Berry Attains National Fame in Communal, Business Fields .at 50 — THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, October 3, 1952 • • At the age of 50--on Oct. 10— zation. of Detroit, Knoliwood Louis Berry will be acclaimed by Country Club. his friends and associates as Born in Liverpool, England, Oct. 10, 1902, he came to this country at the age of 20, in 1922. He was married in 1924 to the former Betty Eisenman. They have a son, Harold Berry; a daughter, Mrs. Harvey G. (Sel- ma) Snider, and two grandchil- dren. Silberblatt Reaches His Sixtieth Year LOUIS BERRY having made national marks in business and communal service. Five years ago, he reached the height of recognition in his own community—Detroit— by being named chairman of the Allied Jewish Campaign. At the same time, he -became nationally fa- mous as president of Interna- tional Hotels, Inc.,—a chain of 10 hotels throughout the land Which he manages from his of- fice on the top floor of the Da- vid Stott Building. - As president of Raleigh Hotel Co., Washington, D. C., and as president of Midwest Properties Coi, which manages a series of office buildings, including the one housing his office, he is recognized for his managerial ability. Since attaining the chairman- ship of the Allied Jewish Cam- paign, he has played a leading role in subsequent local commu- nity drives, in the Israel bond drive and in 'numerous other Jewish and civic efforts. He is chairman of the national plan- ning committee of the Jewish Theological Seminary and is a member ,of the following nation- al board:. Weizinann Institute of Science, Ameridan Financial and De- velopment Corporation (Israel Bonds), United Jewish Appeal, Joint Distribution Committee, United Service for New AMeri- cans, American ORT Federation, Jewish Theological Seminary, Hillel Foundation. He is a • trustee of Congrega- tion Shaarey Zedek and its Clover Hill Park Cemetery and is • a member of the following local boards: Jewish Welfare Federation, Sinai HoSpital, Resettlement Service, North End Clinic, Jewish Social Service Bureau, United Hebrew Schools, Zionist Organi- is life Co PAY YOUR , ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN PLEDGE TODAY ! Aaron A. Silberblatt, a native Detroiter, celebrated his 60th birthday on Oct. 7. Born here on Yom Kippur Day, Mr. Silber- blatt has lived continuously in this city and has for many years been active in local communal affairs. He is past worshipful master News Brevities Gov. Williams Clears State Boards of Prejudice An investigation conducted ‘by Gov. G. Mennen Williams to check on possible discrimination in various state board exami- nations has shown that • no bias is practiced by these agencies. The investigation, prompted by a talk between the Governor and Nathan Perlmutter, new Michigan Regional director of the Anti-Defatmation League of Bnai Brith, was essentially car- ried out in the offices of the ' State Board of Law Examiners and the State Board of Fzami- ners in Optometry. • The points raised referred specifically to questions on ap- plication blanks, in which the applicant must state his par- ents' names, nationality and send a photograph. With assurance that the ques-,- tions asked are only for gen- eral use and are not discrimi- natory, Gov. Williams now is seeking the elimination of such questions on application blanks, with such specific information to be asked at a date following acceptable or approval by the . State bodies. The Theater Guild's fabulous Oklahoma," the Rodger and Hammerstein world famous musical, comes to the stage of the Shubert Theater for six days beginning Mon- ' d a y evening, with matineesi on Wednesday a n d Saturday. Hebrew School Women ::Featured In the Plan Sukkot Luncheon Theater , Guild , , National C o Mrs. Jacob Axelrod, newly- Opany are Ralph elected president of the Woman's Florence and Lowe as "Curly," Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Florence H e n- Schools, announces that the Ralph derson as "Laurey" and a star apening .meet- cast. ing will be ; Local Opera Group Prepares • • • held at 12:30 ! Volume on State Singers Special examinations in Heb- p.m., Wednes - rew will be given at 4 p.m., Oct. The Detroit Grand Opera As day in the 9, in room 1, 654 Putnam, at Rose Sittig sociation, cooperating with the= WAYNE UNIVERSITY. Permis- Cohen Bldg. Detroit Public Library, is as- sion to take the • examination It will fea- sembling names of all Michigan must be obtained from the de- ture a Sukkot singers who have appeared in- partment chairman in room 11, •dessert I u-n- public performances of grand . 