Cleveland Federation-Council Unity Plan Abe Kasle Heads U. of 31 .Hillel Memorials and Honors Committee by the President of the Federa- •Secy. of Women's Division, tion and the President of the David Rabinovitz; Public Rela- (a) One person to be selected Council. These nominees for tions Director, S. J. Jaffe; Com- :0.6TCOM: by each local agency which re- delegates-at-large shall be elec- munity Relations Associate, " Vat ted at the Federation member- Leonard Goldhammer. ceives a direct financial subsidy All members of the clerical from the Jewish Welfare Feder- ship meeting at which the ation and Council. The present amendments to the Articles of staffs of the Jewish Welfare number of the agencies so to be the Federation and the amended Federation and of the Jewish presented is 14. The agencies are Constitution of the Federation Community Council shall be in- Bellefaire, Bureau of Jewish shall be presented for approval. cluded on the- staff of the new Education, Cleveland Jewish The six members of the Nom- Organization at the time of the Convelescent Home, Federation Mating Committee referred to merger, duties and - continued of Jewish Women's Organiza- above, augmented by three per- services to be determined by the tions, Hebrew Shelter Home, sons named by the President of Executive Director as experience Jewish Children's Bureau, Jew- the Jewish Community Council; dictates. The salaries of all clerical ish Community Centers, Jewish shall nominate the trustees to . ined by the Family Service Association, Jew- be elected by the Delegate As- staff-shall be determ ish Orthodox Home for the Aged, sembly to serve on the Board of Executive Director within the Jewish Vocational Service, Mon- Trustees for the first year. Elec- framework of the Budget as pre- tefiore Old Home, Mt. Sinai Hos- tion of these trustees shall take pared by the officers and ap- pital,' National Council of Jewish place at the first meeting of the proved by the Budget Commit- tee and the Board of Trustees. Women, Orthodox Jewish Chil- Delegate Assembly. Alter the first year of opera- The first Delegate Assembly dren's home. tion of the' new agency, the shall serve for one year and un- _ (b) The Jewish Welfare Fund. Board of Trustees shall review Committee to designate a til its successors are elected by and determine. the Table of Or- number equal to the total under the members of the Jewish Wel- ganization of the Executive staff. fare Federation and Council in (a). (9) . Upon the approval of this accordance with the Code of (c) The Delegate Assembly is Regulations to be adopted. plan the necessary legal proced- to designate a mimber equal to (7) The officers of the Jewish ure will require amendments to the total under (a). Welfare Federation and Council the Articles of Incorporation of ABE KASLE, who is shown with the trowel placing the - (d) Twice the number under shall be a President, three Vice- the Federation and amendments cornerstone of the new Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Building at -(a) 'are to be elected as mem- Presidents, a Treasurer, an As- to the Constitution of the Fed- the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has been named one of bers-at-large. sociate Treasurer and a Secre- eration. •A committee shall be the Hillel Foundation vice-presidents and is chairman of the (e) Six persons • are to be tary. The officers shall be elec- appointed by the Board of Trus- memorials and honors committee. He has organized an alumni elected annually to represent' ted by the Board of Trustees tees of the Federation to draft committee to assist him. With him in the photo, from the left:, congregations, two each from from its membership. However, such amendments as are re- OSIAS ZWERDLING, president, Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, Orthodox, Conservative, and Re-. the Secretary need not be a quired by the provisions of this Inc.; Rabbi HERSCHEL LYMON, Hillel director; BEN PAUL form Congregations. Selection member of the Board. The plan.- _Before any such amend- BRASLEY, 'M' Law '06, donor of $50,000 towards the building of the six congregations is to be President of the Jewish Welfare ments are submitted • . to the fund; ISRAEL FRIEDMAN, vice-president, Beth Israel Center made annually on the recom- Federation and Council shall menibership. of the Federation of Ann Arbor. mendation of the Nominating also be the presiding officer of for approval, they shall be sub- Committee provided for in Sec- the Delegate Assembly; and to mitted to the two committees tion 7 which shall give due con- the extent _ that other officers submitting this plan for their sideration to the principle of are needed by the Delegate As- approval as being in conformity rotation among congregations. sembly, their functions shall