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March 20, 1953 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1953-03-20

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Purely Commentary


The Propaganda Mills Are Grinding Dangerous Material

The challenges of the present day are not new. Years back,
when Israel was the name for a People and not for a State, the
enemies of Jewry, of Israel, were wont to taunt us, to accuse us of
a loyalty for which no man need ever apologize: a loyalty to
downtrodden people whom Jews sought to help.
In some quarters, the old taunts are in play again. They
would have us apologize for being Zionists. They accuse us of
raising too much money for the relief of the needy. Some of the
accusers undoubtedly are among the worst offenders when it
conies to being charitable. But they don't like us because we
refuse to abandon the oppressed.
Now they are at work again. They link our contributions to
sacred causes with governmental aid and they would have our
fellow citizens believe that some sort of crime has been commit-
ted in both fields.
Even well-meaning newspapermen have been misled. Take
as an example the able Washington correspondent of the Chris-
tian Science Monitor, Roland Sawyer. In a recent dispatch from
the nation's capital to his Boston newspaper, Mr. Sawyer incor-
porated this paragraph:
"American capital, public and private, has been plowed into

Israel to such an extent, it is reminded, that Israel is . almost
the 49th state, instead of Hawaii. It is not going to be easy
for Americans to change their pro-Israeli position, especially
now that the Soviet Union has broken relations with Israel."

This is the type of subtlety that breeds suspicion and hatred,
and we are especially shocked to have found it in the columns of
so great and fair a. newspaper as the Christian Science Monitor.
The two major political- parties have given encouragement to
Israel and have assisted in the development of the young dem-
ocracy. It was not accidental aid. It was sentiment rooted in
tradition, in this country's development in the spirit of the Old
Testament and in the inspiration that has been inherited from
the Founding Fathers of this Republic who believe that Man must
be given a chance to live a decent life. In the instance of Israel,
the. Jew is the Man who was given encouragement to break the
shackles of slavery and to declare himself independent in the face
of tyrants' attempts to exterminate him.
Now, an established tradition is threatened by an upsurge of
bigotry which is invading high quarters. The subtle innuendos
which are .intended to harm Israel have been thrown into the
propaganda mills, and the dirt that emanates is producing dan-
gers which must be met head-on, unequivocally, fearlessly, real-
istically and without hesitation.

Naguib's Full Force Anti Israel Hate Campaign



It is additionally distressing that the anti-Israel hate cam-
paign launched by Egypt's Premier Mohammed Naguib should
find many American newspapers to be convenient propaganda
vehicles. We are indebted, however, to the Christian Science
Monitor's correspondents for bringing us the views of the Arab
leaders. The Monitor's Cairo correspondent, 0. M. Marashian,
paints the Arabs as "seeing through" Russia's break with Israel
"as a master propaganda stroke before any change in U. S. foreign
policy." The implication is that Russia may have sought -to assure
continuation. of aid for Israel. ,This is typical of the demon who
paints himself white and blinds you with scorching forks.
But the devil's job does not end here. Marashian makes it
a point to quote an Egyptian foreign office spokesman as warn-
ing against future newcomers to Israel who are "indoctrinated
with social and economic creeds opposed to the principles of the
Arab states." Is there a Jew, corning from western lands, whose
ideas do not run counter to the backward Arabs whom 'Israel
would elevate if there were peace? "
But the Arabs—referring again to Marashian—seek "to bene-
fit" from Russia's break with Israel, and Jewish spokesmen must
be on guard against new dangers lurking in the Middle East.
Marashian makes an important point when he warns that
"sympathy for Arab refugees, coupled by some form of anti-Zion-
ist action, is still the strongest bait for Arabs embittered against
the West." This, therefore, is the first problem to be solved, and
its misrepresentation is the first danger to guard against.

