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December 22, 1950 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1950-12-22

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Hamlin to Outline Year's Successes
kt Histadrut Campaign Rally Thursday

Isaac Hamlin, national secre- with 40 and 25 per cent, respec-
tary of the National Commit- tively. S. W. Alper, of the Alper
tee for Labor Israel, will ad- Family Club, has solicited $590
dress a Histadrut campaign and is leading organizational di-
worker's rally Thursday evening visions. Other campaign reports
at the Labor Zionist Institute. include Pinsker Progressive Aid,
Hamlin, leader led by Isadore Cohen; Turover
of the Histadrut Aid, Cong. Beth Tefilo Emanuel,
campaign since Cong. Adas Yeshurun and Mlav-
its inception 27 er Umgegend Verein.
years ago, will
Among the active division
address the workers are Max Brose, Larry
meeting on the Chanin, H. Gach, M. Levy, W.
tasks performed Rabinovitz, Leon Rives, M. S.
by Histadrut in Ruby, D. Solovich, Aaron Berg
Israel this year. and Earl Weingarden.
At a campaign
Malamud rally last week,
It was announced that Jack Orange Growers Jailed
Malamud and Nathan Shecter, In Citrus Fruit Protest
division leaders have brought in
the greatest amount of pledges.
TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Twenty
The furniture division reported orange growers were arrested by
it had already reached last Israel police following attempts
year's goal and still had 25 per to prevent the movement of two
cent of its cards to be covered. truckloads of citrus fruits by the
Norman Naimark, chairman Histadrut . citrus growing and
of the Labor Zionist division, marketing cooperative._
said that Branch 6 has reached
The action was part of a strike
42 per cent of its goal, and is against the government by
leading other LZOA branches. orange growers who demand
Farband Branch 137 is leading subsidies to make up for losses
that group with $15,000 collect- suffered in foreign markets as a
result of competition abroad.
The Communal Worker's Divi- The police have not prevented
sion and Professional Division demonstrations, but have only
are leading collections in the acted when fruit has been de-
trades and professional council stroyed or workers threatened.

Slatkin Donates TV Set to Ho'spital



-Friday, December 22, 1950

75 Detroiters Plan
To Go to Convention
Of Dental Fraternity

Dr. Leon A. Katzin heads a
delegation of 75 Detroit den-
tists, their wives and children
who will attend he 43rd annual
convention of Alpha Omega
Dental Fraternity, at Ambassa-
dor Hotel, Los Angeles, Dec. 27
through Jan. 1. The group will
attend the Rose Bowl game.
Dr. Ratzin, who is retiring as
president of the fraternity, an-
nounces that numerous activi-
ties are planned for the enter-
tainment of the ladies, in addi-
tion to the business agenda.
Among the Detroiters leaving
for Los Angeles are: Dr. and
Mrs. S. S. Gerendasy, Dr. and
Mrs. Louis Galin and children,
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Naimark,
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gossman
and children, Dr. and Mrs.
Simon Berent and children, Dr.
and Mrs. David Daskal and chil-
dren, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Goode,
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Ecker and
son, Dr. and Mrs. David Silver
and children, Dr. and Mrs. Ber-
nard Schmidt, Dr. and Mrs.
Julian Weber, Dr. and Mrs. Fred
Stein, Dr. C a r 1 Gussin, Dr.
George Rosin, Dr. and Mrs. Fred
Borson, Dr. and Mrs. J. Wen-
ner, Dr. and Mrs. George Lieb.
Delegates will be present from
43 Alumni and 34 undergrad-
uate chapters.
Alpha Omega this year com-
pleted payment of $25,000 for
the establishment of the Alpha
Omega„Biological Laboratory • at
Brandeis University in 'Boston.
The fraternity plans a cam-
paign for $300,000 for a dental
school in Jerusalem, as part of
the Hebrew University.
The Detroit Alumni chapter
has a membership of 239 den-

