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February 15, 1952 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-02-15

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Tales Out of Schoo

The Youth of a Nation are the Trustees
of Posterity."—Disraeli.











As soon as Mumford's "fresh-
ies" found their classes a n d
learned their locker combina-
tions, they set about the im-
portant task of electing student
council representatives. Hats
and posters, similiar to those
which appeared at school dur-
ing the last rally, were seen
again. Each manager proclaimed
the merits of his candidate at
the rally. Joseph Levin was
Bluma Sussman's manager; Bert
Whoopner backed Dorothy Ya-
goda; Sue Schwartz sponsored
Sherry Carpenter; Helen Levine
was Judy Allen's manager; Fred
Averbuck was Fred Babash's
manager and Betsy Jones was
Joan Handelman's. Out of these
nine candidates, four represen-
tatives and two alternates will
be elected at Monday's elections.
Joan Rothenberg was s u r -
rised by a party at her home
in honor of her 16th birthday
last Saturday. The party was
planned by Joan's mother and
her host Sam Goldstein. Joan's
guests were Nina Lask and Jerry
S c h n e r, Emily Schultz and
Johnny Shepard, Lois Manheim
and Lenny Krause, Betsy Brown
and Gil Levin, Janice Glickstein
and Marshall Marti n, Ruth
Rothman and Stu Pernick, Etta-
gail Benyas and Kenny Jacoby,
Evelyn Jacoby and Richard Ger-
Frances Lorraine Suhd ,daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Suhd,
of Pinehurst Ave., also cele-
brated her "Sweet Sixteen" by
holding a formal dance at Sid's
Lounge last Saturday. Fran's
host was Bert Altman and her
guests were Frances Gottlieb
and Jim Reveno, Judy Shewack
and Burton Epstein, Janet Label
and Larry Traison, Jane Sam-
pliner and Harold Schecet, Dor-
othy Rozental and Alan Cherry,
Barbara Sorscher and Eddie
Ryke and Mollie Robinson and
David Kahn.






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The Faculty Committee on
Democratic Human Relations,
consisting of Mrs. Bow, Misses
Hahn, Wilmer and Nelson, Mr.
Merryman and Mr. Minton, will
present a special program to all
school clubs Feb. 20, to com-
memorate National Brotherhood
Week. A m o v i e, "It's Our
America", will be the principal
feature. Other activities empha-
sizing brotherhood include a
musicale by Dr. Seitz and the
Music Dept. with vocal solos by
Albert Kee, Grace Ashby and
David Moyer; short addresses by
Mrs. Bow's speech students.
Because of their active par-
ticipation in NCCJ (National
Council of Christians and Jews),
Allan Roth and Jean Berkowitz
were selected to attend Detroit
Round Table of NCCJ luncheon
Feb. 6, honoring Paul Whiteman
for his contribution to brother-
Sanford Lakin and Johnny
Shepherd were chosen by Mrs.
Bow, because of their fine speak-
ing voices and' interest in radio,
to represent Central on t h e
Board of Education Radio Sta-
tion WDTR. Last Monday they
presented 15 minutes of Central
news and activities in the first
of a series of High. School broad-
Saralei Reiss celebrated her
Sweet Sixteen with a party at
home, Feb. 2. Shimon Berris
was her host. Also present were
Marjorie Shiller with Seymour
Blau, Shirley Rash and Dave
Buckfirer, Faye Berris and Ben-
jie Shandalov, Phyllis Gillman
and Paul Hamburger, Faye
Weinstein and. Mary Freed, Judy
Kobler and Arnie Bunin, Sydelle
Steinman and Cole Verona, Eve-
lyn Siporin and Jerry Sherman,
Sue Simmons and Al Gilbert,
Robin Plotnick and H e r b i e
Acker, Sandy Berkly and Jerry
Golfader, Marcia S a 1 t z and
Marty Smith, Etta Ross and
Burt Issacs, Florence and Sid
Last Friday's basketball vic-
tory over Mackenzie (66-44)
brought the Blazers total wins
to six as against one tie and one
non-league loss, keeping Central
in first place.

Sid Shmarak's

Business Briefs

Detroit's newest and most mod-
em salon at 12241 Linwood is
open daily from 9 to 9, and
Saturdays from 9 to 6. For ap-
pointments phone TO. 8-8944.
L'AIGLON (formerly Huyler's)
in the Fisher Building have
completed an extensive remod-
eling job of their L'Aiglon room
and are once again accepting
reservations for every type of
affair or social gathering. Grad-
uate dieticians supervise the
preparation of all meals. For
further information and reser-
vations call TR. 5-5100.
Mr. Ed Benstein of ED BEN-
wood, announces the association
of Miss Erma Tibbs, formerly of
Town House, with his establish-
ment. For the month Of Feb-
ruary the ERMA STUDIO is of-
fering a special get acquainted
sale on custom made slip covers.
For estimate call TO. 6-9329.
* * *
caterers on Joy Road, besides
catering in synagogues, homes
and halls, is now offering home
delivery of kishke, knishes, hot
and cold hors d'ouvres and
sweet tables, in any amount for
every type of home pasty. Also
planned are two Passover Seders
at Bnai Moshe Synagogue. For
information and reservations - call
WE. 3-9383 or TO. 8-5316.




