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January 16, 1948 - Image 19

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1948-01-16

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Page Nineteen '

THE j‘E‘W1H"'NEVsig' -•

Friday, January 16, 1948

Classified Advertisements


Burlingame, died Jan. 5. Ser-
vices were held at Kaufman
Chapel with Rabbi Thumin of-
ficiating. He leaves his wife, Ce-
ha; three sons, Harry, Dave, and
Sol, and one daughter, Mrs.
Pauline Berkowitz.
« * «
LILLIAN SCHON, 2026 Waver-
ly, died Jan. 8. Services were held
at Kaufman Chapel with Rabbi
Leyin officiating. She leaves her
husband, Joseph; three sons, Isa-
dore, William,.and Jack, and one
daughter, Mrs. Jack Dubin. Inter-
ment was in Machpelah Ceme-
* *
1652 Calvert, died Jan. 5. Rabbi
Leon Frain officiated at funeral
services at Lewis Bros. Memorial
Chapel. Burial was at Clover Hill
Park Cemetery. She is survived
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Phillips, and a sister,
3223 Rochester, an electrical con-
tractor, died Jan. 5. Funeral ser-
vices were held at Lewis Bros.
Memorial Chapel, with Rabbi
Morris Adler officiating. Burial
was at Machpelah Cemetery. He
leaves his wife, Mae; daughters,
Mrs. Seymour Lewis, Mrs. Julius
Rothschild and Mrs. Irwin Wei-
ler; sons, Sidney, Bernard, Rob-
ert and Alvin Feldman, and five
• * *
2420 W. McNichols, died Jan. 7.
Rabbi Leon Fram officiated at
funeral services at Lewis Bros.
Memorial Chapel. Burial was at
Beth El Memorial Park. He is
survived by his wife, Bessie;
daughters, Mrs. Louis Greenberg,
Mrs. Eugene Keller and Ferne;
sons, Alvin, Paul and Dan; a
brother, Reuben, and ,sisters, Mrs.
Max Newman, • Mrs. Nate Korn-
sweet and Mrs. George Pearlman
of Cleveland.
* • *
Jan. 7. Funeral services were
held at the Hebrew Benevolent
Society, with interment at He-
brew Memorial Park. He is sur-
vived by his sons, Albert and
Isadore Ashe. Rabbi Max Wohl-
gelernter officiated.


Vella*It Dotes At A Glance

By arrangement with a leading

LINERS accepted from responsible firms or persons by telephone
up to 10 a. m. Wednesdal. Rates: 8c a word. Minimum charge $1.00E

MEYER, 67, died Jan. 10. Funeral
services were held at Hebrew
Benevolent Society, with inter-
ment at Hebrew Memorial Park.
Rabbi Max Wohlgelernter offici-
ated. She is survived by her
sister, Mrs. Sarina Hirsch.
• * *
IRVING LEMER, 63, died Jan.
12. Funeral services were held at
Hebrew Benevolent Society, with
interment at Hebrew Memorial
Park. Rabbi Isaac Stoliman of-
ficiated. He is survived by his
widow, Sarah, and two sons,
Irving and Isadore. -
* * *
, 70,
died Jan. 12. Funeral services
were held at the Hebrew Benevo-
lent Society, with interment at
Hebrew Memorial Park. Rabbi
Wohlgelernter officiated. He is
survived by his wife, Else; a
son, Kurt; a daughter, Gordi
Kron of Germany, and one

Maurice Dreifuss Dies

Maurice Dreifuss, 60, of 19340
Indiana, a prominent Detroit at-
torney, died of a -heart attack
Tuesday while arguing a case
before the U. S. Tax Appeals
Court in Detroit. He was a grad
uate of Detroit College of Law,
was a member of Temple Beth
El and was active in many De-
troit orgariizations.
Surviving him are his wife,
Bertha; two sons, Maurice Jr. of
Daytona Beach, Fla., and Richard
A. of Detroit, and a daughter,
Mrs. Bertha Supra of Rock
Island, Ill.



The family of the late Charles
Migdol announces the unveiling
of a monument in his memory at
2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 18, at He-
brew Memorial Park. Friends and
relatives are invited to attend the
service. .

In Memoriam

In loving memory of our dear
sister, Jeanette Weisman Kay,
who passed away Jan. 19, 1944.

If we could only be together again,
dear Jeanette.
We are so lonesome, we miss
you so,
But in our hearts, we have such
sweet memories.