be with. the provisions of this plan. Jerome N. Curtis, chairman, (f) Honorary Trustees shall performed by the comparable Jewish' Community: Council serve on the Board without vote. officers of the Organization. The present Honorary Trustees The members-at-large of the Cominittee on Conimunity Or- of the Federation shall be con- Board of. Trustees and the offic- ganization, and Henry A. Rocker, tinued as Honorary Trustees of ers of the Jewish Welfare Fed- chairman, Jewish Welfare Fed- the Jewish Welfare Federation eration. and Council shall be eration Committee on Commun- and Council. During the first nominated by a Nominating ity Organization, headed the NEW YORK, (AJP)—A com- will be mailed to subscribers year of the new organization . Committee to be composed of planning committee which in- peting Yiddish daily claimed throughout the country. the only persons to serve on the two persons to be designated - by cluded the following members: this week that a drop of. 10,000 • That a declining circulation Jewish Community Council: subscribers in its area of cov- in the Midwest was a prime Board by virtue of previous of- the Social Agency Committee; fice shall be the immediate past two by the Welfare Fund Com- Paul L. Eden, Irving Kane, Mrs. erage was a major factor in the factor in the long-talked-about president of the Jewish Welfare mittee; two by the Delegate As- S. S. Kates, Mrs. Louis Kaufman, Jewish' Forward's deCision to discontinuation of the Chicago Federation and of the Jewish sembly; and four by the Presi- Max I. Kohrman, Gabriel Leeb, close its Chicago newspaper plant was reported by the. Jew- ish Day. Community Council. Thereafter, dent of the Jewish Welfare Fed- Ezra Z. Shapiro, Max Simon, plant. Phillip L. Steinberg. The Forward in Chicago was the retiring presidents of the eration and Council. The plant's closing two weeks Jewish Welfare Federation: ago resulted in the suspension established on July 1, 1919, 23 Jewish Welfare Federation and The initial members-at-large Council shall serve for one year of the Board of Trustees, and Joseph M. Berne, Judge Maurice of a number of branch offices years after the paper's founding following their service as presi- the initial officers of the Jewish Bernon, Louis S. Bing, Jr., Rabbi spread throught the. Midwest, in New York City. dent. Welfare Federation and Council Armond E. Cohen, Max Freed- including a Milwaukee outlet. (g) The chairmen of the com- shall be nominated by a Nomin- man; M. E. Glass, Mrs. Siegniund Most of the branch representa- Await Legal Green Light: mittees provided for in (3) ating Committee to be composed. Herzog, Frank E. Jostph, Jack tives are expected to write hereof if not otherwise members of two persons to be designated Lampl, William C. Treuhaft. weekly columns for the For- Dinner ;Ups' Journal of the Board. (See Editorial, Page 4) ward's New York edition which by the Social Agency Commit- The Board of Trustees shall tee; two by the Welfare Fund Pledges to $124,000, conduct the business and affairs Committee; and six to be desig- Browdy Gives $25,000 of the Jewish Welfare Federa- nated jointly by the then Presi- tion and Council, and the pow- dents of the Federation and NEW • YORk, (AJP)—Greased ers and authority of the Organ- Council. In the event that any by an estimated $124,000 in con- ization shall be vested in it. members of this initial Nomin- The Executive Committee of ating Committee will not be tributions and pledges, the the Board• of Trustees- shall con- members of the Board of Trus- presses of the suspended Jewish Sist of the officers of the Jewish tees, the Nominating Committee Morning Journal awaited a for .- Welfare Federation and Council as a whole shall select the re- mal legal ruling and an - addl. and the chairmen of all stand- quired number of substitutes ing committees. The Executive from among the Board of Trus- tional $16,000 in pledges to be- Committee shall possess only tees membership to serve in the gin rolling again. Such powers as are delegated to nomination of officers. A private dinner at the Wal- it by the Boar -I of Trustees. It shall be the regular pro- dorf Astoria hotel raised $40,000 (6) There shall be a Delegate cedure for the election of offic- toward a $140,000 figure set by Assembly which shall serve as a ers, that the recommendations the court as a minimum amount forum for all matters which re- of the Nominating Committee from backers of the paper to late to the affairs of the Jewish shall be sent to the members of assure financial stability in the Welfare Federation and Coun- the Board of Trustees in ad- future for a revived Journal., and for matters which are vance of Ithe meeting at which Highest contributor at the Of general concern to the Jew- the election shall_ take place. If dinner was