The American Policy and Tradition Versus the Rumor Mill

While there is cause for concern, we must not become panicky
over the new developments and the: menacing attacks hurled at
Israel. In the act of spreading pro-Arab, anti-Israel propaganda,
American Jews are not left out of the attack.
A study of the basis for American friendship for Israel and
the Zionist cause and of the character of the Idea underlying
such friendship will convince even the casual observer that it
can not be changed drastically. The average American, who has
read the Bible, believes in the inevitable rebirth of Israel. It is
one of the ultimate developments of a future in which mankind
will witness true peace envisioned in Isaiah's prophecy.
Into the struggle that has been revived, with Jews as the tar-
gets of attack, American Jews play- a major role. Anti-Semites
gloat in their new assault. They believe they can destroy us.
Nearly half of our numbers of pre-Hitler days—if you add the
3,000,000 Jews who are being swallowed up in the Soviet orbit to
the 6,000,000 who have been murdered by the Nazis—have disap-
peared, and our new enemies are aiming poisoned arrows at those
who remain in the ranks of "the nation of priests and the holy
Every Haman, every Pharaoh, has gloated too early while
basking in the vision of a destroyed Israel. No anti-Semite has
ever learned the historic truth: that Israel is indestructible. But
in order to remain in this indestructible state, Jews need to rec-
ognize certain truths and obligations. Some- of them are major.
Primary in the struggle for survival is the inner urge, not the
outer influence. We are fortunate in our friends. The modern
Christian will not be a party to the destruction of the Jewish peo-
ple. But he is powerless unless the Jew wills it to remain a living
instrument for 'the common good and as 'an entity.
Jews will survive as long as they will it to survive. And to will
it to live they must live in dignity, in honor and with a sense of
loyalty to traditions which have made them the "nation of
priests." When we uphold traditions, we remain strong. When
we keep alive the oppressed and strive to assure them freedom, we
have greater assurance that our own liberties will be protected.
We do not say this in arrogance—especially when we urge that no
one should bend his back to oppressors and advocate that Jews
should always' speak up against tyrants and spreaders of hate—
but rather with a view to perpetuating one of our people's basic
qualities: that of being humble, of possessing humility that is not
blinded by affluence.
The average American respects those who refuse to be tramp-
led upon. They honor the people who live up to their ideals.
They will respect us as long as we defy the bigots and repudiate
the anti-Semites, while, in doing battle for human decency, we
hold on to our heritage, out of which. have grown the world's
major faiths. We really have strong weapons—if we only hold on
to these ideals.

Arab Complaint Against U. S. Aid to
Israel Sio ed Contrary to N Spirit

Silver Ass(iils Arab Propaganda
Against Help for Israel by U.S.

NEW YORK, (JTA) — Resent- blockade, confronted with the
ment was expressed here at a necessity of absorbing 700.000
statement made by a spokesman impoverished refugees and . of
for the Arab delegations at the defending its frontiers at the
United Nations that' "the Arabs very time that it was setting up
object to the practice of allow- the machinery of government
ing Americans to make tax-free and laying the bases for its
contributions to Jewish chari- agricultural and industrial de-
velopment, has. received since its
The Arab spokesman said that founding aid in the amount of
such contributions "indirectly $276,000,000, half of which was
support Israel's military budg- in the form of a loan from the
et." He cited Arab opposition to Export-Import Bank, which is
the practice of U. S. Government being repaid at three and a half
officials in publicly espousing percent interest," he declared.
Dr. Silver emphasized that .
bond drives for Israel. At the
same time, Prince Faisal el- "Israel -is profoundly grateful
Saud, Saudi Arabian Foreign for the aid which it has received
Minister, who represents his from this country, which was
country at the current UN Gen- the first to grant it recognition
eral Assembly session, said he and which did so much to bring
was encouraged by his recent it into existence." By so doing,
conversations with Secretary of he pointed out, the United
State John Foster Dulles and States has assured for itself
predicted that "the United and mankind, "a faithful and
States would modify its policy dependable ally for freedom
and recognize the importance of and democracy in a most critical
and strategic area of the world."
the Middle East."
Observers here emphasized The recent violent outburst and
that the remarks by the Arab denunciatiOn both of Israel and
spokesman constitute inter- of Zionism on the part of the
vention into the internal af-. Soviet bloc are clear proof of
'fairs of the United States and this fact, he stressed.

are contrary to the 'spirit of
the United Nations Charter.
He pointed out that this new
Arab propaganda move is part
of the tactic of bolstering
Arab morale and of influenc-
ing American public opinion
in favor of a pro-Arab policy
by the U. S. Government.

In Washington, attention was
drawn to the fact that American
military personnel are being in-
formed by the Defense Depart-
-ment's Office of Armed Forces
Information and Education that
the Neguib movement has taken
steps which have increased
chances of solving major prob-
lems facing the free world in
Egypt and brought "hope that
Egypt may take part in the Mid-
dle East defense organization,
which would be a start toward
organizing the security of the
Middle East."
This report was published in
a new edition of "Armed Forces
Talk,' a guide for the use of
orientation officers in preparing
current events briefing for
troops. The publication had
previously praised Gen. Naguib,
but failed to mention Egypt's
economic warfare against Israel
and Gen. Naguib's refusal to,
make peace. The current issue
said that Gen. Naguib "contin-
ued his quiet but determined
overhauling of the country's
economic and political life."

A report from Cairo said
that Premier Mohammed Na-
guib in the interview with
correspondents, expressed
hope that President Eisen-
will seek Arab friendship and
reverse the policy of the Tru
man, Admini strati o n. Gen.
Naguib asserted that past
American policy was one of
"naked support to Israel and

"Mischievous pr op a ganda"
which is being spread by pro-
Arab elements to the effect that
"the American GoVernment has
especially favored the State of
Israel and has poured fabulous
sums of money into that coun-
try," was assailed here by Dr.
Abba Hillel Silver at a dinner
marking the formal opening of
the 15th annual campaign of
the United Jewish Appeael of
Greater New York.'

Dr. Silver pointed out that
Israel had received from the
United States Government
$276,000,000 in aid and con-
trasted that with the total of
more than $30,000,000,000 given
to all countries receiving such
aid in the first five post-war
years and the $7,000,000,000
spent on foreign aid last year
alone. .