Alyss, Pearl and Al.

sisters, brother, sister-in-law and

K. W. K. Boot Shop Makes
Special Orthopedic ShOes

The 24-year Calendar. All He-
brew dates, .1924 to 1949. Jewish
holidays to 3964.

For your free copy, write a post-
card or letter tol
H. J. HEINZ CO., Dept. J2
Pittsburgh 80, Pa.

Handlnade orthopedic shoes
are the specialty of the K.W.K.
Boot Shop, recently opened at
12632 Dexter and 5212 E. Mc
The K.W.K. shoes make it pos-
sible for persons with deformed
feet or short legs to wear shoes
made especially for them, which
look like any ordinary shoe and
help to avoid walking with a
MGM has signed Ben Hecht to
write the screenplay for Clark
Gable's next film, "Angel's
Flight," a story with a Los An-
geles - background.


Rev. J. Silverman, leading Surgical
Mohel, 9371 Wildemere, TV. 4-0062

Established 1920


Detroit's Leading Jewish Funeral Directors

Largest and Finest Chapel in Detroit
Parking Facilities on Our Own Premises


UN. 1-7700

To Rent-Wanted-Exchange
For Sale

WIDOW, alone, wants 3 room • un-
furnished -apartment. NW section.
Will pay several months rent in ad-
vance if necessary. Will decorate.
Excellent references. TO. 5-3195.

HAVE YOU an apartment to share
with unmarried male veteran, aged
24. Evenings. WE. 4-5922.

TWO apartments; Miami Beach. Will
rent for entire season. First: 2 bed-
rooms, kitchen, dinette and living
room. Second: Efficiency apartment.
Living room, kitchen-dinette. Beauti-
ful new furniture. Located at Pine
Tree Drive and 48th. Faces water
RA. 1393.

WILL EXCHANGE 3 room apartment
for 5 or 6 room flat. Call TU. 3-0188.

LOVELY ROOM for woman or couple.
NW. section. TO. 9-1736.

NICE furnished room in apartment for
gentleman. Reasonable. 2014 W.
Euclid. TY. 4-8464.

TO SUBLET: 3 room furnished apart-
ment. Chicago Blvd., until April.
TY. 7-3735.

VETERAN and wife desire apart-
ment or income. Will decorate. Call
after 6 p. m. TO. 7-7707.

* * *
advertiser of this publication, our
readers may obtain a useful, unique
In loving memory of our be-
24-year Hebrew-English Calendar, loved son and brother, Victor
that goes back as far as 1924. With Passerman, who lost his life Jan.
this calendar you can find Yahrzeit 16, 1945, while in the service.
dates at a glance. Also Bar Mitzvah
Sadly missed by his parents,


CALL RA. 6558 OR RA. 7956

WANTED: 3 bedroom apartment or
flat. NW section. Will pay up to
$85 monthly. UN. 1-7908.

VETERAN and wife desire 2 bedroom
apartment, flat, or income. TO.

WANTED: 2 or 3 room apartment.
Furnished or unfurnished. For young
couple in business. No children or
pets. UN. 3-5968 or JO. 4-5938.

RESPONSIBLE young couple desire
2, 3, or 4 room apartment or in-
come. Days: TW. 2-9266. Even-
ings: TY. 5-5677.

WANTED: 2 bedroom apartment, flat,
or income. Will pay 6 months rent
in advance and decorate. TO. 8-4263.

To Rent-Wanted-Exchange
For Sale

BEAUTIFUL room to rent for work-
ing girl or woman. Reasonable.
Call after 6:30 p.m. TY. 5-0393.

ELDERLY Jewish lady wants to share
3 room apartment with Murphy bed.
$10 a month. Kosher. TO. 6-3699.



Contractor. MA, 5243.

CARPENTER WORK. No job is too
small or too big. Reasonable prices.
Schwartz & Pecherer. TY. 7-7158 or
TO. 7-2189.

CARPENTER work of all kinds. Kitch-
a specialty.. TR. .
en remodeling

LARGE comfortable furnished room
to rent in home of 3 adults.. Auto-
matic heat. Good transportation.
Gentleman preferred. TO. 6-8960.

FOR BETTER wall washing, ea)].
James Russell. TO. 6-4005. 526 Bel-

CLEAN ROOM to rent in apartment
for business woman. Good home,
right party. , TY. 5-0899.

