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August 01, 1952 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-01

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Stories for
Our Boys

Yeshivah Survey
Among Students
Reports Findinas

Findings of a survey on cur-
rent attitudes and ideals of Jew-
ish youth. conducted by the
Yeshivath Beth Yehudah, were
announced this week by Rabbi
hearts of the Jewish people; but
Hello. Boys and Girls:
Joseph Elias. principal of the
Last week, we observed a holi-ImilY increased the hatred of Beth Yehudah Schools.
day that was quite different the Romans. The enemy gen-
Results of a questionnaire dis
from most of the happy Jewish eral. Severus, resorted to trick-
He began to cut off Bar tributed to students of the 2B
the Kochba's supplies. The soldiers and up in the day school and
Ninth of It
had little food. Then the Rom- afternoon yeshivah show inter-
went to the synagogue to re- ans choked up the wells and esting preferences among Jewish
youth, and deal
cite prayers of mourning for the
unhappy times long ago when
turned so
with vital issues
that the
the rivers
Jews suf-
Roman armies conquered the fered from thirst. as well. They
in Jewish edu-
Jewish people and destroyed the began to lose battles.
cation such as
great T e m p I e in Jerusalem.
Tisha B'Ab, however, is not en- Finally, Bar K o c h b a was
preferences, the
tirely a sad day, for at this time forced to retreat into the forti-
influence of tel-
we recall a great Jewish leader, fled city of Bethar. There the
evision, radio,
whose courage has stood as an Romans set up a siege that
movies and;
example to the Jewish people lasted for an entire year. Bar
sports, effec-
for hundreds of years . . .
hunger and thirst, and he de- !,,,:
tiveness of re-
• • •
The Roman rulers were cruel. cided that. it was better to die i ' Rabbi Elias ligious and gen-
I eral education to the relation-I
T'hey had crushed -the beautiful fighting for freedom.
cities of Judea. They had taken When the Romans at last ship to the family circle and
many Jews into slavery; the rest broke through the gates and wider environment.
The questionnaire. it is point-
were heavily taxed and op- streamed into the city, Bar
pressed. Led by their great Kochba flung himself into bat- ed out. avoided leading or sug-
teacher, Rabbi Akiba, the Jews tle. All the Jews followed his •. gestive questions and sensation-
prayed for release from their example and they killed count- alism, with no questions being
misery; for strength to oppose less Romans until they, them- asked of a specifically religious
selves. could fight no more. They or Jewish character. Students
the conquering Romans.
One day. there came to Rabbi lost the battle, they lost their were instructed not to put their
Akiba a tall, sturdily-built. great leader, but they had taken names on the papers they sub-
handsome man. "My name is a valiant step against the hated mitted.
An interesting development
Simeon bar Kosiba," he said. "Ilconquerer.
peo- • • •
shown was that television is the
have heard the cries of my
pie and have come to lead them This story has no happy end- number one diversion of young-
out of the Roman bondage. Give ing, boys and girls. Nevertheless, sters. with book reading lagging
me your blessing. oh, Akiba." it has served as encouragement far behind. Upper grade students
Rabbi Akiba saw at once what to Jews throughout the centur- showed more of a tendency to-
a great leader stood before him. ies. Whenever our people has ward outside reading. Most chil-
He recalled what the Bible had been oppressed, we have said, dren chose adventure books as
outside reading choices. although
foretold: "There shall come a "Remember Bar Kochba!"
many indicated that they were
Star (Kochba) out of Jacob and
His name was on the lips of
reading the Bible or other tell-
a Sceptre shall rise out of Is- the soldiers of Lsrael as they
' gious works.
fought for, and secured. inde-
rael . .."
Perhaps surprisingly, Jewish
So the young man was re- pendence and statehood. Even children seem to prefer come-
named Bar Kochba--the Star! though Bar Kochba died in bat- ' dians to westerns. adventures
Immediately. he set about to tle, on the Ninth of Ab. his and the like. and the moat
stir the spirit of the people, to courage still lives and lends a named persons the children
prepare them for revolt. Soon, brightness to this day.
thought they would like to pat-
Your friend, Miriam tern themselves after were Mil-_
there were 24.000 men ready to
follow him into battle. But Bar
ton Berle and Jimmy Durante.
Kochba told them. The time Israel Pact Creates
Several hundred question-
has not come yet."
naires are still forthcoming. and
Secretly. the followers of Bar Dead Sea Company
a serious testing of other seg- •
Kochba drilled and prepared
Is- ments of Detroit Jewish youth

