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August 14, 1953 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1953-08-14

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Rita; Brith (linen Present Check
To Michigan Committee on.Civil Rights

Mrs. MORRIS TACK (right) and Mrs. PHILIP FEALK pre-
sent a check for $635 as a contribution from the Greater Detroit
Bnai Brith' Women's Council to Mrs. Olive R. Beasley, executive
director, Michigan Committee on Civil Rights "to help the wonder-
ful work of the Committee to secure an FEPC law for Michigan."
Bnai Brith Chapters which participated in making the contribu-
tion are Bloch, Brandeis, Detroit ? Lodge, East Side, Herzl, Keidan,
Pisgah and Zager.

U. S. Orthodox Group
Backs Women Drafting


a the _Air

This Week's Radio and
Television Programs
of Jewish Interest

Time: 12:30 p.m., Sunday,
Aug. 16.
Station: WWJ.
Feature: The seventh in the
summer series. "Words We Live
By." featuring Maurice Samuel
and Prof. Mark Van Doren as
discussants, will be an analysis
of "Ancient Egypt and the
Destiny of the People of Israel."
The programs are based on
Thomas Mann's classic "Joseph
and His Brothers.'
Time: 10 a.m., Sunday, Aug.
Station: WXYZ.
Feature: Rabbi Leon Frain, of
Detroit's Temple Israel, will de-
liver the third in a series of
four broadcasts over the nation-
wide network. His topic will be
"The Judaeo-Christian Ideal of
Universal Peace."
* *
Time: 10:30 a.m., Sunday, Aug.
Station : WJR.
Feature: A special program.
arranged in cooperation with
the Culture Commission .of the
Jewish Community Council, will
feature Rabbi Frank Rosenthal,
of Suburban Temple, as prin-
cipal speaker. Cantor Judah
Goldring, of Beth -Aaron Syna-
gogue, will c h ant selections
from the liturgy. Lawrence W.
Crohn and Louis LaMed, co-
chairmen of the Council ;com-
mission, announce that the pro-
gram also will 'commemorate
the anniversary of the Atlantic

NEW YORK, (JTA) — Hapoel
Hamizrachi of America issued
a statement explaining the posi-
tion of the Orthodox' laborite
group in Israel on the issue of
national service, conscription for
Orthodox youg women exempted
from military service.
The 'group takes Credit for a
number of concessions in the
present bill, including the right
of religious women to assign-
ment of tasks near their homes
to permit their return home
every evening.
It takes the Agudah parties
to task for their opposition to
the measure, pointing out that
nearly two years ago the Agudah
expressed support of such a
measure, and that the Poale
Agudah signed an agreement
accepting this proposal as a
condition for e n t r y into the
government coalition.
The Hapoel Hamizrachi state-
ment says that the Israeli Chief
Rabbinate's opposition to a na-
tional service bill does not
amount to a rabbinical edict
against it, pointing out that
the Chief Rabbinate stated that
the issue is not of sufficient im-
portance to cause a Cabinet


Ask House to Refuse Entrance to Ex-Nazi

Friday, August 14, 1953

Jewish War Veterans of the
United States has called on the
House Judiciary Committee to
reject a Senate bill that would
restore the American citizen-
ship of Alfred Theodore Ex, the
former German-American Bun-
dist who renoun ed his
U.S. citizenship in 1941 to serve
Adolph Hitler.
A strongly worded protest by
Jesse Moss, national command-n-

15,000 Jews Eligible
For U. S. ImmiEiration

PARIS, (JTA)—About 15,-
000 Jewish refugees will be
eligible to enter the United
States within the next three
years under the Emergency
Immigration Bill signed last
week by President Eisenhow-
er. The bill authorizes the
admission of 214,000 immi-
grants from Europe above the
existing quotas.
The estimate was given by
Arthur Greenleigh, executive
director of the United Service
for New Americans, which
aids Jewish immigrants in
the U.S. He did not indicate
on what his estimate was
based, however.
Charles Jordan, assistant,
European director of the
Joint Distribution Committee,
said that most of the Jewish
refugees who qualify for ad-
mission under the bill come
under the special provisions
adopted f o r refugees from
countries behind the Iron

of the Jewish War Veterans,
cited the adverse reaction of the
Department of Justice, which
said of Ex: "When it seemed to
serve his purpose best, he re-
nounced U.S. citizenship and
embraced Germany nationality."
The bill to readmit Ex was
introduced by Senator William
Langer and was passed by the
Senate. two weeks ago. It is now
up for consideration before the
House Judiciary sub-committee
on immigration and naturali-

Canada to Continue
Policy of Bias by Mail

$1,680* BUYS

MONTREAL, ( J T A ) — The
withdrawal of mailing facilities
from distributors of anti-Semi-
tic propaganda, as suggested by
the Canadian Jewish Congress,
would • be impracticable, accord-
ing to a'reply received by Con-
gress from the Postmaster Gen-
eral of Canada.






