silver stated that he was before it several
gratified with the new govern- proposals look- -
ment coalition in Israel which ing toward its
represents a logical coordination enlarge went
of the forces and economic in- through the in-
clusion of non- .
terests of the country.
A tangible demonstration of Zionist individ-
the esteem in
Dr. Neu- uals who are Rabbi Miller
mann_ is held
held by Zionists all concerned with Israel's welfare
over the world was the an-
The convention reaffirmed its
nouncement that a grove of support for the strengthening of
1,000 trees in "The Forest of the American Zionist Council
Mexico Jewry in Israel" is to and the expansion of its activi-
be planted in his honor by the ties. It also expressed the view
Jewish National Fund in Mex- that the Assembly of American
Zionists, which is to be convened
The Jewish National Fund has Dec. 5 by the AZC, should not
mobilized in the United States be invested with any legislative
for the purpose of land purchase powers affecting the structure
and land development in Israel, and autonomy of existing Zionist
since its inception 53 years ago bodies.
to June 1, 1953, the sum of $186,-
The delegates recorded their
365,896.40, Dr. Harris J. Levine, "profound satisfaction" over the
president of the JeWish National formation of the coalition gov-
Fund of America, disclosed at ernment in Israel in which the
the JNF symposium at the ZOA Mapai and General Zionists are
convention. Reporting on the the major partners. They also
Overseas Activity of the Fund, hailed as a major achievement
Mendel N. Fisher, executive di- of the coalition government pas=
rector of the Jewish National sage of the national education
Fund, stated that 514 rural set- law unifying the school system.
tlements have been established
in Israel in the last half century
and that 80% of all the agricul-
Now's the Time to
tural land in Israel today is held
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by the Jewish National Fund. He
added that more than 18,000,000
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trees have been planted since
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the establishment of Israel in
See or Call
Urge Congress Be in U. S.
The convention concluded
with the re-election of Rabbi
Miller as president and with the
a doption of a resolution urging
that the next World Zionist
25th Year With
Congress should, for the first
time in Zionist history, be held
in the United States.


Another resolution called
upon the U. S. Government to
urge the Arab states "to en-
gage in direct peace negotia-
tions with Israel." The reso-
lution emphasized that Amer-
ican Zionists "are unalterably
opposed" to the supply of

Dr. N a h u na Goldmann,
chairman of the Jewish Agen-
cy, in a message cabled from
London to the ZOA conven
tion, said there "does not exist
the slightest degree of con-
flict" between the efforts of
U. S. Jews on behalf of Israel
and their "continual contribu-
tion to American life gener-
ally, as citizens of a great
democracy, who share equality
of rights and equality of obli-
gation with all their fellow
citizens." The efforts of Amer-
ican Jews on behalf of Israel
supplement their contribution
to American principles, he

Delegations from Jerusalem
and Haifa are pleading for ZOA
houses in their communities,
similar to the one in Tel Aviv,
which serve not only as a cul 7

tural, social and recreational
center for American visitors but
for Israeli citizens as well, it was
reported by Jacob M. Alkow.
The building of an agricul-
tural trade school in Israel in
honor of Dr. Abbe. Hillel Silver
of Cleveland, to be known as
Kfar Silver, will be one of the
major projects to be financed
by the American Zionist Fund of
the ZOA, it was announced by
Dr. Sidney Marks, national sec-
retary, in his annual report to
the convention.

Judith Rica, nine-year-old
daughter of playwright Elmer
Rice and actress Betty Field,
will make her theatrical bow in
"Second Fiddle" starring her
mother, written and directed by
her father.


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