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June 15, 1951 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1951-06-15

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Senator Moody Speaks Saturday
At Bnai Brith Council's Rally


Friday, June 15, 1951

Michigan Leaders
Active in Project
For U. of M. Hillel

"Important tasks face us in
Greater Detroit Bnai Brith
Council will hold an important the coming months," Mr. Laker
rally this Saturday evening, at said, "and it is our sincere hope
that all Bnai Brith members and
their families will be ptesent
this Saturday evening at Tem-
Prominent Michigan leaders
ple Israel at our first rally of are active in the Michigan Hillel
the year under the management Commission which has under-
of the new administration."

Two Jews Receive Egyptian
Honor, 'Order of the Nile'



8:30, at Temple Israel, 17400
James N. Laker, newly-elected
president. of the Council, has is-
sued an invitation to all Bnai
Brith members—affiliates of the
men's, women's and y out la
groups—to attend the rally and
to hear plans that are being
formulated for the coming year
by the new administration.
Mr. Laker announces that U.S.
Senator Blair
Moody will ad-
dress this meet-
ing on the sub-
ject "The World
Scene." This
will be Senator
Moody's first
appearance be-
f ore a Jewish
gathe.ring in Sen. Moody
Detroit and it is hoped that an
overflow audience will greet him
on • Saturday . evening. Samuel
W. Leib will preside.

Menuhin Sponsors Fellowship
For Israel Violin Concert
SYDNEY, June 6, (JTA)
Yehudi Menuhin, who is cur-
rently here on a concert tour,
told the J e wish Telegraphic
Agency today that just before
he left Israel recently, he cre-
ated a fellowship for a musician
to write a violin concert which
Menuhin would play the next
time he visits Israel.

LONDON, (JTA)—For the first
time in four years two Jews have
received Egyptian royal decora-
tions, it is reported from Cairo.
The two who appeared on the
King's Honor List are: Emman-
uel Mizrachi Pasha, legal advi-
sor to the Administrator of the
Royal Private Estates and Prof.
Jacob Bitschai, Professor of Ur-
ology at the Ibrahim University,
who was also honored recently
with a Papal decoration. Both
men were made officers of the
Order of the Nile.

Haifa Chapter, ZOD, Elects
Seymour Kraus Its President

Haifa Chapter, of the Zionist
Organization of - Detroit, elected
the following officers at a re-
cent meeting:
Seymour Kraus, president;
Paul Natkin, Mrs. Seymour
Kraus and Ben Bayer, vice-pres-
idents; Dr. George Charnas,
treasurer; Mrs. Aaron Karp and
Mrs. Joseph Dresser, secretar-
ies; Irving Sniderman, auditor;
and Sidney Brand, Jack Patt,
Joe Dresser and Ben Greenstein,
board members.

Canadian Anglican Church
Reports Big Jewish Conversion
TORONTO, (JTA) — "Many"
Jews are being baptised in the
Anglican faith according to a
report submitted by Rev. Maur-
ice Kaminsky to the 99th Tor-
onto Diocese Synod of the An-
gilican Church. Rev. Kaminsky,
who is in charge of the Nathan-
iel Institute, said that nine Jews
were confirmed in Toronto last

Masada Chapter, ZOD, to hold
Dance Finale at Jewish Center
The closing event of the sea-
son for Masada Chapter, ZOD,
Sunday, 9 p.m. at the Wood-
ward Jewish Center. Featured
will be the Swing Masters or-
chestra who will play for dan-

Purely Commentary


Hebrew—"Like the Jubilee Horn of the Sanctuary"

In his thought-provoking address at the dinner-meeting of the
United Hebrew Schools, given in honor of Bernard Isaacs, Dr. A. M.
Hershman told of the power of the Hebrew language as a reviva-
list force in Jewish life. Rabbi Hershman pointed out that Egypt-
ian Jewry, whose population of 1,000,000 in the First Century was
larger than the entire Jewish population in the world in the
Fifteenth Century, disappeared because it had abandoned the
Hebrew language. He proved his point that the advancement of
Hebrew and Hebraic learning is vital to the survival of the Jewish
Prof. Shaloth Spiegel, in his fascinating book, "Hebrew Re-
born," quotes a paragraph from Ernest Renan to indicate the
power of Hebrew. Said Renan:

A quiver full of steel arrows, a cable with strong coils, a
trumpet of brass, crashing through the air with two or three
sharp notes, such is Hebrew. A language of this kind is not
adapted to the expression of scientific results . . . The letters of
its books are not to be many; but they are to be letters of fire.
This language is not destined to say much, but what it does
is beaten out upon an anvil. It is to pour out floods of anger, and
utter cries of rage against the abuses of the world, calling the
four winds of heaven to the assault of the citadels of evil. Like
the jubilee horn of the sanctuary, it will never be put to the
profane use . ."