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Vacation Bound?

Enjoy tele-viewing during those long stay-
at-home evenings that may occasionally occur
during even the most actively planned vaca-
tions. For those of us confined to our rooms or
cabin because of a (sitting) problem . . . tele-
vision will help the evening hours slip by
quickly and pleasantly.

Magazine Poll Shows
Approval for Religion
In U. S. Schools

A recent poll of readers of
the Woman's Home Companion
on the religious teaching of
children shows that a substan- PHONE TE. 4-2858
tial majority-66 percent—ap-
prove of giving religious in- DEXTER TELEVISION COMPANY
11565 DEXTER
struction in the public schools.
Almost as many Protestants (66
percent) as Catholics (68 per-
cent) voted their approval. Jew-
ish readers expressed their dis-
approval by more than two to
Of those who approved reli-
gious instruction in publi c
schools, 57 percent said it should
be given by the clergy, 37 per-
cent preferred lay teachers.
Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein,
former president of the Central
Conference of American Rabbis
agreed with the view expressed
by most Jewish readers. Teach-
ing religion in the public
schools, he said, "would be a
breach in the wall of separation
. . . is good enough for your fine rugs ..
between church and state which
that's why so many thousands are so com-
has kept our country free of
the dissension and divisiveness
pletely satisfied with Leader Cleaning.
that have torn European coun-
to Keep Close Check tries apart."
* Wall to Wall Carpeting

On Nazi War Criminals

United States, Brit a i n and
France will continue to retain
responsibility a n d supervision
over German war criminals who
may be granted clemency or
parole by the consultative re-
view boards set up by the West-
ern Powers, a telegram from the
S t a t e Department informed
Philip M. Klutznick, national
president of Bnai Brith.
The State Department com-
munication followed a wire sent
by Klutznick to Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles point-
Israel Re-Elected to
ing out the great hazard and
UN Social Commission
potential danger to democrat-
ization in Germany through the
GENEVA. (JTA) —Israel was possible release of over 500 Nazi
re-elected for another three- war criminals.
year term as a member of the
social commission of the United Two Israel Planes Crash
Nations Economic and Social
Council. In a secret ballot, 14 of While on Search Party
the 18 member states voted for
'1'EL AVIV — Two Israel Air
the re-election of Israel. Syria,
which contested, was not elect- Force planes crashed off the
coast of Haifa searching for the
pilot and navigator of a two-
engine Mosquito plane missing
Frankfort Jewry Ignored
since Aug. 6. Wreckage from
In Report on World War II
the second crash, seen by
FRANKFURT, ( J T A ) —In a crowds along Haifa's shores,
detailed statistical report pub- was found immediately, but the
lished by the local statistical two-man crew perished.
A wheel from the first plane
office, the loss of human life of
the Frankfurt population dur- was found in the sea off Ras
ing World War II was given as el Nakura, a border point on
23,000, including 10,480 killed in t h e Israel - Lebanese frontier.
battle, 678 who died in PW British planes from Cyprus and
camps and 4,822 civilians who an American plane from Libya
assisted in the search.
perished in air raids.
Nowhere in the six-page list-
ing is any mention made of the
The family of the late Celia
more than 6,000 Jews of Frank-
furt who were killed in .concen- Weiss wishes to thank its re-
tration and extermination latives and friends for the many
camps during the same period kindnesses extended during its
recent bereavement.
under review.

The Very Best

Carpet Cie nin

and Furniture Properly
Cleaned hi Your Home

Southern Church, Synagogue
Continue Brotherhood . 'Habie

congregation of the Wesley
Monumental Methodist Church
worshipped at M i k v e Israel
Synagogue last Sunday to con-
tinue a tradition in brotherhood
and cooperation begun in 1927.
The Methodists and Jews have
offered each other the use of
their houses of worship when-
ever fire has damaged one or
the other of the premises.

TY 5-8400




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