Building of Jewish Hospital
To Be Complete Early in '53
Passersby at the Jewish hospital site on Outer Drive, bounded
by Whitcomb and Lauder will see the first four stories of Sinai
Hospital outlined in steel and concrete. The Jewish community's
newest institution has been progressing rapidly since its ground-
breaking in January.
* * *
Administration of the Sinai
- To the casual observer, the Hospital will be under the di-
four stories visible on Outer
: Drive between Whitcomb and rection of Dr. Julian Priver, who
.Lauder are just another embry• will leave his present post as
associate director of Mount
To any member of the Jewish Sinai Hospital in New York to
_community, even this yet-un- come to Detroit this fall. Nate
formed shell is a building with S. Shapero, chairman of the
a soul, a composite of genera- Jewish Hospital Association
: tions of work, dreams and plans. Building Committee, has been
Both conceptions add up to representing the Hospital board
the new Jewish hospital of De- in direction of construction.
troit—Sinai Hospital. Progress
on the hospital since its ground-
breaking in January of this year
has been steady, and Albert
Kahn Associated Architects and
Engineers, designers of the new
community institution, with Dr.
J. J. Golub as consultant, feel
that the facilities will be ready
for use early in 1953.
The hospital site, bordered by
Outer Drive, Whitcomb, Lauder
and McNichols Road, covers 34
The large tract made possible
the design of the hospital as a
"pavilion-type," rather than the
vertical, multiple story type, the
architects pointed out. The pa-
;carillon, or horizontal plan, was
Selected because it takes best
advantage Of the land, reduces
the number of elevators, an ex-
pensive element in the building,
and because it allows for seg-
regation of related functions
within the four wings making up
the present plan.
Under the leadership of Max
Osnos, president, the Jewish
Hospital Association, sponsor of
Sihai Hospital, has aimed to-
ward achieving an institution
that will embody the most re-
cent accepted techniques in hos-
pital care, -both in nursing and
administration. Sinai has been
designed as a general hospital
and will have beds for 200 pa-
Flexibility was a chief aim of
the architects and trustees. To
make sure that the capacity
may be enlarged economically,
central services, such as the
boiler room and kitchens, were
sized and placed so that they
will be as adequate for an addi-
tional 100 beds.
In the same way, the archi-
tects point out, the radiology,
diagnostic and therapy depart-
ments are located on the first
' floor of the center wing, where
they nay easily be utilized if an
outpatient clinic is some day
Planned is a gallery In one of
the three delivery rooms for in-
struction and for viewing oper-
ations. A necropsy department
has been provided for on the
ground floor of one • of the
wings, and the present building
will also include a museum with
specimens and slides for train-.
ing purpose.
The kosher kitchen, divided
Read "Mink Magic"
into dairy and meat units, will
Every Monday
provide meals in conformity with
By Sam Pearl
in the Free Press
Jewish tradition.
The Jewish hospital campaign
" was sponsored by the Jewish
Welfare Federation and the
Greater Detroit Hospital Fund
which made possible the incep-
tion of Sinai.
Simon, Rosenblum Get
Posts on Wayne Paper
Directs USO-JWB Clubs in Germany
Aaron (Andy) Grodsky has
named director of the USO
Two Wayne University stu-
clubs in Frankfurt and Heidel-
dents majoring in journalism berg, Germany . USO has as-
have been appointed to high
editorial positions on next year's
staff of the Detroit Collegian, Lipsky Misses Congress;
official student newspaper of the Working on Israel Aid
They are sophomores Max Lipsky, chairman of the Ameri-
Simon, 2933 Glendale, and Sand- dan Zionist Council and dele-
ers Frank Rosenblum, 2390 gate to the World Zionist Con-
Ewald Circle.
gress, issued a statement re-
Simon who has worked on the gretting his inability to attend
Collegian for two years as a re- the Congress which opens next
porter, copy editor and assistant week in Jerusalem,
news editor, will serve as the
The statement explains that
daily's editorial director. He was Israel's request for a $150,000,000
recently elected secretary of grant-in-aid from . the United
Wayne chapter of Pi Delta Ep- States may soon be acted upon
silon, honorary national journ- by the House and Senate Com-
alism fraternity.
mittees on Foreign Affairs. It
Rosenblum, who will serve as emphasizes that the American
news editor, has lived in Detroit Zionist Council has been inter-
for less than two years, moving ested in the matter since 1950
here from Niagara Falls. He and is. even more active now in
worked on the daily for one year pressing for t h e adoption by
before receiving his present pos- Congress of two bills providing
ition and was voted "Best Re- for the $150,000,000 grant-in-aid
porter of the Collegian, 1950- for Israel. "Obviously, the situa-
1951" by his fellow staff-mem- tion requires my presence, as
chairman of the Council, and I
regret therefore my inability to
Miami Federation Withholds
attend the Zionist Congress, as
$910 from Theological Seminary I had planned," Mr. Lipsky de-
MIAMI (JTA)—In a precedent- clared.
setting move, the executive com-
mittee of the Greater Miami Five Israel Youths to Attend
Jewish Federation voted to with- Cornell U. World Conference
hold a $910 allocation to the
NEW YORK (JTA)—The gov-
Jewish Theological Seminary be- ernment of Israel has appointed
cause the Conservative rabbini- five representatives of the youth
cal &raining institution had con- movements in the Jewish state
ducted an independent campaign to act as observers at the World
in this area without Federation Assembly of Youth conference
opening at Cornell University.
Our Want-Ads Get Results.
Jackets .
The Designer Priced
Them $495
Advanced fashioning that witl be at its
important best late in August and all
thru the Fall season. Unusual detailing •
in collars, cuffs, pockets and sleeves give
them that warted fur fashion flair with
the so "young" appeal.
Brown, Blue,
Black, White,
Gold, Grey,
Beige, Sand
Exciting new colors in
Alexander Smith's new
twist weave! Luxurious
all-wool pile woven in
a twisted yarn that adds
definite character to the
room. In room-size rugs
or for wall-to-wail car-
peting. See it ... feel it!
New York
Linoleum and
Carpet Co.
. Nr. Evaline
TR. 5-8892
Nr. Van Dyke VA. 1-1511
Nr. Schaefer
TI. 6-2480
Price Plus
Fed, Tax
1567 Broadway... 301 Madison Theater Bldg.
Friday, August 17, 1951
signed the operation of the two
clubs to the Na- • ''''
tional Jewish
Welfare Board.
In World War
II, Mr. Grodsky
served as direc-
tor at the Shir-
ley, Mass., and
Wilmingt o n, N
C., clubs and
later became as-
sistant program
director of the
JWB Armed Grodsky
Services Division. Following this
assignment he was head of the
JWB servicemen's center in
Honolulu, T.H. Later Mr. Grod-
sky became deputy director for
the Far East for the American
Jewish Joint Distribution Corn-
mittee. Prior to taking his new
USO assignment, he was execu-
tive director of Temple Israel,
Hollywood, Calif.
WOodward 2-5951