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August 26, 1949 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-08-26

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1 8


Services for SGT. JULIAN
COHN, who died in the battle of
Manila, Oct. 10, 1945, were held
at the Hebrew Benevolent So-
ciety, under the auspices of
Cong. Gemiluth Chasodim, with
reburial at the cemetery of
Cong. Beth Telfllah. Rabbis Neu-
haus and Adler and Cantor Ro-
berg officiated. The Jewish War
Veterans paid military tribute.
Sgt. Cohn was born in Germany.
His parents, sister and brother-
in-law were gassed in a concen-
tration camp. He had lived for
three years in the United States
when he enlisted in the armed
forces. He died after four years
of service. He is survived by an
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Israel Ostrower of 3299 Blaine,
and a sister, Mrs. Lucia Sande-
lowski, of South Africa.


3279 Tyler, died Aug. 15. Funeral
services were held at the He-
brew Benevolent Society. Rabbis
Rabinowitz and Goldman offici-
ated. He is survived by his wife,
Ida; a son, Robert; a daughter,
Mrs. Bessie Roth; five grand-
children, and one sister, Mrs. Ida.


HARRY LACOW, 64, of 3029
W. Buena Vista, died Aug. 16.
Funeral services -were held at
the Hebrew Benevolent Society;
interment, -Turover Cemetery.
Rabbi Bakst officiated. He is
survived by his wife, Rebecca;
his daughters, Mrs. Anna Cher-
rin, Mrs. Shirley Mintz, Mrs.
Betty Edelson, and four grand-




vis) , 66, of 2720 Elmhurst, died
Aug. 16. Funeral services were
held at the Hebrew Benevolent
Society, with interment at Beth
Yehudah Cemetery. Rabbis
Wohlgelerntner and Goldman
officiated. He is survived by his
son, Morris; his daughter, Mrs.
Helen Fruitman of Flint, Mrs.
William Rosen of Los Angeles,
• Mrs. Sylvia Schon and Mrs. Ma-
ion Schneider; a sister, Mrs.
Bella Bond and 11 grandchil-



59, of 2648 Leslie, died Aug. 19.
Funeral services were held at
Cong. Beth Yehudah and He-
brew Bevevolent Society. Prom-
inent rabbis officiated. He is
survived by his wife, Sarah; a
son, Joseph of Warsaw, two
daughters and a son in Pales-
tine, and grandchildren. He was
a shochet and was active in
religious and philanthropic cir-
420 Elm Street, Ferndale, died
Aug. 21. Funeral services were
held at the Hebrew Benevolent
Society. Burial was in London,
Ontario. He is survived by, his
wife, Catherine; sons, Mathew
and Dean; a brother, Herschel;
sisters, Esther, Ruth, Naomi, and
* * *
4106 Chene, died Aug. 16. Serv-
ices were held at Kaufman
Chapel, with Rabbi Joshua
Sperka and Cantor H. Adler of-
ficiating. He leaves his wife,
Elizabeth; five sons, Max, Nate,
Benny, Louis and William; one
.d a ugh t e r,'\ Gloria. Interment,
Bnai David Cemetery.
* * *
DORA SUKANIC, 18695 Ken-
tucky, died Aug. 17. Serv-
ices were held at Kaufman
Chapel, with Rabbi Max Wohl-
gelernter officiating. She is
survived by four sons, Bernard,
Morris, Samuel and Norman;
five daughters, Lee, Rose, Fan-
nie, Mrs. Nathan Sosin and Mrs.
Leonard Felk; two brothers, Ban'
and Nathan Fleishman. Inter-
ment, Beth Tefilo Emmanuel
* 1 *
Glendale, died Aug. 16. Services
were held at Kaufman Chapel,
with Rabbi Joshua Sperka and
Cantor H. Adler officiating. He
is survived by his wife, Nellie;
one daughter, Mrs. Morris E.
Bloomberg; three sisters, Mrs.
Harry Zausmer, Esther a n d
Golda Moray and three grand-
children. Interment, Mac