Defeat of. Belgian Resolution
Defers UN Action on Jerusalem

General Assembly rejected the
Belgian resolution which called
for the dispatch of a new corn-
mission to Jerusalem to make
new efforts to settle the ques-
tion of Jerusalem's future gov-
ernment "in accordance with the
principles already adopted by
the General Assembly."
The resolution which was ap-
proved by the Ad Hoc Political
Committee over the objections
of the United States, United
Kingdom, Israel and Jordan, was
defeated in the Assembly when
it failed to secure the necessary
two-thirds vote. The vote was 30
in favor, 18 against, and 9 ab-
The Assembly never consid-
ered the modified Swedish reso-
lution which had the support of
the U. S. and U. K. and which
had won the agreement of both
Israel and Jordan.
The Assembly's adverse action

on the Belgian resolution was
welcomed by the Israel delega-
tion. A spokesman for the dele-
gation declared:
"The defeat of the Belgian
resolution, coming after the re-
port of the Trusteeship Council
that internationalization of Je-
rusalem is impractical, is web,
come evidence that the interna-
tional community does not de-
sire to impose a regime on the
people of Jerusalem against
their will.
"The Government of Israel
will continue to do its i tmost to
preserve the Holy Places and to
guarantee religious rights
throughout the territory of Is-


Temple Israel School


There will be no religious
school sessions in Temple Is-
rael Religious School on Dec. 23
and 24; Dec. 30 and 31. The Re-
ligious School will resume classes
on Jan. 6 and 7.

Plan Israel Dental School Drive

JTA in Trouble

JOSEPH B. SLATKIN (second from left) is shown at a cere- Service Endangered
mony at which he presented a television set to a Michigan Veter-
ans' Hospital at a party arranged by Eli Levin Jewish War Veter- Unless Help Comes
ans Post. With Slatkin are his wife and members of the JWV
veteran's committee, from the left: MRS. SLATKIN, Mr. Slatkin,
of world Jewry's most significant
Dr. BERNARD E. GRUBER, (left) of New York and Dr. LEON
MOE BERNDORFF, DAVE WIENBERG, BEN SHIFFMAN and instruments--the Jewish Tele-
A. liATZIN of Detroit discuss plans for the three-year campaign
JACK KRAIZMAN, post commander.
crisis which, if not resolved this among American Jewish dentists to raise $300,000 for the estab-
week, may be afflicted with ir- lishment for a Dental School at the Hebrew University of Jeru-
salem. Dr. Gruber is national campaign chairman for Alpha
reparable damage.
Ever since the Welfare Funds Omega, national Jewish dental fraternity which is conducting the
have stopped sending allocations drive under the auspices of the American Committee for the He-
to JTA, this worldwide news brew University, Weizmann Institute of Science and Technion.
agency has been unable to pay Dr. Katzin is retiring national chairman of the fraternity.

Purely Commentary

ilotintain‘ Pen versus Zangwill and Bible

salaries regularly.
Last week there was a work
stoppage and if payments are
not made this week JTA will
face court action.
Without support from Jewish
communities, JTA can not carry
on its functions of serving hun-
dreds of newspapers throughout
the land.
While JTA is making drastic
cuts in its operations to reduce
expences, it must have large
sums — which are unavailable
from newspapers — to carry' on
its - worldwide services.
Jacob Landau, the managing
director of JTA, who has asked
for a pension after 34 years of
service as JTA's organizer and
managing director, hopes .to se-
cure sufficient funds during the
coming week to continue the
service. Prominent leaders take
a grave view of the situation
and there is hope that the NeW
York UJA will renew its ap,
propriation to enable it to go
on. If this fund and other sums
'Liberty is to be Gained by Inches'
In reprinting a quotation on the - murals in the Library of are not forthcoming, there will
Congress, a national magazine recently resorted to the heading be more trouble ahead for JTA:
"Add a Little Discontent." Here is the quotation to - which it was
Jordan Threatens Break
"The ground of liberty is to be gained by inches. We must be With Arabs Over Ex-Mufti
content to secure what we can get from time to time and
eternally press forward for what is yet to get. It takes time to
has notified the Arab League
persuade men to do even what is for their own good.
"Educate and inform the mass of the people—enable them to that it will withdraw from the
see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order and they League and will sign a separate
will preserve them. Enlighten the people generally • and tyranny peace treaty with Israel if rep-
and oppression of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits resentatives of the so-called
Arab Government in Gaza —
at the dawn of day." •
which was formed by the ex-
Read this carefully, and you'll agree that the "add a little Mufti of Jerusalem—are invited
discontent" provocation is justified. Tyranny, and oppression do to the forthcoming meeting of
not vanish as rapidly as we would wish. Often, they recur, and the League's Political Commit-
the struggle for justice must begin anew. Therefore, by adding tee, it vas reported last week-
a -little discontent-4s a protest' against injustice—we may be able
end in a broadcast by the Bag-
to retain the inches of ground gained in seeking liberty.
clad Radio.