Yet, in our day, Hebrew already is a force for the "expression
of scientific results." It says much, perhaps more than ever before,
and it continues to be "beaten out upon an anvil." What's more,
it has gained status even to the extent of gaining the right to
some profanity. Renan would have marveled at the miracle of
Hebrew reborn were he to judge our sacred tongue today.
Prof. Spiegel had some interesting things to say about this
miracle in discussing the Haskalah enlightenment movement:
"Hebrew was revived by the fathers of the enlightenment for the
sake of a holy war against religion. And behold, this very lang-
uage, in accordance with a hidden commandment of its nature,
leads slowly but surely toward a revival of Jewish religious values.
For within the forms of this language there lies religious con-
tent . . . In the long history of this persistent nation there was no
secular Hebrew . . . Unless all the signs lie, this seems to be the
path of Hebrew reborn: From alienation and treason to the heri-
tage of the fathers, through the unhappy inability to escape it,
to a joyous affirmation and renewed covenant with the creative
forces that live in by gone and future generations of Jews."
Rabbi Hershman, like Prof. Spiegel, was speaking of our gen-
eration as the challenged in the miracle of Hebrew. If we
persist that "the letters of fire" shall be "beaten out upon an
anvil," the miracle will be complete—not alone for the State of
Israel but also for the People Israel.


I. I. Cohn

taken to assure the construction
of the new U. of M. Hillel build-
ing-, the cornerstone of which
is to be laid Sunday in Ann
Arbor. (See story on Page 1).
Osias Zwerdling of Ann Arbor
is president of the commission
and Irwin I. Cohn of Detroit is
vice-president. Louis Schostak
and Herman Osnos, both of De-
troit, are secretary and treas-
Other Detroiters on the board
are Louis Berry, Aaron Droock,
Sidney Karbel, Abe Kasle, Mrs.
Charles Solovich, Henry Wine-
man and Harry Yudkoff.
Members of the corporation
include Abe Draisin of Grand
Rapids, Louis Glick of Jackson,
H. 0. Schlager of Ann Arbor and
Ypsilanti, William Present of
Lansing and John Merdler of
The new U. of M. Hillel one-
story red-brick building, de-
signed by Theodore Rogvoy of
Detroit, assisted by Max Abram-
owitz of New York, United Na-
tions Building - Architect, will
also house the Beth Israel Com-
munity Center. It will provide
a chapel-auditorium seating 300,
library, music room, lounges,
recreational halls — in fact all
the facilities necessary for a
well functioning Hillel Founda-
tion. It will be furnished and
appointed by the Women's Dis-
trict Grand Lodge No. 6. Con-
struction is under supervision of
Lerner-Linden Co., Detroit.

Boston Anti-Semitic
Incidents Grow Worse

BOSTON (AJP)—The number of
anti-Semitic incidents here dur-
ing the past year were labeled
the worst in eight years this
week by a leading local Jewish
Describing the increasing an-
ti-Semitic incidents as reaching
the point of presenting an "ugly"
picture, Robert E. Segal, ad-
dressing the annual meeting of
the Jewish Community Council
of Metropolitan Boston, stressed
the urgency of seeking out the
"cause of this neighborhood
"We can't solve a problem of
the jet plane era," Segal told
the audience, "in a horse-and-
buggy framework."
Highpoints in the anti-Jewish
campaign, according to Segal,
were the attack during a Hal-
lowe'en period originating near
the Hecht House in nearby Dor
chester and last month's beating
of five Roxbury Memorial High
School boys.
Segal listed the following as
among the root causes for the
rise in anti-Jewish incidents
here: world-wide unrest, lack of
adequate play space and prop-
erly supervised recreation, large
population shifts, irritations
over the housing shortage, false
racist teachings in homes and
"the eternal quest for convenient

Hersey's Novel 'The Wall'
Wins Annisfield Wolf Prize

NEW YORK, (JTA) — John
Hersey, author of "The Wall",
a novel depicting Jewish life in
the Warsaw ghetto under the
Nazis and the revolt of the Jews
against the German Army, was
presented with the $1,000 Annis-
field Wolf award, sponsored by
the Saturday Review of Litera-
ture. The award is given for the
best fiction focussing public in-
terest upon the tragedy of racial

Zionists Appeal to Acheson for Support
Of Reparations Claim Against Germany

NEW YORK — On behalf of
the entire Zionist movement in
this country Louis Lipsky, chair-
man of the American Zionist
Council, addressed an appeal to
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
urging the support of our gov-
ernment for Israel's claim of
$1,500,000,000 against Germany.
In his communication to the
State Department, the Zionist
leader called Germany's crime
against Jewry "unprecedented
in scope and character." He
pointed out that "long before
the Germans put into operation
their firing squads and gas
chambers, they had mulcted
hundreds of millions in prop-
erty from the Jewish community
in Germany. By the time the
war ended, 6,000,000 Jews were
dead and the scatterd remains
of European Jewry were left
homeless and penniless."
Lipsky justified Israel's claims
to German reparations on the
grounds that nearly 500,000 Jew-
ish survivors who miraculously
survived Hitler, found s a f e
haven in what is today the State
of Israel and that "the process
of absorption is still going on
at prodigious financial cost to
the new and struggling coun-
The Zionist leader said that
it was incredible that "no ac-
tion has been taken constrain-
ing Germany to recompense sur-
viving Jewish victims for (a)
the millions of dollars stolen
from the German-Jewish com-
munity in fines and confiscatory
taxes (b) the millions of dollars
in Jewish property destroyed or
stolen by Germans outside the
borders of Germany or (c) the
vast amounts of personal prop-
erty stolen from doomed Jews
on the threshold of the gas
chainbers, or later taken from
their corpses."
The United States Govern-
ment was urged by the Ameri-
can Jewish Committee to sup-
port the claim of the govern-
ment of Israel for $1,5-00,009,-
_000 in reparations from Ger-
many "on the ground that