17408 Pinehurst, died Aug. 17.
Services were held at Kaufman
Chapel. He is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs: Joseph
Heller, and sister, Sharon. Inter-
ment, Independent De t r o i t
Lodge Cemetery.
* * *
MAX ROSEN, 16646 San Juan,
died Aug. 17. Services were held
at Kaufman Chapel, with Rabbi
Wohlgelernter officiating. He
leaves three daughters, Dorothy,
Mrs. Harry Lyons and Mrs. Benj.
Sachs. Interment, Machpelah
* 5 5
JORDAN S. ROSSEN, of 12802
LaSalle Blvd., died Aug. 19. Serv-
ices were held at Kaufman
Chapel, with Rabbi Joshua
Sperka and Cantor H. Adler of-
ficiating. He leaves his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J. Rossen;
two brothers, Sanford and Har-
old. Interment, Clover Hill Park
* * *
erton, died Aug. 21. She is sur-
vived by two sons, Harry and
William; two daughters, Lena
and Mrs. Yetta Applebaum. In-
terment, Cong. Bnai Jacob Cem-
etery, Toledo.
* *
IDA NASH, 3317 Waverly, died
Aug. 21. Services were held at
Kaufman Chapel, with Rabbi
Isaac Stollman officiating. She
leaves her husband, Morris;
three sons, William, Abraham,
Alex of Bridgeport, Conn.; three
daughters, Mrs. Stuart L. Hart-
man, Mrs. Harry Michaels, Mrs.
Rose Ekstein of Philadelphia;
one brother, Louis Moss of Flint;
two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Froog
and Mrs. Yetta Wald of . New
York. Interment, Independent
Detroit Lodge Cemetery.
* * *
MAX SILVER, 67, of 4707
Commonwealth, died Aug. 18.
Funeral services were held at
Lewis Bros., with Rabbi Sidney
Akselrad officiating. Interment,
Beth Memorial Park. He leaves
his wife, Edith, and two daugh-
ters, Gladys and Alice.

Friday, August 26, 1949

Ex-GI Succunlbs
In Polio •Epidemic

Melvin Haber, of 2247 W.
Grand Ave., 25 years old, who
had served with the 87th Infan
try Division in Germany, whence
he came back robust and well,
succumbed to polio at the Her-
man Kiefer Hospital Aug. 17.
He was interred at the Beth
Tefilo Emanuel Cemetery. Rabbi
M. J. Wohlgelernter officiated at
the services at Lewis Bros.
Chapel. The casket was draped
in the American flag.
Melvin Haber was stricken
with the polio virus while work-
ing at his job as an accountant
at the Kaiser-Fraser office.
High tribute was paid the de-
ceased by the chief of the of-
fice staff, Stanford W. Kellogg,
in a letter to the family: Abra-
ham W. Haber, father; William
Haber, brother, and Mrs. Sam
Malkes (nee Shirley Haber), sis-
ter. The letter reads:

To the Haber family:
"It is with deep regret that we tended
these tokens of our great esteem and ad-
miration of Melvin Haber. Many of the
people represented below (33 signatures)
told me that Melvin was always cheerful,
kind and a gentleman. For my part I
will miss his sense of humor and his quiet
and efficient ways. The words alone are
only a poor expression of what we would
like to convey. Sincerely, Stanford W.

Trees in memory of Melvin
Haber ha v e b e e n planted
through the Jewish National
Fund by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Shoor, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Shep-
low and Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
Joyrich and son.



The family of the late David
Halperin announces the unveil-
ing_of a monument in his mem-
ory at 12 noon Sunday', Aug. 28,
at Nusach Arie Cemetery. Rabbi
Moses Lehrman will officiate.
Friends and relatives are invited
to attend the service.
* * 5
* * 5
BARNEY ROSEN, 57, of 11845
Unveiling services will be.held
LaSalle, died Aug. 15. A veteran for Mrs. Rose Croogloff, late
of World War I, he had one of wife of Max Croogloff, at the
the longest employment records Chesed shel Emes Cemetery, 12
as Sams, Inc. Rabbi Joshua Mile Rd. and Gratiot, at 1 p.m.
Sperka conducted funeral ser- Sunday, Sept. 4. • Rabbi Moses
vices at Lewis Bros. Burial, Lehrman will officiate. Friends
Machpelah Cemetery. He leaves are invited to attend.
his wife, Mae; a daughter, Lila;
* * *
a sister, Pauline Hyman of Los
The family of the late Eva
Molly Pentelnik announces the
'unveiling of a monument in her
memory at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug.
Noted Jewish Author
28, at Mt. Sinai Memorial Park.
And Humorist Dies
Rabbi Leizer Levine will officiate.
Friends and relatives are invited
NEW YORK, (JTA) — Joseph to attend the service,
* * *
Tunkel, well-known Jewish hu-
morist who wrote under the
The family of the late Mord-
name of "Der Tunkeler," died of chai Wolinsky announces the
a heart attack. He was 68 years unveiling of a monument in his
memory at 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug.
Author of numerous books of 28, at Chesed shel Emes Ceme-
Jewish humor he came to the tery. Rabbis Isaac Stollman and
United States froth. Poland in Jacob Hoberman will officiate.
1906 and became the editor of Friends and relatives are invited
"Der KibitZer," an illustrated to attend the service.
humorous weekly published in
* * *
New York. Four years later he
The family of the late Lois
returned to Poland where he Anne Manheimer, infant daugh-
became a member of the editor- ter of Harry and Shirley Man-
ial staff of the Jewish Daily heimer, announces the unveiling
Moment. Shortly before the out- of a monument in her memory
break of World War II, he again at 12 noon Sunday, Aug. 28, at
immigrated to the United States Machpelah. Cemetery. Rabbi
and joined the editorial staff of Joshua Sperka will • officiate.
the Jewish Daily Forward.
Friends and relatives are invited
to attend the service.
* * 4:
The family of the late Ida
The family of the late Lillian
(Yacha) Fox wish to express Hyman announces the unveiling
their sincere and heartiest of a monument of her memory
thanks to their friends and rela- at 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 28, at
tives, members of the David- Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi
Horodoker, Jrs., David Horodo- Jacob Segal will officiate.
ker Ladies Aid Society, Berez- Friends and relatives are invited
nitzer Aid Society, Vladimiritzer to attend the service. '
Emergency Relief Organization
and Congregation leth Jacob,
for the kindness and thought- Israel Sends Tents
fUlness shown them in their re- For Ecuador Victims
cent bereavement.
Government of Israel is con-
ATHENS, (JTA) — Greek Jews tributing 160 large tents to help
of military age may immigrate house the victims of the earth-
to Israel on condition that they quake in Ecuador, it was learned
renounce their nationality, de- from Israeli sources here. The
clare that they will never return tents are being shipped from
to Greece and "take with them the United States. They will pro-
all members of their family," a vide shelter for about 1,500 per-
Greek Government order said.



