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August 15, 1952 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-15

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Florence Weintraub
Weds Cantor Goldring

Two Detroit Doctors
Attend Israel Congress

In a recent ceremony at Cong. , JERUSALEM, (JTA)—The sec-
R 0 T H M A N - KAMENS. An- ' Shaarey Zedek, Florence Wein- ' and world congress of Jewish
daughter of Mr. and Mrs : physicians opened here with
nouncement is made of the mar
riage on Aug. 3 of Ralle Kamens, more than 300 delegates from 18
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. liaii';.:.,:
cb u n t r i e s participating. Dr.
i':..4•7: e:.,-,
Fred Kamens of Pittsurgh, Pa..
Noah E. Aronstam and Dr. Ber-
to William Arthur Rothman,
nard Weston were delegates from
son of Dr. and Mrs. Emi4 D.
Rothman, of Glastonbury Rd.
The ceremony was held at the
Sixty physicians from France,
Schrnley Hotel in Pittsburgh.
50 from the United States, 20
Mr. and Mrs. Rothman are
from Britain, and ten from
honeymooning in New York and
T u r k e y and Yugoslavia are
the White Mountains in New
among the participants. The
Hampshire. They will be at home
four-day meeting will consider
at 9620 Northlawn after Aiig. 23. t
Israel's medical problems and
. . .
gill hear monographs read by
Weisz announces the marriepe.
Premier David Ben-Gurion, in
on June 15, of her daughter, El
greeting the congress, said that
canon Dorothy. to Yale David
- the Jews were the first to make
Coeg,in, son. of Mrs. Ceai cog-
medicine their life vocation in
gars. formerly of Detroit. and the
ancient as well as me Bern times.
late. Harry H. Coe.gan.
The delegates were also greeted
After an extended honeymoo
by Dr. Joseph Burg, Israel's
to Son Francisco and Las Vegas'
Minister of Health; Dr. A. Sher-
Nev.. the couple is now residing Leo Weintraub, of Sturtevant marl, president of the Israel
at 111)2 South West a:urchin(' Ave.. became the bride of Cantor Medical Association; and T.'eofes-
Ave . Loii Angels e
Judah Goldring. Rabbis Morris son Mazor, new Rector of the
Adler and Joseph Sternstein, of Hebrew University.
ASH-KAPLAN. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton, O.. and Cantors Jacoll
Irving Kaplan. of New Yotk. an- Sonenk.lar and Maurice Ganch-
nutince the fort hcoming mar- off, of New York, officiated.
rime on Aug. 23. of their daugh-
Musical background was pro-
a emeil
it gg
ter, Marilyn. to Allan Ash. son vicled by the Shaarey Zedek
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ash, of choir, directed by Dan Frohman,
Elmhurst Ave. The ceremony and soloists were Sadie • Braver, f Mrs. Ann Talcowsky, of 2327
will he solemnized at the Bel- violinist. Lillian Zellman, pi - Leslie. annotinces
mont Plaza Hotel. New York. anist, and singers Joseph Finkel- merit of her daughter, Sally, to
The bride is a graduate of the stein and Richard Nierenberg. Lloyd Chayet, son of Mr. and
University of Michigan. Mr. Ash of Dayton,
Mrs. Jack Chayet, of 2209 Sturte-
is a senior in the U. of M. school
Attending the bride were want. The wedding will be solem-
of dentistry. and a member of Joyce Goldman. maid of honor; nized Sept. 14. at the Mayfair
Alpha Omega professional fra- bridesmaids, Bath-Sheva Laikin, Room.
ternity. Following a honeymoon Cecily Dix, Mary Lou Wang, of
in the Adirondacks, the - couple Chicago; junior bridesmaids.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cash, of
will reside in Ann Arbor.
Janet and Miriam Lobatz, of Fullerton Ave., announce the
: . .
Chicago; and flower girl, Joyce engagement of their daughter,
ZAFF-ARENSON. The mar- Ackner.
' Ruth, to Edward S. Spivack, son
riage on July 15 of Rita Aren-
Marvin Weintraub, cousin of of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Spivack,
son. daughter of Mrs. Freda the bride. and Otto Lobatz, of Ohio Ave. Their betrothal
Arenson. of Philadelphia, Pa., brother-in-law, were the best was revealed at a family dinner.
and the late Herman Arenson, men. Ushers included Jules Miss Cash attended Wayne Uni-
to Harold Zaff, son of Mrs. A.. Doneson, Ralph Kapelove and versity; her fiance is a graduate
Kosoglad, of Thatcher Ave., and Sol Friedman, of Dayton. Lead- • of University of Michigan, and
the late Samuel Zaff, is an-
ing cantors and musicians from affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu
nounced. : •
many states attended the cere- fraternity. A November wedding
is planned.

