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August 01, 1952 - Image 1

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-08-01

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Shotom Aleichem's


'Wandering Star':

The Charming Novel

by the Yiddish

A Weekly Review

Mark Twain

• Read Commentator's
- Column on Page 2

VOLUME 21—No. 21

Ei I

of Jewish Events

Three Democratic

Planks: Are They

Fighting- or

Weasel -Words?

Editorial, Page 4

Michigan's Only English-Jewish!Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle

708 David Stott Bldg —Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit. Michigan. August 1.1952


$4.00 Per Year: Single Copy. 10c

Israel Treats Egyptian Crisis As
Ad'Lai, Father of Shaphat,
Who Lived in David's Time

Background of at Name

u r





There is nothing mysterious about the first name of
othe Democratic candidate for President. Adlai - in
"A Hebrew it is spelled ayin, daled, lamed, yud — with the
kametz in the second syllable pronounced sephardically ay
. and ashkenazically oy. Since Mr. Stevenson spells his name
with an ai, the sephardic pronunciation is the correct one.
The name Adlai appears in the 29th verse of the 27th
I chapter of the First Book of Chronicles. Here is the Hebrew
text and the English translation:


-Lanz _

°' 771 17; )
" 17 ; 1717111 77, :71
4 nrtz,4,1


"And over the herds that fed

I ti

■ •

A • ••



77;, -

in Sharon was Shirtai

the Sharonite; and over the herds that were in the

valleys was Shaphat the son of Adlai."

This reference to Adlai was in the year 2720 on the
Hebrew calendar (1040 B.('.)---2992 years ago.
The meaning of "Adlai" as given in the Biblical Con-
cordance is lax, or weary. Nowhere else. however. could we
! locate anything either to substantiate or to disprove these
- interpretations. Shaphat means to rule or to judge. Adlai's
son, Shaphat, having been one of King David's governors
of a province.
Stevenson was given his first name by his paternal
grandfather, who was Vice President in Grover Cleveland's
second administration and who acquired his name from a
forefather on his mother's side. Adlai Osborne.
On Sept. 3, 1892, Harper's Weekly, New York, publish-
ed this advertisement, referring to the 1952 Presidental
candidate's grandfather:



many people who do not
I'm: given name
reai the Bible became familiar with for the first time whe n
Mr STEVENSON was nominated at Chicago, and which is in
very infrequent use in this country, has been a favorite
appellation in the STEN r•:NSON family, and is now borne by
several members besides the Democratic Vice-Presidential
candidate. They spell it ADLEN, however, which represents
the modern 'pronunciation of the word better than the regu-
lar orthoerrarhy, and is entitled to consideration if Professor
FRANC IS J. cH1LD'S dictum is true—that " any way of spell-
ing is beu•r than the ordinary way."
Jt . t.tAN RALPH, whose articles on the development
cf l id meat West are now running in 11A UPER's

ADLAt, which


But Is Attacked by the Leftist Elements

Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewish News

TEL AVIV. (.IrrA) —Israel regards the latest developments in Egypt as Egyptian
internal affairs and will take no action which might be interpreted as intervention in
Egyptian affairs, an Israeli spokesman declared here Monday night. He added that Is-
rael will continue to safeguard its armistice lines in accordance with the Israel-Egyptian
armistice agreement.

(Israel is in no danger of an attack from Egypt as a result of the Army coup which seized
control of the Arab state, informed observers in Britain said. Neither do these circles expect
any trouble between Egyptian forces and British troops based in the Suez Canal area. General
Mohammed Naguib. who heads the Army group responsible for the revolt. has an unimpeachable
military record, it was stated in London. During the war with Israel he was wounded three

Admiral Mountbatten, British Commander in Chief in the Mediterranean Area.
arrived Tuesday morning at the Tel Aviv port aboard the SS Surprise and was received
with full military honors.

