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January 18, 1952 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1952-01-18

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Jerusalem's Mayor Shragai to Visit
Here. in March; Sponsored by Mizrachi


Friday, January 18, 1952

Zadok to Address

Mizrachi to Honor. Schlussel on
Completion of Israel Forest at
50th Anniversary Dinner Sunday

Hapoel Hami'rachi and Hassidic family in a small Polish
League for Religious Labor have town. He received a traditional tlistadrUt Report Rally
succeeded in arranging a visit Jewish education. At an early At LZOA Institute
The Mizrachi Organization of
Mr. Schlussel, who serves - as
age he was active in the local
Detroit will celebrate the 50th the president of the Jewish Na-
Jewish National Fund and in
Chaim Zadok, Deputy Attor- anniversary of the founding of
Mizrachi. He became a founder ney General of Israel, on special the movement with a banquet tional Fund Council, has been
of the MiZrachi Chalutz move- leave from the government, will Sunday evening at the Latin active in many community or-
ment in Poland.
Quarter, East Grand Boulevard ganizations.
near • Woodward. Rabbi Joseph
In 1928 he emigrated to Israel,
H. Lookstein, noted Zionist lead-
and the following year he was
er and renowned orator, will de-
elected a member of the execu-
liver the principal address. A
tive of the Hapoel Hamizrachi.
choir under the direction cf
Ever since he has played a de-
Harry Segal will render 'musical
cisive role as a builder, leader,
teacher and guide of the religi-
Leaders of-. all local Zionist
ous labor movement in Israel.
groups, synagogue presidents an d
In 1943 he was elected for the
other communal dignitaries will
first time as a `member of the
participate - in this function
executive of the Vaad Leumi
which will highlight a half cen-
(National Council) and soon
became head of its Department
Daniel Temchin was Mizrachi
Israel and Torah-true Judaism chairman
of Press and Information. At
of the project. lie is
here of Shlomo Zalman Shragai, the 22nd Zionist Congress he
Orthodox circles
William Horde s, honorary and is greatly responsible
mayor of Jerusalem. The dis- was elected an executive mem-
chairman of the Jewish National the completion of this forest for
tinguished guest will address a ber of the Jewish Agency, and
will on this occasion pre- such a short period.
public rally in the Woodward served in London during the
two very difficult years preced-
Jewish Center on March 16.
certificate to t h e completed
Mayor Shragai, one of the ing the establishment of the
Brenner Branch Banquet
Schlussel Fares t; a Mizrachi
most beloved personalities in Jewish State: Last year he was
•proj ect.
Brenner Branch, Farband, will
Israel, has won the respect and elected mayor of Jeruysalem.
Over 10,500 trees have been hold its 12th anniversary instal-
admiration of the entire Yisl-niv
Detroit is preparing a recep- address the first Histadrut cam-
for unstinting devotion to the tion for Mayor Shragai. Lead- - paign report rally Sunday, 2 purchased in the forests which lation dinner at the Sea Food
cause of a Jewish state for over ers in all phases of our commun- p.m., at the Labor Zionist In- will be planted in the corridor Grotto on Sunday. All members
between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. and friends are invittd.
a quarter of a century.
ity are active in arrangements stitute, 13722 Linwood.
Shragai was born in,1899 of an for his welcome.
Mr. Zadok represented the
Ministry of Justice at the Har
vard University conference on
Israel's constitutional research
project. He made extensive tours
of Europe to study methods of
legislation on a_ special mission

- PARIS, (JTA) — A resolution first put forward by the UN of the Israel government.' Dur-
proposing the \ dissolution of the Conciliation Cornmission — were ing the war of independence, he
UN Palestine Conciliation Com- accepted by Israel and rejected served in the Judge Advocate
mission and the creation by the by the Arabs.
General's _Department, _devoting
United Nations of a Good Of-
Mr. Eban made a striking himself to the drafting of legis-
fices Committee to be available reply to Arab claims that Israel lation affecting the a kr m e d
to help Israel and the Arab was not carrying out the resolu- forces of Israel.
states to settle their disputes, tions of the United Nations. He
Mr. Zadok will be the guest,
was introduced by •srael's _chief pointed out that the UN resolu- speaker at an oneg shabbat
delegate Abba S. Eban at a ses- tion to partition Palestine into sponsored by the 'English-speak-
sion of the UN Special Political an Arab and Jewish state was ing branches of the labor Zion-
Committee which is now debat- ,destroyed by the Arab states' ist. movement Friday evening at
ing the Palestine issue.
use of force.
the Labor Zionist Institute and
The Israel diplomat suggest-
The Israeli diplomat recalled he also will be featured on the
ed that the proposed Good Of- that in 1948 the UN General As- "Voice of Histadrut" program
fices Committee should have its sembly called on the. Jews and Sunday at 11:15 a.m., on station
seat at the United Nations head- the ArabS to reach a settlement WJLB.
quarters in New

