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June 12, 1953 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1953-06-12

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The Rosenbergs:

Guilt and Justice,

Evil of Capital


Commentary, Page ?,

of Jewish Events

A Weekly Review

Buy an Israel

Bond on BIG

Day, Sunday

Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle

VOLUME 23--No. 14

708 David Stott Bldg.—WO. 5-1155

Detroit, Michigan, June 12, 1953

$4.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 15c

Negotiations for Damage Claims
aunched with Austria by Jewry

Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News

VIENNA—Negotiations between world Jewish organizations and the Austrian gov-
ernment over Jewish claims for damages suffered during the Nazi regime will open
officially on June 22; it was reported here Tuesday. The talks agreed to by Austrian
government leaders last year were delayed several times because of a cabinet crisis
and national elections.
The new chancellor, Dr. Juluius Raab, shortly after his installation this year, re-
newed the promises of his predecessor Leopold Figl. A spokesman for the new chan-
cellor has stated that he hopes to come to a speedy settlement with the Jewish organi-
zations, provided they consider Austria's economic status and do not present "exagger-
ated claims."
The negotiating delegation of Jewish organizations, headed by Dr. Nahum Gold-
mann who led the successful negotiations with West Germany, will arrive here June 16
or 17. Before formal negotiations open they will meet with Chancellor Raab and Vice
Chancellor, Adolf Schaerf to servey the overall scope of the negotiations. The delegation
also will. confer with Austrian Jewish lead ers in advance of initiating negotiations.

U.S. Jewish Leaders Leave for Austria for Reparations Talks


• '

Israel Oil Drilling:

Lenore Levinson of

Wichita Falls, Texas, uses crude oil to launch an oil-drilling
rig about to be transported to Israel, while Abraham Raben,
chairman of the Wichita Falls Committee for Israel Bonds,
looks on. The rig, modified so that it is capable of drilling
to a depth of 20,000 feet, is the first to be sent to Israel,
and will be operated by Pontiac Petroleum.

(JTA)—Dr. Nahum Gold mann, chairman of the Jewish Agency and
principal negotiator of the German-Israel reparations agreement, left for Europe to
launch negotiations with the Austrian government.
Other Jewish leaders who are leaving for Europe to participate in the negotiations
are Jacob Blaustein, president, American Jewish Committee; Dr. Israel Goldstein, presi-
dent, American Jewish Congress; and Adolph Held, chairman, Jewish Labor Committee.
The joint executive board of the Committee of Jewish Claims on Austria, in which
the four American Jewish leaders will take part, will meet in Paris on June 14. Repre-
sentatives of Association of Jewish Communities in Austria will participate.

German Reparations Expected to Improve Israel's Trade Balance

TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The German reparations funds will cover half of the Israel
development budget for the next four years, Hillel Dan, director of the Israel govern-
ment's reparations corporation, said here. He reported that the development budget for
the next four years will come to 550,000,000 Israel pounds.
Projects to be financed by the development program, he continued, will make it
possible for Israel to save in the next four years $120,000,000 both by avoiding cer-
tain imports and increasing exports by the end of May, 1954, Israel should receive some
$65,000,000 worth of German goods.

Plot to Overthrow Government 'Uncovered in Israel

Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News

Gifts for IIIAS:

A copper torrent pours out
of the jarful of pennies that Samuel Sabba brought to the
. office of HIAS, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, in New York,
as his contribution for the year. Sabba, 66, who came to this
country 40 years ago from Arta, Greece, explained that when
he complete his ritual prayers every morning, putting a penny
or . two in the big jar that stands nearby has become part of
his morning routine along with his prayers.

JERUSALEM—Israeli police have uncovered a new terrorist organization which has
been plotting to overthrow the government, Attorney General Haim Cohen announced
here at an extraordinary midnight press conference.
Mr. Cohen revealed that the Cabinet had met in emergency session Monday and
had decided to publish a special issue of the Official Gazette in which the underground
organization would be listed as a Terrorist group and its members made subject to
criminal action. The top penalty for membership in such an organization is a 20-year
prison sentence. The name of the group was withheld for the time being.
The Attorney General reported that the police in checking on the activities of the
ultra-religious and super-Nationalist group had uncovered two arms caches — one in
Jerusalem and one in Tel Aviv. He named 17 members of the group who had been de-
tained in the course of the investigation.
Most of them, he added, were members of the Brit Kanaim, the organization held
responsible for last year's bombing of the Knesset building, and said that they were
being held for such crimes as the attempted bombing of the Education ministry, the
blowing up of book shops selling Russian literature and other crimes of violence. Mr.
Cohen declared that the police believe that the members of the group financed their,
operations by hold-ups and similar crimes.
He said that the authorities were certain that the organization was not connected
with either foreign or domestic organizations of any kind. In response to questions the
Attorney General said it had not yet been decided which of the defendants would face
military courts and which would be tried by civilian courts, nor did he announce when
the defendants would be tried. He also reported that police are on the track of other
members of the underground group, adding that they believe that they already have
some portion of the directing central committee under lock and key.

Arab Hostility Forces Abandonment of UNESCO Conference


Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News

UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. — The forthcoming Middle East regional conference of
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization has been aban-
doned because of Arab hostility to Israel it was announced here Tuesday. At a meeting .
of the executive board of UNESCO, representatives of IRAQ and Lebanon informed
'the board that the Arab states would not attend the regional parley.

—International Photo

Iladassah Honors Mamie:


Mamie Eisenhower is presented with a "Wall of Healing" cer-
trificate, representing the inscription of her name on the new
Hadassah Medical center being built on outskirts of Jerusa-
lem, in ceremony at Washington Hadassah chapter's 32nd an-

nual spring luncheon. At left is Mrs. Paul Eanet, chapter
president, and at right, Mrs. Abba Eban, wife of Israel's am-
bassador. Hadassah is the women's Zionist organization of


Governor Proclaims Sunday Israel BIG Day

Governor G. Mennen Williams has joined with Jewish leaders in Michigan and
throughout the land in proclaiming Sunday BIG (Bonds of the Israel Government) Day,
to spur sale of Israel bonds. Hundreds of workers, representing scores of local organiza-

tions, have been mobilized to participate in the day's activities, under the direction of
Grand Marshals Peter S. Goldstein and Mrs. Bernard Osnos. The volunteers will be addressed
at the BIG Day headquarters, United Dairy Workers Halt 15840 Second, Sunday morning,
by Alex Lowenthal of Pittsburgh, national chairman for bond cash sales, and Julius Gins-

burg of Chicago.

Detailed Story on Page 3

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