PAINTING and Decorating, interior
and exterior, excellent work, rea-
sonable. TO. 5-1270.

WANTED: 3 or 4 room apartment or
income. NW section in exchange
. for new car at list price. TY. 7-8833.

SPACIOUS 3 room front apartment
to exchange for flat. TY. 5-7126.

FOR SALE: 16610 Greenlawn. New.
Immediate Occupancy. 3 bedroom
brick colonial, tile kitchen, bath and
lavatory. Oil, air conditioning with
contract. Fireplace, rear porch, full
drive. Open Sunday 12-5.

ROSELAWN, 17606, 6-5 income sell all
or half. Very desirable. UN. 1-5277,

NICE CLEAN room for young girl,
middle aged woman or couple. Good
transportation. Kitchen privileges.
2505 Richton. TO. 6-0193.

LARGE ROOM for rent. 2 beds. Suit-
able for 2 girls or couple. Home
and telephone privileges. TY. 7-1582
or TY.• 5-3837.

NICE CLEAN room for rent. Gen-
tleman. Good transportation. Quiet
home. UN. 3-6533.

NICE LARGE room to rent. 2 adults
in family. Unlimited phone. Gen-
tleman preferred. TO. 6-5002.

COMFORTABLE room for gentleman.
Dexter-Joy Road area, 9323 Mc-
Quade. TY. 7-7506.

service; reasonable. Free estimates.,
TO. 5-8271.

prices paid for men's suits, top-
coats, and shoes. TY. 4-3625.

A-1 PAINTING and Decorating; Wall
Washing. Reasonable prices. We
specialize in high tone color. TW.,
2-9268. TW. i-7872.

Canapes, Tiny Cream Puffs, Knishes -
HO. 7217

EXPERT RADIO repair service. All
work guaranteed. Call HO. 2358.


FOR SALE-Dry-Goods store, colored
neighborhood, 18 years. Other m-
terests require quick sale. Low in-
ventory. HO. 1056.

SALESGIRL wanted to manage dry
goods store. Also, girl - wanted to
learn dry goods business. -CA. 3139.

ROOM • TO RENT. Nicely furnished
room. Quiet home. Unlimited phone.
Good transportation in Dexter-Lin-
wood vicinity. Reasonable. TO.

WATCH REPAIR and jewelry store,
small stock. First-class location near
downtown. Excellent for watch re-
pair man. Established over - 15 _
years with steady trade. Box 75,
INCOME for sale, 5-5, northwest sec-
The Jewish News, 2114 Penobscot
tion. UN. 2-8521.
Bldg., Detroit 26.
DEXTER-JOY section. 3211 Carter.
Beautiful eight-room home, imme-
diate possession. Four large bed- FOR SALE-Grocery store, beer and
wine. • Good location. Selling due
rooms. Light brick. 45-foot front.
to illness. 12142 Petoskey.
Side drive. Two-car garage. Screened
porch. TY. 5-0543.
LADY, well acquainted socially, with
TO RENT, three-room apartment, Lin-
upper bracket family, to make tele-
wood-Fenkell section, in exchange
phone contacts for us. Pleasant.
for small car, list price. Box 129,
dignified work, which may be done
The Jewish News, 2114 Penobscot
on a full or part time bsais, right
Bldg., Detroit 26.
from your home. Please call Miss
Solomon, TO. 8-1026 or write Master
ADULTS need two or three-room
Silverplaters, 2031 Caniff, Detroit 12.
apartment. TY. 8-1752.

ROOM to rent to business girl in
apartment. Kitchen privileges. TY.

EMPLOYED couple to share pleasant
flat. Kitchen privileges. Unlimited
phone. TO, 7-6198.

HIGHEST prices paid for your sewing
machines. Singer or White. TO.

HAVE 3 ROOM apartment to share
with working girl or woman. Ex-
cellent transportaiton. After 9:30
p. m. or all day Sunday. HO. 9841.

ROOM to rent to woman or couple.
Kitchen privileges. All conveniences.
TO. 5-5798.

BEAUTIFUL wild mink scarf t5 skins)
new. Will sell reasonable. Also
Persian paw coat, size 18. TY, 7-3206.

WILL SACRIFICE 1996 super de luxe
Ford, 11,000 miles; for 5 or 6 room
flat. HO. 3623.

NICE ROOM to rent for gentleman.
2 adults in family. TO. 7-5628.