"The new State of Israel, re-
covering from the ravages of
invasions and war, harassed by
the continuing Arab boYcott and

"Whatever aid the , United
States will deem it wise and
just to extend to Israel in the
future as part of its foreign
aid program will of course be

deeply appreciated uy the
hard-pressed young State of
Israel," he continued. "A
strong Israel will be a deter-
exit to any attempt a t aggres-
sion on the part of :any un-
reconciled neighbor and will
insure peace in a part of the
world where an outbreak of
war may be difficult to local-

Dr. Silver called for- continued
support by American Jews of
efforts to strengthen Israel eco- •
William' Rosenwald, a national
chairman of the United Jewish
Appeal, voiced a plea to the
Soviet Union's new Premier,
Georgi Melenkov, and to those
who rule the Communist world
with him, to allow the Jews of
the Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe, - "who now live in dread
of renewed persecution," to emi-
grate to Israel.
Mr. Rosenwald has been

named chairman of the Nation-
al Freedom, Mobilization which

the UJA will sponsor on Sunday,
March 29, in the form of - a
series of rallies both in this city
and in principal cities through-
out the country to voice Ameri-
can Jewry's concern for the
safety and future of Eastern
Europe's more than 2,500,000
Jews, it was announced by Ed- .
ward M. M. Warburg, general
chairman of the UJA.


Friday, March 20, 1953

Between You and Me



1Copyright, 1953, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

Wa.:_.,,igtori Trends

Did American Zionist leaders lose all influence in Washing-
ton? .. . This question is now being asked with increasing fre-
quency by rank-and-filers . . Many wonder how it came about a
that the Zionist leadership in this country was not aware. that
Senate committee planned to allocate funds for a study of the
Palestine Arab refugee issue until the allocation was actually voted
The move, which caught Zionist leadership
and announced
napping, indicated :that the pro-Arab elements, in Washington
have found their way not only into the State Department, but
alsO into the Congress . . . This, at a time when the impression
existed that pro-Israel friendship has not diminished among mem-
bers of both Houses of Congress, despite the "new look" policy of
the State Department on Israel . . . The decision 6f the Senate
committee to allocate $50,000 for a study of the Arab refugee situ-
ation does away with the above impression and calls for great
vigilance . . . It is obvious that the study-like any other study—
may result in recommendations . . . And with the trend in Wash-
ington now growing More and more pro-Arab, it is highly im-
portant that these recommendations should not Come as another
surprise to. American Zionist leaders . This is no time to be
caught napping . What some members of the Senate may con-
sider "comprOmise" recommendations for both , Israel and the
Arabs, may turn out to be detrimental for the Jewish State .
of a portion
Especially, if they suggest the repatriation to Israel
of tree Arab refugees, to appease the Arab rulers who are
wooed by the State Department . . . The $50,000 for the investiga-
allocated unanimously by
tion of the Arab refugee problem was
the Senate committee, and at a time when everybody in
spoke. of reducing government expenses . . . This gives the key
to the appeasement sentiments now penetrating even Congress
The money could have easily been saved, since a study of the
Arab refugees, available to every member of the U.-S. Senate, was
long ago completed by the * United


Danger Signals

Israel faces five serious dangers should the announced "new -
look" policy of the State Department on the Arab-Israel issue be-
come a pressure policy in favor of pro-Arab elements in Washing-
ton . . . The first danger is a possible "suggestion" that Israel
admit Arab refugees now living in neighboring Arab countries
Such a suggestion could not possibly be accepted by Israel because
it would increase the Arab population in the Jewish state and
would change the character of the country . . . Israel would then
become not a Jewish but a bi-national state, with a strong irre-
dentist Arab population backed by the neighboring Arab coun-
tries . . . The second danger is the possible tearing off of a piece
of the Negev from Israel, to create a common border between
Egypt and Jordan ... Such a scheme- is talked about in the Egyp-
tian press and seems to be favored by Britain, for strategic rea-
sons . . It would give Britain the possibility of withdrawing
armed forces from the Suez, as requested by Egypt, and to move
them to Jordan, where they would remain close to the Suez
At present such a transfer of British forces from the Suez to Jor-
dan would require their passage of Israel territory in the Negev .0.
The third danger is in the internationalization of Jerusalem on
which the Arab countries, except Jordan, insist, under the pretext
that there is a decision of the United Nations to this effect .
It seems that the U. S. Government is not:interested ,in this issue
at present, but the Vatican is and no one can foretell what the
State DepartMent'S stand on the issue may be if the policy of ap-
peasing the Arab rulers continues . . . The fourth danger is a re-
vision of the Israel-Syrian border which Syria requests and which
Israel cannot afford to accept because of water power project§ a o . •
The fifth, and greatest, danger is the possibility of an American, •
or Anglo-American, imposition of a solution . of the ArtibrIsrael .
disputie on terms unacceptable to Israel, which is eager to conclude
peace with the ArabS -but on reasonable terms .

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