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August 01, 1952 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-01

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Exposing an Anti-Semite

Friday, August 1, 1952

Artukovic, Persecutor of Jews,
Rebuilds His Fences in the U.S.


('opyright. 1952. Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

DP Becomes MD


, Israel to Import Food To Insure Plenty for All

JERUSALEM, (JTA)—The Is- and the remainder purchased
rael government is planning to. abroad.
import enough food from abroad
The Ministry's, schedules„
to guarantee every resident an planned for a population of:
average of 2,400 calories of food
daily, it was revealed with the 1,700,000, include the importa-
release of government estimates tion of only two vegetables,
and potatoeS. Some
on imports for next year.
The Ministry of Trade and In- $7,5010,000 will be spent on milk
dustry is planning to distribute powder and $5,000,000 on sugar
four 'meat rations a month and both to be purchased abroa
about three pounds of fish each Special rations will be grante
month, one third of which will infants, expectant mothers and
be produced or caught locally manual laborers.

WASHINGTON — A "private from Communism." The Yugos-
bill" for "the relief of Andrija I lay Government was advised by
Artukovic and family" was in- I i the State Department that it
traduced quietly in the House by ! could seek his extradition under
Rep. Harry R. Sheppard, Cali- : an American-Serbian treaty of
fornia Democrat, shortly before 1901. Secretary of State Dean .
adjournanlent. The bill wol.C.i • : Acheson, certified this treaty as !
grant continued sanctuary in ' 'presently in force" for the
the United States and status to : "mutual extradition of fugitives
apply for American citizen- from justice." However, Federal
ship to Artukovic who is known Judge Peirson M. Hall ruled in
to thousands of Jews as "the Los Angeles that Artukovic
Heinrich Himmler of Croatia." :„ should be freed because he con-1
Dr. ' William L. Kraus pat).
As Minister of Justice and a • sidered the extradition treaty who came to this country as a
leading Hitler collaborator in invalid. This was after the judge DP five years ago with the aid
the Nazi puppet government of said he was impressed with Art- of HIAS, has realized his life's
Croatia, Artukovic zealously im- ukovic's "sincerity and with his ambition, to become a physician
plemented Hitler's extermination , honesty."
in the U. S. He started his in-
Artukovic's lawyer stressed ' ternship on ambulance service
Artukovic welcomed the Nazis : that his client was the victim
at Roosevelt Hospital, New York.
to Croatia by signing an order of "Communist propaganda."
Congratulating him for three
on June 4, 1941, which stripped ; Meanwhile, extradition p r o-
accomplishments: having grad-
Jews of their property and corn-
ceedings were denounced as uated f r o m Harvard Medical
pelted them to wear a yellow ,. i "outrageous" by the Rev. Steph-
School with highest honors,
badge with the letter - Z" (foi
having attained his citizenship,
en Lackovic, a former secre-
and having been released as a
tart' of Archbishop Stepinac.
bragged that he outstripped Hit- ! Father Lackovic and other responsibiliity of HIAS which
leg in the speed with which his ; priests praised Artukovic's guaranteed the government by
police squads solved "the Jewish
affidavit that he would make
character. The Rev. Robert
problem." Yugoslav Jews re- , Ross, of Westmiffster, Calif.,
good in this country, is Ben
ported that Artukovic personally ; told the court that Artukovic
Touster, president of BIAS.
ordered the arrest of rabbis, , would make an American
cantors and talmud torah teach-
i citizen "of whom we would all
British Town Aroused
be justly proud."
He supervised the deporta-
Yugoslav Jewish refugees were Over Ritual Slaughter
tion of Jewish children. One astounded when newspapers and
survivor testified that things of even important columnists
such enormity took place at rushed to the defense of Artu- ! LONDON, (JTA)—The munici-
one of Artukovic's concentra- kovic. John J. Knezevich, a Cal- pal council of the town of Bury ,