NICE LARGE room for couple. Kitch-
en privileges. References. TO. 7-5521.

TO SUBLET: 4 room apartment, fur-
nished, 2 bedrooms. TO. 5-3569 or
TO. 7-9132.

NICE furnished room for rent. Gentle-
man preferred. Two adults in
family. - Good transportation. 2980
Pasadena. TO. 7-7775.

LARGE ROOM, twin beds, in child-
less home. Good transportation
3034 Blaine. TY. 6-2055.

VETERAN, wife, and well behaved
four year old daughter urgently
need two bedroom apartment or
flat. TR. 1-3232.

ATTRACTIVE room for working girl
or woman. Full privileges of 3
room apartment. HO. 8356,

BEAUTIFUL room to rent in home
of small family. Unlimited phone,
gas heat, kitchen privileges. 'Woman
preferred. Mornings or after 8
p. m. TY 4-8248.

FOR RENT: New 5 room duplex.
homes, limited' number. NW sec-
tion, schools, shopping, transpor-
tation. Immediate occupancy. 2
year leases available. Apply BOX

FURNISHED 6 room flat for rent. Oil
heat, breakfast nook, stall shower,
mirrored fireplace. T 0. 5-3927.

ROOM to rent for young woman. 9342
Savery. TY. 8-8292.

I AM willing to share my, small apart-
ment with refined business girl. UN.

LOVELY furnished room with all
privileges In quiet apartment for
business girl or woman. TY. 6-7426.

NICE furnished room. for young
couple. Ekeellent transportation.
Unlimited phone. - Tv. 4-6762.

Palestine's Soil 'Hardly
Scratched,', Glueck Says

CINCINNATI, 0.-"Despite all
the archaeological -,;vork done in
the past, one may say that the
ancient soil of Palestine has hard-
ly been scratched," Dr. Nelson
Glueck, president of the Hebrew
Union College and one of the
world's leading archaeologists,
said here.
He made the statement as guest
speaker on the radio program,
"World Front," broadcast Jan.
11 on station WWj.

DESPERATELY need one or two bed-
room' apartment, flat or income. TY.
- 4-5551.

YOUNG refugee couple. -desperately
need one or two-room apartment or
income. TO. 7-0502.

ROOM to rent, kitchen privileges. For
couple or gentleman. 2080 Dela-
ware. TY. 5-0397.

EXCHANGE tenancy. Large 3 room
apartment in exchange for 5 or 6
room flat or income in NW section.
WE. 4-7779.


Wanted for Department Store

Must know shoe business.

Good opportunity for right party.
TO. 9-9377
Evenings 7-9.

LARGE beautiful furnished room, sep-
arate bath, separate entrance. Suit-
able for employed or professional
person: Convenient transportation
and shopping. TY. 8-4863.

YOUNG MAN driving to Los Angeles
January 31st, wants another young
man to help drive and share ex-
penses. Call UN. 3-9221.

"Liveliest Real Estate
Office in Detroit"

FOR SALE: Dining room, living room
and bedroom furniture. All in good
Condition. Private home. 3274
Glendale. TO. 8-8670.


Bet. 14th & LaSalle

2 Family Brick, 6 and 6
Gas Heat Down, Steam Up
Garage, Side Drive. Excel-
lent condition. Priced right.


8540 - 12th St. TR. 1-9341


Beautiful Colonial Apts.

Designed for the utmost , in modern
living. An, unusual and beautiful color
sen by a well-known in-
scheme, cho
terior decorator to blend with almost
any furnishings, will please the most
discriminating family.
Lovely 23-foot living room with
large dining alcove.

French gray tile bath.
Two on-site children's playgrounds.
On-site parking.
Near Central High School, Roosevelt
Public School, Visitation Parochial
School and Parish.
Near 14th bus.

N. W. section at LaSalle BlVd. and
Webb Avenue.
One-bedroom, $110.
Two-bedroom, $135.
Two-year lease.
Veterans' preference.

Fox Management


Please Write

BABY CARRIAGE and high chair. '
Good condition. Reasonable. Quick
disposal. TY. 8-2292.

WANTED: Mature women as models
for demonstration and display.
Moore's Corset Shop, 12048 Dexter,
TO. 6-9429.



Prepared By




15030 Wyoming




Garbage, Ash and Rubbish. Reinforced
Concrete. Fully Guaranteed.
Priced Right


579 Kenilworth

TO. S-580

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