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January 19, 1951 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1951-01-19

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Jerusalem Mayor



CONG. BNAI ZION: At Saturday morning services, Rabbi
Solomon H. Gruskin will speak on "Freedom."
CONG. JOSEPH W. ALLEN: At Saturday services, Rabbi David
S. Bakst will speak on "The Concept of Geula in Egypt."
TEMPLE BETH EL: At Friday night services, Dr. B. Benedict
Glazer will preach on "The Passing of Sinclair Lewis, Nobel
Prize Winner."
CONG. 3NAI DAVID: At Saturday morning services, Rabbi Joshua
Sperka will preach on "The Song of a New Day."
CONG. BNAI MOSHE: Young People's Club will sponsor Sabbath
services. The sermon will be "Who Is Everybody?"
CONG. BETH AARON: Ben C. Chinitz, educator, will be guest
speaker at late Friday service. Rabbi B. H. Gorrelick will preach
on "The Sweet Song of Freedom" Saturday.
CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Junior Cong. will conduct Saturday
„ services.
CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: At Saturday services, Rabbi Israel I.
Halpern will preach "The Song of Tomorrow."

Detroit Congregations
Host Synagogue Men
At Board Conference

Officers and board members
of the National Federation of
Men's Clubs of the United Syna-
gogue of America will convene
in Detroit this week-end.
A late Friday evening service
will be held at the Northwest
Hebrew Cong. at 8:15 p.m. Jan.
19, at which Dr. Milton Nevins
of Philadelphia, president of the
National Federation, will speak.
A reception will follow the
Sabbath morning services will
be held at 9 a. m. at Cong.
Shaarey Zedek followed by a
luncheon, at which Shaarey Ze-
dek Men's Club will be hosts.
Participating in the confer-
ence will be the Men's Clubs of
Shaarey Zedek, Northwest He-
brew Cong., Bnai Moshe and
Beth Aaron. Men's Clubs from
nearby cities have also been in-
A business session of the na-
tional board will be held at 10
a. m., Sunday at Shaarey Zedek.
The committee on arrangements
is composed of Ben S. Sidlow,
chairman; David Aaron, Herman
S. Avtin, Maurice Seligman, Al-
bert Green, Samuel J. Berke,
and Abraham Satovsky.

National UJA Women
To Discuss DP Crises

Emigration deadlines facing
tens of thousands of Jews in
Rumania, Iran, Iraq and Libya,
and emergency housing situa-
tions in Israel where thousands
of new immigrants are exposed
to the rigors of winter, pose a
serious challenge to the confer-
ence of the board of the Na-
tional Women's Division of the
United Jewish Appeal.
Mrs. S. Alexander Brailove,
chairman of the division, said
the conference, to be attended
by women from all over the
United States, will be held at
Plaza Hotel, New York, Jan. 30
and 31.

Rabbi Fram to Honor
City's 250th Birthday

In celebration of the 250th
anniversary of Detroit's found-
ing; Rabbi Leon Fram will begin
a series of sermons on the spirit-
ual foundations and the moral
and civic • implications of the
founding and growth of the city.
The first sermon will be de-
livered at 8:30 p.m. Friday at
at Temple Israel. Cantor Rob-
ert S. Tulman and Karl W.
I Haas, music director of the
Temple, have prepared special
musical background for the oc-
Rabbi Fram represents the
Jewish community on Detroit's
250th Birthday Festival, Inc., as
vice-chairman of the religious
participation committee.

Cong. Ahavas Achim to Hold
First Meeting Open. to Public
The new Schaefer synagogue,
Cong. Ahavas Achim, will hold
its first meeting open to the
public on Feb. 8. A musical pro-
grain, featuring Cantor Nicholas
Fenakel, of Northwest Hebrew
Cong., accompanied by Betty Ka-
waisky on the piano, will be

Orthodox to Open 10
New Hebrew Schools ;
EI etroiter Honored


7 Northwest Young People Hold

Friday, January 19, 1951

Rabbi Halpern to Speak
On Spanish-Jewish Story


The election of S. Z. Shragai
as Mayor of Jerusalem was ac-
claimed this week by Hapoel
Hamizrachi leaders as a tribute
to this movement—represented
by Mr. Shragai—which has ded-
icated itself to the upbuilding
of Israel and the country's de-

Annual Cabaret Style Night

Northwest Hebrew Cong.
Young People will hold its an-
nual Club Northwest, at 9 p.m..
Sunday, in ° the social hall.