tion camps that orders were ifornia Republican committee- has appealed to the Ministry of •
issued for a temporary "clean- man, commanded the Balkan Food to halt the slaughter of
up" so that a visiting Nazi section of the U.S. Army and animals by Jewish ritual meth-
commission would not be too Navy Joint Intelligence Collec- od at the Bury abbatoirs, it was
learned here this week. The
shocked. Attired in his Usta-
tion Agency during World War
shi Nazi uniform, Artukovic II. He said he had personal Ministry is considering the re-
appeared at various camps ac- knowledge of Artukovic's atroci- quest.
The Board of Deputies of Brit-
companied by high Gestapo ties. Knezevich said also that !
he was "told by several people" ish Jews, however, has stated
All.b.ough he was sought by that Artukovic was an enemy of that as far as it knows shechita
Yugoslavia as a major war cri- • Communism and should be left is not practiced in- the slaugh- ;
minal. Artukovic arrived in the alone. The former intelligence terhouse at Bury. It has launched •
United States on July 16, 1948, commander replied: "Well, damn an investigation into the situa-
and was admitted as a visitor. it, Hitler, Goering, Himmler, tion.
Meanwhile, the Board warned
His temporary visa was extended Mussolini and the rest of the
three times while some of his Nazi league were also enemies that propaganda by "humane ,
victims experienced . difficulties ! of Communism, but they were societies" and by individuals
against Jewish ritual slaughter
getting in under ,refugee quotas. also enemies of our country."
To escape extradition, Artukovic , The American Jewish Congress is receiving new and wider cir-
applied for status as a "refugee offered evidence in the case and culation than previously. The •
i insisted that Artukovic's crimes Schechita Committee of the
he must Board added that eminent vet-
Canadian Official Claims , were so heinous that T
avee court t ; erinary scientists were exaniiu-
alr. hh
us trfia
i rrolgusghtthth
ing the Jewish slaughter meth-
'No Bias' in Immi
I sought to determine Artukoyic's ods and it is hoped that their
LONDON, kJTA)—The Cana- ; innocence or guilt but only to report will be completed soon !
dian High Commissioner to the ascertain the validity of the ex- and will provide up-to-date evi- ;
United Kingdom has assured the itradition treaty. The Yugoslays deuce supporting schechita as a
world executive of the Agudas ; will appeal to the Supreme most humane method of slaugh-
Israel that there is no discrim- ! Court
illation whatsoever against Is-
raelis seeking to immigrate to
Complaints have been received
here that Canadian consuls in
Europe were refusing to consi-
der applications for immigration
to the Dominion from Israel na-
tionals. It was pointed out that
there is a general ruling from
Ottawa that applications for
admission should be considered
only in the countries of resi-
dence of the applicants.



11-6 Asks Ameridan Students
For Increased Immigration


TEL AVIV, (JTA)—A call for
an increase in Jewish immigra-
tion from all countries to Israel
was voiced by Premier David
Ben-Gurion, addressing a ses-
sion of the summer institute at
the Berl Katznelson Institute.
The Premier, - accompanied by
Mrs. Ben-Gurion, visited with a
group of American and Cana-
dian students who came here for
the summer institute. He
stressed that though Israel was
established and built "by virtue
of the vision of redemption, we
are still in the beginning of the
execution of our dreams."

Your Jewish News WANT AD

number is WO. 5-1155.

Samuel James Clarkson

For Nomination and Election

As State Representative on

the Democratic Ticket

Samuel James Clarkson, a graduate of Detroit College of
Law (who has just been admitted to the Bar), is a promising
young man who will be a credit to our State and will repre-
sent us honorably in the State Legislature. We urge his
nomination at the Primaries on Aug. 5.

We Urge That You l'ote for



Samuel J. -Cohl
Jacob H. Grant
Israel Schuster

Harry Goldman
Joseph Levine
Sol. Slomovitz

here at last .. .






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