BAUER-SPEYER. . In a cere- molly,
mony at the home of her par- The couple's extended honey-
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Schip-
ents, Carol Irene Speyer, daugh- moon included concerts in vari-
ter of Mn. and Mrs. Alex Speyer, ous cities where they were guest ler of Newark, N.J., announce
of Steel Ave., became the bride artists. On their itinerary were the engagement of their daugh-
of Gerald Donald Bauer, son of stops in Miami Beach, Fla., ter, Iola Rose, to Philip Judah
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bauer on Aug. Wheeling. W. Va., where they Caplan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
appeared at' the JeWish National . Abraham Caplan of West Bos-
. . •
Fund district donor event, and ton Blvd. The bride-elect, who
SCHWARTZ-LINKER. In a Chicago, Ill., where they were • received her M.A. in music edu-
recent ceremony in Denver, part of the closing • concert of , cation from New York Univer-
Colo., Jane Eleanor Linker, the Zionist convention. ' sity, was music director of the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney ; Cantor Goldring will assume United Hebrew Schools of De-
Linker, of Denver. became the his new post with Cong. Eeth troit. Her fiance was graduated
bride of Dr. L a w r e n c e H. Aaron on Sept. 1. and Mrs. Gold- from Yeshiva University in New
Schwartz. son of Mr. and Mrs. ring will reopen her school of , York and received his M.S. de-
Nathan L. Schwartz, of Richton piano. The couple is now resid- gree in physics from Wayne
University last June. After an
Ave., Detroit. The bride is a ing at 4308 Sturtevant.
early Fall wedding, the couple
faculty member of the Univer-

will reside in New Jersey.
sity of Colorado school of nuns- Jewish Folk Schools
ing, and was recently appointed
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Winnick
associate director of nursing Begin Registration
service education at Colorado ' The United Jewish Fo'k announce the engagement of
General Hospital. Dr. Schwartz. Schools. sponsored by the Labor their daughter, Audrie Doris, to
a Duke University medical school Zionist movement, announces Richard D. Friedman, son of the
graduate, is affiliated with the the opening of its school year Alex Friedmans. of Wisconsin
Pinel Foundation Hospital in on Sept. 3. Registration of new Ave, A January wedding is being
Seattle, Wash. He was formerly children is now being accepted planned.
a fellow at the Menninger Foun- for both the grade school and
dation school of psychiatry in the nursery. Registration blanks' Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Glenner
Topeka. Kans. The couple will may be obtained by calling the of Greenlawn Ave. announce the
engagement of their daughter,
rschool. TO. 8-9280.
reside in Seattle.
• The nursery will operate in Deborah Jean, to Gerald L.
two sessions. from 9 a. rn. to 12 Goldberg. son of Mr. Old Mrs.
Jews and Irish Help
noon, and from 1 to 4 p. m. A Max Goldberg of Harper Ave.
Make Happy Home
bus will service children who
need transportation.
For Childless Couple
For Fine Music ...
i The grade school program in-
and Entertainment
Through the efforts of Ireland eludes Hebrew, conversation:
and Israel. New York now has
a new red - headed American
tory. Bible. Hebrew and Yiddish
end His Orchestra
TO. 8-2907
UN. 2-2783
It. all hapened when El Al Air- songs and present day life in
lines came to the aid of a child-
less couple in New York. Unable
to legally adopt an American
child because they a r e con-
sidered too old (45 and 39), the
couple heard about a blue-eyed.
red-haired infant in Ireland who
AVAILABLE AT $10, $15, $25
was up for adoption.
They appealed to the Catholic
Your relatives and friends may choose whatever merchandise they
Charities of the Archdiocese of
wish ration free. Products may be obtained ct the AMEIC DOLLAR
New York who secured t h e
STORES in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. Parcels may also be
necessary affadits for her en-
Purchased from SI 1 to 522.50. Electrical eooli ,:ances also available at
trance. Then arose the problem
of bringing her here. The pros-
pective parents felt they could
not undertake such a journey
TO. 8-3128
12244 DEXTER
nor could the infant travel here
An official of El Al Airlines
12226 DEXTER
solved the problem when a
UN. 3-0543
TO. 8-6111
client of theirs who was visiting
London agreed to bring the baby
Philco 7 Ft. Refrigerators Also Available
to the U.S.