437 Putnam, not later than Oct. opera or light opera, anywhere: •eon. 7. School transcripts,_ tutors' Mrs. Isadore •in the world. certificates and similar infor- Artists who are not native' S h u m aker, mation will be considered suffi- first vice- born, but are presently residents cient preparedness. Louis Panush president and of Michigan will be included in is the Hebrew instructor at Mrs. Axelrod pro g r a in the compilation. Communica- Wayne. chairman, announces that Annie tions should be sent to Detroit . • • • Guyer, Judy Panush and Bar- Grand Opera Assn., 3163 Guar- The Midwest Section of the bara Frank, students of the high dian Bldg.,. Detroit 26. National Jewish Welfare Board school department of the schools will hold its 13th conference from Nov. 7 to 9, in Columbus, will entertain with stories and 0., announced Harvey Goldman, songs based on their experiences president of the Jewish Corn- at Hebrew summer camps. Mrs. Moss, guest speaker, munity Center. The conference Alexander talk on "The Auxiliary Then theme will be "Planning to Meet will the Center Needs of the Jewish and Now." Guests are invited. Other newly-elected officers Community. Representing De- ALUMINUM or WOOD troit on the program committee are Mesdames Reuben Isaacs and Kaufmann Dealer at the parley will be OSCAR A. Meyer Finkel, vice-presidents; I. J. Cohen, Meyer Stewart, Mey- KAUFMAN. WRIGHT'S er Charlip, Paul Carpenter and • • HOME EQUIPMENT EVE MEISTER, local dramatic Vivian Kahn, secretaries; Sam treasurer; Moe Dann, 14104 FENKELL coach, will start her 10th season Stewart, and A. B. Stralser, par- of private and semi-private in- auditor, VE. 8-90.A liamentarian. struction for talented'yottngsters this season. Each year, she pre- sents her pupils in a solo dra- matic recital called "Meister Follies." The last year's show, Every Child a Star," was warmly received in the community. • * • Your Curtains, Drapes REPORTING ORGANIZATION and Household Articles NEWS; a course tor dub pub- licity chairmen and " , thrOse- in Deserve the charge of publicity for service organizations and • community Finest Cleaning grotips, is being offered at the Rackhain Memorial by the Uni- Our Reputation Is Your ProteCtion versity of Michigan Extension 4:AA* Service. Sessions meet at 3 p.m. on Thursdays. • • . WE. 3-1010 - ROSNER FAMILY CLUB will CURTAIN LAUNDRY & CLEANERS meet Sunday, at the home of 4737 Elmhurst near Broadstreet the Louis Binders, 481 Cortland. , STORM SASH AARON A. SILBERBLATT of Perfection Lodge, F. & A. M.; a member of Congregation Shaarey Zedek for the past 36 years; member of Harry B. Kei- dan Lodge of l3riai Brith, Zionist Organization of Detroit, board of directors of the United .He- brew Schools, and for many- years was chairman- .of the pro- fessional division of the Allied Jewish Campaign and a. member of the Detroit'Service Mr: Silberblatt;' in his Prpfes- sional career, was', Official court stenographer for 'Circuit Judge: Joseph A. Moynihan for 20 years. Co-incidental with his 60th birthday; comes the announce- ment from Mr. Silberblatt, of his retirement as Judge Moynihan's court reporter, being the first Jew in Detroit to occupy thit important position in the Wayne County Circuit Court. Mr. Silberblatt is the fourth youngest in a family of five boys and five girls. He was married to Lena Siegel of. Detroit in July of 1916. They are the parents of Jerome S. of Bridgeport, Conn.; Dr. Donald M., of Toledo, 0.; and Marjorie Dreayer of Or- lando, Fla. They have three granddaughters. Mr. and Mrs. Silberblatt, who reside here at 3311 Chicago. Blvd., are planning to make their home in Coral Gables, Fla., after Nov. 1. . LUSTROUS GLASS-SMOOTH FINISH II 52 DAllLING, MATCHING COLORS ‹citoitkur PORCELAIN ENAMEL Ranging from gorgeous pastel colors to modern deep shades to non-yellowing white, Mac-O-Lac Kolorfast Porcelain Enamel brightens your walls, woodwork, cupboards and furniture to a gleaming finish that wipes off like tile. Quick drying and easy to apply. FAULTLESS Federation_ Juniors In Torch Fund March Eleven young adults wilt-serve as captains in the Torch Fund drive of the United Foundation, to cover the area assigned to the Junior- Division of the Jewish Welfare Federation. Eleanor Goodman is Junior Division chairman of the Torch Fund effort. Working with co-area chair- men Rayetta Harris and. Arthur James Rubiner will be Myrle Fagber, Ann Magid, • Harriett Ruth Migdol, Ruth Kahn, Sam- uel Ross and Eleanor Yarrows. Paul Landsberg, area chair- man, will have as his captains Herbert Aronsson, Sherman Becker, Marjorie Cowan, Vernon Leopold and Sheldon Lutz. The area assigned the Division is from Fullerton to Clairmount and from Livernois to Dexter. Any Jewish young adult wishing to volunteer is asked to call Mrs. Evelyn Keil, WO. 5-3939. YOUR SAVINGS at AMERICAN 0 0 current "'rate Because "American" Is a mutual savings institution, you'll enjoy greater earnings on your savings. Name Itzhak Kariv Mayor of Jerusalem TEL AVIV.—Itzhak Kariv, 50, manager of the Mizrachi Bank, was elected Mayor of Jerusalem to succeed Shlomo Zalman Shragai, who resigned Aug. 17. Twelve Mizrachi a it d rightist members of the Municipal Coun- cil voted for Kariv, and nine votes were east for the Mapai candidate, Mordecai Friedman. All accounts insured to $10,000.00. and, If opened by the 10th of month receive full earnings starting from the 1st. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 12246 DEXTER at Cortland TO 9 - 6611 439 Lamed • WO 2 - 7601 6060 W. FORT at Military VI. 3 - 7600 Member Federal Home Loan Bank System & Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp