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May 04, 1951 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1951-05-04

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Irwin. Shaw Is New Center Director; 1 18—THE
Friday, May 4, 1951
Harold Weiss Is JCC Assistant

Morris Garvett, president of
the Jewish Community Center,
Tuesday announced the selec-
tion of Irwin Shaw as the new
executive director of the Center.

the United Hebrew Schools high
school department and of the
Beth El College of Jewish
Both the _new director and
assistant director received their
education at Wayne University.
Weiss opened his career in
Detroit as a playground super-
visor, was a psychiatric case
worker and case work-group
consultant for the Jewish Board
of Guardians of New York.
Weiss is married to the former
Frances Glucklick. They have
four children. Mrs. Shaw is the
former Lilian Ketai. They have
three sons,

McDonald Says U. S.
Wants Israel Bond
Drive to Succeed


Harold Weiss was named his
Shaw will take up his Center
duties May 7, leaving his post
as assistant director of the Jew-
ish Welfare Federation. He is
also executive director of the
Fresh Air Society.
Weiss, supervisor of the Cen-
ter's main building since 1949,
opened the 12th St. Council Cen-
ter, first extension unit of the



Center, in 1944, and served as

its director for five years.

Both are native Detroiters,
were members and subseqently
volunteer club leaders in the
Jewish Center.
As assistant director of the
Federation, Shaw served as sec-
retary of the Federation's edu-
cational and cultural division.
He has been executive director of
the . Fresh Air Society, which
operates the
He Air Camp,
since 1936. He took time out for
four-year service as a lieutenant
in the navy.
Shaw taught in Detroit public
schools for six years, was prin-
cipal of the Bnai Moshe Sunday
School, 1935-37, is a graduate of

Mass'oth Naishi

(My Soul's Desire)

NEW YORK (AJP)—The Unit-
ed States government wants the
$500,000.000 Israel bond drive to
succeed, Dr. James G. McDonald,
first American Ambassador to
I Israel, said in the first reply
1 from bond officials to anti-
Zionist charges that purchases
of the bonds by U.S. Jews was
unpatriotic, made by the Amer-
ican Council for Judaism.
Dr. McDonald referred scath-
ingly to "pseudo-Jewish leaders"
by whom, he said, Jewry had
been plagued throughout its his-
"It is truly patriotic to buy
Israel bonds," the famous Chris-
tian Zionist, now associated with
the American Financial and De-
velopment Corporation for Israel
handling the huge bond sale,
told the leaders of Mizrachi.
"The United States govern-
ment wants the bond drive to be
a success because our govern-
ment wants to see a .strong Is-
rael in the Middle East," he said.
"The United States knows that
Israel is the only country in the
Middle East of the Fertile Cres-
cent that can be counted on to
fight for its liberty against ag-

Congress Chapter Talks
On McCarran Act

A public forum was held re-
cently on the McCarran Act by
the Stephen S. Wise Chapter,
American Jewish Congress. Par-
ticipating in the discussion were
(left to right) Walter Nelson,
president, Detroit branch, Amer-
ican Civil Liberities Union; Dan-
iel J. McKenna, Dean University
of Detroit Law School; Frank
oRsenbaum, chairman, c o m -
mission on law and social action,
Michigan Council, American
Jewish Congress.

Israel Business Men
Plan Detroit Visit

M. Lowenthal, a member of
the firm of "Lion the Printer"
(Publishers of Israeli Rosh Ha-
shanah art greeting cards, art
calendars and other items) of 7
Hamagid St., Tel Aviv, Israel,
and his associate, Nathan Neu-
mann, have arrived from Israel
for a few weeks' visit to promote
trade between that country and
the United States and Canada.
They are interested in contact-
ing various distributors, merch-
ants afid institutions in arrang-
ing for the distribution of their
Israeli products. Their tour in-
cludes visits to Boston, Philadel-
phia, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis,
Montreal and Toronto. Mr. Low-
Report Three-Year Rise in
enthal can be reached in care of
Israel's National Income
Trading Company, 307
NEW YORK,—Israel's national Fifth Ave.,
New York 16.
income rose from $618 million in
1948 to $910 million in 1950, an
increase of almost 50 percent,
according to Economic Horizons,
monthly publications of the
Economic Department of the
Jewish Agency for Palestine, New
1York, in a three-year review of
economic progress keyed to Is-
! rael's third anniversary next

