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August 14, 1953 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1953-08-14

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(Unveil:rig announcements may oe
8•7..rtea oy mail or ay tailing The iewisn
News office, VE. 8-93.54. Written an-
nouncements must oe accompanlea ov
the name ano address of the person
making the insertion. There is a standard
charge of $2 for unveiling notices.
measuring an inch in depths.


The family of the late Ida
Levin announces the unveiling
of a mereument in her memory
at 11:30 a.m., Sunday, Aug. 16,
at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi
Wohlgelernter will officiate. Rel-
atives and friends are asked to
* *
The farnily of the late Louis
Isenberg announces the unveil-
ing of a monument in his mem-
ory at 3 :30 p.m., Sunday. Aug.
16, at Beth Tefilo Emanuel Cem-
etery. Rabbi Stollman will offi-
ciate. Relatives and friends are
asked to attend.
The . family of the late Mrs.
Rose Mitnick announces the un-
veiling of a monument in her
Memory at 1 p.m., Sunday, Aug.
16, at Chesed shel Eines Ceme-
tery. Rabbi Wohlgelernter will
officiate. Relatives and friends
are asked to attend.
* * *
The family of the late Samuel
Goldman announces the unveil-
ing of a monument in his mem-
ory at 1 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 16,
at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi
Eskin will officiate. Relatives
and friends are asked to attend.
* * *
The family of the late Leo
Grossbcrg announces the un-
veiling- of a monument in his
memory at 11:30 a.m., Sunday,
Aug. 23, at Machpelah Ceme-
tery. Relatives and friends are
asked to attend.
The family of the late. Mrs.
Sophie Levine announces the
unveiling of a monument in her
memory at 11 a.m., Sunday, Aug.
16. at Nusach Hari Cemetery,
'Woodward between Eight and
Nine Mile Rds. Relatives and
friends are asked to attend.
* C
The family of the late Katie
Miller announces the unveiling
,of` a monument in her memory
at 12 noon, Sunday, Aug. 16, at
Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi
Adler will Officiate. Relatives
and friends are asked to attend.
* *
The family of the late Odessa
Glickstein announces the un-
veiling of a monument in her
Memory at 11 a.m., Sunday, Aug.
•16, at Machpelah Cemetery.
Rabbi Chinitz . will officiate. Rel-
atives and friends are asked to

The family of the late David
A. Lipson announces the unveil-
ing of a monument in his mem-
ory at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 23,
at Clove". Hill Park Cemetery.
Rabbi Ceeruskin will officiate.
Relatives and friends are asked
to attend.


* *

The family of the late Meyer
Siegel announces the unveiling
of a Monument in his memory
at 11 a.m., Sunday, Aug. 23
at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi
Segal will. officiate. Relatives
and friends are asked to attend.
* * *
The family of the late Mrs.
Stella Stark, of Flint; Mich., an-
nounces the unveiling of a mon-
ument in her memory at 10:30
a.m., Sunday, Aug. 16, at Oak
View Cemetery. Relatives and
friends are asked to attend.



The family of the late Mrs.
Celia Roth announces the un-
veiling of a monument in her
memory at 2 p.m., Sunday, Aug.
16, at Workmen's Circle Ceme-
tery. Rabbi Rabinowitz will of-
ficiate. Relatives and friends
are asked to attend. The fam-
ily will leave at 1 p.m., from
3253 Clements.

Obituar i es

Pinehurst, died Aug. 4. Services
at Ira Kaufman Chapel. He
leaves his wife, Freda; son,. Mor-
ton; daughter s, Mrs. Henry
Chait, Mrs. Gary Rich and M.
David Tabashnik; two brothers
and a sister.


FRANK FELIX, 9978 Cascade,
died Aug. 3. Services at Ira
Kaufman Chapel. He leaves his
wife, Mollie: son, Samuel;
daughters, Mrs. Irving Long,
Mrs. Irving Gold and Mrs. Ben
Fealk ; a sister anti 11 grand-

pel, died Aug. 6. Services and
interment in New Y o r k. He
leaves his wife, Frieda; sons,
George, of Detroit, and Jerome,
of Woodmere, N. Y.; daughter,
Mrs. Morris Meisner; two sisters
and six grandchildren.