Betrothal Told

Friday, August 15, 1952

Aided by Scouts

At a recent family dinner held
at Beauchamp's, and Mrs. NI
Silverman, of Oakman boule-
vard, announced the engage-
ment of their daughter. Agnes
Marie. to William A. Schussier.
son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Schussler, of Montrose Ave.

LZOA Branch 11 Planning
Garden Party on Sunday

Music, entertainment and re-
freshments will be features of
Branch 11. LZOA, garden party.
to be held on Sunday evening.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Morrie Kanter, 17939 Cooley.
Members. friends and prospec-
tive members are invited. Fer
further information call Herbert
Pincus. chairman, WE. 5-6201. or
Sara Sehiff, vice-chairman, TO.

During the month of Augus
30,000 Detroit Area Counci:
SOouts, Explorers and t h e i i.
leaders will launch the firs,
phase of Scouting's contributio
to the nation's "Get-Out-the-I,
Vcite" campaign for the nationa
election on Nov. 4. Scout Uni
will have the responsibility o
placing posters, urging citizens 1.
register and vote, in ever
street-level business office an
stare window throughout thei
area—to remain in a conspiciou
place until National Electio
Day, Tuesday, Nov. 4. The las
day for registration in Mich
loan is Oct. 6.
This service job is being don
in conjunction with the Free
clom Foundation (of Valle
Forge I as a national endeavo
to promote participating citizen
ship in this most important civi


Master of Ceremonies

and His Orchestra

Featured Wedding and Bar Mitzvah
Entertainment. Stage and Strolling

TE. 2-1146

TO. 6-5016 .


Dual Conttol Cars - No Permit Required
Jewish a. English Speaking instructors

Driving School

TO. 6-2569

TO. 8-8810

* ********•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


For the Sign of Quality

Catering in Synagogues—Homes—Our Holt—Your Hall

• Mannino.
• a Party? •

You con order our delicious Kishke, Knishes, Hot
and Cold Hcrs D•ouvres, Sweet tables, for any
arount, small or large—also complete Dinners.

Under the Supervision of the Vaod Harabonim _

W E. 5-9383

Parking Facilities

TO. 8-5316

Beat the Rush for
Back to School Needs .

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it e Can Supply Your Fr tri Ne(d jof Back to School
In Sizes 6 to 20 Including Huskies
Open Thurs. and Fri.
'Til 9 pan.


herwood' BOYS WEAR


Opposite Sherwood Forest Library

Telephone Diamond 1-2274

A Vacation at Lesser's adds to your health !



Omena, Mich.

On Grand Traverse bay



Includes Everything

• Fine Kosher Style Cooking
• Modern Conveniences

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• Half Mile Private Beach
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Broadway's Double Treat for Evening Entertainment

A FFSUYikrP.I.f.,P,f,

Pollen Free Area

Your Children Guarded by Experienced Counselfors
Sports Director

For Information end Reservation col UN. 3-1650

Doily 10-3, 7-9, Sunday 10 •.n.. t• 1 p.m.

• •

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