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August 15, 1952 - Image 8

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-15

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Haifa Port Efficiency Increased
By American Government Expert


I Austrians Resent - U.S.
,L New England Congress
Asks Ban on Resort Bias Veto of Pro-Nazi Laws_ :

Friday, August 15, 1952

IIJA Must Help Israel
that Win Economic Freedom

VIENNA, (JTA) — There -k



BOSTON, (JTA) — The New strong resentment
England regional office of the circles here against the State
Department's protest on the Naz
American Jewish Congress has •
submitted to the New Hampshire amnesty
laws passed by the Aus
legislative council a draft for trian Parliament, and the Amer .
ican threat to veto the legisla
legislation to outlaw discrimin- -:
lion in the Allied Council.
ation in resorts of that state,
It was learned here that hig
. Attorney Abraham T. Alpe r, officials of the People's Party
president of the region, an- i the major government party
' nounced.
!-are suggesting that Austria re-
.• The draft was prepared by At- i jest the American protest. Th .
torney Gerald A. Berlin, director , Austrian press is also hostile
of the region's commission on • the American position. Both of
law and social action. The legis- ! ficials and newspapers insis
lative council is expected - . that the purpose of the legisla
study the proposed legislation in : tion is only to restore the "eco
view of introducing it in the 1953 ; nomad means of existence"
session of the state legislature. : persons whose only crime w
For some time there has been to have once occupied "unirn
wholesale discrimination in New port-ant positions in the Naz
Hampshire resorts. In the resort ' Party."
area of Hampton Beach there is
an owner's covenant whereby
1 Jews are being kept out of the
beach area and find it almost
, impossible to either buy or rent
summer cottages.
All Lunch Meets 75c 1/2 . Lb.

NEW YORK, (JTA) —The ac- ficials had maintained
complishment of an American nothing could be done about it
expert in increasing t h e ef- ; without a big expenditure for
ficiency of the port of Haifa, in :new equipment and expansion.
Israel, is reported from Tel Aviv ; In July, however, the port sud-
in the New York Times. The ex- . denly raised its productivity in
pert. Dr. Boris Stern, a specialist handling cargo by 35 percent
in labor productivity in the U.S.' compared to last year's average
Department of Labor, was sent by putting into operation pro-
to Israel under the United Na- posals made by Dr. Stein.
tons technical assistance pro I "There was no big expendi-
!ture, - the Times report says.,
The report points out that - On the contrary. Whereas in
since the establishment of the July of last year the port had
state of Israel, the country's to pay $45,000 in demurrage
only major port.— Haifa — has charges to 14 ships as compen-
become one of the most ef- sation for excessive delays in
ficient in the world. Most of- port, in July of this year the
port collected $6,000 from three
ships that were handled so ra-
pidly they became subject to
..700C-ii . . .
the payment of port dispatch
money." In a few months, when
shipping becomes heavier, Dr.
Stein expects the increase in
productivity to reach 50 percent.
Summertime is the season for
Dr. Stein, the report empha-
crisp. colorful salads of fruits or sizes, is not the first expert to
Your Jewish News WANT AD :
vegetables or a combination of diagnose the Haifa port's trou-
13418 W. 7 Mile Rd.
both. Salad dressings may vary ble, but he is the first in Haifa
number is WO. 5-1155.
from snappy to sweet, in ac- • or any other part of Israel to
. -
cordatice with the ingredients persuade 1 a b o r, management
used for the salad. Also, if a and the government not only to
meat or fish accompaniment, i accept his minimum proposals
make the sauce a tangy kind• but also to give him the author-
If the dressing is to be used for • it to put them into effect.
fruits or for a dessert salad, then ; Y
by all means make it mild in !
This Israeli workman will cele-
flavor and enriched with sour ' Li. S. Delays _ Action
brate Rosh Hashanah by strad-
cream, cream cheese, sugar and,'
BENJAMIN H. Gm- mimic-1i, Rabbi
dling a water pipeline in the
or honey. But if you want a basic On Arms for Israel
parched Central Negev. Here he
HARRY GREEN, President
salad that can be kept in the
refrigerator and brought out to WASHINGTON, (JTA) — Is- tightens the bolts in place with
serve in either way, try the ful- rael's formal application for eli-
enriching desert areas in Israel •
Proudly announces that it has r ngaged
lowing :
aid under • is only one of dozens of life-
fur m
li tyor
Basic Salad Dressing
1 cup ',getable oil (corn. soy
the Mutual Security Act, which saving and life-giving programs
was presented to the State De- supported by the United Jewish
cup olive oil
t, cup lemon lute,.
partment last winter, has not Appeal. This battle is being
Formerly of Miami Beach Jewish Center
2 tablespoons brow n sugar
I teaspoon salt
yet received a definite response. ' fought with weapons such as
will chant the High Holy Day Services
' i teaspoon paprika
Unidentified Middle Eastern seed, tractors, cranes, reapers.
teaspoon grated lemon rind
Assisted by a Professional Choir
Ss teaspoon orange rind
Arab states have similarly filed
Combine well by shaking in a
applications for eligiblity to re
tightly covered pint jar. Shake l
Israel, U. S. Sign Agreement
before using. Keep in refrigera- ceive American military aid.
On investment Guarantees
for Make variations as required.' Because of long delayed plans
The seating committee 'Vs ill hold its sessions
1 for the formation of a Middle
Here are some suggestions:
. • .
:Eastern Defense Command the JERUSALEM (JTA)---An arree-
ev ery eNening from 7 p.m.
at the . e
For.,-Vagetable Salads add any of the State Department has delayed ment between Israel and the

