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February 15, 1952 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-02-15

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Cyperstein to Speak to litizrachi Feb. 23


New Findings in Heart Conditions
Friday, February 15, 1952
Mizrachi Organization will place of Mizrachi.in strengthen
SAN FRANCISCO, (JTA) — ported that an apparently harm-
Dove as its guest, Saturday eve- ing the traditional concept of Pisgah Mid-Season Dance
Wag; Feb. 23, at Young Israel Jewish living . in Israel and the This Saturday Evening
Three members of the staff of Mt. less body chemical—cholic acid,
cent er, the
Pisgah Lodge, Bnai Brith, will Zion Hospital here reported to a normal component of b i 1 e —
al o t e d scholar,

Rabbi Avigdor
y perstein,
Dean of higher
Talmudical stu-
dies at Yeshiva
University. The
evening will be
devoted to an
appraisal of the Cyperstein

Abe Nusbaum, chairman of
the local Bar Ilan University
chapter, will report on the pro-
gress of the Bar Ilan University
idea in Detroit. ?hillip Stollman,
religious groups bond chairman,
will present plans for the March
9 community-wide bond solicita-

sponsor a mid-season dance,
Saturday evening, in the social
hall of Acias Shalom Synagogue.
There will be square dancing
with expert callers; modern
dancing and waltzes. Refresh-
ments will be served. An in-
vitation is extended to mem-
bers, their families and friends.
Admission is free.

the Western Society for Clinical
Research their findings in the
Jewish hospital's Harold Brunn
Institute for Cardiovascular Re-
search which may be of con-.
siderable importance in the fight
against heart disease.
Dr. Meyer Freidman, head of
the institute, Dr. Ray S. Rosen-
man and Dr. Sanford Byers, re-

These securities, though registered, have not been approved
or disapproved by the Securities
and Exchange Commission, which does not pass on the merits of any registered securities.

may be the factor in hardening
of the arteries. The Mt. Zion in-
vestigations over a year, the doc-
tors reported, indicated that an
excess of cholic acid can pro-
duce dangerously high levels of
cholesterol in the body. This
substance, a fatty alcohol, is
known to be a factor in hard-
ening of the arteries.



$500,000,000 INDEPENDENCE


The State of Israel $500,000,000 Bond
Issue is intended to promote the economic
development of the State. The proceeds of
the Bond Issue are to be used for the pur-
chase of machinery, raw materials, equip-
merit and other items designed to increase
the country's productive facilities so that it
may earn and save foreign currency. Of the
total amount, 5205,000,000 is to be allo-
cated for investment in the fields of industry
and power. The sum of 3130,000,000 has
been designated for agricultural projects;
340,000.000 for the development of harbors,
shipping and railroads; $45,000,000 for
trade and services including the development
of the tourist industry; and 330,000,000 for
the establishment of a government mortgage
bank for housing.
The balance, after payment of the ex-
penses of the issue, is to serve as a reserve
for unanticipated projects or for increased
expenditures for the designated projects.
The Government s economic develop-
ment program involves a total project ex-
penditure of 31,500,000,000, of which
$500,000,000 is to be provided by Israel
and other countries, and the balance is co
be obtained in the United States. The 5500,-
000,000 State of Israel Bond Issue is the
largest single source of funds for this
program. •
With immigration proceeding at the
rate of 200,000 a year, Israel requires capital
imports to meet the large investment nec-
essary to create permanent employment op,
portunities and housing for the newcomers.
- A
balanced and mature economy will as s
rule produce enough to cover the consump-
tive needs of is t population and to provide
for some further investment to increase pro-
ductivity. But under the best conditions, cur-
rent production cannot begin to supply the
huge capital needs of a population that is in-
creasing at the enormous rate experienced by
Israel. Palestine and Israel, therefore, have
always had an adverse trade balance—like
.many young countries facing immigration
and development tasks. including the United
States, Australia and New Zealand. As im-
migration increased. so did the adverse trade
balance. The import surplus served to meet
the investment needs of the economy. For
1949 receipts on current account were (ex-
pressed in Israel Pounds, I.L.) I.L. 20,600,-
000 and payments, I.L. 94,100,000. Fot
1950 receipts on current account were 1.L.
23,800,000 and payments, I.L. 113,400,-
It is one of the major purposes of the
Bond Issue to improve Israel's balance of
trade through the establishment of new
industrial and agricultural enterprises and
through the expansion of production for ex-
port as well as for home consumption.
As of December 31, 1950, the funded
debt was I.L. 114,200,000 and the floating
debt, I.L. 1,300,000. The figures do not in-
clude any Treasury Bills, because of their
relationship to the Special Defense Budget
which has not been disclosed for security
reasons. .
Israel has never at any time defaulted
upon the payment of principal or interest
on any debt.
The budgets of the Government reflect
the objectives of the State of Israel to provide
for the immigration and absorption of a
large number of Jews. Froth May 15, 1945
to March 31, 1949, receipts were I.L. 28,-
885,000 and expenditures. I.L. 27,529,000.
From April 1, 1949 to March 31, 1950,
receipts were I.L. 92.876.000 and expendi-
tures I.L. 93,800000. From April 1; 1950
to January 31, 1'951, receipts were LI..
113,473,000 and expenditures I.L. 112,-
087,000. These figures do not include Special
Defense Budget expenditures or receipts from
internal loans financing same.
The American - Financial and Develop-
ment Corporation for Israel with head-
quartets at 120 Broadway, New York 5,
New York, is the principal underwriter for
the State of Israel Bond Issue. The commis-
sions or discounts are not to exceed 3I,/-!%.


to be a Builder of Israel on BIG day —Mar. 9

Give one day of your time ! Help us to bring the story of

Israel Bonds into every Jewish home in our city ! Join the

vanguard of volunteers who, • in every Jewish community

in the United States, will visit their friends and neighbors

- on BIG DAY to. build Israel with Bonds.


• Mean Thousands of Dollars Invested in Israel

• Build New Factories

Develop New Farms

• Make Israel Strong

The Israel Bond is one of the great historic documents of

all time. It marks a glorious triumph over suffering and

despair. It signifies the inspiring rise of a new democracy

built by a people dedicated to freedom and peace.

Two types of Bonds are offered at par

as follows:



Interest Bearing Bonds Denominated as

Fifteen Year 31/2% Dollar Coupon


Interest payable May 1 and Nov. 1

Denominations: $500 • $1,000 •
$5,000 • $10,000 • $100,000


(b) Capital Appreciation Bonds Denominated

as Twelve Year Dollar Savings Bonds,
Maturity Value: 150% of issue amount

Denominations: $50 • $100 • $250 • $500
$1,000 • $2,500 • $5,000 • $10,000

If you wish to enroll as a volunteer for BIG DAY fill out and mail this coupon today.

Further information, particularly fhtencial informathse, is contained in the Reels.

'ration Statement flied with the Commission and in w more complete Prospectus

which must be furnished to each purchaser and is obtainable from the undersigned.

Orders for Bonds may be placed at, and Prospectuses obtained fromt


American Financial and Development Corp. for Israel



2200 David Stott building,




to join

to be a volunteer on BIG


Detroit 26, Michigan

other members of our community

DAY, Sunday, March


with Bonds. Please send me further information.




2200 David Stott Building, Detroit

This is not a prospectus


an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers


to bur filmic $et,urities. Ths offering Is amide only by the Prospectus.



build Israel

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