A 21 gun salute was fired from the Admiral's flagship as she entered the port
and was replied by shore battery. Upon -his landing from a light motor torpedo boat,

Mountbatten was received by a delegation representing the Israel government and the
Navy. The Israel army band played "Rule Britannia." Hundreds of port laborers watched
the ceremony but none demonstrated against the British Commander. despite the fact
that the majority of port workers are members of the Mapam party which called for
anti-Mountbatten demonstrations.

Al Hamishmar. organ of the Mapam. came out with an editorial Tuesday calling
for Admiral Mountbatten's return to England "since he is not wanted in Israel." The
paper says that "the purpose of Mountbat ten's visit is to turn Israel and the whole
Middle East into an ag_,:ressive base." Kol Iiaam. Communist organ. similary called for
demonstrations to tell the British Commander "to return to England."

Democratic Platform Pledges Aid to Israel;
Wants No- Second-Class Citizens in America'


HICAGO. ( JTA , --Continued assistance t o Israel is pledged in the Democratic
Party Platform which aiso calls for the revision of the McCarran immigration
• lip law which was opposed by liberal and Jewish organizations and was condemned
by President Truman as "racist." The text of the plank on Israel and other
countries in the Middle East reads:


"We seek to enlist the people of the Middle East to work with us and with
each other in the development of the region. the' lifting of health and living
standards and the attainment of peace. We favor the development of inte-
grated security arrangements for the Middle East and military assistance to
help safeguard the independence of the countries in the area.

New York Public Library

Thus. an overseer of herds in the lowlands of David's
Kingdom has handed down his name to a man who may

be the next President of the United States.

Story on "The Name Ike" on Page 20


Mountbatten Given Military Welcome,

Choice of Democrats
For November Classic!

"We pledge continued assistance to Israel so that she may fulfill her
-humanitarian mission of providing shelter and sanctuary for her homeless
Jewish refugees while strengthening her economic development.
"We will continue to support the tri-partite declaration of May, 1950, to
encourage Israel and the Arab states to settle_ their differences by direct . negotiation, to
maintain and protect the sanctity of the Holy Places and to permit free access to them.

"We pledge aid to the Arab states to enable them to develop their economic resources and
raise the living standards of their people. We support measures for the relief and reintegra-
tion to the Palestine refugees. and we pledge continued assistance to the reintegration pro-
gram voted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in January, 1952." •

The plank calling for revision of the McCarran immigration law emphasizes that the Demo-
cratic Party wants no second-class citizens in free America" and is determined to eliminate
distinction between native-born and naturalized citizens." The text reads:

"Subversive elements must be screened out and prevented from entering our land, but the
gates must be left ajar for practical numbers of desirable elements from abroad whose immi-
gration to this country provides an invigorating infusion into the stream of American life. as
well as a significant contribution to the solution of the world refugee and overpopulation prob-

"We pledge revision of our immigration and naturalization laws to do away with any unjust
and unfair prejudices against national groups which have contributed some of our best citizens.
We are determined also to eliminate distinction between native-born and naturalized citizens. We
want no second class citizens in free America."

The convention pledged itself to continue its efforts "to eradicate discrimination based


race, religion or national origin" and "to strengthen the administrative machinery for the pro-

tection of civil rights." The resolution reads:
"The Democratic Party is committed to support and advance the individual rights and
liberties of all Americans. Our country is founded on the proposition that all men are created
equal. This means that all citizens are equal before the law and should enjoy equal political
rights. They should have equal opportunities for education and for economic advancement.

"we will continue our efforts to eradicate discrimination based on race, religion or national
origin. We know this task requires action, not just in one section of the nation, hilt in all
sections. It requires Federal action. The Federal government must live up to the ideals of
the Declaration of Independence.
"We favor Federal legislation effectively to secure these rights for every one: (I) the right
q opportunity for employment: (2' The right to full and equal participation in the nation's

political life, free from arbitrary restraints."

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