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August 01, 1952 - Image 20

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-01

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Friday, August 1, 1952

The Hands of Brotherhood
Extended Across the Sea .

• '

Vitamins Shown at Israel Exposition

A young Jewish couple and ' was cancelled, and he was at his
(Copyright, 1952, SAFS)
their two and a half year old base in Savannah, Ga.
the way "Ike" has be-
son today are residents of this But, Mr. Loesch pinch hit for
city because, during World War his son. He arranged for them come a great name in the world
II, a Catholic lieutenant from to stay with a son of the Bude- and I am not speaking as a par-
until they are settled. On
Detroit fell in love with a Bel- i naers
his day off he took Simon to see ; tisan. This is a piece only about
gran Catholic girl.
of his Jewish friends and the name---"Ike"! It has brought
Lt. Bob Loesch, a member of some •
a job with an uphol- a man toward the Presidency of
the United States Air Force, got
the U. S., by a fetching slogan
married the girl, Gladys Bude- . stering firm
.. "I like Ike."
naers, shortly after VE Day. The He contacted the Jewish Voca-
Until the time of this Ike the
boy's father, George Loesch, of tional Service, which arranged name "Ike" practically had fall-
15903 Manner, flew to Belgium with Cong. Beth Itzehock to
en out of cur-
for the ceremony. There. he seat them during High Holyday
rency among the
met the girl's family and a Jew- services. In general, he made
descendants of
ish girl whom they had shelter- them feel welcome in their new
the original Ike.
; home.
ed during the war.
I 'mean the
When asked--how he hap-
Isaac who was
Five years ago Mr. Loesch ; pened to take such an interest
the son of Ab-
signed • the papers necessary to ; in the affairs of a Jewish fam-
- raham by Sac-
permit his daughter . - ill - law's ; ily, Mr. Loesch replied that he
_ ah, born to them
family to immigrate here. There
supposed it was his back-
when Abraham
arc eleven.
' ground w h i c h brought him
was 1 0 0 years
But, the Jewish girl. Rita, ; into contact with many Jewish
was not forgotten. Her lam- ' people.
Genesis reports the happy
if y, neighbors of the Rude- ; I As a young man he had
matter of his birth. saying: "And
Tel Aviv's Haya Tarnar, chief hostess at the first Israel Ex-
studied in a monastery for
naers in Belgium, were taken
Priesthood before illness forced Sarah said. God ha th made me position in the United States at Rockefeller Plaza in New York,
prisoners by the Nizis when
their country w a s invaded. hint to alter his plans. He then laugh, so
olds a sample of the canned fruits and vegetables produced in
That refuge saved her from the worked fo a magaZine, taught will laugh with me." She her native land, while showing a display of these products to one
at the University of Dayton and
of the younger visitors to the exposition. In the background are
fate of her family who per-
at Detroit's Catholic Central cause she had borne a son to ; photographs of the citrus groves, and the. products which are
ished in the fires of Dachau.
grown, processed, and packed entirely in Israel, one of the state's
Rita corresponded with the
ears old . . . ''And she said, I ' most important industries, for both domestic consumption and
Budenaers after their arrival working for the government. I years
This is one of the 45 displays and exhibits being shown
here. She told them of her mar- The Loesches, are members of Who would have said unto Abra- exort.
I ham that Sarah should have ' at the Israel Exposition under the sponsorship of the ;500,000,800
riage to Simon Rozenzweig and St. Jude Parish.
of the couple's fervent desire to
As for the -Rosenzweigs. they ; given his children suck, for I Israel bond issue.
come to America. They had no are getting along nicely. Simon, ' have born him a son in his old '
one left in Europe. Here they , who was a custom upholsterer age.
"And Abraham called the
* would be with friends.
• in Liege, hopes some day to be
Lt. Loesch, who still is with able to open his own shop. And name of h is so n Isaac. " (Isa.ac
the Air Force, signed the papers both Rita and Simon have great which in Hebrew is Yizchok and •
which would bring the Rosenz- hopes for their son whom they means laughter; that is to say
of others receiving aid In
an the laughter of God who also One of every eight Jews living dreds
weigs here. He was to have feel is being brought up in
workshops" and
in 18 countries of Europe and
greeted them when they arrived environment that they them- laughed when Isaac was born to the
Moslem world received the Malben's Village for the Blind
on July 13. Instead. his furlough
near Kfar Uriel. As of April 1,
I aid of the Joint Distribution
Through several millenia Isaac Committee during 1951, the sixth there were 4.900 in need of as-
was a revered ancestor of Jew-
edition of the JDC Sts- sistance, for whom no Malben
ish people and his name was tistical Abstract reveals.
facilities were available.