Our attention is called to a pertinent comment made by Ber-
nard Cherrick, director of information and organization of the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem, before a Jewish luncheon club
in south Africa, that the fountain pen has replaced a book by
Israel Zangwill as a Bar MitzVah gift. Add to the ,fountain pen
every conceivable personal article from hankies to baseball bats
and you have replacenient articles for Zangwill, the Bible, works
of art and • literature in nearly every Jewish community on the
globe, including, of course, our own. •
It is no wonder, therefore, that the best Jewish. works have
limited circulations, that noted Jewish - authors - are starving,
that the Jewish Publication -Society_ of -America has a struggle
meeting its btidget.. - :
During the . 62 years of its existence,_. the Jewish Publication
Society has produced many impressive . literary . works, any one of
which should be considered a treasure in 'a Jewish honie. Prof.
Louis Ginzberg's "Legends of the JeWs" the Schiff - Classics.. of
Jewish Literature, Heinrich Graetz's . "History of . the. Jews," the
English translation of the Bible—these and scores of • - other books
should have been circulated in large quantities. But the penknife,
the multicolored shirt, the skates, and numerous -similar articles,
are the replacement items in an age in which Jewish values have
been reduced to a minimum and cultural hopes .have declined.
It is inevitable that, some day—very soon, perhaps—there .
will be "a return" to higher values. Meanwhile the home and the
school must consider the challenge and evaluate anew the treas-
ures which have made Israel's name stand for spiritual, rather
than minute material, ideals.

Between You and Me


American Developments

Another big American loan—exceeding the $100,000,000 loan of
March, 1949—is in store for Israel . This, independent of
whether Israel will receive from the United States any aid under
President Truman's Point Four program.
The American section of the Jewish Agency is forming a com-
mittee to bring about coordination between the UJA drive • and
the forthcoming campaign for the sale of Israel bonds which
will be directed by Henry Montor . . And the Council of Jewish
Federations and Welfare Funds is similarly interested in seeing
to it that these two drives do not "compete" with each other .
The Jewish Agency intends alSo to call a conference of interested
groups for the purpose of setting up machinery to mobilize Ameri-
can technicians and experts needed in Israel . . . The same
machinery will deal with all problems connected with making
American know-how available to Israel.

This and That

The Zionist Organization of America is now .h a v i n g a
special sale in - its book shop of Rabbi Elmer Berger's b o ok
"The Jewish DileMma" . . Rabbi Berger is the executive head of
the American Council for Judaism and his book is strongly anti-
Zionist . The original edition of his book sold for $3. when it
was published, 431.4 the .ZOA now sells it for only 29 cents . . . The
fate of the book. is regarded by the ZOA leaders as an object lesson
in the failure of anti-Zionist - philosophy in this country.
All • over the United States you will soon see the film, "The
'Magnetic Tide," - made by Mrs. Dorothy Silverstone in Israel .• .
The film
_ , a featurette in cinecolor about Israel's past, present and
future, is now being shown at Roxy's, one of New York's largest
motion picture theatres . • Mrs. Silverstone donated all of the
income from the film to Hadassah . ... A musical film, "Tel Aviv,"
in which members of Israel's Opera participate, will also be shown
soon in the U. S. . . . It was brought to this country by David Zit-
ani, producer of the film, "A State Is Born" . . -Speaking of films,
it is interesting to note that Skouras Theaters has opened a film
house in New York named, "David Marcus Theatre," after the
American hero who lost his life while leading the - Battle of Jeru-
salem .against the Arabs in Israel ... All proceeds from the grand
opening, on Dec. 14, went to the David Marcus Memorial Founda-
tion and the UJA ... The AtabS, too, are now beginning to bring
films to the United States ... An Egyptian film, "Lahalibo," was
shown at Columbia University for students and professors.


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