Rabbi Israel Halpern will pre-
sent the third in his current
series of lectures on "Dramatic
Highlights in Jewish History" at
8 p.m., Monday, at Cong. Beth
Abraham. He will speak on
"The Spanish-Jewish Story."
The Beth Abraham Religious
School concludes its current
term on Sunday, and opens its
new semester Jan. 28. Registra-
tion for grades 4 through 8, the
only openings, can be made at
10 a.m., Sunday, at the syna-
gogue. The school will hold a
Tu b'shevat assembly at 11:30
a.m., Sunday to celebrate the
New Year of Trees.


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Most mothers would brag less
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Prop. Mark Nolan
about their children if they
NEW YORK (JTA)—A decision could see into the _future.
to establish at least 10 new He-
brew Day Schools in 1951 was
adopted at a conference of 200
leaders of Orthodox institutions
from various parts of the
country. Four of the new schools
will be established in the South.
The conference was sponsored
by Torah Umesorah, national
society for Hebrew Day schools.
At a dinner arranged by the So-
ciety in connection with the
conference, 12 Jewish leaders
were presented with the 1950
National Yeshiva Award in rec-
ognition of their activities in es-
tablishing Hebrew day school in
their respective communities.
utterly disreg riling all recent, stee
Included was Rabbi. M. J. Wohl-
gelernter of Detroit.

Annis Furs once-a-year



Beth Moses Plans New

price-increases in the world's for markets!

Synagogue's Dedication

Emil Kahan, president of Con-
gregation Beth Moses, an-
nounced this week that plans
are being made for the formal
dedication of the new synago-
gue, which recently was com-
pleted on the corner of Linwood
and Oakman.
Mr. Kahan states that services
already are being held in the
new synagogue which has an
auditorium that seats 500. There
is a kitchen and facilities for
banquets. T h e hall will be
available for rental by organiza-
tions and for private parties.

Bnai David Men's Club Holds
Its Annual Mid-Winter Frolic
The Bnai David Men's Club
will hold its annual mid-winter
frolic on Thursday, in the syna-
gogue social hall. Music, to be
furnished by a well known orch-
estra, will be played for dinner
and dancing. Many top acts
have been hired for the occa-
sion. Dinner is cabaret style.

Northwest Cong to Hold
th neg Shabbat on Saturday
Rabbi Jacob Segal will discuss
"Dramatic Arts in Israel" at a
Northwest Hebrew Cong. oneg
shabbat at 2 p.m., Saturday, at
the home of Mrs. William Burk,
3481 Outer Dr. A dessert lunch-
eon will precede the program,
which includes a prayer, to be
offered by Mrs. Milton Winston,
current events by Mrs. Charles
C h a r l i p and a poem by Mrs.
Leitman. Mrs. Joseph Markel
will lead community singing.

Chicago Rabbi to Address
Members of Cong. Bnai David
Rabbi Leonard Oschry„,of Chi-
cago, Ill., will address the Friday
night gathering of Cong. Bnai
David at 8:30 p.m. Rabbi Oschry,
born and raised in South Africa,
was ordained at the Hebrew
Theological College and is now
the midwest director of the Ha-
poel Hamizrachi of America.

Expert On Russian Affairs
To Speak To Study Group
JoSeph Kornfedder, trained at
the Lenin Institute in Moscow,
and an expert on the RuSsian
situation, will speak on "In-
ternal Weaknesses of Russia,"
before the Adult School of Jew-
ish Studies of Cong. Bnai MOshe
at 9 pin. Tuesday.


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