carrie a on for generations,
Recipients of JDC aid. the Ab-
the fathers to their sons . . .; In medical
1951, and
JDC welfare
aid. educa- stract indicates. included 30.000
tional assistance and emigration persons receiving cash relief and
(copyright. 1952, Jewish Tel
I Ben Abraham Latif . . . Isaac
Isaac aid to some 152,400 men, women 60,750 receiving food; 56.800 re-
Ben Eliezer
Domestic Discussions
and children in 18 countries of
Now that the Conference of Jewish Material Claims Against ' Albalag . . . Isaac of Norwich. ; Europe, North Africa and Asia. ceiving medical aid; 8.100 chil-
Germany is to receive $107,000,0(30 from the West German govern- i . I count 32 such distinguish- " the study indicates, out of an dren in institutions; 19,797 who
. estimated Jewish population in received emigration assistance;
ment, this important problem is developing ... Should a perman- ;
Isaacs iUniversal
in the eJew J -
and 12,300 who received voca-
ent conference office be established to deal with the affairs con- '.ect. Encyclopedia.
• these areas of 1.171.500.
tional training.
nected with the receipt and distribution of this huge sum? ... • i I There
a time when Jew- I
In addition. JDC aided some
In the field of reconstruction,
Such an office would have to remain in existence for at least 12 y ish families to which the name ' 18.000 aged, ill and handicapped
the Abstract indicates that JDC
the fact that the payments of reparations b
Germany will probably be extended over that many years . . . A Isaac had come from Isaacs who ; immigrants in Israel through its , has granted loans. through local
ated. Malben program.
suggestion has been made that instead of establishing a new of- were the grandfathers, hesitated.
call ' Funds of JDC's overseas relief, credit institutions, totaling more
lice, the Conference should turn over whatever business results A new Isaac
child would
had arrived.
To the resettlement and reconstruction than $4,275,000.
mark him,
from the reparations agreement to the Jewish Restitution Succes-
Countries in which needy Jews
y thing programs are provided by the
its at anything
sor Organization . . . This organization has been functioning for way prejudice pon
received JDC: aid during 1951, in
*United Jewish Appeal.
some time, with offices in Germany, negotiating and collecting that's Jewish.
addition to Israel. included Aus-
compensation for heirless Jewish property ... The funds collected So. they called the boy, Isi- The Abstract notes that in tria, Germany, Italy, Belgium,
by this body are divided between the Jewish Agency and the Joint dore, a name that derives fro•n Israel some 3,162 patients were France. Greece, Hungary. Spain.
Distribution Committee. . -. . There is no doubt that the idea of the Greek meaning "gift of leis" treated each month in a network Portugal. Sweden, Switzerland,
turning over the functions of the Conference to the Jewish Resti- and Isis was a god of the an- of 92 tuberculosis and other hos- Yugoslavia. Algeria, Iran. Libya,
tution Successor Organization will be warmly welcomed by Dr. cient Egyptians. Or the lit' le boy pitals. child care institutions, French Morocco, Tangier and
Irvin or Irwin todial
i cu s care centers and homes
Nahum Goldmann and Moses A. Leavitt, two of the most active was named d Irving
members of the Conference praesidium . . . However, opposition , N o t alone did the name Isaac for the aged. in addition to hun- Tunisia.
to this idea is voiced by other members of the Conference praesi- ' fall into disrespect among the
dium . . . They argue that theJ.R.S.O. is a partnership between ; heirs of the Old Testament. A
two organizations only - the Agency and the JDC--while•the Con- : girl who by inheritance could
4\ ;have been Rebecca became Betty
ference is composed of representatives of more than 20 le ding
Jewish organizations . . . The issue may soon become one o the ' a boy wno could as well have
been Moses turned out to be
. major problems in American Jewish life.
, Morton or Montgomery.
(Copyright 1952, Seven Ares Feature Syndicate)
The WA-Bond Front
The conflict between the United Jewish Appeal and the Israel i Abraham was converted to
bond drive is approaching a climax . . . It is now obvious to the Abelard, a man of the 11th Cen- Nuggets
A move to have the United States and Great Britain initiate
i-y - who after an unhappy' ro- ,
Israel government that Edward M. M. Warburg and Dr. Joseph : t o-
Israel and the
Schwartz will not agree to remain the driving forces of the UJA , mance became a monk. Jacob a plan to effect a full peace settlement between between Secre-
Arab countries was discussed recently in London
for 1953. if
Yet among non-Jews there Lary of State Dean Acheson and high British government. of-
. . . This is being realized by the Israel government which now
to become direct
more than ever before is becoming very concerned over the UJA was no such avoidance of Bibli- ' ficials. The plan calls for the U. S. and Britain
bond drive rift . . . There is good reason for this increased worry
feel intermediaries.