JTA Correspondent Honored

HAVANA, (JTA)—The Zionist
Federation of Cuba and the Jew-
ish Center here were awarded
medals by the government for
arranging special celebrations in
connection with the 100th an-
niversary of the Cuban flag.
i Abraham J. Dubelman, corres-
pondent of the Jewish Tele-
' graphic Agency in Havana, as-
sociate editor of the local Jewish
newspaper, Havaner Leban, was
decorated by the government, on
the occasion of the anniversary.
S. M. Kaplan, editor of the Ha-
vaner Leban, was similarly de-

Iraqi Ads in New York Times Seen
As Warning Against U.S. Aid to Israel

NEW YORK (AJP)—The pos- veloped from a mysterious ad-
sibility of an indirect attempt by vertisement inserted for three
the Iraq Government to intimi- days in the New York Times.
date the Zionist movement de-
The ad warned emigrant Iraq
Jews that they would lose their
citizenship if they did not re-
Slosson to Speak to
turn• to Iraq within 60 days.
Iraq sources in Washington
Round Table Meeting
said that the statement was de-
Preston Slosson, University of signed to "regularize" Jewish
immigration to Israel from Iraq.
Michigan professor of history This was interpreted by Zionist
and radio commentator, will sources as aimed not at the 60,-
speak on "The Faith of an His- 000 Iraqi Jews who have already
torian" in the interests of better settled in Israel but at the 150,-
intergroup relations, at Mary- 000 Jews left in that Arab coun-
grove College auditorium, Thurs- try.
The mystery centered on the
day evening.
His talk is sponsored by the reason for the selection of the
business and professional group, New York daily for the adver-
Detroit Round Table of the Na- tisement. Sources here pointed
tional Conference of Christians out that there are very few Iraqi
and Jews. The public is invited. Jews in the United States and
Admission cards may be secured even fewer—if any—who would
be affected by the new regula-
from the Detroit Round Table.
The sponsors, young physi-
It was also noted that the New
cians, nurses, teachers, social York Times is read by almost all
workers and business men and Zionist and Jewish leaders in
women of the three faiths, met New York, center of operations
for the first time in the home for aiding Jewish refugees to get
of Mrs. Samuel B. Danto, co- into Israel.
chairman of the Round Table's
Putting the two facts together,
Women's Committee.
informants here contended that
the advertisement could have no
other purpose than to exert
Charge Wilson Stalls
pressure on Zionist and United
Truman Edict on FEPC
Jewish Appeal leaders, who are
now concerned deeply with get-
NEW YORK—(AJP)—Charles ting Iraq Jews into Israel while
E. Wilson, production chief who there is still time.
headed President Truman's
commission on Civil Rights, is
charged by American civil
Rights groups with stalling a
new Truman executive order for
an F.EPC.
The assertion is made in the & COMFORTABLE
current bulletin of the Anti-

Defamation League at the same
Protect and
time that the CIO called on the
Beautify Your
president to issue such an order.




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Translated by
Dr. Noah E. Aronstam

Note: This poem, of
which I only excerpt four strophes, is
one of the most outstanding in artistic
construction in Hebrew poetry. It was
written by Mordecai Zvi Manah, a gifted
artist, who hoped to regain his health in
Palestine—before the Civil War — but
unfortunately died in his prime from the
ravages of tuberculosis).

Who will give me eagle's wings,
Pinions of the gentle dove?
rise and unconstrained
Soar the azure sky above.

Eastward, eastward will I fly,
Where Jehudah sang and. died;
Ave. surcease shall come to me,
If ever I this land espied.

Oh, where art thou holy land?
My soul doth yearn for thee;
Thy air is balm to my wounds
It gives me peace, it makes me

Thy air shall soothe my aches
and pains
Awaken visions dorma.nt store;
Burthens sweet and sacred
Pf which I never dreamt before.


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