Try and Stop Me


JAY KAUFMAN—a columnist, 'author, and publicist' for?
• over thirty years—has befriended in his time scores of pen-
niless youngsters who later became gods of Hollywood and
Publishers' Row. He likes to
quote an injunction from the
Talmud . "When you do a
j J1
kindness to a man, ask him
not to do you any harm in
return." A friend once told
him that a novelist was going
around town saying nasty
things about him. Kaufman
consulted a little notebook
and frowned. "That's very
strange," was his comment
"He doesn't owe me a cent?",


Kaufman says the hang-the-
expense attitude of present-day
hosts reminds him of the mo-
tion-picture magnate who found
a money clip containing three crisp thousand-dollar bills at Palm
Springs one day. The magnate threw the bills into the gutter, but
pocketed the clip with a joyful chuckle, explaining, "I've been looking
for one of these things for months."

At a dinner party, Dorothy Parker was irked by the antics of one
of those ladies of. fifty who dresses like a debutante, drooling over
an embarrassed colonel. Vaguely aware of a threat of mayhem in
the air, she giggled self-consciously and explained, "It's his uniform.
I just love soldiers." "Yes," agreed Miss Parker, "you have in
every war."

r IDON SCHOCKEN tells of a very shy young man who was

k--)r making no progress whatever in the courtship of his lady .
love "You don't know how to talk to her properly," said the
young man's father. "Take
7-,21eE MY ADV/2)
my advice: first talk to her
about love. next about fam-
ily affairs, and then wind up
with a little philosophy." •

The young man learned his
father's instructions by heart,
then went calling on the girl
he desired. His first remark to
her was, "Dora, do you love
noodles ?" "Of course I do," she
replied. Now he had to talk
about family affairs, so he in-
quired. "Dora, do you have a
brother ?" "No, I haven't," she
answered. This left philosophy
to talk about. The young man
pondered the problem, then came forth with, "Well, Dora, let's sup-
pose you did have a brother. Do you think he would love noodles ?"




Helen Hayes told Lucius Beebe, "I was born on the stage." "A
act," admitted Lucius, "but what did you do for an encore ?"
Copyright, 1949, by Bennett Cerg. Distributed by King Features Syndicate.

Forward Opposes Starr
In His Race for Council

The Jewish Daily Forward
and its Detroit manager, Joseph
Bernstein, have taken a strong
stand against the candidacy of
Isadore Starr for the Common
Council on the ground that he
was taken in by leftist, fellow-
traveler groups.
Mr. Starr said this week that
he will issue a reply soon in
refutation of the Forward's
Mr. Bernstein takes the posi-
tion that Mr. Starr is an in-
nocent victim of the leftists. His
endorsement by the Freiheit
which lists him as one of the
three ablest candidates is given
as sufficient reason for oppos-
ing him.
Mr„ Starr has served as presi-
dent of Nusach .Ari Congrega-
tion, is former president of Pis-
gah Lodge of Bnai Brith, former
president of Greater Detroit
Bnai . Brith Council, and now is
a member of the executive board


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of Bnai Brith District Grand
Lodge No. 6. He has practiced .
law in Detroit for 26 years.

The Secretary of Labor would
be last to succeed to the Presi-
dency in case of_ the death of
the President, Vice President and
other Cabinet officers.

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