arms which they hid carefully , rael government and the repre- is planned before any conclusive
in their homes and fields. As • sentative of the Palestine Potash results are known.
the tale of the great leader Co.. Lord Glenconnor, signed an
spread. more and more came agreement establishing a new
Ellin (MrS:- Ir:Fing , Berlin and
to join his armies. Even non- company to exploit the mineral their second daughter, Linda.
Jews, who also suffered under resources of the Dead Sea. The have joined the song writer in
the heel of the Romans, came. Israe l government will have a Hollywood where he'll be sta-
"If the Jews regain their liberty, 51 per cent voting interest in the tioned for three months working
we too will be free." they said. ' new company, the Dead Sea on two film musicals.
When the Roman governor. Works. Ltd.
Tinnius Rufus. began to build a
The Palestine Potash Co. will
Roman city and a temple to the exchange all its assets and pat-- .
Roman god on the site of the ent from the Mandatory govern-
holy city of Jerusalem. the Jews ment in return for a minority
were spurred to action. "The interest in the new company. It
time has come!" Bar Kochba will receive 1.220.000 shares--
valued at one pound par --in
He mustered his armies — by the new company. This will give
that time more than four hun- it 16 per cent of the voting
dred thousand strong—and ad- shares. In addition. it will re-
dressed them: - The enemy is ceive 390,000 non-voting deben-
mighty, well-armed and well- tures.
trained. my brothers. Our great-
The government will grant
est weapons are courage and a
the new company S2.500,000 from
desire to be free. Yet I would
test your strength. Let each the U. S. Export-Import Bank
man tear up a cedar tree with loan and the company will seek
to obtain an additional loan of
his hands while riding on horse-
$1.000.000 from the Palestine
back. -
The men were eager to prove Economic Corp. The former
shareholders in the Palestine
their strength. and hundreds of Potash Co.. will appoint two di-
thousands passed the test.
rectors in the new company and
Then Bar Kochba's forces the goyernment will name five
began to attack the Roman
M. Novomeysky. man-
troops when they least expected • directors.
ager of Palestine Potash. will be
it and destroyed them. Before • na med honorary president of
more Romans could be sent
Dead Sea Works.
against them, he and his men
Meanwhile. a crew of some 200
escaped into the hills and hid workers will go to Sodom. on
in caves. In one year. they cap- the Dead Sea. to prepare homes
lured fifty strongholds and nine for workers who will operate the
hundred and eighty-five towns , plant_ It is understood that the
from the Romans.
directors of the former Potash
These victories put joy Company will soon contact Jor-
dan to negotiate for the com-
pany's plant in Jordan territory
and to demand compensation for
property destroyed during the
War of Liberation.

and Girls

Friday, August 1. 1952







Vocational Counselor Veterans
Affairs: Preferred Detroit Citizens
League: Endorsed by Detroit Building
Trades Council A.F.L., The Women's
Guild, Veterans Citizen League, Civ-
ic, Labor, and Business Groups;
Purple Heart Veteran.

Post Service Officer, V.F.W., D.A.V.

Send to Congress





tiie 13th District

On Hoe Republican Ticket

• •

R e p r e s e ntative McLeod
has earned your support
through the years of his
service in Congress.
Known for his integrity,
ability as a legislator, his
knowledge of the National
Scene. Congressman Mc-
Leod represents the type
of leadership so sorely
needed at the present time
in the Nation's Capital.

* t *





Congressman McLeod's record is one of the outstand-
ing in Michigan. He has supported all liberal immigra-
tion laws, has backed efforts for the upbuilding of Is-
rael, has been a staunch supporter of the Zionist cause
and has been at your service at all times.

Vote for DONALD S.

1 6()1111111)





Michigan Needs New Leadership


Unearth Ancient
Tiberias Walls

JERUSALEM, (JTA)—The Is- Corporation Changes Name to
rael government's archaeological l lsrael Corporation of America
department has uncovered the
ancient walls of Tiberias and The Israel Commercial Cor-
artifacts of the Roman Army E poration, a subsidiary of the
which, under the Emperor Ves- :Palestine Economic Corporation.
pasian, besieged the city somefhas voted to change its name to
1,900 years ago. In addition. the I the Israel Corporation of Amer-
excavations unearthed human ica, it was announced by Albert
skeletons, pottery and utensils! Seiffer, president of ICA and

from an even earlier period. I secretary of PEC.

Not a politician


but a Public Servant with a record for action and honesty second to nen.

Be Sure to VOTE
DONALD S. LEONARD Primary, Aug. 5


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