Benjamin Browdy, i;sh community. It may make additional nominations are president _ of the Zionist. Or- recommendations to the Board made at' that • meeting, the elec- ganization of America, who of- of Trustees and receive reports tion of officers shall be post- fered a 425,000 pledge. Another from the Board of Trustees. - poned until the next regular pledge in the same . amount, Initially all of the organiza- meeting of the Board, and the made previously reportedly came tions which are members of the members of the Board shall be from manufacturer Albert Jane Jewish Community Council at notified in writing of all of the of New York. the time of the merger into the nominees for 'officers. Supporters of a revived "Morn- new organization shall become No officer, with the exception ing Journal" had been informed membtilts of the Delegate Assem- of the Treasurer and the Secre- by Judge Sidney Sugarman that bly. In addition to the dele- tary, shall serve in the same PART OF AUDIENCE AT RELIGIOUS FESTIVAL $140,000 was necessary to put gates from the organizations, office continuously for more the Delegate Assembly shall than three consecutive terms- of Several thousand persons wit-101e Foersch. The script was the paper back into operation. Consist also of a number of dele- one year each. nessed .a narrated concert of !Written by Rabbi Julius Wein- Backers be lieved they could gates elected at large which The election of the members Jewish music presented by the! berg, director of the culture raise the $16,000 to meet the shall equal the number of dele- of the Board of Trustees and of Jewish Community Council last commission of the Council. The minimum figure - within several gates from the organizations. the Delegate-at-large to the Sunday, July 15, from the Theme organ used for this program was days. - The Delegate Assembly shall Delegate Assembly shall take Center, Grand Circus Park, in donated by Wurlitzer. • A -formal decision' by Judge formulate its own Code of Reg- place at the annual meeting of Downtown Detroit. The Cantors' on the platform were Officers Sugarman on a requested in- ulations which shall include the Jewish Welfare Federation Choir, under the direction of and members of the junction hailing a move by Ar- executive provisions on the qualifications and Council. Dan Frohman, was featured committee of the- Council, syna- thur Jacobs, son-in-law of the for future organizational mein- Nomination for Trustees by under the chairmanship of Rab- gogue presidents and leaders of Jewish Day's publisher, from bership. This Code of Regula petition shall require the signa- bi Leon Fram, who headed the the non-Jewish community. foreclosing $140,000 worth of tions shall be submitted to the tures of at least one per cent of special committee of the Jewish Journal stock, is still awaited, Particularly effective were the Jacobs, who holds 85% of the Board of Trustees for its ap- the members of the Jewish Wel- Community Council's 250th Cantors' rendition of Yism'chu defunct paper's stock,' was re- proval as being in conformity fare Federation and Council. Birthday Festival. Ani Maamin, Reb Dovid'l and ported ready to put the stoc' with the Constitution of the (8) The Executive Staff of the This program, by Acheinu Kol Beis' Yisroel. Jewish Welfare Federation and Jewish Welfare Federation and the on sale. Council upon presented the invitation Council.. Council shall be composed ini- of the Religious Participation Tribute was paid to five Jew- Sources here indicate the Day For the first Delegate Assem- tially of the following: Execu- Committee of Detroit's Birthday ish citizens who have contrib- had gained as much as 15,000 _ bly each organizational member tive Director, Henry L. Zucker; Festival Committee, headed by uted to the growth of - Detroit: daily circulation as a result of shall select one delegate, and an Senior Associate Director, Harry G. Paul Musselman of Mariners Rabbi Yehudah Levin, Simon the Journal's ceasing publica- equal number of delegates-at- I. Barron; Associate Director, Church, was the first in a series Shetzer, Harry Keidan, Fred tion. large shall be nominated bythe Joseph E. Kapell; Assistant of religious programs. Butzel and Rabbi Leo Franklin. six members of the Nominating Director, Sidney Z. Vincent; Bob Leslie of WWJ, the De- The principal speakers were Committee referred to in Sec- Comptroller, Rudi Walter; Cam- troit News, was the narrator. Rabbi Fram and Rev. Mussel- 16 THE JEWISH NEWS tion 7 who are selected jointly, paign Associate, Robert I. Hiller; The. Waoir . was aocQPIPanied: py T Friday, July 20, 1951 man. Continued from Page 1 10,000 Slump in Readers Cited as Prime Factor in Chicago Forward's Closing Thousands Acclaim Detroit's Birthday at Cantor's Concert . -,•-- ......... ... ... • • . — • •