ANNA COHEN, 17152 Indiana,
died Aug. 7. Services at Ira
Kaufman Chapel. She leaves her
sons, Bernard and Saul; daugh-
ters, Helen, Mrs. David Witten-
berg, Mrs. John Praetor, and
Mrs. Ray Habicht, both of How-
ell, Mich., and Mrs. Neil McNeil;
a brother, four sisters and seven
* * *
Clements, died Aug. 5. Services
•at Hebrew Benevolent Chapel.
Survived by his wife, Rebecca;
daughters, Mrs. Morris Weiss and
Mrs. Herman Cohen; son, Sam;
five grandchildren, two brothers
and a sister..
• * *
EVA FELDSTEIN, 2900 Hazel-
wood, died Aug. 6. Services at
Hebrew Benevolent Chapel. Sur-
vived by her husband, Harry;
sons, Abraham and Joseph;
daughter, Mrs. Jack Karpel and
four grandchildren.


DAVID LANG, 3817 Fullerton,
died Aug. 7. Services at Hebrew
Benevolent Chapel. Survived by
his wife, Theresa: sons, Harold
I and Zoltan; daughter, Mrs. Max'
Forman; a grandchild and a sis-

IDA RESNIKOFF, 18430 Monte
Vista, died Aug. 9. Services at
Hebrew Memorial Chapel. Sur-
vived by her husband, Abra-
ham: and son, David.

MAN). 18094 Santa Barbara, died
Aug. 9. Services at Hebrew Me-
morial Chapel. Survived by a
daughter. Elaine, a brother and
three sisters.
* *
Kentucky, died Aug. 10. Serv-
ices at Hebrew Memorial Chapel.
Survived by his wife; Rose; sons,
Louis and Sidney; daughter,
Mrs. Morris Watnick; 4 grand-

In Memoriam

As a mark of appreciation of many years of active interest
and financial support by the National Council of Jewish Women,
the School of Education of Hebrew University in Jerusalem has
presented a first edition copy of the "Jerusalem Bible" to Mrs.
IRVING M. ENGEL, national president of .the women's organi-
zation. Shown at the Council's headquarters in New York are
Mrs. Engel and Dr. BERNARD CHERRICK, director of organiza-
tion of Hebrew University and acting executive vice-president of
American Friends of Hebrew University, who made the formal
presentation in behalf of Prof. Ernst Simon and Dr. Alexander
'Dushkin, of the School of Education of the Hebrew University
and the Ministry of Education and Culture of Israel.

In loving memory of my be-
loved wife and our sweet moth-
er, Helen F. D'Braunstein, who
passed away on Aug. 28, 1949.
Sadly missed by her husband,
Hasckar; sons, Arthur, Jack and Yahrzeit Calendars
David; daughter, Joyce; father,
Meyer; sisters, Goldie, Esther At Menorah Chapel
and Bernice; and brothers,
Menorah Funeral Chapel, 3800
Harry, Joe, Fred, Barney and Puritan, continues to offer a
Israel. -
yahrzeit calendar service to
anyone interested or desiring
calendar for a specific yahrzeit
European Year Book
date. By calling the office of
the Menorah Chapel, 3800 Puri-
Published This Month
tan, UN. 1-7701, and giving the
The European Jewish Year date of death of any dear one,
Book for 1953-54 will be pub- a 50-year calendar will be sent,
lished this month. In 580 pages, giving the corresponding yahr-
the book will contain lists of zeit dates. Any information on
all Jewish , organizations, i n
Europe as compiled in 23 coun- may be troublesome can be
tries through 20,000 question- cleared up by contacting Rabbi
naires which were distributed. J. S. Sperka at the Menorah
One section—a Jewish Who's Chapel office.
Who — contains inforCation
One of America's newest
about more than 600 leading
M21.11001N I
personalities throughout t h e
and most beautiful ceme-
world. In addition, essays on
teries, dedicated to the
Lowest Prices for Highest Quality
Jewish questions and Israel have
service of Detroit Jews.
Granite and Outstanding Designs
been prepared by Dr. Walter Ey-
tan, general director of the Is-
rael Foreign Ministry; Dr. Franz
Bohm, of Frankfort; Kurt R.
Between Inkster and illiddlebelt
Grossmann, of New York; Peter
2744 W. Davison cor. Lawton
For Information
N. Levinson, Berlin rabbi, and
Call Mr. Segall at TR. 5-8530
TO. 8-6923
TO. 8 - 7523
An Israel section will contain
statistical tables and pictures
The Shofar's Call, A Symbol of Dedication
showing the progress of the
young state. Essays on eco-
The Jewish Month of Elul, which precedes
nomic and political consequen-
the Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yorn
Kippur, is considered the traditional time
ces of such important events as
to unveil a Monument.
the Hague Restitution agree-
ment will appear in this section.


