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August 01, 1952 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-01

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Constancy of U. S. Friendship
For Israel Described by Kenen

I. L. Kenen, who made the
presentations before the
platform committees of both the
Republican and Democratic

Friday, August 1, 1952

has befriended Senators
Richard Nixon and John
Sparkman. Republican and
Democratic Vice - Presidential
candidates. He pointed out
that Sen. Nixon has voted
against any cuts in appropria-
tions to Israel and that Sen.
Sparkman was among the
original co - sponsor of the
grant-in-aid measure for Is-
"Both were members of the
resolutions committees of their
respective parties. and both were
very helpful to us in Chicago,"
Kenen said.
Recalling his reportorial days
in Washington. Kenen inquired
about former Congressman Clar-
ence McLeod, of Detroit. Kenen
befriended him in 1932. when
McLeod sponsored a bill to pro-
vide for payment by our gov-
ernment of all monies due de-

Samaritans' High
Priest Visits Sect

The high priest came from
Nablus. in Jordan territory.
which is his seat. There are
some 270 members in the sect,
throughout the world, and 180

eign Ministry from Tel Aviv to Byroade gave him a "sym-
Jerusalem. to which the U. S. pathetic reception." They also
. government objected. discussed the Egyptian govern-
Ambassador Eban said that 11-lent's' restrictions on the use of
the American aide memoire on the Suez Canal by Israel-bound
of them live in Israel. Most of
of shipping. Mr. Eban said repre-
the remainer are in Jordan ter- the subject of the transfer now
sentations will be made by Is-
ritory. The separation between Israel's Foreign Ministry is
on this question.
the two communities has weak- ' being studied by the Israel gov- rael
ened the high priest's bonds
with the Israeli community.
During his stay in Israel, Am-
ram will reside with his friend
Itzhak Ben Zvi. former chair-
man- of the Jewish National
Council of the Mandatory re-
gime, which was replaced by
the Knesset after the Jewish
state was established.

sire of our fellow-Americans to
see amity restored between Is-
rael and the Arab states. We
have reason to rejoice and be
proud over the results in Chi-

Kenen, who for 17 years was
political writer for the Cleve-
land News, now is associated
with the American Zionist
Council. In the course of his
activities in Washington. he

Forner 1Iember

'Re-Elect . . .


uincEnT KLE111

Gen. Sarnoff Predicts
Television for Israel
parties in Chicago in behalf of

Kenen was the quarterback
who won two victories for Israel.
in the form of the planks in the
Democratic and Republican plat-
The action of the two parties
proves the constancy of the
.friendshio of the United States
for Israel." Kenen said. "It re-
affirms in a very important way
the thinking and feelings of
Americans. The two planks are
moves in the direction of peace.
for they indicate clearly the de-

WASHINGTON. (JTA ► — T h e ernment. It was still not known

speeding of new Mutual Security whether the matter. will Come

funds to Israel to meet urgent up for discus-Sion at the next
economic problems there was session of the United Nations, he
' added.
JERUSALEM. (JTA )—Amram, discussed by Israel Ambassador , The Ambassador said that
high priest of the Samaritan Abba Eban with Henry A. By- while Israel has also applied fur
sect, arrived in Israel for a 10-
military aid. that topic was not
•day visit with members of his : made, Assistant Secretary of
State for Near Eastern Affairs. discussed. On the question of
community who live in the Jew- The two officials also discussed transfer of economic assistance,
ish state.
the transfer of the Israel For- Mr. Eban said that Secretary

positors by the banks.

Israel. was a mighty pleased
man when he visited here brief-
ly this week on his way back
home to New York. Mrs. Kenen
accompanied him on his motor
trip from Chicago. via Toronto.
where they were joined by his
SO-year-old mother who will
vacation in New York for a few

Israel Seeks Speedy Aid from Li• S.
To Meet Urfrent
Economic Problems

Britain Sends 10 Trawlers
To Aid Fishing Industry

TEL AVIV. (JTA) -Brig. Gen. •
David Sarnoff. president of Ra-
dio Corporation of America
(RCA ► , prior to his leaving
Israel, predicted that within five
years television service will exist
between the Jewish state and
Speaking at a special cero-