follow in ingredients or combinations of


two or three Basic Duessirig:
! United. States regarding guar-
to 10 p.m. and Sunda. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
tle progress has been made to-
Chopped Chives
Chopped Green onions
ward persuading E g y p t and' antees on industrial investments
awed Pa rsley
other Arab states to participate was concluded through an ex-
Tomato Paste or Ketchup
For Information Regarding
and or Garlic Powder
in a Middle Eastern defensive change of notes between Israel's
Grated Sharp Cheese
Membership and Religious School Registrations
arrangement. Some Israelis feel • Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett
Danish Bleu or Roqueford
Prepared Mustard
that the plan, as envisioned, i s and 'U.S. Ambassador Monnet •
(;rated Cucumber
('hopped Green Pepper
impractical and that meanwhile, • Davis.
in any case, military assistance ! Prospective investors interest-
Por Fruit Salads stir in:
should not be withheld from a ed M benefits offered by the
Sour Cream and Powdered Sugar
Whipped Sweet Cream, sweetened
democracy known for its resist-' agreement—after 'having re-
Beth Aaron is a modern, conservative congregation which
sponsors beautiful religious services throughout the year,
ance against aggression.
Canned Fruit JuiceS
ceived approval of
a sisterhood, a men's club. a young adults group. the Beth
• •

Thenewly-enacted Mutual Se-
Aaron Jrs.. a religious school and other activties. Your
Easy-Method Pickled Fish
affiliation will be welcomed.
pounds fresh
ment Investment Center—will
mately $50,000,000 earmarked for be informed that their invest-
pickerel. salmon)
4 large omen, sliced
for Israel and the : menu may be guaranteed by a
4 carrots. scraped and sliced fine
Arab states for distribution at mutual security agency in Wash-
2 teaspoons salt
i cup vinegar (best qualayi
the discretion of the American ington against certain risks, in-
is . cup light brown sugar
government. It is from this sum eluding the risk of loss by ex-
3 tablespoons mixed with whole
pickling spices
Clean and wash fish thor- that IsFael hopes to draw in the
event of favorable action on her propriation.
oughly. Slice into serving por- eligibility.
tions, drain well or wipe with i
paper towels. sprinkle with salt
lightly and chill overnight in a ' Lay Cornerstone for
glass covered dish in the refrig- i Israel's Chief Rabbinite
orator. Save the heads in the I
orning. place : JERUSALEM,, . nJTA4 — Chief
y. In the morning.
m Way.
the heads lafter removing gills Rabbi Dr. Isaac Halevi Herzog
and eyes in a pan of cold water laid the foundation stone of a
for 5 minutes. Wash the sliced new building in the center of
fish in cold running water. Drain , Jerusalem which will serve as
heads and fish. Place the heads. the headquarters of the Israel
onions and carrot slices Chief Rabbinate as well as a
in the bottom of a deep kettle rabbinical institute.
and arrange the slices of fish
The rabbinical institute will
over the vegetables. Add cold
water to cover. Bring to a quick have a staff for the training of
boil, reduce heat. and simmer 30 rabbinical judges and for schol-
minutes. Let fish cool before re- any research. The cost of erect-
moving each slice carefully to a ing the new building is estim-
covered -glass dish. Lift out the ated at 500,000 Israel pounds,
Ms Israel Government Approved Ration Free Gift Certificate
carrot slices and arrange over and the government has prom-
fish. Strain the fish liquid into ised 50,000 pounds as soon as the
The High Holy Days Is the one time of the year when a gift from
a saucepan. add vinegar, sugar, ! initial 50,000 pounds is raised
America will be highly prized and deeply appreciated. And what
mixed whole spices and boil privately,
over moderate heat for 5 min-
better gift can you send than a ration-free Scrip Certificate with
utes. Taste and add vinegar or
which they can make a selection ... in Israel ... from over 100
sugar and salt to suite to taste.
high quality kosher food items. Scrip also offers a complete line
Let cool before strafing over the
fish slices. There should be
of Nationally known household electrical appliances.
enough to be even with the top.
Cover and let stand 2 days be-
Scrip is available in units of $10, $15, $25, $50 and up.
fore serving. Can be stored in
Something Newl if you prefer to send pre-packed kosher
the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
food, SCRIP now offers 4 well-balanced, top quality food
Mrs. Leonard can be reached
packages, specially priced at $9.80, $15.25, $19,50, $27.50.
by writing this paper or Harmon-
on-Hudson, N.Y.
11820 Dexter Blvd. — TO. 8 6896
Faithful are the wounds of
Sub-Agents: Libor Zionist Office, 13722 Linwood
But the kisses of an enemy are.
Elkin Travel Boreal, 19437 Livernoie
—Proverbs 27:6. i




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