I Cemetery

Beth El Memorial Park

Clements, died Aug. 7. Services
at Hebrew Benevolent Chapel.
Survived by his wife, Bertha;
daughters, Mrs. Nathan Robbins,
Mrs. Leon London and Mrs. Irv-
ing Levine; sons, Lawrence and
G a r y; four grandchildren;
mother, Esther Eisenberg; four Mizrachi, Hapoel Hamizrachi
brothers and three sisters.
Agree to Merge Both Groups

gree, died Aug. 6. Services at
Hebrew Benevolent Chapel.
• *
STEIN, 3037 Monterey, died Aug.
8 Services at Hebrew Benevo-
lent Chapel. Survived by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Silberstein, and her grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sil-
berstein and Mrs. Rose Alpert,


mere, Windsor, died Aug. 5.
Services at Menorah Chapel. He
leaves his daughters, Mrs. Anne
Skae, Mrs. Renee Rosen and
Mrs. Rosalyn Wittcoff, all of De-
troit, and Sari, of Windsor; and
a son, David, and a brother.



Detroiter, died Aug. 4, in Santa
Monica, Calif. Services and in-
terment in Los Angeleg. She
leaves her husband, Harr y;
daughters, Mrs. A. M. Weber, of
Detroit; Mrs. Gerald Kronick,
of Lo8 Angeles, and Mrs. Irving
Pick, of New Yorke a son, Earl,
of Los Angeles; sisters, Mrs. J.
Schwartz and Mrs. William Ber-
man, and a brother, Abe Lowen-
berg, all of Detroit; and three


The family of the .late Mrs.
Sarah Herman announces the
unveiling of a monument in her
memory at 2 p.m., Sunday, Aug.
16, at Machpelah Cemetery.
Rabbi Bakst will officiate. Re-
latives an.d friends are asked to

lIsraers 'Own Bible' Is Gift to Head
0 _ f National Council of Jewish Women

The family of the late Anna
Levine announces the unveiling
of a monument in her memory
at 12 noon Sunday, Aug. 16, at
Machpelah Cemeter y. Rabbi
Wohlgelernter will officiate. Rel-
atives and friends ace requested
to attend.

TEL AVIV, (JTA)—A complete
of the Mizrachi and
Ha.poel Hamizrachi parties was
agreed to here at a two-day
joint meeting of the central
committees of both parties. The
meeting decided to carry out
the decision as soon as possible,
and no later than one year
from now.
Leon Gellman, world leader of
the Mizrachi movement, ex-
pressed the hope that "the mer-
ger is effected immediately,
since the movement faces im-
portant tasks in Israel and
abroad, and the work can be
done only with the joint efforts"
of , both groups.

Honor the Memory of your Loved
One by making your careful selec-
tion now.

May we offer our many years of
experience to aid you in making
your choice.


Closed Saturday .

Karl, Berg Memorials

Successors to Max Wrotslaysky Monument Works

The Most Beautiful Jewish
Funeral Home in Michigan

With "The Eddie Cantor
Story" finished at Warner Bros.,
Capitol Records is completing
plans to record and release an
album starring Cantor and util-
izing the tunes in the film. Ed-
die has recorded eight sides.




Friday, August 14, 1953


Card of Thanks

Miss Ann Fisher wishes to
thank all of her many friends
for the kindnesses and heart-
felt expressions of sympathy
which were extended during
her recent bereavement over
the loss of her mother, Mrs.
Pearl Fisher, who, until her
passing was the owner and
manager of the Pearl Con-
valescent Home.

. Open Sunday

TY. 6-0196

3201 Joy Rd.


Entirely New Ownership and Management

Sponsored by Prominent Detroit Jewish Leaders

Reflecting a dignified and understanding

attention to detail----in exact accord

with your wishes.

Service and Rabbi of Your Choice


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