York and by negotiations and that Israel
Preliminary reports of cam-
should be composed of repre- was . carrying out this recom- paign workers 'indicate a sub-
sentatives of Turkey,. France mendation. He emphasized that stantial increase in overall giv
and the United States. He told the Arab states were in defiance ing, Morris Lieberman, cam-
the Political Committee that. the of this resolution. ..
pa,ign chairman, s t a to d. He
basic causes for the_cleadlock be-
The Syrian delegate, Ahmed praised the exemplary work of
tween Israel and the Arab states Shtikeiri, was called to order the following campaign - workers
was the latter's refusal to nego-. by the chairman of the UN who already have- reported over
tiate directly With Israel and Political Committee when he $1,000 each: William Gayman;-
their refusal to recognize Israel referred tojsrael as "an arti- John Isaacs, Harry Schumer;
as a sovereign state.
ficial 'state" and spoke of IS- J. L. Wolock, Alex Schreier,. Mor- -
Declaring that there were rael'a . "melting pot"` policy. ris Kane, Jack Malarnud, Na-
three main problems between The chairman interrupted him– than Shecter and S. Dronzek.
Israel and the Arab states. • — by pointing out that he did
Farband and Labor Zionist
territory, internationalization of not think that representatives branches have mobilized their
Jerusalem and refugees — Mr. of one state had the right to members towards a more inten-
Eban said: "Perhaps the great- pass judgment on another sive - solicitation of friends of
est achievement of the United state. Similar bitter addresses Histadrut. First campaign re-
Nations to date in the field of attacking the Jewish State ports will be made at the rally
international security were the were made by Fadil el Jamali Sunday.
agre.ements on territorial rela- of Iraq and Abdul Mustafa
tions between Israel and the Bey of Egypt.
Two Themes for Speakers Club .
Arabs. Not one inch of land has
Choice of two subjects to be
been occupied by Israel that was
discussed at a meeting of the
not covered by agreement."
Speaker's Club on Saturday at
Bigelow's New On-Location Carpet Cleaner
Touching on the issue of in-
9 p.m. at the Davison Jewish
ternationalization of Jerusalem,
Center, are "Could or Should
Ambassador Eban pointed out
World Jewry Reconcile with New
that the main concentration of
Germany?" and "IS Our Old-Age
Holy Places Jay outside Israel
Assistance Adequate?" an-
territory. "If that group • could
The first bond issue to be nounced Louis Small, president.
be placed under international floated in the United States by
supervision, Israel would riot ob- young state of Israel has result-
ject to similar supervision over ed to date in total subscriptions
the Holy Places in her territory," amounting of $101,647,300, it was
he stated. On the refugee issue, reported in New York Sunday
Mr. Eban said: "It must be rec- by Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,
ognized that the authors of vast chairman of the board of gover-
misery for the Arab. refugees nors of the State of Israel Bond
were those who resorted to Issue.
hink how convenient it is to have y9ur carpet
Approximately 287,000 indi-
cleaned right at home—cleaned thoroughly in just one day!
Israel, he declared, would viduals, including a substantial
certainly be prepared "to re- number of non-Jews, have
What's more, it will stay clean longer. You should see
lieve the international com- bought Israel bonds. The cash
KARPET-KARE bring back the original beauty of your
munity of responsibility for received on the subscriptions as
carpet and make it look like new. It's a real boon for wall-
the Arabs within its borders." of Dec. 31 was $54,100,000, he an-
to-wall installations—no fuss or muss.
He suggested three stages for nounced. •
the settlement of the compen-
(In Detroit, $3,263,500 in Israel
sation problem: 1. Global set- Bonds have been sold thus far, it
tlement of the amount; 2. De- was reported Monday to the
cision on the proportion that board of governors by the local
Israel could lay out; 3. Agree- chairman, Ma : Osnos, at a din-
ment on the time for pay- ner meeting at Park-Sheraton
Hotel. Rabbi Morris Adler was
Israel is prepared to meet the speaker, in the absence of
with Arab representatives with- Rabbi Irving Miller who was
out requiring any prior commit- grounded in Buffalo). ,
ENJOY your motoring
ments from them, AmbasSador
Add a quart of
Eban told the UN Political Com-
Workmen's Circle Election
Branch 460-E, Workmep.'s Cir-
He said that a peaceful settle- cle, will hold an election of of-
ment between Israel and the ficers today, at the Circle build-
At Your Gas Station or Call:
Arab states is possible if the ing, 11535 Linwood. All members
Arab_ governments want to reach are asked to attend. Three mem-
such a settlement. He pointed bers will review "The Jew in
Thurman Bardahl Co.
out that the mixed armistice Soviet Russia," at its Jan. 25 24600 Fenkeli Ave. KE. 1-1044
commissions — when they were meeting.

Israel Proposes Replacement -
Of UN Conciliation Commission

You saw it work miracles on


Leader .Will
This Miracle


Over $100,000,000
In Israel Bonds
Is Reported Sold



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