O de _Air

Israel Enterprises
Shows Israel Products

A permanent exhibit of pro-
ducts originating in, manufac-
tured in, and finished in Israel
will be on exhibit at Israel En-
terprises, 11820 Dexter. The pub-
lic is invited daily from 9:30 to
5:30 except Saturday, a n d
Thursdays until 9 p.m. Organ-
izations requesting special dis-
plays for functions should 'con-
tact Jules Doneson. TO. 8-6896.
Mrs. Roosevelt in Israel
Presently on display are slabs
PARIS, (JTA) — Mrs. Eleanor of Israel marble from the Gali-
RooseveU was reported to have lee, ceramics, bronze, brass, and
arrived in Israel yesterday on hand-painted oil originals.
her first visit to the Jewish
state. She will remain for six
Speaker's Club to Meet
days. Entering the nation
The Speakers Club will meet
via the Old City of Jerusalem,
Mrs. Roosevelt comes after visits at the Davison Jewish Center
in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. at 9 p.m., Saturday, announces
From Israel she will proceed to Mrs. Ann Goldman, vice-presi-
Pakistan, India, Siam, Indon- dent. Themes to be discussed
esia, the Philippi:.
, d Hawaii. are "Your Conception of the Art
of Living" and "Euthanasia —
Mercy Killing." A social hour
Friday, February 15, 1952
will follow.

This Week's Radio and Tele-
vision Programs of
Jewish Interest

Time: 8 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17.
Station: WWJ.
Feature : "The Brave Mrs.
Korngold" tells the story of old
age— how there is a beginning
of awarness to the fact that a
longer life span is creating old-
age problems.
*. * *
Time: 10 a.m., Sunday, Feb. 17.
Station: WXYZ.
Feature: Rabbi Morton M. Ber-
man, guest speaker during Feb-
ruary on Rabbi Jonah B. Wise's
weekly broadcast, will talk on
"Man and Himself,"

NEW YORK, (JTA)—The two-
day national conference of the
Women's American ORT adopt-
ed a program of supplementary
social assistance to ORT stud--
ents likened to the "G.I. Stu-.
dents Bill of Rights." The pro-
gram will provide food, cloth-
ing, comfort needs and, in some
instances, shelter for _ its stu-
dents in nine of the 19 countries
in which ORT schools are lo-
Canteens providing one to
three meals daily are to be set
up at all schools in iVlorocca, Al-
geria, Tunisia, Israel, Iran,
Greece, Italy and at the Stras-
burg School in France and the
Munich DP School in Germany,
as the initial phase of the new
program. Approximately 10,000
-students will be immediately af-
fected by this program.

One of the most interesting
immigration stories on record
came to a happy ending in the
Federal Court here on Tuesday
morning. A search for freedom
in behalf of a young boy ended
with the naturalization of eight- ,
year-old Itzhak Schaver, the
adopted son of Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Schaver, who was sworn
n as a full-
edged U ri i ted
tates citizen
together with a
large group of
applicants by
Judge Frank
The Itzhak
Schaver story is
recorded briefly
in the Arthur H. Vandenberg
Memorial Volume published by
the United States Senate. It is
included in an article by Philip
Slomovitz, which was originally
inserted in the Congressional
Record by Congressman John D.
Dingell, as a reprint from The
Jewish News. The article reads:
"Less than two years ago,
the Morris Schavers, desiring
to bring to this country the sole
survivor of an entire family,
five-year-old Itzhak who now
is their adopted son, met with
obstacles. Itzhak could have
been considered Polish-born.
In that case he would have to
wait 12 years to be admitted
to this country from Canada
where he was brought by the
Schavers. Senator Vanden-
berg promptly introduced a
bill to declare Itzhak of

French origin. Congressman
John D. Dingell introduced a
similar measure in the House
of Representatives. Both bills
were adopted by the Houses
of Congress and were signed
by President Truman. That
act is on record to the credit
of Senator Vandenberg and
Congressman Dingell, as an
indication of their humani-
tarian interests." .

Judge. Picard, himself of
French descent: evinced a deep
interest in Itzhak's naturat,iza-

Speakers Listed for
Landsmanschaften -Fete

The Landsmanschaften Coun-
cil will install officers Sunday,
Feb. 24, 8 p.m. at the Davison
Jewish Center.
The principal speaker will be
Dr. B. Benedict Glazer.
Dr. Shmarya Kleinman, presi-
dent of the Jewish Communitt
Council, and Samuel J. Rubiner,
president of the Jewish Welfare
Federation also will speak. Louis
Rosenzweig, chairman of the in-
ternal relations committee of
the Council, will greet the
Landsmanschaften. Greet ings
will also be heard from the He-
brew Benevolent Society, the
Los Angeles Sanitorium, and De-
troit Chapter of Histadrut.
Landsmanschaften m e m bers
are invited. Tickets have been
distributed to all affiliated or-

In explaining his slogan
"Your Satisfaction is My Con-
cern," Charlie Weinstock, 23
years with the BUICK FACTORY
BRANCH at 6164 Cass, says that
satisfaction comes not only
with getting a good deal when
buying a car, but that service
after purchase plays a more im-
portant part. If you're shopping
for a car, get the price on a new
Buick from Charlie before you
Joe Cornell and Yvonne Narva,
dancers, appear avery Tuesday
night, which is Rhumba night,
at the WEBB-WOOD INN at
11651 Woodward.

ORT Conference Adopts Social Aid
Program for Students Overseas


Itzhak Schaver's Admission to U.S.
Citizenship Ends Freedom Struggle

Confidence that the ORT vo-
cational training centers in
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and
Libya would not be affected by
the Moslem nationalistic unrest
prevailing in these countries was
expressed here at the confer-
T h e conference decided to
furnish a new vocational train-
ing center in Nathanya Israel,
with a complete line of modern
American machines, tools and
training equipment. The decis-
ion to undertake this project
was made in response to a re-
quest by the municipal govern-
ment of Nathanya, which was
recently allocated funds for the
establishment under ORT's sup-
ervision of a complete vocational
training center in that rapidly
growing community.

Shalacli Monos Time . .

Is Approaching

Purim Occurs on March 12

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