LONDON, (.7TA 1 —Ten 60-foot
trawlers, which were originally

ordered by the British Admir-
alty toward the end of World
War II, will be turned over to
Israel authorities within the next
six months. The vessels are now .
being reconverted to Israel use.
mony in his honor at the Weis- Each trawler will carry a crew
mann Institute of Science. he of eight and will be able to re-
delivered an address on inter- main at sea for ten days at a
planetary communication. He time.
Moshe Bar-Shimon, technical
said he was greatly impressed by
scientific progress in Israel. He advisor to the Israel Department
was also elected an honorary of Fisheries, said that the traw-
lers will be an important addi-
member of the Institute.
At a press conference at the , tion to the new state's fishing
office of the Ministry of Corn- fleet and will increase produc-
munications, Sarnoff said that tion by some 1.000 tons of fish
four strategically placed televi- annually.
A giant earth excavator com-
sion stations could blanket Is-;
rael well enough to establish plete with all auxiliary equip-
contact among all points in the ment has been shipped to Israel
country. David Zvi Pinkas. Com- where it will be used in the
munications Minister. who in- building program at Kibbutz
troduced Gen. Sarnoff. stated Yavnek. near Gedera. it was an-
that the new government broad- nounced by the Strauss Metal-
casting center will be named af- lurgical Company. manufactur-
ers of the machine.
ter the General.
The British Colonial Office
Prior to this interview. Sarn-
off was received by Lsraers Pre- announced that it would redeem
Bearer Bonds of the
mier David Ben-Gurion. and he
and Mrs Sarnoff were the former Palestine Mandate gov-
guests of President Chaim Weiz- ' eminent at par value between
Aug 1 and 31.


Honest - Experienced -Dependable

Time to Change —

Vote Republican August 5th






Nearly 5,000 Jews Enter

Japanese Legation in Israel
U. S. in 6-Month Period i TEL AVIV. i JTA) —A Japan-
i ese legation will be opened in
349 N. Shore Dr. So. Haven, Mich.
NEW YORK, (JTAI --A total ; Israel in September, it was offi-
Completely furnished, hot water,
of 4,964 Jewish immigrants en- : cially reported from Tokyo. an
States during Washington. Japanese Arnbas-
tered the'nited
Private beech—by week or month.
the first six months of this year. sador Eikichi Araki paid a
it was repo ,ted by Ben Touster. ; courtesy call on the Israel Em-
president ot the Hebrew Imrni- 1 bassy and discussed diplomaCc
grant Aid Society. The report, : and economic relations with
reviewing six months' activities ! Ambassador Abba Ebani.
' "zation, said that , ----
of the org
2.190 of the Jewish immigrants
were disch ,ged to HIAS by U.S. •
immigration, officials.
Thousands] of relatives both
r a
d, Touster stated,
here and ab
still seek to unite with kin with
whom contact was lost during
the war. He revealed that since
1944. the BIAS location service
has been successful in finding
more than 150.000 persons
sought throughout the world.
many of whom had long been
given up for dead.
Emphasizing the activities of
the HIAS overseas offices during
the first six months of 1952,
Mr. Touster stated that the
European offices of HIAS had
arranged for the emigration of
11,263 migrants during this per-
iod of time. More than half of
them came to the United States.
•Canada received the next great-
est number, 560, and the balance
Ise, Australia, Israel, and other
countries of destination.


Non-Jews in Israel

end of 1951 there were 173,000
mon-Jews in Israel, according to
a broadcast over Kol Israel. The
non-Jews include 69 per cent
{Moslems, 22 per cent Christians
and the remaining nine per cent
Dr uses.







Fred M. Alger

Dwight D. Eisenhower

No shirt-tail rider,



became an enthusiastic Eisenhower for president supporter more

than a year ago, when the two met and talked over the country's

needs, seeing eye to eye.
Alger- was the first state official, and the only candidate for

governor to endorse Eisenhower. He was criticized for doing so.
It wasn't good politics. Good politics dictated that he ride the

fence. He wouldn't because he believes the people should know

where a candidate for office stands.
The Eisenhower-Alger combination is a natural_
BOtit are agreed that the Nation's defense comes

Ike in the European zone, Alger as an efficient, economy-minded.

three-term Secretary of State.
Both are fun-time veterans of World War II.
Both have records bespeaking unalterable hatred of dictator•.

ship, Ike in arming the western world against Stalinist aggro"-
the movement which ended machine
! sion; Alger as leader
rule of the Republican Party of Michigan.,


They understand each other.
It's a pair that can't be beat.
For Michigan and the nation, it's


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