by Non-Jewish
the name of
. • . Whether for lack of coordination between the two drives, or ; cal
The director of the art gallery of the University of Notre
for other reasons. the Jewish state will this year receive much ' a
Rachel or Deborah, and long Da.me.is a Jew. He is Dr. Maurice H. Goldblatt, one of the fore-
go in Abilene, Kansas, a small most world authorities on genuine and spurious works of art.
less from American Jewry than a year ago . . . The UJA income h
a r,
this year will probably be between 10 and 15 per cent less than
Evidence of the extent of the deterioration of Jewish life in
last year . . . And the sale of Israel bonds this year is thus far ..,,,y christened Dwight didn't
and in Europe as well, can be gleaned from the fact
very far behind the amount sold last year ... Of course, the bond. mind at all being called Ike in-
that only three Jewish births, two girls and a boy, were recorded
leaders still have their Fall campaign ahead, but all indications ' stead. He grew up on it and be- in Vienna during the months of April and May as against 28
* * * character
point to the fact that the sale of bonds will not average the $8,- , came a distinguished
deaths, 18 men and 10 women.
000,000 a month which was averaged last year ... All this presents
I am writing this to rally ali
50_Frenchmen apply annually to the French rabbinate
a serious problem for the Israel government . . . And the possi- Prospective parents toward Bib-
bility exists that since this problem cannot be solved in the United lical names for-their children—' for leave to be converted to Judaism. At the same time the con-
a vanishing point.
States, the Israel government may invite leaders of the UJA. the names like Isaac. Abraham and version trend among Jews has diminished to
bond drive and the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Jacob, names like Joshua and In fact many Jews who espoused Christianity during and shortly
Funds to come to a conference to Jerusalem . . . Originally, the maybe Zebulon, Zachariah or after the Nazi scourge solely to safeguard their children against
Israel Cabinet hoped that Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett would Jeremiah.
S la new Hitler have returned to the fold.
succeed in solving the problem during his stay in the United
Israel's current prison population is estimated at 800. Be-
Indeed, for special induce- i
States . . . However, it can now be disclosed that Mr. Sharett's
cause of limited prison facilities many minor offenders are Ire-
efforts to bring together the leaders of the above three groups at ment, I offer a gift for any new- I
round-able discussion did not materialize . . . Mr. Sharett met born Jewish child who during quently released from the cells on nominal bail. ,
. The Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, often referred to. as
with UJA leaders and also with the leaders of the Council of the next month is given the
that 1 1 the Jerusalem of America because of its heavy Orthodox Jewish
Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, and they were agreeable name of Isaac or Ike for short
to sit down with the bond drive leaders and thrash matters out I promise a rattle to any and ; population, has become a seething caldron of terrorism against
Jews. Elderly Jews there are almost daily victims of beard tearing
in his presence .. . However, no round-table talks took place . .. all the fortunate infants t
I hope
to inaugurate a • and stone-throwing. Only last Saturday a number. of hoodlums
In the meantime, Israel's foreign currency crisis, as well as the are Thus
that Way.
threw stones and unprintable epieths at two rabbis . on the was
debt of the Jewish state, is mounting ... An emergency situation
Maybe back
in time
I will; home from synagogue. The police have shown a reluctance to act
. movement
to Biblicali
is anticipated in the Fall, when new loan payments fall due .. names.
have been many and vociferous-.
The new grant-in-aid of $73.000,000 from the United States is,
tremendous help. but it will not even go so far as to I have among my own grandchrl- even though the complaints
allow Israel to import raw materials for production . . . Israel's : dren an Amminadab, • a Zuri- • When Simon E. Sobeloff of Baltimore
is appointed
next De-
Chief Justice
of the Maryland
an Elishama, an Elia- I cember by Governor McKeldizi as
debt at present is 115.000.000 Israeli pounds, payable in local cur-Ishadda.i,
rency, and $285,000,000 payable in dollars and other currency . . . seph. Anyway, the recent politi- ' Court of Appeals he will become the first Jew
ever to sit on Mary-
short- I cal experience suggests that an ; land's highest court. He is the brother of Isidore Sobeloff of
The difficulty is that a large part of the $285,000.000 is in
term loans and credits, some of which fall due soon. I Ike can go places, and far. ;Detroit.

DC Aided One of Every Eight Jews
In 18 (:onntries Overseas Last Year

Between You and M

On the Record






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