these acts of the German State
were the direct cause of Is-
rael's enormous expenditure in
receiving a n d rehabilitating
nearly 500,000 Jews who escap-
ed the Nazi genocide pro-



In a letter to Secretary of
State Dean Acheson, Jacob Blau-
stein, industrialist of Baltimore,
and president of the American.
Jewish Committee, declared that
"the entire economy of this small
state has had to be geared to
the absorption of these immi-
grants at great hardship to the
community which they joined?"

Fear Loss of Israel Plane
As Search Brings No Result

NEW YORK, (JTA)—All hope
has been abandoned of finding
the Israeli cargo plane which
disappeared after taking off
from Goose Bay Airport, in Lab-
rador, en route to Israel.
The plane, piloted by a crew
of two Americans, is believed to
have crashed near an Eskimo
village 125 miles northwest of
the air base at Goose Bay. No
trace of the missing plane or its
crew has been found during the
two-week search.

U. S. Zionists Express Hope
Of Progressive Party Victory
NEW YORK—(JTA)—A group
of important American Zionist
leaders—including three former
presidents of the Zionist, Or-
ganization of America sent to
the Progressive Party in Israel
"fraternal greetings" and "wish-
es for success in the Zionist
Congress elections." The group
includes Louis Lipsky, Judge
Louis E. Levinthal, Robert Szold,
Rudolf Sonneborn, Fred Mon
son, Ezra Shapiro and Morris

Open Forum to Elect Officers.
The Center Open Forum will
'hold its annual election of 'offi-
cers at 9 p.m., Wednesday at
the Woodward Jewish Center.
A social will follow.

Between You and Me


(Copyright, 1951, Jewish Telegraphic Agency,


Political Trends

David Ben-Gurion's blunt talk at the dinner of the Jewish
Agency in New York about the important role of the American
non-Zionists in helping Israel, has given many Zionists food for
thought .. . Some of them are beginning to admit the necessity
for bringing non-Zionists back into the ranks of the Jewish
Agency . . . The Agency originally was composed of Zionists and
non-Zionists ... Agency leaders are considering an informal ap-
proach to leading American non-Zionists on the subject of the
latter's representation on the Jewish Agency executive . . . A reso-
lution urging the inclusion of non-Zionists in the Jewish Agency
may even be presented at the forthcoming World Zionist Congress.
. • This is why some of the Zionist leaders, in requesting a char-
ter from the Israel government, are demanding it for the Jewish
Agency and not for the World Zionist Organization. . • It is felt
that the Israel government may be more inclined to grant such a
charter to a Jewish Agency in which non-Zionists are also repre-
sented than to an organization which represents the Zionists
alone ... Of course, in the light of Ben-Gurion's sentiments about
American non-Zionists, it would be practical to get the non-Zion-
ists into the Agency before the Zionist Congress takes place .
The question of getting a charter from Israel, which will be one
of the major issues at the Congress, would then have a better
chance ... However,- it does not look as if real talks between the
present Jewish Agency leaders and the leaders of American non-
Zionist groups can actually take place in time to be completed by
August, when the World Zionist Congress is scheduled to open.

Zionist Moods

Will the Zionist Congress really take place in August?
This is one question which many American delegates to the Con-
gress are asking ... They are confused by conflicting reports and
cannot make plans for the trip . . They will probably be given
the right answer at the convention of the Zionist Organization
of America in Atlantic City ... Whether the Zionist Congress will
take place in August, as scheduled, depends on the timing of the
parliamentary elections in Israel These elections are set for
July 30, but all indications point to the fact that they will not be
held on that day, owing to delays in preparation .. . Thus, the
date of the parliamentary elections is likely to be put off until
August . . . And it must take at least two weeks between the
formation of a government by the newly elected parliament and
the holding of the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem . . . There
is the additional complication that the General Zionists in Israel
and the Mizrachi Organization there have decided—thus far-l-to
abstain from participation in the Congress . . . It is unlikely that
this decision will influence the General Zionists in America who
have already elected their delegates to the Congress . . How-
ever, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver is reported in the Israeli press as de-
claring that he approves of the decision of the General Zionists
in Israel .. . Leading General ZionistS in America are preparing
to let of steam against Premier Ben-Gurion at their Atlantic
City convention . . . They cannot fOrget, nor forgive, his rejectiOn.
of :the. American conception of Zionism and his favoring the non..

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